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英文各种菜名超全 完整版

更新时间:2025-03-22 15:13:37 阅读: 评论:0





多香果 allspice

马槟榔 caper

肉豆寇 nutmeg

酱油 soy

双抽 black soy sauce

生抽 thin soy sauce

醋 vinegar

白醋 white vinegar

盐 salt

糖 sugar

料酒 rice wine

冰糖 rock sugar

花椒 wild pepper

胡椒 pepper

黑胡椒 black pepper

生姜 ginger

生姜丝 shredded ginger

三明治酱 sandwich spread

虾酱 shrimp paste

鱼子酱 caviar

蟹酱 crab paste

芥末 mustard


咖喱 curry

香料 fines herbs

丁香 clove

茴香 fennel

八角/大茴香 anied

小茴香 cumin

肉桂 cinnamon

藏红花 saffron

月桂 laurel

孜然 cumin

欧芹 parsley

太白粉 starch

嫩肉粉 tenderizer

乳酪 chee

牛油 butter

麻油 same oil

橄榄油 olive oil

蚝油 oyster sauce

发粉 baking powder

沙茶 satay

琼脂 agar-agar

发酵粉 baking powder

酵母 yeast

香精 esnce

五香粉 five spice powder

法式色拉酱 French dressing/ vinaigrette

海鲜酱 hoisin sauce

番茄酱 tomato sauce/ketchup

辣椒酱 chilli sauce

酸辣酱 chutney

花生酱 peanut butter

香蒜酱 pesto

极辣的辣椒酱 Tabasco sauce

千岛酱 thousand island


豆豉 soy sauce

葱 scallion

红糖 dark brown sugar

老卤 master sauce

水果: (fruits)

菠萝/凤梨 pineapple

西瓜 watermelon

哈密瓜 honey-dew melon

槟榔 betelnut

椰子 coconut

芒果 mango

木瓜 papaya

甘蔗 sugarcane

桔子 tangerine

橙子/柳橙 orange

李子 plum

柚子 grapefruit/pomelo

蟠桃 flat peach

水蜜桃 juicy peach

金橘 cumquat

石榴 guava

草莓 strawberry

无花果 fig

红毛丹 rumbutan

山竹 mangosteen

榴莲 durian

杨梅 waxberry

芦粟 sorgo

孛荠/地梨 water-chestnut

龙眼 longan

荔枝 lichee

菱角 water caltrop

杨桃 star fruit

枣子 date

猕猴桃/奇异果 kiwi

杏子 apricot

枇杷 loquat

山楂 haw

柿子 persimmon

樱桃 cherry

柠檬 lemon


桂圆 dried longan

当归 angelica

胡桃 walnut

木耳 agaric

银耳 white fungus

金针菜 lily bud

榛子 hazelnut

松子 pine ed

葡萄干 raisin

无核葡萄干 currant

发菜 black moss

银杏 ginkgo

人参 ginng

栗子 chestnut

澳洲坚果 macadamia/queensland nut

点心及零嘴: (desrts/snackes)


中式点心 dim sum(饮茶Yum Cha)


油条 twisted cruller

豆浆 bean milk

豆腐花 beancurd jelly

包子 bum

豆沙包 smashed bean bun

馒头 steamed bread

花卷 twistbread

馄饨 wonton

锅贴 fried wontons

水饺 boiled dumpling

蒸虾饺 steamed prawn dumpling

小笼包子 small steamer bun

虾饺 shrimp dumpling

烧卖 shao-mai

肠粉 rice noodle roll

春卷 spring roll

葱油饼 green onion pie

油饼 cruller

千层糕 layer cake

马拉糕 Cantone sponge cake

八宝饭 rice pudding

凉粉 agar-agar jelly

河粉 fried rice noodles

干炒牛河 fried rice noodles w/beef

年糕 rice cake

炒面 chow mein

杂碎 Chop Suey

芙蓉蛋 Egg Foo Yung

汤面 noodles soup

阳春面 plain noodles

刀削面 sliced noodles

炸酱面 noodles w/soybean paste

打卤面 noodles w/gravy

芝麻糊 same paste

萝卜丝饼 turnip strips cake

碗糕 salty rice pudding

凤梨酥 pineapple cake

豆沙 sweet bean paste

糯米 sticky rice

血糯米 black sticky rice

白粥 congee


麦芬/松饼 muffin

馅饼 pie

小甜饼 cookie

汉堡三明治 deli sandwichs

法国长棍 Baguette

羊角面包 croissant

泡夫 puff

拿破仑 Napoleons

酥饼 flaky pastry

唐那滋/油炸圈饼 doughnut

蛋挞 tart

大块面包 loaf

吐司 toast

意大利面 pasta

意粉 spaghetti

意式宽面 lasagne

意式干面 tagliatelle

意式扁面 Linguine


意式细面 Vermicelli

提拉米苏 Tira Misu

面包皮 crust

华夫饼干 waffle

苏打饼干 soda cracker

杏仁饼干 macaroon

核仁巧克力饼 brownie

姜饼 gingersnap

慕司 mous

果酱 jam

糖浆 syrup

薄荷 mint

麦片 oatmeal

圣代 sundae

雪芭 sorbet

甜筒 icecream cone

蜜桃冰淇淋 peach melba

香草 vanilla

奶昔 milkshake

火焰冰激凌 baked Alaska

意式冰激凌 Spumoni

奶油冻 custard

羊乳酪 feta

人造黄油 Margarine

甜馅 mincemeat

蛋黄酱 mayonnai

奶油蛋黄酱 mornay sauce

果酱 jam

柑桔果酱 marmalade

枫糖酱 maple syrup


爆米花 popcorn

牛肉干 beef jerk

果冻 jam

泡泡糖 bubble gum

棒棒糖 bonbon

水果糖 konfyt

陈皮 orange peel

棉花糖 cotton candy

太妃糖 toffee

香瓜子 sunflower ed

南瓜子 pumpkin ed

藕粉 lotus root starch

馅子 filling

便当 lunchbox

自助餐 buffet

零嘴 snack

蜜饯 tutti-frutti

荞麦粉 buckwheat

玉米粉 cornmeal

香米 fragrant rice

酥油 ghee

米粉 rice flour

大西米 sago

酒酿 sweet fermented-rice

燕窝 bird’s nest

块菌 truffle

榨菜 prerved Szechuan vegetable


主菜 main cour


一道菜 cour

招牌菜 specialty

浇头 toppings

泡菜 pickles

酸黄瓜 sour cucumber

例汤 soup of the day

罗宋汤 borsch

鱼羹 fish chowder

薯泥 mashed potatoes

玉米卷 taco


沙锅菜 casrole

炖菜 stew

炖肉 daube

肉片/鱼片 fillet

蛋白 egg white

蛋黄 yolk


荷包蛋 poached egg(单面sunny-side up双面

over easy)

水煮蛋/白灼蛋 boiled egg(半熟soft-boiled)

炒蛋 scrambled egg

皮蛋 thousand year egg

茶叶蛋 tea egg

咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg

肉汁 gravy

蔬菜通心粉汤 Minestrone

西班牙肉菜饭 paella

肉汤 broth

意式调味饭 Risotto


腓力牛排 Tournedos/filet mignon(用Bearnai


西冷牛排 sirloin steak

牛百叶/猪肚 tripe

火锅 hot pot

奶油洋葱汤 cream of onion soup

清炖肉汤 consomme

乡下浓汤 country soup

鱼排 fish fillet

浓汤 bisque

杂碎 chop suey

烤肉串 kabob

爱尔兰炖菜 Irish stew

意大利蔬菜汤 minestrone

青豆泥 puree of peas

北京烤鸭 Peking duck

蔬菜炖肉 ragout

意大利腊肠 salami

马来西亚米粉 laksa

意大利腊肠 salami

冬荫功 Tom Yum Goong


味噌汤 miso shiru


寿司 shushi

铁板烧 teppanyaki

烤鸡肉串 Yakitori

甜味烤猪肉 teriyakii

日本火锅 sukiyaki

生鱼片 sashimi

清酒 saki

芥末酱 wasabi

荞麦面 soba noodles

紫菜 nori


味噌 miso

鱼汤 dashi

河豚 fugu

七味粉 shichimi

大麦茶 mugi-cha

乌冬 udon


金枪鱼 maguro(tuna)

鲷鱼 madai(a bream)

黑鲈 suzuki(a bass)

鲣鱼 katsua(bonito)

鳟鱼 masn(trout)

鱿鱼 ika(squid)

章鱼 kato(octopus)

北极贝 geoduck(mirugai)+ O# t! C/ T; i3


韩国烤肉 Korean barbecue

石头火锅 Jungol

韩国泡菜 kimgee


饮料 beverages/quencher

红茶 black tea

锡兰上等红茶 Pekoe

新茶 sincha

茉莉花茶 jasmine tea

龙井 dragon’s well/Lungching

乌龙 Oulung

铁观音 Tieh-Kuan-Yin

云雾茶 cloud mist

功夫茶 gongou

袋泡茶 teabag

柠檬水 lemonade

姜汁 ginger ale

酸奶 yoghurt

全脂 full cream

脱脂 skimmed

不含咖啡因 decaffeinated

咖啡伴侣 coffee mate

方糖 cube sugar

速溶咖啡 instant coffee

阿华田 Ovaltine

七喜 Seven-up

养乐多 Chlorella Yakult

苏打水 soda

麦酒 ale

补酒 tonic

生啤 draft beer

黑啤 stout

宾治 punch

酸梅汤 plum juice

樱桃酒 kirsch

雪利酒 sherry

奶粉 powered milk

干邑 cognac

香槟 champagne


金酒 gin

面 类:

馄饨面 Wonton & noodles

刀削面 Sliced noodles

麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles

麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles

鴨肉面 Duck with noodles

鱔魚面 Eel noodles

乌龙面 Seafood noodles

榨菜肉丝面 Pork pickled mustard green


牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles

板条 Flat noodles

米粉 Rice noodles

炒米粉 Fried rice noodles

冬粉 Green bean noodle

汤 类:

鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup

貢丸汤 Meat ball soup

蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup

蛤蜊汤 Clams soup

牡蛎汤 Oyster soup

紫菜汤 Seaweed soup

酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup

馄饨汤 Wonton soup

猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup

肉羹汤 Pork thick soup

鱿鱼汤 Squid soup

花枝羹 Squid thick soup

甜 点:


爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin

糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks

长寿桃 Longevity Peaches

芝麻球 Glutinous rice same balls

麻花 Hemp flowers

双胞胎 Hor hooves

冰 类:

绵绵冰 Mein mein ice

麦角冰 Oatmeal ice

地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice

紅豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice

八宝冰 Eight treasures ice

豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁:

甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice

酸梅汁 Plum juice

杨桃汁 Star fruit juice

青草茶 Herb juice

点 心:

牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet

臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)

油豆腐 Oily bean curd

麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd

虾片 Prawn cracker

虾球 Shrimp balls

春卷 Spring rolls

蛋卷 Chicken rolls

碗糕 Salty rice pudding

筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding

红豆糕 Red bean cake

绿豆糕 Bean paste cake

糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes

萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty

芋头糕 Taro cake

肉圆 Taiwane Meatballs

水晶饺 Pyramid dumplings

肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings

豆干 Dried tofu

其 他:

当归鸭 Angelica duck

槟榔 Betel nut

火锅 Hot pot

烧麦 Shaomai (还有一种比较复杂的说法:

Steamed dumplings with dough gathered at the


馄饨 Wonton

拉面 Pulled noodles

小米粥 Millet congee

粥 Porridge

蛋炒饭 Fired rice and egg

锅贴 Slightly fired dumpling

小笼包 Small steamed stuffed bun

烤肉串 Kebabs

糖醋排骨 Sweet and sour spareribs

水产品: (aquatic product)

1)鱼 fish

糖醋鱼片 fried fish slices with sweet and sour


糖醋鱼块 fried fish slices with sweet and sour



糖醋石斑鱼 fried garoupa with sweet and sour


糖醋松子桂鱼 fried mandarin fish and pinenuts

with sweet and sour sauce

熘鱼片 quick-fry fish slices with distilled grains


焦熘鱼片 crisp fried fish slices with distilled

grains sauce

焦熘黄鱼片 crisp fried yellow croaker slices

with distilled grains sauce

椒盐黄鱼 fried yellow croaker with pepper


糟熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains


滑熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains


炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices

菜炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with vegetables

焦炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with bamboo


焦熘鱼片 fried fish slices with sauce

茄汁鱼片 fried fish slices with tomato sauce

炸鱼条 fried fish slices

炸扒鱼片 deep fried garoupa slices

软炸鱼片 soft-fried sliced fish

酥炸鱼条 crisp fried sliced garoupa

炸鱼 deep-fried fish

炸桂鱼 deep-fried mandarin fish

炸板鱼 deep-fried sole

炸凤尾鱼 deep-fried anchovies

煎铜盆鱼 fried a-bream

酱汁活鱼 fried fish with soy sauce and wine

芙蓉桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with egg white

茄汁鱼球 fried fish balls with tomato sauce

茄汁石斑块 deep fried garoupa slices with

tomato sauce

烤酥鱼 baked crisp crucian carp

清蒸鱼 steamed fish

蒸鲜鱼 steamed fresh fish

清蒸全鱼 steamed whole fish

清蒸黄河鲤 steamed Yellow River carp

清蒸鲥鱼 steamed shad

清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish

清蒸鲈鱼腩 steamed perch-flank

清蒸糟青鱼 steamed black carp with distilled


豉汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with black bean sauce

豉油蒸生鱼 steamed rock-fish with soy sauce

豉油蒸鲩鱼 steamed tench with soy sauce

红烧鱼 braid fish with soy sauce; stewed fish

with soy sauce

红烧鲴鱼 braid catfish with soy sauce;

stewed catfish with brown sauce

红烧鳗鱼 braid eel with soy sauce; stewed

ell with brown sauce

红烧河鳗 braid ell with soy sauce; stewed ell

with brown sauce

红烧鲤鱼 braid carp with soy sauce; stewed

carp with brown sauce

红烧鲤鱼头 braid carp head ith soy sauce;


stewed carp head with brown sauce

红烧青鱼 braid black carp with soy sauce;

stewed black carp with brown sauce

蒜头烧黄鳝 braid finless ell with garlic;

stewed finless eel with garlic

烧青衣鱼头 braid green wras head;

stewed green wras head

红烧桂鱼 braid mandarin fish with soy sauce;

stewed mandarin fish with brown sauce

白汁鳜鱼 braid mandarin fish with white

sauce; stewed mandarin fish with white sauce

菜炒鲈鱼 stir-fried perch with vegetables

炒鳝丝 stir-fried shredded finless eel

炒鳝片 stir-fried eel slices

松鼠黄鱼 fried yellow croaker in squirrel shape

熏黄鱼 smoked yellow croaker

白汁熏鲳鱼 smoked pomfret with white sauce

清炖甲鱼 braid turtle in clear soup

凤足炖甲鱼 steamed turtle with chicken's feet

in soup

甲鱼裙边煨肥猪肉 stewed calipash and calipee

with fat pork

火腿甲鱼汤 turtle soup with ham

炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid

炒鱿鱼丝 stir-fried shredded squid

冬笋炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid with fresh bamboo


咖喱鱿鱼 fried squid with curry

蛋皮鱼卷 fried fish roll

炒木须银鱼 fried white bait with eggs

a.鱼翅 shark's fins

蟹肉鱼翅 braid shark's fins with minced crab


鸡茸鱼翅 braid shark's fins with minced


鸡丝鱼翅 braid shark's fins with shredded

chicken; braid shark's fin with chicken shreds

鸡兰鱼翅 braid shark's fin with chicken

shreds and bamboo shoots

鸡包鱼翅 braid chicken stuffed with shark's


鸡汁鱼翅 braid shark's fin with chicken gravy

红烧鱼翅 braid shark's fins with brown sauce;

braid shark's fins with soy sauce

红扒鱼翅 braid shark's fins with brown sauce;

braid shark's fins with soy sauce

白扒鱼翅 braid shark's fins with white sauce

海味扒鱼翅 braid shark's fins with a food

清汤鱼翅 shark's fins in clear soup

b.鱼唇 fish lips

蚝油鱼唇 braid fish lips with oyster oil

蟹肉鱼唇 stewed fish lips with crab meat

白汁鱼唇 stewed shark's lips with white sauce

c.鱼肚 fish maw

鱼扒鱼肚 braid fish maw with white sauce

红烧鱼肚 braid fish maw with soy sauce;

stewed fish maw with soy sauce

鸡丝烩鱼肚 stewed fish maw with shredded


蟹肉鱼肚 stewed fish maw with crab meat


奶油鱼肚 fried fish maw with cream sauce

虾仁鱼肚 fried fish maw with shelled shrimps

三鲜鱼肚 fish maw with balls of shelled

shrimps, fish and minced pork

清汤鱼肚 fish maw in clear soup

鱼肚鸡片汤 codfish maw soup with sliced


2)虾 shrimp

盐水虾 boiled shrimps with shell in salt water

面拖虾 shrimp fritters

清炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps

炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps

芙蓉虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with

egg-white sauce

面包虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps on croutons

青豆虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with green


茄汁虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with tomato


蟹黄虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with crab


锅巴虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with crispy

fried rice crust

凤肝虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with chicken


菜炒虾脯 stir-fried minced shrimps with


油炸虾丸 fried shrimp balls

虾仁扒豆腐 stewed shelled shrimps with bean


烩虾仁 braid shrimp meat

油焖大虾 braid prawns

黄焖大虾 braid prawns with brown sauce

红烧对虾 braid prawns with soy sauce

红烧明虾 braid prawns with soy sauce

罐焖大虾 braid prawns in pot; pot-braid


荷包金鲤虾 braid prawns stuffed with

glutinous rice in the shape of golden carp

炸大虾 fried prawns; deep-fried prawns; fried

jumbo shrimps

炸金钱大虾 fried prawns in the shape of golden


炸烹大虾 fried giant prawns; grilled prawns

with sauce

椒盐大虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce

炸虾串 fried prawn shashlik

炸虾托 fried prawn canape

软炸虾 soft-fried prawn slices

炒虾片 stir-fried prawn slices

炒大虾片 stir-fried prawn slices

炒鸡肝虾片 fried prawn slices with chicken liver

炸虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets

煎虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets

茄汁虾片 fried prawns with tomato sauce

煎明虾 fried prawns with shell in gravy

煎明虾段 fried prawn ctions

干烧明虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce

煎酿大明虾 fried giant prawns with soy and

ginger sauce


炸竹笋脆虾 fried prawns with bamboo shoots

炸凤尾明虾 fried prawns in the shape of phoeni

炸虾球 fried prawn balls; deepfried prawn meat


煎虾丸 fried shrimp balls with sauce

鲜菇炒大虾 stir-fried prawns with fresh


鲜菇炒虾球 stir-fried shelled shrimp balls with


菜花炒虾丸 stir-fried jumbo shrimp balls with


红煤虾球 braid jumbo shrimp balls with


辣味烩虾 braid prawns with chilli/chili sauce

辣昧烩虾球 braid prawn balls with chilli/chili


3)蟹 crab

蒸螃蟹 steamed crab

蒸梭子蟹 steamed a crabs

醉蟹 liquor prerved crab

姜汁大肉蟹 fried fresh crab with ginger sauce

酱油蟹 fried crabs with bean sauce

炒蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat

炒海蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat

蟹肉豆腐 stir-fried minced crab meat with bean


奶汁蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat with

cream sauce

香菇蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with mushrooms

芙蓉蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with egg-white

菜炖蟹肉 stewed crab meat with vegetables

蟹肉狮子头 stewed crab meat with minced

pork balls

4)海参 a cucumber

海参烩鸡丝 stewed a cucumbers with

shredded chicken

海参扒鸡条 braid a cucumbers with sliced


海参肉片 braid a cucumbers with pork


红烧海参 braid a cucumbers with brown

sauce;braid a cucumbers with soy sauce

葱烧海参 braid a cucumbers with spring


麻辣海参片 braid a cucumbers with

chilli/chili sauce

胡辣海参片 braid a cucumbers with

chilli/chili sauce

鱼丸烧海参 stewed a cucumbers with fish


鸡茸海参 fried a cucumbers with mashed

chicken; fried a cucumbers with minced


火腿肉丸烧海参 stewed a cucumbers with

pork balls and ham slices

虾仁海参 stewed a cucumbers with shrimps

鲍鱼海参 frica a cucumbers with


芙蓉海参 frica a cucumbers with egg



5)鲍鱼 abalone

蚝汁鲍鱼片 fried abalone slices with oyster


蚝油焖鲍鱼 stewed abalone slices with oyster


红烧鲍鱼 braid abalone with soy sauce

红烧酥鲍 braid abalone with soy sauce

红烧鲜鲍 braid fresh abalone with soy sauce

黄焖干鲍 braid abalone with brown sauce

红炖紫鲍 braid abalone garnished with

green vegetables

白扒鲍鱼 braid abalone with white sauce

鸡茸金钱鲍 frica abalone with minced


鸡茸炒鲍丝 fried abalone shreds with minced


鸡片鲍鱼 fried abalone with sliced chicken

鸡翅鲍鱼片 braid abalone slices with

chicken wings

鸡球鲍脯 braid abalone with chicken balls

冬菇鲍鱼 braid abalone with black


蘑菇鲍脯 braid abalone with fresh


鸡油鲍鱼磨菇 fried abalone and mushrooms

with chicken fat

鸡汁鲍鱼鱼翅 steamed abalone with shark's

fins in chicken soup

蚝油小鲍鱼 fried awabi with oyster sauce

6)贝类 shellfish

面拖牡蛎 oyster fritters

白灼螺片 fried sliced whelk

鸡肉螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken

凤肝螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken liver

蚝油干贝 fried dried scallops with oyster sauce

油爆干贝 fried dried scallops with choice


白汁干贝 stewed dried scallops with white


鸡冻干贝 frica scallop in chicken mous )

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凉菜: (cold dish)

冷盘 cold dish

拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres;

assorted appetizers

凉拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres;

assorted appetizers

冷拼盘 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres;

assorted appetizers

什锦小吃 assorted cold foods; hors d'oeuvres;

assorted appetizers

叉烧肉 roast pork fillet

白肉 plain boiled pork

酱肉 braid pork with soy sauce; spiced pork

酱猪肉 braid pork with soy sauce; spiced


酱肘子 braid pork shoulder with soy sauce;

spiced pork shoulder

酱猪肘 braid pork leg with soy sauce; spiced

pork leg


盐水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

咸水肝 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

酱肚 braid pork tripe with soy sauce

红油肚丝 boiled shredded tripes with chilli/chili


凉拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce

拌肚丝 shredded tripes with soy sauce

凉拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

拌腰片 boiled liver with salt; salted liver

炝腰花泡菜 boiled kidney with pickled


酱牛肉 braid beef with soy sauce; spiced


红油牛筋 boiled beef tendons with chilli/chili oil

盐水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton

咸水羊肉 boiled mutton with salt; salted mutton

凉拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce

拌鸡丝 shredded chicken with soy sauce

白油鸡 steamed chicken

白切油鸡 sliced steamed chicken

白片鸡 sliced steamed chicken

盐水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken

咸水鸡 boiled chicken with salt; salted chicken

童子油鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce;

soy tender chicken

白沾鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce;

soy tender chicken

白斩鸡 boiled tender chicken with soy sauce;

soy tender chicken

蚝油白鸡 boiled chicken with oyster sauce

白露鸡 plain boiled chicken with mustard

白片鸡 boiled tender chicken slices

红油鸡丁 boiled diced chicken with chilli/chili


麻辣鸡 boiled chicken with chilli/chili and wild

pepper sauce

卤鸡 boiled chicken with spices; spiced

chicken; pot-stewed chicken in soy sauce

卤鸡杂 boiled chicken giblets with spices;

spiced chicken giblets

酱鸡 braid chicken with soy sauce

酱鸭 braid duck with soy sauce; W( p2 ~: w0

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盐水鸭 boil duck with salt; salted duck

咸水鸭 boil duck with salt; salted duck

盐水鸭肝 boiled duck liver with salt; salted

duck liver

咸水鸭肝 boiled duck liver with salt; salted

duck liver

卤鸭 boiled duck with spices; spiced duck;

pot-stewed duck in soy sauce

卤鸭翅 boiled duck wings with spices; spiced

duck wings

姜芽鸭片 boiled sliced duck with ginger

红油鸭丁 boiled diced duck with chilli/chili oil

红油鸭掌 boiled duck webs with chilli/chili oil

拌鸭掌 duck webs with soy sauce; soy duck


腌鱼 salted fish

咸鱼 salted fish


熏鱼 smoked fish

糟鱼 pickled fish with distilled grains liquor

dregs; pickled fish with wine; pickled fish

姜汁鱼片 boiled fish slices with ginger sauce

红油鱼肚 boiled fish maw with chilli/chili oil

红油虾片 boiled prawn slices with chilli/chili oil

盐水大虾 boiled prawns with salt; salted


咸水大虾 boiled prawns with salt; salted


盐水虾 boiled shrimps with salt; salted shrimps

咸水虾 boiled shrimps with salt; salted shrimps

凉拌海带 shredded kelp with soy sauce

拌海带 shredded kelp with soy sauce

凉拌海蛰 shredded jelly-fish with soy sauce

拌海蛰 shredded jelly-fish with soy sauce

小葱拌豆腐 bean curd mixed with chopped

green onion

凉拌豆芽菜 bean sprouts salad

凉拌干丝 shredded dried bean curd salad

卤香干 boiled bean chee with spices; spicy

bean chee

酸黄瓜 pickled cucumber

酱黄瓜 pickled cucumber with soy sauce

辣黄瓜 pickled cucumber with chilli/chili sauce

泡菜 pickles; pickled vegetables; sauerkraut

朝鲜泡菜 kimchi

酱菜 pickles; pickled vegetables

小菜 pickles; pickled vegetables

咸菜 pickles; salted vegetables

酸菜 pickled Chine cabbage

油炸花生 fried peanuts

油氽花生 fried peanuts

炸花生 fried peanuts

烤花生 baked peanuts

咸花生 salted peanuts

酱蛋 pickled egg

茶叶蛋 boiled egg with tea and soy sauce

松花蛋 prerved duck egg

咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg

热菜: (main dish)


1.各式刺身拼Sashimi Platter

锅贴Pot Sticker

3.辣汁脆炸鸡腿Fried Chicken Legs (Spicy Hot)

4.鸡沙律Chicken Salad

酥炸大虾Fried Prawns

酥炸生豪Fried Oysters

酥炸鲜鱿Fried Squid

8.海哲分蹄Smoked Jelly Fish

五香牛展Special Beef

白云凤爪Chicken Leg

11.琥珀合桃Hou Special Honey Walnuts

脆皮春卷Spring Rolls

13.蜜汁叉烧B.B.Q. Pork


1.脆皮炸子鸡(半)Fried Chicken (Half) 2.红烧石

岐项鸽Roast Pigeon

3.豉油皇乳鸽Pigeon w/ Soy Sauce 4.姜葱油淋

鸡(半)Green Onion Chicken (Half)


5.北京片皮鸭Peking Duck 6.酸甜明炉烧鸭

(半)Roast Duck (Half) 7.柠檬鸡球Lemon


8.西芹腰果鸡球Vegetable Cashew Chicken 9.

咖喱鸡Curry Chicken

10.豉汁炒鸡球Chicken w/ Black Bean Sauce

11.四川炒鸡球Szechuan Chicken

12.菜远鸡球Chicken w/ Tender Green 13.宫保

鸡球Kung Pao Chicken

14.豉汁黄毛鸡(半)Chicken w/ Soy Sauce 15.咕

噜鸡Sweet & Sour Chicken

16.八珍发菜扒鸭(半)Combination Duck (Half)

17.子罗炒鸡片Ginger & Pineapple Chicken

18.游龙戏凤Chicken, Shrimp, Squid w/ Mixed

Vegetable 19.龙凤琵琶豆腐Egg, Chicken,

Shrimp, Steam Tofu


1.酸甜咕噜肉Sweet & Sour Pork 2.菜远炒排骨

Spareribs w/ Tender Green

3.豉椒排骨Spareribs w/ Black Bean Sauce 4.

凉瓜炆排骨Bitty Melon Spareribs 5.京都骨

Peking Spareribs

6.椒盐排骨Pepper Salt Spareribs 7.豉椒焖排骨

Spareribs w/ Black Bean, Pepper 8.菜远炒牛肉

Broccoli Beef

9.凉瓜炒牛肉Bitty Melon Beef 10.黑椒牛仔骨

Black Pepper Short Rib

11.椒盐牛仔骨Pepper Salt Short Rib 12.中式牛

柳Chine Style Beef

13.四川牛肉Szechuan Beef 14.干扁牛柳丝

String Beef 15.柠檬牛肉Lemon beef 16.麻婆豆

腐Mar-Boh Tofu

煲仔类Clay Pot Style

1.北菇海参煲Mushroom Sea Cucumber Duck

Feet 2.诸诸滑鸡煲Chicken Clay Pot

3.鸡粒咸鱼茄子煲Salt Fish Chicken Egg Plant

Clay Pot

4.粉丝虾米杂菜煲Rice Noodle Vegetables Clay

Pot 5.罗白牛腩煲Beef Stew w/ Turnip Clay Pot

6.支竹羊腩煲Dry Tofu Lamb Clay Pot 7.火腩生

豪煲Roast Pig Oyster Clay Pot


1.豪油冬菇Oyster Sauce Mushroom 2.什笙上

素Bamboo Vegetable 3.红烧豆腐Fried Tofu

4.炒素丁Vegetable Roll 5.罗汉腐皮卷

Vegetable Egg Roll 6.素咕噜肉Vegetarian

Sweet and Sour

7.蒸山水豆腐Steam Tofu 8.鲜菇扒菜胆

Mushroom Tender Green 9.炒杂菜Mixed

Green Tender

10.清炒芥兰Chine Green Tender 11.盐水菜

心Salt Green Tender

12.干扁四季豆String Bean Western Style 13.上

汤芥菜胆Mustard Green Tender

炒粉、面、饭Rice Plate

1.龙虾干烧伊面Lobster Teriyaki Noodle 2.上汤

龙虾捞面Lobster Noodle

3.杨州炒饭Yang Chow Fried Rice 4.虾仁炒饭

Shrimp Fried Rice

5.咸鱼鸡粒炒饭Salted Egg Chicken Fried Rice


6.蕃茄牛肉炒饭Tomato w/ Beef Fried Rice

7.厨师炒饭Hou Fried Rice 8.生菜丝炒牛肉饭

Beef Fried Rice w/ Lettuce

9.招牌炒面Hou Chow Mein 10.鸡球炒/煎面

Chicken Chow Mein

11.蕃茄牛肉炒面Tomato Beef Chow Mein 12.

海鲜炒/煎面Seafood Chow Mein

13.虾子姜葱捞面Ginger Green Onion Noodle

14.干烧伊面Teriyaki Noodle

15.鸡丝上汤窝面Chicken Noodle Soup 16.菜远

炒牛河Vegetable Beef Chow Fun

17.豉椒排骨炒河Sparerib w/ Black Bean Chow

Fun 18.星洲炒米粉Singapore Noodle (Hot


19.鸳鸯馒头Shanghai Buns (12) 20.上汤水饺

Dumpling Soup 21.上汤云吞Won Ton soup

22.丝苗白饭Steam Rice


1.雪哈红莲Bird Nest Red Bean Soup 2.椰汁炖

雪哈Coconut Bird Nest

3.玫瑰红豆沙Red Bean Soup 4.椰汁西米露

Coconut Tapioca 5.百年好合Red Bean Fresh

Lily Bulb


1.豆腐虾Tofu & Shrimps 2.白灼虾Boiled

Prawns 3.椒盐虾Spicy Slat Prawns

4.豉椒虾Black Bean Sauce Prawns 5.滑蛋虾

Prawns with Eggs 6.油泡虾Crystal Prawns

7.时菜虾Vegetable Prawns 8.四川虾Szechuan

Prawns 9.茄汁虾Prawns with Ketchup

10.豉汁炒蚬Clams Black Bean Sauce 11.时菜

斑球Vegetable Rock Cod

12.豉汁斑球Black Bean Sauce Rock Cod 13.

椒盐龙利球Pepper Salt Fried Flounder

14.香煎鲫鱼Pan Fried Fish 15.时菜鲜鱿

Vegetable & Squid 16.椒盐鲜鱿Salt and

Pepper Squid

17.豉椒鲜鱿Black Bean Sauce Squid 18.酥炸

鲜鱿Deep Fried Squid 19.四川鸡Szechuan


20.宫保鸡Kung Pao Chicken 21.当红炸子鸡

Crispy Fried Chicken 22.柠檬鸡Lemon Chicken

23.腰果鸡Cashew Nuts Chicken 24.甜酸鸡

Sweet & Sour Chicken 25.时菜鸡Vegetable &


26.咖喱鸡Curry Chicken 27.豉椒鸡Black Bean

Sauce Chicken 28.京都上肉排Peking


29.椒盐肉排Pepper Salt Fried Spareribs 30.梅

菜扣肉Prerved Vegetable & Pork

31.豉汁排骨Black Bean Sauce Spareribs 32.时

菜排骨Vegetable & Spareribs

33.蜜汁*烧B.B.Q. Pork 34.炸菜牛肉Pickled

with Beef 35.蒙古牛肉Mongolian Beef

36.姜葱牛肉Ginger & Green Onion Beef

37.e72 油牛肉Oyster Sauce Beef 38.时菜牛肉

Vegetable & Beef

39.豆腐牛肉Tofu and Beef 40.四川牛肉

Szechuan Beef 41.柠檬牛肉Lemon Beef

42.椒盐牛仔骨Pepper Salted Fried Beef Ribs


43.火腩塘虱煲Roasted Pork & Catfish Clay Pot

44.东江豆腐煲Tofu in Clay Pot 45.海鲜煲

Seafood in Clay Pot 46.八珍煲Assorted Meat

in Clay Pot

47.柱侯牛腩煲Stew Beef Basket 48.鱼香茄子

煲Eggplant in Clay Pot

49.虾米粉丝煲Dried Shrimp & Noodle in Clay


50.咸鱼鸡豆腐煲Salted Fish & Chicken Tofu in

Clay Pot 51.蒸山水豆腐Steamed Tofu

52.红烧豆腐Braid Tofu 53.麻婆豆腐Bean

Sauce Tofu 54.干烧四季豆Braid Green Bean

55.鱼香茄子Braid Egg plant 56.蒜茸豆苗

Garlic Pea Greens

57.豉汁凉瓜black Bean Sauce & Bitter Melon

58.上汤芥菜胆Mustard Green

59.北菇扒菜胆Mushroom & Vegetable 60.清炒

时菜Sauted Vegetable 61.蒜茸芥兰Garlic &


62.豪油芥兰Oyster Sauce Broccoli 63.豪油北

菇Oyster Sauce Mushrooms 64.炒什菜Sauted

Assorted Vegetable

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