1951 United Nations Convention 《1951年联合国公约》
1967 Protocol [Vietname migrants] 《1967年议定书》〔越南船民〕
absolute discretion 绝对酌情决定权
acceptance 接收;暂时收容
accepting officer 办理人员
access to rettlement 移居收容国的机会;移居外地的机会
accompanying child 同行子女;偕行子女;偕行儿童
accompanying relative 同行亲属;偕行亲属
acquisition of Chine nationality 取得中国国籍
acquisition of citizenship 取得公民身分
adjudicator 审裁员
adopted child 领养的子女
adopter 领养人
adoption 领养
adoption certificate 领养证明书
adoption order 领养令
Adoption Ordinance [Cap. 290] 《领养条例》〔第290章〕
adoption registration certificate 领养登记证明书
affidavit 誓章
Affiliation Proceedings Ordinance [Cap. 183] 《亲父鉴定法律程序条例》〔第
affinity 姻亲;姻亲关系
age dependency ratio 受供养人口年龄比率
age group 年龄组别
agent of necessity 必要代理人
air register book of births and deaths 航空生死登记册
Airport Division [Immigration Department] 机场管制科〔入境事务处〕
Airport Pasnger Terminal Building 机场客运大厦
alias 别名
alien 外籍人士;外侨;外国人
alien registration 外国人登记
alien registration card 外国人登记表格
alteration of name 更改名字
Amnesty International 国际特赦组织
ancestry 世系
anchorage 碇泊处
Annual Passing-out Parade 周年结业阅操
Anti-illegal Immigration Control Centre [HKPF] 防止非法入境控制中心〔香港警务处〕
APEC Business Travel Card Scheme 亚太经济合作组织商务旅游卡计划
appeal 上诉
applicant 申请人
application 申请
application asssment 申请审批
application for addition of children to…… 请求于……内附加子女申请书
application for an entry permit to visit Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
from the region of Taiwan--multiple entries 申请由台湾地区来港旅游入境许可证──多次
application for an extension of stay 延长逗留期限申请书
application for document of identity for visa purpos 签证身分书申请书
application for entry to Hong Kong from the region of Macau 澳门地区来港申请书
application for entry to Hong Kong to work as domestic helper 申请来港当家庭佣工
application for forfeiture of a ship/vehicle 没收船只/车辆申请书
application for forfeiture of property 充公财产申请书
application for immigration pre-arrival clearance for vesl 为船只预办入境检查
application for issue of a Hong Kong aman's identity book 香港海员身分证申请书
application for issue/renewal of a Hong Kong Certificate of Identity 香港身分证
application for permission to land crew member on discharge in Hong Kong 申请准
application for registration of marriage 婚姻登记申请书
application for verification of eligibility for permanent identity card 核实永久
application reference barcode 申请数据条形码
appointed day 指定日期
appointment card 约见卡
approved document 认可文件;认可证件
approved immigration anchorage 入境船只认可碇泊处
approved landing place 认可陆地点
arbitrary detention 无理拘禁;任意羁留
arrestable offence 可逮捕罪行;可逮捕的罪行
arrival 抵港人士
arrival card 旅客抵港申报表
arrival hall 入境大堂
asssing officer 审批人员
asssment 审批
assurance letter 保证书
asylum 收容;庇护
asylum country 庇护国家
attachment order 扣押令
au pair 做家务换取膳宿;以服务换取膳宿
audit number 查核编号;核数号码
auspicious day 吉日
authenticating stamp 鉴证印章
authorization for detention 羁留授权书
authorization letter 授权书
authorized airline 特许航空公司
authorized person 获授权人
authorized vesl 获授权船只
Automated Pasnger Clearance Pilot System 计算机化旅客出入境检查试验系统
automated system for booking appointments by telephone 自动化电话预约服务
autonomous region 自治区
backlog of refugees 滞港难民
baggage check 行李票
bail register 保释金登记册
baptismal certificate 领洗证明书
bearer 持有人;持证人;持照人〔护照〕
Begonia Road Boys' Home, The 海棠路男童院
belonger 本土人
beneficiary 受益人
Best Customer Service Award Scheme [Immigration Department] 最佳顾客服务奖计划〔入
bigamy 重婚
biometrics identification technology 生物特征识别技术
birth 出生
birth certificate 出生证明书
Birth Certificate (Shortened Form) Regulations [Cap. 174] 《出生证明书(简略格
birth entry number 出生登记编号
birth register book 出生登记册
birth registration 出生登记;出生个案登记
birth return 新生婴儿呈报表
Births and Deaths General Register Office [Immigration Department] 生死登记总处
Births and Deaths Registration Ordinance [Cap. 174] 《生死登记条例》〔第174章〕
births register 出生册
births registry 出生登记处
blood relation 直属关系;血亲
boarding pass 登船证;登机证
boat arrival 乘船抵港人士
boat people 船民
boat refugee 海上难民
bodily sample 身体样本
bogus marriage 假冒婚姻;假结婚
bona fide refugee 真正难民
bona fide resident 真正居民
bona fide traveller 真正旅客
border checkpoint 边防检查站
border control point 边境管制站
border crossing 边境通道
border crossing point 过境站
Border Division [Immigration Department] 边境管制科〔入境事务处〕
border fence 边境铁丝网;边境围栏
border inspection post 边境检查站
border liaison 边境联络
border permit 边防证
born alive 活产
born in wedlock 婚生
born out of wedlock 非婚生
born stateless 生而无国籍
breach of a recognizance 违反担保
breach of conditions of stay 违反逗留条件
British citizen 英国公民
British Citizen Passport 英国公民护照
British Citizens Unit [Immigration Department] 英国公民小组〔入境事务处〕
British citizenship 英国公民身分
British Consular Services Abroad [leaflet] 《海外英国领事服务》〔单张〕
British Consulate-General Hong Kong 英国驻港总领事馆
British Dependent Territories citizen [BDTC] 英国属土公民
British Dependent Territories Citizen Passport 英国属土公民护照
British Dependent Territories citizenship 英国属土公民身分
British High Commission 英国高级专员公署
British national 英国国民
British National (Overas) [BN(O)] 英国国民(海外)
British National (Overas) Conversion Exerci 英国国民(海外)护照换领计划
British National (Overas) Late Registration Appeals Advisory Committee 英国
British National (Overas) Passport 英国国民(海外)护照
British National (Overas) Passport Section [British Consulate-General Hong Kong]
British National (Overas) Phad Registration Programme 分期登记为英国国民(海
British nationality 英国国籍
British Nationality Act 1981 《1981年英国国籍法令》
British Nationality Act 1981 (Conquential Amendments) Ordinance [Cap. 373] 《1981
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Act 1990 《1990年英国国籍(香港)法令》
British Nationality (Hong Kong) Regulations 1986 《1986年英国国籍(香港)规例》
British Nationality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance [Cap. 186] 《英国国籍
British Nationality (No. 2) Act 1964 《1964年英国国籍(第二号)法令》
British Nationality Order 《英国国籍令》
British Nationality Selection Scheme 英国国籍甄选计划
British overas citizen 英国海外公民
British Overas Citizen Passport 英国海外公民护照
British passport 英国护照
British Passport Issuing Post 英国护照签发处
British Protected Person 受英国保护人士
British Refugee Council 英国难民事务议会
British subject 英籍人士
British subject by naturalization in Hong Kong 在香港入籍而成为英籍人士
British subject by registration in Hong Kong 在香港登记而成为英籍人士
British Trade Commission 英国驻港商务专员公署
British Visa Post 英国签证办事处
business migrant 投资移民
call card 约见通知卡
camera room [Immigration Department] 摄影室〔入境事务处〕
camp transfer exerci 迁营行动
cancellation of a passport 撤销护照
cardholder 持证人
C Joint Printing Co. (HK) Ltd. 中华商务联合印刷(香港)有限公司
celebration of Christian marriages or the civil equivalent thereof 基督教婚礼或
celebration of marriage 举行婚礼;主持婚礼
cell 囚室
Central Government Pier 中区政府码头
centre clinic 中心诊所
centre manager 中心经理;中心管理人
centre pass [Vietname refugee centre] 中心通行证〔越南难民中心〕
certificate for marriage 拟结婚证明书
certificate of abnce of marriage record 无婚姻记录证明书
certificate of cau of death 死因证明书
Certificate of Entitlement to the Right of Abode in the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region [Certificate of Entitlement] 香港特别行政区居留权证明书〔居留
certificate of exemption 豁免证明书
certificate of identity for a aman 海员身分证明书
certificate of marriage 结婚证书
certificate of nationality for a aman 海员国籍证明书
certificate of no criminal conviction 无犯罪记录证明书;"良民证"
certificate of order authorizing burial/cremation of body 授权埋葬/火葬尸体命令
certificate of order for burial 埋葬尸体命令证明书
certificate of receipt of notice of marriage 收接拟结婚通知证明书
certificate of registered particulars 登记事项证明书
certificate of registrar of marriages 婚姻登记官证明书
certificate of registration of alteration of name of child 子女更改名字登记证明
certificate of registration of birth 出生登记证明书
certificate of registration of death 死亡登记证明书
certificate of registration of marriage 婚姻登记证书
certificate of registration of name of child 子女名字登记证明书
certificate of rvice 送达证明书
certificate of still-birth 婴儿非活产证明书
certificate of the fact of death 死亡事实证明书
certification 核证
certified copy 核证副本
certified copy of birth/death entry 生/死档案记录核证副本
certified duplicate 核证复本
certified microfilmed record 缩影档案记录核证本
change of nationality 变更国籍
change of residential status 更改居留身分
channel supervisor 通道督导主任
chaperon 喜娘;"大妗姐"
charge d'affaires 代办
charge d'affaires ad interim 临时代办
charge sheet to court register 控罪书送交法庭登记册
check digit 查核用数码
checker's room 核对室
checkpoint 检查站
Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre 芝麻湾羁留中心
Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre (Lower Camp) 芝麻湾羁留中心(下营)
Chi Ma Wan Detention Centre (Upper Camp) 芝麻湾羁留中心(上营)
chief adjudicator 总审裁员
child en ventre sa mere 尚在其母腹中的子女
child illegal immigrant 非法入境儿童
child of a union of concubinage 夫妾关系中的子女
China Ferry Terminal Section [Immigration Department] 中港客运码头管制组〔入境事
Chine boatman card 中国出海船民证
Chine character code 中文姓名电码
Chine citizen 中国公民
Chine commercial code 中文商用电码;中文电码
Chine custom 中国习俗
Chine customary rites and ceremonies 中国传统习俗及仪式
Chine descent 中国血统
Chine diplomatic and consular mission 中国驻外国使领馆
Chine national 中国公民
Chine nationality 中国国籍
Chine Nationality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance [128 of 1997] 《中国
Chine race 华裔;华人血统
Chine resident 华籍居民
Chine travel permit 往来香港特别行政区通行证
Chine Visa Office 中国签证办事处
Chine Visitors Office [Immigration Department] 访港华人办事处〔入境事务处〕
Chuk Yuen Children's Reception Centre 竹园儿童院
citizen 公民
citizenship 公民地位;公民身分
Civil Aviation (Births, Deaths and Missing Persons) Ordinance [Cap. 173] 《民
class 类别
clearance 办理出入境手续;出入境检查;出入境审查;清关;查核
clearance counter 出入境检查柜台
client 委托人
clo relative 近亲;近亲属;至亲
clod camp 禁闭营
clod centre 禁闭中心
clod centre for refugees 禁闭式难民中心
clod road permit 封闭道路通行许可证
closure order 封闭令
cohabit 同居
collection card 领证卡
commercial voyage 商业航程
commissioner for oaths 监誓员;监誓官
Commissioner of Registration 人事登记处处长
Commissioners for Oaths Act 《监誓官法令》
common travel area 共同旅游区
Commonwealth 英联邦
Commonwealth citizen 英联邦公民
Commonwealth government 英联邦成员国政府
Commonwealth Immigration Act 《英联邦移民法令》
compassionate grounds 值得同情的理由
competent authority 主管当局;主管部门
Complaints Review Working Group [Immigration Department] 投诉检讨工作小组〔入境
Comprehensive Plan of Action [CPA] 综合行动计划
Comprehensive Plan of Action Steering Committee 综合行动计划督导委员会
Computer Indexing System 计算机索引系统
computerized immigration control 计算机化出入境管制
concealed article 隐藏物品
concessional landing 特许入境
conclusive presumption 不可推翻的推定
concubinage 妾侍制度
concubine 妾侍;妾
concubine lawfully taken 合法纳娶的妾侍
condition of stay 逗留条件
confinement order 拘禁令
confirmation of right of abode in the United Kingdom 英国居留权确认书
conjugal right 夫妻同居权
connection 关系
connection with Hong Kong 与香港有关连
consanguinity 血亲关系
consideration by way of marriage 藉婚姻付出的代价
consolidated list 综合名单
Consular Conventions Ordinance [Cap. 267] 《领事协定条例》〔第267章〕
consular corps identity card 领事团身分证
Consular Fees Act 《领事收费法令》
consular officer 领事馆官员
consular protection 领事保护;外国领事保护权
consular registration 领事登记
Consular Relations Ordinance [Cap. 259] 《领事关系条例》〔第259章〕
consular rvice 领事服务
consulate 领事馆
consul-general 总领事
consummate 圆房
contingent accommodation for refugees 紧急情况下安置难民
contract aman 合约海员
contract state 缔约国家
Control Automation System 管制自动化系统
control of conduct 行为管制
control point 管制站;入境管制站;出入境管制站
Control Sub-division [Immigration Department] 管制分科〔入境事务处〕
Controller, Refugee Control Centre 难民事务控制中心监督
co-operative store [Vietname refugee centre] 合作店〔越南难民中心〕
copy of register 登记册文本
cordon 警戒线
coroner 死因裁判官
Coroners Ordinance [Cap. 14] 《死因裁判官条例》〔第14章〕
Cotton Tree Drive Marriage Registry 红棉路婚姻登记处
countersign 加签;副署
countersignatory 副署人
countersignatory form 副署事项表格
country of domicile 原居国
country of first asylum 第一收容国
country of normal residence 通常居住的国家
country of origin 原居国;原居国家
country of rettlement 收容国
court bail control register 法庭保释金控制登记册
court decree 法庭判令
court order 法庭颁令
crew 全体船员;全体机员
crew channel 机员通道;职员通道
cross border farming permit 过境耕作证
cross border permit 过境道路许可证
Cross Border Permit Office 过境道路许可证签发处
cross link passport 互联护照
crossing point 过境站
cross-linking rvice 护照互联服务
Crown Agent 英联邦代办
Crown Agent for Overa Governments and Administrations 英国海外政府及机构代办
cultural orientation cour 文化启导课程
custodial ward 羁留病房
custody 羁押;保管;管养权
custody order 管养令;监护令
customary international law 习惯国际法
customary marriage 旧式婚姻
customary rite 习俗仪式
Customer Services Unit [Immigration Department] 检讨专责小组〔入境事务处〕
cut-off date 截止日期
data page [HKSAR Passport] 资料页〔香港特区护照〕
date of birth 出生日期
date of entry to Hong Kong 到港日期
date of issue 签发日期
date of landing 入境日期
date of receiving passport 领取护照日期
death certificate 死亡证明书
death register book 死亡登记册
death registration 死亡登记
deaths register 死亡册
Deaths Registration (Special Registers) Ordinance [Cap. 176] 《死亡登记(特设
deaths registry 死亡登记处
declarant 宣誓人;申报人
declaration 宣誓书;声明书;宣告;声明;申报
declaration as to still-birth 关于婴儿非活产的声明书
declaration for altering or adding to the name of a child 子女改名或加名声明书
declaration for correction of error in register 登记册内更正事项声明书
declaration in support 作证明用的声明
declaration of abandonment of appeal 放弃上诉声明书
declaration of change of nationality 国籍变更申报书
Declaration of Change of Titles (Deputy Director of Immigration, Assistant Director
of Immigration, Immigration Officer, Immigration Tribunal and Immigration Service)
Notice, 1997 《1997年宣布更改职称或名称(人民入境事务处副处长、人民入境事务处助理处
declaration of having right of abode in Hong Kong only 只在香港拥有居留权声明书
declaration of having taken Hong Kong as place of permanent residence 已把香港作
declaration of identity 身分陈述书;"律师纸"
declaration of intention not to appeal 不拟上诉声明书
declaration of name of child 子女取名声明书
declaration of status 身分的宣告
decree absolute 绝对判令
decree for annulment 废止婚姻判令
decree for dissolution 解除婚姻判令
decree for paration 分居判令
decree nisi of divorce 离婚暂准判令
decree of divorce 离婚判令
decree of judicial paration 裁判分居令
decree of nullity 无效判令
decree of nullity of marriage 婚姻无效判令
deed poll 改名契
deface 损坏
deferred immigrant visas scheme [United States] 延期移民美国签证计划
Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs [China] 外交部领事司
Departmental Quarters Policy Committee [Immigration Department] 部门宿舍政策委员
departure 离境
departure card 旅客离港申报表
departure centre [Vietname refugees] 离港中心〔越南难民〕
departure clearance 离境检查
departure hall 离境大堂
departure prevention direction 阻止离境指示
departure return 离境呈报表
departure stamp 离境印章
dependency 属土
dependent 受养人;家属;受供养人士;受供养者
dependent child 受供养子女
dependent territory 属土
dependent visa 依亲签证;受供养人士签证
deportation 递解离境
Deportation Advisory Committee [DAC] 递解离境咨询委员会
deportation enquiries register 递解离境审查登记册
deportation of an alien 递解外国人离境;递解外籍人士离境
deportation order 递解离境令;递解令
deportee 递解离境者
deprivation 剥夺
Deputy Director of Immigration 入境事务处副处长
Deputy Director of Immigration (Powers and Duties) Notice [Cap. 1]
descend through the male line 父系后裔
descent 世系
derter 擅离职守者;弃职者
dertion 遗弃
designated place 指定地方
destination 目的地
Detailed List of Three-Digit Categories [World Health Organization] 3位数字详细
detain 羁留;拘留
detainee 被羁留者
detainee number 羁留编号
detainee's property book 被羁留者的财物登记册
detainee's property hand over register 被羁留者的财物移交登记册
detection of forged travel document 识破伪造旅行证件
detention 羁留;拘留
detention book 羁留登记册
detention camp 羁留营
detention centre 羁留中心
detention room 羁留室
detention warrant 羁留令
detention without trial 未经审讯羁留
determination 审定;甄别
determination of parentage 父母身分断定
determination of refugee status 审定难民身分
determination procedure 审定程序
digital display system 数字显示器
digitized image 数码影像
diplomatic reprentative 外交代表
diplomatic rvices procedure 外交事务程序
direct airside transit visa 机场禁区内直接过境签证
direct overas rettlement 直接移居海外
direct relation 直属关系
direct transit pasnger 直接过境旅客
Director of Immigration 入境事务处处长
discharge 解除;释放
disciplinary offence 违纪行为
Disciplined Services Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 纪律部队类别〔英
discretion 酌情决定权
discretionary registration application 酌情审批的登记申请
dimbark 登岸
disfigure 毁损
dismissal of an appeal 驳回上诉
displaced person 被迫离国人士
dissolution of marriage 解除婚姻关系;婚姻的解除
distresd relative 无依靠的亲属
district registrar of births and deaths 分区生死登记员
district registrar of deaths 分区死亡登记员
district registry office 分区登记处
divorce 离婚
divorce certificate 离婚证明书
document of identity 签证身分书
documentary evidence 文件证据
documentary identification 证明文件
documentation 证件
Documents Division [Immigration Department] 证件科〔入境事务处〕
domestic helper 家庭佣工
domestic premis 住用处所
domicile 居籍;原居地
domicile in Hong Kong 以香港为其居籍
dormitory block 仓房;房
dormitory hall 仓房;营房
doubtful sponsor list 可疑保证人名单
drop-in box 投递箱
dual citizenship 双重公民身分
dual nationality 双重国籍
due day for issue 签发证件的期限
duplicate 复本;副本
duty controller 值日监督
duty officer 值日主任
duty supervisor 值日督导
作者:5358955 回复日期:2004-9-6 17:36:11
earliest date of discharge [e.d.d.] 最早释放日期
Eastern Immigration Anchorage 入境船只东面碇泊处
Easy Travel Scheme 出入境简化计划
economic migrant 经济移民
electronic digital display board 电子数码显示板
eligibility determination 审定资格
eligible person 合资格人士
embark 登船
embosd al 凹凸印
emergency landing of crew 船员紧急登岸
emergency passport 应急护照
emigrant 移民
emigration 移居外地
employment contract for a domestic helper recruited from overas 聘用海外家庭佣
employment visa 就业签证;雇佣工作签证;工作签证
Employment Visa Co-ordinating Committee 就业签证统筹委员会
endorment 签注;批注;加签;加注;印盖签注
endorment to a travel document 旅行证件批注
enrolment letter 就读登记证明函件
entitlement 权利;资格
entrant 入境者;进境者
Entrepreneur Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 企业家类别〔英国国籍甄
entry certificate 入境证
entry clearance 入境批准
entry permit 入境证;入境许可证
entry stamp 入港印;入境印章
entry visa 入境签证
Erskine Detention Centre 西贡高希马羁留中心
established permanent resident status 已确定香港永久性居民身分
establishing permanent residence 确立永久性居民身分
ethnic Chine 华裔人士
ethnic Chine origin 华人血统
Ethnic Minorities Citizenship Unit [British Consulate-General Hong Kong] 少数民
ethnic minority 少数族裔人士;少数民族
ethnic origin 原属种族;原籍裔系
ethnic Vietname 越南裔人士
ethnicity 血统
ex-China Vietname illegal immigrant [ECVII] 从中国来港的越南非法入境者
excluded person 免受限制人士
exclusive connection 独特关系
exempted person 豁免人士
exemption 豁免
exemption from registration 豁免登记
Exit and Entry Management Bureau, Ministry of Public Security [China] 公安部出入
exit control point 出境管制站;出境关卡
Exit-Entry Administration, Public Security Department [China] 公安厅出入境管理处
expert evidence 专家证据
expire 期满失效
expiry date 届满日期;期满日期
Explanations of Some Questions by the Standing Committee of the National People's
Congress Concerning the Implementation of the Nationality Law of the People's Republic
of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 《关于〈中华人民共和国国籍法〉
expulsion order 驱逐令
ex-resident of China 前中国居民
extension card 延期居留申请书
extension of stay 延长逗留期限
extension of validity 续期
fal information 失实资料;虚假资料
fal reprentation 虚假申述;虚报资料
fal statement 虚假陈述;虚假声明
family passport 家庭护照
family reunion criterion 家人团聚规定
fees notice 收费通告
female line 母系
filing of application for registration of marriage 呈递婚姻登记申请书
final decree of divorce 离婚最后判令
final re-registration order 最后重新登记令
first port of call 第一停靠港
flap board 航机班次指示板
flight 班机
forced repatriation 强行遣返
foreign domestic helper 外籍家庭佣工
Foreign Marriage Ordinance [Cap.180] 《英国以外婚姻条例》〔第180章〕
foreign national 外国国民;外国公民
foreign nationality 外国国籍
foreign passport 外国护照
forfeiture 没收
forfeiture order 没收令
forge 伪造
forgery syndicate 伪造证件集团
form for countersignature 副署事项表格
formality 手续
formalize 正式确认
former Hong Kong permanent resident 前香港永久性居民
former migrant 已移居外地的人士
former resident 前居民
former rviceman 退役
freedom from conditions of stay 免受逗留条件限制
freedom from deportation 免受递解离境
freedom from removal 免受遣送离境
full British citizenship 英国本土公民身分
General Duties Division [Immigration Department] 入境总务科〔入境事务处〕
General Occupational Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 一般职业类别〔英
general requirement 概括规定
general arch 一般查册;总查册
Geneva Conference 日内瓦会议
genuine refugee 真正难民
given name 名字
giving notice of marriage 申报婚姻
grandparental connection 祖父母关系
Green Island Reception Centre 青洲接待中心
green-al cardholder 绿印持证人
group permit 团体旅游许可证
group visa 团体签证
guarantor 担保人;保证人
guardian 监护人
guardian of a minor 未成年人的监护人
guardianship 监护权;合法监护人关系
Guardianship of Minors Ordinance [Cap. 13]
habeas corpus 人身保护令
habitual residence 惯常住所
habitually resident in…… 惯常居于……
hand geometry 掌形几何分析
handing-out officer 发放护照职员
Harbour Detention Centre 海港羁留中心
Harbour Division [Immigration Department] 港口管制科〔入境事务处〕
Harbour Reception Centre (Floating) 海港羁押中心(海上)
Head of Sub-office in Hong Kong, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 联
Hei Ling Chau Detention Centre 喜灵洲羁留中心
heir 继承人
High Island Detention Centre 万宜羁留中心
holder 持有人;持证人
holder of Hong Kong Identity Card bearing "***" symbol 持有***三星标记香港身分证
holding centre 拘留中心
Home Visit Permit 回乡证
Hong Kong Act 1985 《1985年香港法令》
Hong Kong belonger 香港本土人
Hong Kong British Dependent Territories citizen [Hong Kong BDTC] 香港英国属土公
Hong Kong British Dependent Territories citizenship 香港英国属土公民身分
Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order [United Kingdom] 《香港(英国国籍)令》
Hong Kong British Passport 香港英国护照
Hong Kong Certificate of Identity 香港身分证明书
Hong Kong Christian Aid to Refugees 香港基督教难民服务处
Hong Kong Document of Identity for Visa Purpos 香港签证身分书
Hong Kong Identity Card 香港身分证
Hong Kong Identity Card bearing "***" symbol ***三星标记香港身分证
Hong Kong Juvenile Identity Card 香港儿童身分证
Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and China (Non-Permit) Mothers and Children for
Settle-Down Association 中港澳台(无证)妈儿定居协会
Hong Kong Multiple Visit Permit [for Macau residents] 旅游香港许可证(可用多次)
Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card 香港永久性居民身分证
Hong Kong permanent resident 香港永久性居民
Hong Kong resident 香港居民
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [HKSAR] 香港特别行政区〔香港特区〕
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Multiple Entry Permit 香港特别行政区多次
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport 香港特别行政区护照
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passports Ordinance [127 of 1997] 《香港
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Travel Document Information System 香港
Hong Kong-Canton express coach rvice 港穗直通巴士服务
Hong Kong-China Ferry Terminal [China Ferry Terminal] 中港客运码头〔中港码头〕
Hong Kong/Guangdong Cross Border Liaison System 粤港边境联络制度
Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal [Macau Ferry Terminal] 港澳客运码头〔港澳码头〕
houhold register of a-going vesl [China] 出海船舶户口簿〔中国〕
houhold registration book [China] 户口簿〔中国〕
Hung Hom Control Point 红磡管制站
Hung Hom Station Office [Immigration Department] 红磡火车站办事处〔入境事务处
identification 鉴定;证明
identity 身分
identity book for a aman 海员身分证
identity card 身分证
Identity Card Information System 身分证数据系统
identity document 身分证明文件
identity of a ship 船舶身分
illegal entry 非法入境
illegal immigrant 非法入境者
illegal immigrant mother "无证妈妈"
illegal immigration 非法入境
illegal item 违禁品
illegal residence 非法居留
illegal resident 非法居民;黑市居民
illegal worker 非法劳工
illegitimacy 非婚生地位
illegitimate child 非婚生子女;私生子女
illegitimate person 非婚生人士;非婚生者
immediate family member 直系亲属
immigrant 入境者;移民
immigrant visa 入境居留签证
immigration 入境
Immigration Act 《移民法令》〔英国〕;《移民法》〔美国〕
immigration anchorage 入境船只碇泊处
Immigration (Anchorages and Landing Places) Order [Cap. 115]
Kai Tak Refugee Camp 启德难民营
Kai Tak Transit Centre 启德难民临时收容中心
Kai Tak Vietname Boat People Departure Centre 启德越南船民离港中心
Kai Tak Vietname Migrant Transit Centre 启德越南船民转解中心
"kim tiu" marriage 兼祧婚姻
kinship 亲属关系
kinship interaction 亲属交往
kiosk 检查关卡
kit fat wife 结发妻
land 入境
land as a student 以学生身分入境
land as a visitor 以访客身分入境
land for employment 为雇佣工作而入境
land in Hong Kong 在香港入境
land in transit 以过境人士身分入境
land unlawfully 非法入境
landing 入境
landing place
Ma Tau Wai Girls' Home, The 马头围女童院
Macau Visit Scheme 澳门居民来港旅游计划
machine readable 计算机可读
machine-readable travel document 计算机可读旅行证件
mailing label 邮寄标签
Mainland Fisherman Deckhand Scheme 内地过港渔工计划
maintenance 赡养费
maintenance order 赡养令
male line 父系
Man Kam To Bridge 文锦渡桥
Man Kam To Control Point 文锦渡管制站
Man Kam To Crossing 文锦渡口岸
Man Kam To Immigration Checkpoint 文锦渡出入境检查站
Management Audit Division [Immigration Department] 管理审核科〔入境事务处〕
Manual of the International Statistical Classification of Dias, Injuries and
Caus of Death 《国际病症、损伤及死亡原因统计分类手册》
marine register book of births and deaths 海上出生及死亡登记册
marital status 婚姻状况
marriage hall 婚礼大堂
marriage not consummated 未有完婚
Marriage Notice Book of Hong Kong 香港结婚通知册
marriage of a dying person 临终的人的婚礼
marriage of convenience 权宜婚姻
Marriage Ordinance [Cap. 181] 《婚姻条例》〔第181章〕
Marriage Ordinance Order [Cap. 181] 《婚姻条例令》〔第181章〕
Marriage Reform (Fees) Regulation [Cap. 178] 《婚姻制度改革(费用)规例》〔第
Marriage Reform Ordinance [Cap. 178] 《婚姻制度改革条例》〔第178章〕
marriage registry 婚姻登记处
marriage solemnization rvice 婚礼仪式
Marriage (War Period) (Validity) Ordinance [Cap. 258] 《婚姻(战争时期)(效
married person 已婚人士
maternal mortality rate 产妇死亡率
matrimonial suit 婚姻讼案
mechanical restraint 机械束缚器具
medical certificate of the cau of death 死因医学证明书
member of a consular post 领馆人员
Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) Ordinance [Cap. 478] 《商船(海员)条例》〔第478
Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) (Returns of Births, Deaths, and Missing Persons)
Regulation [Cap. 478] 《商船(海员)(出生、死亡及失踪个案的申报)规例》〔第478章〕
migrant 移民
Migration and Visa Department [United Kingdom] 移民及签证部〔英国〕
military rvice card 兵役证
minimal formalities 最基本的入境手续
minister 神职人员
minor 未成年人
minor child 未成年子女
minor illegal immigrant 非法入境儿童
minority 未成年;少数
misreprented passport 内容失实的护照
mobile office 流动办事处
modern marriage 新式婚姻
modified document of identity 免回港签证身分书
monogamous marriage 一夫一妻制婚姻
moral claim 道义申索
movement record 出入境记录
multiple entry clearance 多程入境批准
multiple re-entry permit 多次通用回港证
multiple visa 多程签证
multiple visit visa 多程旅游签证
municipality 直辖市
national 国民
national passport 国家护照
nationality 国籍
nationality application 国籍申请
Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China [commonly known as Chine
Nationality Law] 《中华人民共和国国籍法》〔惯称《中国国籍法》〕
nationality provision of the Hong Kong Act 1985 《1985年香港法令》有关国籍的规
nationality registration 国籍登记
nationality status 国籍;国民身分
naturalization 入籍
naturalization as a Chine national 加入成为中国公民
neo-natal mortality rate 新生婴儿死亡率
new arrival 新抵港人士;新移民
new born infant 初生婴儿
new format passport 新款护照
New Horizons Vietname Refugee Departure Centre 新秀越南难民离境中心
New Identity Card Re-issue Exerci 新身分证换领计划
next port of call 下一个停靠港
"no card mother" "无证妈妈"
non compos mentis 精神不健全
non-alien 非外国人
non-Chine citizen 非中国籍人士;非中国公民
non-Christian customary marriage 非基督教旧式婚姻
non-deportability 免受递解离境
non-ethnic Chine Hong Kong British Dependent Territories citizen 非华裔香港英
non-legible form 非可阅的形式
non-machine readable 非计算机可读;计算机不可读
non-permit mother "无证妈妈"
non-quota entrant 配额外的入境者
non-refugee 非难民
non-resident person 非居住于香港的人
non-visa national 免签证国民
normal registration 在法定时间内登记
Notarial Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice [China] 司法部公证司〔中国〕
notarial certificate 公证书
notarized contract 已办妥公证手续的合约
notary public 公证人;法律公证人
notice of appeal 上诉通知书
notice of appeal against removal order 上诉反对遣送离境令通知书
notice of claim 申索通知书
notice of collection 领证通知书
notice of determination [refugee status] 审定难民身分通知书
notice of dismissal 驳回上诉通知书
notice of hearing 审讯通知书
notice of intended marriage 拟结婚通知书
notice of marriage 拟结婚通知书
notice of removal order and right of appeal 遣送离境令及上诉权利通知书
notice of izure of a ship liable to forfeiture 可予没收的船只扣押通知书
notice of izure of a ship/vehicle 船只/车辆扣押通知书
notice to masters (immigration clearance on departure from Hong Kong) 致船长通
Notice to Persons in Custody 给在羁留人士的通告
notice where coffin also contains the body of a child 棺木同时安放婴儿尸体时须呈
notice where coffin contains more than one body 棺木安放超逾一具尸体时须呈交的通
notification of authorization for detention 授权羁留通知书
notification of intention to remove 拟遣送离境通知书
nuisance 滋扰
nullity of marriage 婚姻无效
oath administrator 监誓人
obrvation code 简码
obrvations page [HKSAR passport] 备注页〔香港特区护照〕
official certificate 证明文件
official custody 官方看管
official endorment 公务签注
official passport 公务护照
official al 正式印章
one-way permit quota 单程证配额
onward journey 续程
onward visa 前往他国签证
open centre [Vietname refugee] 开放中心〔越南难民〕
open centre for refugees 开放式难民中心
open employment [Vietname refugee] 出外就业〔越南难民〕
opening of a clod centre 开放禁闭中心
Operation Champion [anti-illegal immigration operation] "冠军行动"〔反非法入境行
oral statement 口头陈述
Orderly Departure Programme [implemented by Vietname authority] 有次序离境计划
orderly repatriation 有秩序遣返
Orderly Repatriation Programme 有秩序遣返计划
ordinarily resident in Hong Kong 通常居于香港;通常在香港居住
ordinarily resident in Hong Kong for a continuous period of not less than X years
ordinary passport 普通护照
ordinary visa 普通签证
organized illegal departure 有组织非法离境活动;有组织非法离境行动
outstanding tax liabilities 未清缴的税项
overas clearance waiting list 海外办理出入境手续备索名单
Overas Visa Post 海外签证处
overstayer 逾期逗留者
overstayer from China 从中国来港后逾期逗留者
overstaying 逾期逗留
Pacific Rim Immigration Intelligence Conference 太平洋沿岸地区入境事务情报会议
Parent and Child Ordinance [Cap. 429] 《父母与子女条例》〔第429章〕
parentage 父母身分
particular mark 特征
particular arch 特定查册
partly of Chine race 带有华人血统
partner 伴侣;配偶
pass 通行证
passage 旅程
pasnger 旅客;乘客
pasnger clearance procedure 旅客审查程序
pasnger hall 旅客大堂
pasnger throughput 旅客流量
pasnger ticket 客票
pasnger traffic 旅客流量;旅客人数;客运
passport 护照
passport collection rvice 领取护照服务
passport for convenience 权宜护照
passport of full validity 有效期不须受额外限制的护照
passport of restricted validity 有效期须受额外限制的护照
Passport Section [British Consulate-General Hong Kong] 护照部〔英国驻港总领事馆〕
paternity 父亲身分
pending removal 等候遣离
perforated identity card 已打孔身分证
period of abnce 离港期限;离港时间
period of stay in Hong Kong 居港期间
perjury 作假证供
permanent residence in Hong Kong 在香港永久居住
permanent resident 永久性居民
permanent resident permit 永久居留证
permanent resident status 永久性居民身分
permanent right of abode 永久居留权
permanent ttlement 永久居留
permission to land 入境准许
permit 许可证;通行证
Permit for Proceeding to Hong Kong and Macau [commonly known as "one-way exit permit"]
permit for removal and burial of dead body 搬移及埋葬尸体许可证
permit for removal of dead body from Hong Kong 搬运尸体离开香港许可证
Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau [commonly known as "two-way
exit permit"] 往来港澳通行证〔惯称"双程通行证"或"双程证"〕
permit to land in Hong Kong 香港入境许可证
permit to remain in Hong Kong 香港居留许可证
person born in lawful wedlock 合法夫妇所生的人
person of independent means 有自立能力的人
personal document 个人证件
personal documentation 个人证件
personal particulars 个人资料
personation 冒充他人
Phad Programme for British National (Overas) Registration 英国国民(海外)
phone-in rvice [Immigration Department] 电话预约服务〔入境事务处〕
physically and mechanically restrained 施以人手及机械束缚
Pillar Point Vietname Refugee Centre 望后石越南难民中心
place of birth 出生地点
place of employment 工作地方
place of first asylum 第一收容地
place of first refuge 第一羁留地
place of origin 原居地
place of permanent residence 永久居留地;永久居住地
place of public worship 公众礼拜场所
place of residence 居住地方;居住地
point of entry 入境站
points system [one-way exit permit] 计分制度〔单程通行证〕
police supervision order 警方监管令
political reason 政治理由
port clearance 出港证
port of call 停靠港;沿途靠岸港口
port of destination 目的港
port of dimbarkation 离船港
port of embarkation 登船港
port of first asylum 第一收容港
port of first refuge 第一羁留港
posssion of a forged identity card 管有伪造身分证
post register book of births 补办出生登记册
post register book of deaths 补办死亡登记册
post-dated passport 预盖日期护照
posthumous child 遗腹子女
post-register 补办登记
post-registration of birth 补办出生登记
post-registration of death 补办死亡登记
potential rettlement country 可接受移居国家
practical attachment 派驻实习
pre-arrival clearance [vesl] 预办入境检查〔船只〕
prescribed period 规定的时限
previous passport 原有护照
principal applicant 主要申请人
principal family member 主要家庭成员
principal holder 主要持有人
principal home 主要的家
principal wife 正妻;正室
privileged immigration status [British citizen] 特许入境身分;特别优惠入境身分〔英
Processing Automation System [Immigration Department] 处理申请计算机化系统〔入境
professional 专业人士
professional evidence 专业证据
progressive relocation 逐步迁移
proof of identity 身分证明文件
protected person 受保护人士;应受保护人员
protected state 受保护国
protectorate 受保护地;受保护国
public office 对外办事处
Public Security Bureau [China] 公安厅〔中国〕
Pui Chi Boys' Home 培志男童院
Pui Yin Juvenile Home 培贤男童院
qualifying connection 符合资格关系
qualifying residential period 符合资格居留期间
quarantine and immigration anchorage 检疫及入境船只碇泊处
Queuing Information System 排队轮候信息系统
queuing-for-a-tag system 排队领筹制度
quota 配额
quota ceiling 配额上限
quota entrant 配额内的入境者
quota system 配额制度;派筹制度
reader-printer 阅读复印机
real name 真实姓名
rebuttable presumption 可推翻的推定
recent arrival 新抵港人士;新移民
reception centre 羁押中心;接待中心;收容所
recipient country 收容国
reciprocal agreement 互惠协定
recognizance 担保书;担保;具保书
record of employees 雇员记录
record of proceedings 法律程序记录
re-entry permit 回港证
Re-entry Permit and Passport Issuing Office 回港证及签发护照办事处
re-entry visa 回港签证;返回原居地签证
referee 咨询人
referee's statement 咨询人声明书
refuge 庇护
refugee 难民
Refugee Action of the United Kingdom 英国难民行动组
refugee camp 难民营
refugee centre 难民中心
Refugee Co-ordinator 难民事务统筹专员
refugee identity card 难民身分证
refugee processing centre 难民处理中心
refugee status 难民身分
refugee status determination procedure 审定难民身分程序
Refugee Status Review Board [RSRB] 难民身分覆检委员会
refusal notice 拒予入境通知书
regional transit centre 地区收容中心
register book of births 出生登记册
register book of deaths 死亡登记册
register computer 登记计算机
register form 登记表格
registered name 登记姓名
registered residence 户籍
registrar 登记官;登记官员
registrar certificate 登记官证明书
Registrar of Births and Deaths 生死登记官
Registrar of Marriages 婚姻登记官
Registration Division [Immigration Department] 人事登记科〔入境事务处〕
registration of a minor 未成年人登记
registration of births 出生登记
registration of customary marriage 旧式婚姻登记
registration of deaths 死亡登记
Registration of Persons (Application for New Identity Cards) (Consolidation)
Order [Cap. 177] 《人事登记(申请新身分证)(综合)令》〔第177章〕
Registration of Persons Office 人事登记处
Registration of Persons Ordinance [Cap. 177] 《人事登记条例》〔第177章〕
registration of persons record 人事登记记录
Registration of Persons Regulations [Cap. 177] 《人事登记规例》〔第177章〕
Registration of Persons Tribunal 人事登记审裁处
registration of persons warning index 人事登记警告索引
regular residence registration form 常住人口登记表
Re-integration Assistance Programme [Vietname migrant] 重投社会援助计划〔越南
reissuance due to loss 遗失补领
reissued passport 因遗失而补领的护照
reject a claim 驳回申索
remain 居留;逗留
removal 遣送离境;遣返;遣离
removal from Hong Kong 遣离香港
removal order 遣送离境令
removee 遣送离境者
renewal 换领;续期
renunciation 放弃;退出;丧失
renunciation of Chine nationality 退出中国国籍
repatriation 遣返;遣返原居地
repatriation rvice 遣返;协助回国
repatriation upon arrest 即捕即解
repatriation upon interception 即捕即解
replacement 补领;补发;换领;取代
replacement passport 取代护照;换领护照
reportable death 须予报告的死亡个案
reprentation 申述
re-registration 重新登记
re-registration of birth 出生重新登记
re-registration of juvenile for adult identity card 儿童换领成人身分证
Rescue at Sea Programme [RSP] 海上救援计划;海上拯救计划
Rescue at Sea Rettlement Offers Scheme [RASRO Offers Scheme] 为海上获救者安排
Rescue at Sea Rettlement Offers Transit Centre [RASRO Transit Centre] 海上获救
rettlement 移居海外
rettlement country 收容国
rettlement destination 移居地
rettlement prospect 移居外地机会
rettlement quota 收容额
residence requirement 居留期限;居留条件;居留规定;居住年期的规定
residence visa 居留签证
resident 居民
resident British citizen 居港英国公民
resident United Kingdom belonger 居港联合王国本土人
residential qualification 居留资格
residential status 居留身分
restitution of conjugal right 恢复夫妻同居权
restoration of Chine nationality 恢复中国国籍
restricted returnability 返回原居地受限制
restricted validity 有效期受额外限制
restriction 条件限制
resumption of citizenship 恢复公民身分
return 申报表;呈报表
returnability 返回原居地的条件;送还的可行性
returnee [Vietname migrants] 回国者〔越南船民〕
returning emigrant 回流移民
returning immigrant 回流移民
returns of births and deaths 生死申报表
revocation 撤销
right of abode 居留权
right of abode endorment 居留权签注
right of abode hotline 居留权查询热线
right of access 查阅权利
right of renewal 续期权利
right to land 入境权
right to land endorment 入境权签注
rightful holder 合法持有人
River Trade Terminal (Area 38, Tuen Mun)
safe register 保险箱登记册
San Uk Ling Holding Centre 新屋岭拘留中心
San Yick Clod Centre 新益禁闭中心
San Yick Refugee Centre 新益难民中心
satisfactory address 妥当地址
scheduled offence 表列罪行
school document 学校证明文件
scientific test 科学测试
screen in as refugee 甄别为难民
screen out as non-refugee 甄别为非难民
screening 甄别
screening procedure 甄别程序
screening system 甄别制度
al 印章
aman's book 海员身分证
aman's certificate of nationality and identity 海员国籍及身分证明书
aman's discharge book 海员辞职证书
aman's identity book 海员身分证
arch 翻查
arch of marriage records 翻查结婚记录
arch of records 记录查册;查册手续
arching officer 搜查员
curity clearance 保安查核
curity design 防伪设计
curity feature 防伪标记
curity objection 以保安理由拒绝入境
curity pattern 防伪图案
curity stamp 防伪印章
izure 扣押
Sensitive Service Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 敏感工作类别〔英
parate confinement 隔离拘禁;隔离囚禁
parate houhold unit 独立家居单位
Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance [Cap. 16] 《分居令及赡养令条例》〔第
paration order 分居令
rvice centre 服务中心
rvice charge 服务收费
ttle 定居
ttled status 定居身分
ttlement 定居
Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on
Indo-Chine Refugees 印支难民国际会议第七届督导委员会会议
Sha Tau Kok Control Point 沙头角管制站
Sha Tin Marriage Registry 沙田婚姻登记处
Sham Shui Po Refugee Centre 深水难民中心
Shek Kwu Chau Detention Centre 石鼓洲羁留中心
Shenzhen Joint Inspection Station 深圳联检大楼
ship-rescued ca 海上获救个案
ship's paper 船只文件
shortened form of birth certificate 简略格式的出生证明书
sick bay 护理室
signed register form 经签署登记表格
single child privilege card [China] 独生子女证〔中国〕
single entry clearance 单程入境批准
single visit visa 单程旅游签证
snakehead "蛇头"
sneak by boat "屈蛇"
social visit 探亲观光
sovereign state 主权国
sovereignty 主权
special cell 特别囚室
special clod centre 特别禁闭中心
Special Duties Sub-division [Immigration Department] 特别职务分科〔入境事务处〕
special grounds 特殊理由
special interest index 特别值得注意人物索引
special licence 特别许可证
special register 特设登记册
special register of births 特设出生登记册
special register of deaths 特设死亡登记册
special voucher system 特别入境证办法
sponsor 保证人
sponsor's certificate 保证人证明书
sponsor's financial standing 保证人的经济证明
sponsorship form 保证书;保证人表格
spou of a citizen 公民配偶
stamp 印章;印戳
state functionary 国家工作人员
stateless 无国籍
stateless alien resident of Hong Kong 无国籍侨居本港的外国人
stateless person 无国籍人士
statement 陈述;声明
statement of applicant's family background 申请人家庭状况申报书
statement of sponsor's family background 保证人家庭状况申报书
statement of travel records 出入境记录证明
statement of understanding 协议声明书;谅解协议
status 身分
status determination process 审定身分程序
statutory declaration 法定声明;宣誓书;宣誓纸;"律师纸"
stay 暂住;逗留;居留
still born 非活产
stop order 禁止离境令
student visa 学生签证
submit 呈报
Sub-office in Hong Kong, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难
sub-quota [one-way exit permit] 分额〔单程通行证〕
sub-registry 分区登记处
summons to claimant on application for forfeiture 接获没收申请书后向申索人发出的
superintendent [detention centre] 监督〔羁留中心〕
supervision order 监管令
supporting document 证明文件
suspected offence 涉嫌罪行
tag 号码卡;筹;筹号
tag and quota system 派筹及配额制度
Tai A Chau Detention Centre 大鸦洲羁留中心
Taiwan Entry Permit 入台证
Taiwan Exit Permit 台湾出境证
Taiwan Group Visitors Registration Counter 台湾团体旅客登记处
Taiwan visit permit 台湾来港旅游入境许可证
Task Force [Immigration Department] 特遣队〔入境事务处〕
telephone appointment booking system [Immigration Department] 电话预约系统〔入境
telephone enquiry rvice [Immigration Department] 电话查询服务〔入境事务处〕
temporary identity card 临时身分证
temporary leave card [Vietname refugee] 暂离证〔越南难民〕
temporary permit [commonly known as "going-out pass"] 暂准证〔俗称"行街纸"〕
temporary resident 临时居民
Temporary Vietname Interpreter [TVI] 临时越南语传译员
terminal building [control point] 大楼〔管制站〕
territory 领土
third country 第三国家
three asterisks 三星标记
"three letters and six rites" 三书六礼
"touch ba" policy "抵垒"政策
tourist 游客
Traffic Index System 出入境统计系统
traffic regulator 排队指导员
training visa 培训签证
transfer 移转;转让
transfer endorment 移转签注
transfer of identity card 转让身分证
transit centre 转解中心;临时收容中心
transit lounge 过境处;转机处
transit procedure 过境手续;转机手续
transit visa 过境签证
transitional provisions in respect of Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 关
transmissible by descent 可凭世系传给下一代
transmission of citizenship 传交公民身分
transmit certificate 送交证书
travel document 旅行证件
Travel Documents (Application) Section [Immigration Department] 旅行证件(申请)
Travel Documents (Issue) Section [Immigration Department] 旅行证件(签发)组〔入
travel pass 旅游通行证
Travel Pass Pilot Scheme 旅游通行证试验计划
Travel Record and Immigration Control Enforcement System [TRAICES] 出入境记录及
Travel Record Indexing System 出入境记录系统
true extract 真确摘录
trust territory 托管地
Tsim Sha Tsui Marriage Registry 尖沙咀婚姻登记处
Tuen Mun (Bowring) Refugee Centre 屯门(虎地)难民中心
Tuen Mun Clod Centre 屯门禁闭中心
Tuen Mun Immigration Anchorage 入境船只屯门碇泊处
two-way exit permit holder's information sheet 双程通行证持有人资料申报表
unaccompanied minor 非与父母同行的未成年人
unauthorized entrant 未获授权进境者;擅自入境者
unauthorized immigrant 未获授权进境者;擅自入境者
uncertain nationality 国籍不明
unconditional stay 无条件限制逗留
undesirable immigrant 不受欢迎入境者
union of concubinage 夫妾关系
United Kingdom belonger 联合王国本土人
United Kingdom consular official 联合王国领事官员
United Kingdom passport 联合王国护照
United Nations Conference on Vietname Boat People 联合国越南船民会议
United Nations Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR] 联合国难民事务高级专员署
unlawful employment 非法雇用
unlawfully altered document 非法改动的文件
unreferred visit visa 免转达旅游签证
unrestricted British passport 不受限制的英国护照
urgent travel 急需前往外地
US/Vietnam bilateral programme 美越双边计划
vaccination certificate 种痘证明书;"痘纸"
valid documentation 有效证件
valid marriage 有效婚姻
valid travel document 有效旅行证件
validated marriage 认可婚姻
validity 有效期
validity of marriage 婚姻的效力
vehicular control point 车辆管制站
verification 核对
vetting of visa applications 审核签证申请
Victoria Immigration Centre 域多利中心
Vietname migrant [VM] 越南船民
Vietname refugee card 越南难民证
Vietname refugee of Chine origin 华裔越南难民
vigilante team [lf-defence squad] 自队
visa 签证
visa abolition agreement 互免签证协定
visa application for the United Kingdom 联合王国入境签证申请书
visa application interview form 申请签证的面晤表格
visa authorizing letter 签证授权书
Visa Control (Administration) Division [Immigration Department] 签证管制(行政)
Visa Control (Operations) Division [Immigration Department] 签证管制(执行)科
visa endorment 签证
visa of the same class 同级签证
Visa Section [British Consulate-General Hong Kong] 签证部〔英国驻港总领事馆〕
visa waiver arrangement 豁免签证安排
visa-free access 免签证入境
visa-free entry 免签证入境
visa-issuing authority 签证机关
visit 旅游
visit permit 旅游许可证
visit visa 旅游签证
visiting justice 巡视中心太平绅士;巡视羁留中心的太平绅士
visitor 访客;旅客
visitor clearance hall 外国访客入境大堂
visitor's permit 旅游许可证
visitor's permit for resident of Macau 澳门居民来港旅游许可证
void marriage 无效婚姻
voidable marriage 可使无效的婚姻
voluntary departure 自愿离境
voluntary repatriation 自愿遣返
Voluntary Repatriation Programme 自愿遣返计划
Voluntary Repatriation Scheme 自愿遣返计划
ward 受监护者
warrant 手令
warrant card 委任证
warrant for detention 羁留令
warrant for further detention 继续羁留令
watch list control index 监察名单索引
wedding ceremony 结婚典礼
Western Immigration Anchorage 入境船只西面碇泊处
Western Quarantine Anchorage 西面检疫碇泊处
Whitehead Detention Centre 白石羁留中心
wholly of Chine race 纯粹为华人血统
witness to arch/visit of premis 屋宇搜查/访查证明
work permit 工作许可证
World Relief Organization 世界救援会
written connt 同意书
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