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  • 减肥英语怎么说
    2024年3月8日发(作者:案例分析范文)减肥英语怎么说 表示减肥的英语:lo weight;reduce weight。例句:She abandoned herlf to a diet and lost thirty pounds(她沉迷于减肥而且减了三十磅)。 例句: Rive package, take out the magnet and strip the slip sheet
    时间:2024-03-08  热度:2℃
  • 减肥用英文怎么说
    2024年3月8日发(作者:组长英文)减肥用英文怎么说 减肥的英语:lo weight;reduce weight。例句:Even among underweight women 10 were trying to lo weight.甚至10%体重过轻的女子也在减肥。 例句: Rive package, take out the magnet and strip the slip sh
    时间:2024-03-08  热度:0℃
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