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1 .

作 为 护 士 , 她 的 工 作 不 仅 仅 是 照 顾 病 人 。

As a nur, her work goes beyond taking care of /looking after the patients.

2. 为了防止再次迟到,他比平时早了

20 分钟离家。

In order to /To avoid

6 plus

being late again ,he left home 20 minutes earlier

大得多 .

than usual.


iphone 4

IPhone 6 Plus takes up much /far more space/room than iPhone 4.

4. 她对音乐很有天分,她妈妈鼓舞她参加《中国好声音》

Voice of China


She has a real gift for music,her mother encourges her to try out forVoice of China.

5. 屠呦呦博士一生致力于研究传统中医药物。

6. 对孩子们来说,拥有父亲母亲的支持很重要。

7. 昨天我母亲太忙了,没能去购物。

Yesterday my mother was too busy to go shopping/was so busy that she couldn't

go shopping.

8. 他走开实验室已经不只一小时了。

9. 在古代中国纸以前由丝绸制成。

10. 你以为我们青少年应当远离网络吗?

11. 我想知道你和你的新同学相处如何?

12. 对我来说,想要获得学业和兴趣喜好之间的均衡很难。

13. 查尔斯 . 狄更斯的那部小说近距离察看了当时的社会生活

The novel written by Charles Dickens takes/took a clo look at the social

14. 我们被见告要对周边的任何可能的危险提升警惕。

we are told to guard against any possible danger around us.

15. 除了他住在我楼上,我与那个男的毫没关系。

16. 你以为这部由那个年青导演执导的电影值得高度赞誉吗?

Do you think the film directed by the young director is worth thinking highly of

17. 我和我的父亲都对明星秀不感兴趣。

Neither I nor my parents are interested in /Neither my parents nor I am interested

in star shows.

18. 我们都想知道我们何时有时机在天安门广场看升国旗仪式。

We wonder when we will have the chance to watch the raising of the national flag

on Tian'anmen Square.

19. 依据领导在会议上所说的,我们定了一个出门的计划。

According to what the leader said at the meeting ,we made a plan for outing.

20. 那位着名作家的新书很有价值,已惹起广大读者的关注。

The new book by the famous writer is so valuable that it has caught most readers'





21. 机器人足够聪慧,能做人做的相同的事情。

22. 你能告诉我这本书她借了多久了吗?

23. 你能告诉我你去过南京几次吗?

Could you tell me how many times you have been to Nanjing

24. 湿地不只为鸟类供给食品和栖息地,还可以防备洪涝。

Wetlands not only provide food and shelters for birds,but also prevent floods.

25. 这家工厂过去常常把废物倒进河里。

26. 最后,那只大熊猫被发现死在丛林里。

27. 从学校到世界公园的行程乘长途汽车大概花销两个小时。

The trip/journey from the school to the World Park takes/will take about two

hours by coach.

28. 老师常常告诉我们不要成天忙于造作业。

The teacher often tells us not to be busy with our homework all day.

29. 假如我们不注意防备错误的观点,那么我们还会犯相同的错误。

If we don't pay attention

to guarding agaist

the wrong idea ,we will


30. 那些孩子们素来没有走开家这么长时间。

31. 我希望毕业后在这家企业找到一份工作。

32. 讨教教我如何将鼠标连到电脑上。

33. 我想知道你妈妈能否去过英国。

34. 你能向我解说一下你为何没有准时交作业吗?

35. 埃米的建议一定有极大的价值并很值得采用。

Amy's advice must be of great value and well worth taking .

36. 这张照片使你想起了什么?

What did the photo remind you of

37. 我们几乎没法想象到 2100 年火星上的生活会是什么样子。

We can hardly imagine what life will be like on Mars by 2100.

38. 我想知道您能否给我一些如何把英语学得更好的建议。

I wonder if you can give me some advice on how to improve my English.

39. 他情愿步行很长时间,也不肯花好多钱打车。

He perfers walking for a long time to spending much money taking a taxi.

40. 当你走开教室时,保证关掉全部的灯。

When you leave the classroom,make sure all the lights are tured off.

41. 乔在无锡工作多年,并且已习惯这里的生活了。

make the same

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