外文名Jiujiang University Library
1 .保持安静,不喧哗、唱歌、吹口哨,不在阅览室、自习室、书库接听和拨打电话。
2 .保持卫生,不随地吐痰、乱扔果壳纸屑。
3 .讲究文明,不污损书刊和公物。
4 .注意安全,不吸烟,不携带易燃易爆物品。
5 .遵守秩序,借还书排队、不插队,不用书刊、书包等物品占座位。
6 .遵守本馆各项管理规章制度。
Introduction of the libraryJiujiang University is a comprehensive public university authorized by the Chine Ministry of Education, enrolling students from 30 provinces of China with many different backgrounds. Its history can be traced back to 1901 when it existed as Danforth Hospital Nursing School .
Jiujiang University is located in Jiujiang City , Jiangxi Province of the People's Republic of China . Its advantageous location with profound history and culture provides Jiujiang University with a rich cultural and academic atmosphere.
The total area of Jiujiang University Library (JJUL) is 47,100 square meters, including the Main Library and two branches of Xundong and Lufeng. At prent there are 9,316 ats at 18 reading rooms. The library collects 2,459,000 volumes of printed books and 1,677,000 volumes of e-books, purchasing 2,000 kinds of printed periodicals (both Chine and foreign languages) each year, and owing 15 electronic databas. JJUL has formed Document Resource Secure System covering Science, Technology, Economics, Management, Literature and Languages, Law, Medicine, Education, Agronomy and other various fields.
Jiujiang University attaches great importance to the library's modernization construction with high-quality construction high-standard facilities. In recent years, JJUL has introduced IBM NAS225 disk array rver and IBM Total Storage FAStT700 storage rver with the total storage capability of 38TB. The core rver system with IBM X366 can provide rvice for 462 readers' computers, 77 working computers and the network of the whole campus.
JJUL aims to be a high-quality university library with rich volumes, good rvice and advanced technology. “People oriented”, “Readers first, rvices best” has always been the purpo of the library staffs from the very beginning. So the library takes various measures to offer great rvice for the readers. All the volumes are harmonized unitively. The readers can borrow and return books within three libraries, arching the printed books and e-books together with the OPAC system. JJUL provides allround multifunctional rvice such as lending, reading, information reference, document delivery, lective dismination of information , reference & information , readers training, document copy and so on.
The circulating department opens 7 days a week, main reading rooms such as Periodicals Reading Room and Professional Books Reading Room open 12 hours a day, Study Hall opens 12 hours a day (16 hours a day in “Test Month”) , the electronic resources open 24 hours. JJUL provides powerful information guarantee for discipline construction, personnel training and science rearch.
We welcome all the teachers and students to our library with the gentle reading environment, den culture atmosphere, rich literature and information resource and favorable rvice.
At prent, the library consists of library office, interview and cataloging department, circulating department, reading department, automatic technology department, information reference department, Xundong branch and Lufeng branch.
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