序号32425单词词义地名.索门赛特郡;n.[英](独腿者乘坐的)有衬垫的马鞍Somertastonishingadj. 令人惊异的regularplainruntruntybornunjustheartlessteatsowabsolutelyruderirdawnridinjusticebuddygonnaparticulardollpetbarntypicaladj. 规则的,定期的;匀称的;常规的adj. 清晰的;简单的;坦率的 n. 平原n. 小牛,小家畜,小鬼,家鸽之一种;发育不全的矮小动物a. 身材短小的,矮小的adj. 出生的,产生的;天生的,十足的adj. 不公正的adj. 无情的n.奶头vt. 播(种);母猪adv. 绝对地,完全地adj. 粗鲁的,不礼貌的;粗糙的,粗陋的n.起来的人,起义者n. 黎明;开端,起始 vi. 破晓;开始,出现n./v. 摆脱,除掉,克服,干掉,消灭n.非正义的事情n. <口>好朋友;搭档aux. 快要,going toadj. 特定(别)的;挑剔的;详细的 n.(pl.)详情n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃n. 宠物 vt. 抚摸,轻抚 adj. 宠爱的n. 谷仓,牲口棚adj. 典型的,有代表性的
26272829373839464748495051stuffn. 原料,材料,东西 vt. 填满,吃饱for instance例如smellysniffnopesickhayapparentlyadj. 有臭味的,发出臭味的v. 以鼻吸气,用力吸入;嗅,闻 n. 吸气(声);嗅,闻<口> 不adj. 有病的;恶心的;(of)腻烦的;恼火的n. 干草adv. 表面上地,显然地intelligentadj. 聪明的,有才智的dolphinBitsHomerLurvyretreatGiddyupsmokehoupiggyAttaboyslopcountyfussstupidsticksweetheartsoundn. 海豚碧思(女名)(棒球)本垒打;传信鸽;霍莫(男名)乐维(男名)vi.&n. 退却,撤退;退避,退缩v.转圈跑n 熏制室n. 小猪n.好孩子n. 外衣,工作服,泥浆,污水n. 郡,县n. 忙乱,大惊小怪 vi. 小题大做;烦恼adj. 愚蠢的,迟钝的;无聊的,恼人的n. 棍,手杖 vt. 刺;粘(钉,卡)住;留下n. 情人,爱人n. 声音 v. 响;听起来 adj. 合理的adv. 酣畅地
535455565758596676869777879lightningtyphooncholeradynteryfrizzyheckimplybloodyn. 闪电n. 台风n. 霍乱n.痢疾adj. (头发)鬈曲的int. [口][hell的委婉语]见鬼vt. 暗示,含有......的意思adj. 流血的,血腥的contributionn. 贡献;捐献(物)gassyribfilthyhairballdirtylintballzipslipperybittycutepinkotherwigooganderstomachwoola. 气体的,气状的,含气的n. 肋骨adj.脏兮兮的n. 毛粪石,毛团adj. 肮脏的;下流的;卑鄙的 v. 弄脏n.毛团n. 拉链 v. 拉开或拉上adj. 滑的,油滑的;狡猾的,不可靠的a. 片段的,细短的adj. 伶俐的,美丽而逗人喜爱的adj. 粉红色的 n. 粉红色,石竹conj. 否则 adv. 否则;除此以外n. 鹅n.公鹅n. 胃,胃口;肚子,腹部 vt. 承受,忍受n. 羊毛;毛线,毛织品
8687888996979899104ghastlyrodentmoldycheesalamiyepguessreducecharmingdisgustingequalTempletongeegnawspynutshellinvisiblenocturnalconcentrateconverElwynfreakcornBrooksiedrooladj. 可怕的,惊人的,惨白的n.啮齿动物adj. 发霉的n. 乳酪,干酪n. 意大利大肠adv. 是v. 猜测,猜想 n. 推测,猜测vt. 减少,缩小;使降级,使沦落;迫使adj. 令人喜欢的,迷人的adj. 令人厌恶的adj. 同样的 vt. 等于 n. 相等的数量;可比的东西坦普顿(人名)感叹词;用以表示惊奇、赞赏等v. 咬,啃n. 间谍 v. 从事间谍活动;秘密收集情报等n. 坚果壳;简单的一句话adj. 看不见的,无形的adj. 夜晚的,夜间发生的vi. 全神贯注 vt. 集中,浓缩 n. 浓缩物(液)n.谈话名词[人名]埃尔温n. 怪物,奇事 adj. 反常的n. 谷物,小麦;玉米布罗斯基(人名)v. 流口水,胡说
659130suckcreepymenfolknipv. 吸,吮adj. 爬着走的,毛骨悚然的n 男人们vt.刺、咬anesthetizevt. 使麻醉,使麻木wrapgracefaintpailroyaltrapperbuginctfancyCavaticadespihideousruddyignoranceblissinclinerollunlikelybouncyMichaelvt. 包,裹 n. 披肩,围巾n. 优美(雅);(pl.)风度,缓期 vt.使优美adj. 模糊的,微弱的,眩晕的 vi.&n.昏厥,晕倒n. 提桶adj. 王室的,皇家的n. 设陷阱捕兽者n. 虫子;小病,(机器等)故障,缺陷;窃听器 vt. 烦扰,纠缠n. 昆虫,虫vt. 喜欢 adj. 昂贵的,别致的 n. 爱好,想像力,设想卡瓦迪卡(人名)vt. 轻视,藐视adj.令人惊骇的; 极其丑陋的; 可怕的;令人厌恶的adj. (脸色)红润的,红色的,讨厌的n. 愚昧无知,无知n. 狂喜;福佑,天赐的福v. (使)倾斜,倾向于;赞同 n. 斜坡,斜面v. (使)滚动;卷;碾;摇摆 n. 卷;名单adj.不相像的;不大可能的发生的;难以相信的;adv.不可能,未必adj. 快活的,精神饱满的,有弹性的,自大的迈克(人名)
4864155ducklinghatchmarvelousbreezespinningdudrottennastypeckstinkdevilspideygrossscaryyolkripeingrateleggyIroniccureyummysausagesizzlingroastchestnutn. 小鸭子vt. 图谋,策划 vi. (out)(小鸡等)出壳,孵出 n. 舱口盖,开口adj. 奇迹般的,惊人的,了不起的n. 微风,轻风 vi. 飘然而行adj. 旋转的n.坏了的鸡蛋adj. 腐烂(朽)的;令人不愉快的;糟糕的adj. 肮脏的,邋遢的,恶劣的,下流的v. 啄食 n. 啄;匆匆的一吻v. 发出臭味n. 魔鬼n 小蜘蛛adj. 总的;显著的;粗俗的 vt. 获得......毛利adj. 可怕的,胆怯的n. 蛋黄adj. 成熟的n. 忘恩负义的人adj.长脚的adj. 挖苦的;出乎意料的vt. 治愈;消除,矫正 n. 治愈,治疗;药(剂)adj. 美味的,可口的n. 香肠,腊肠adj. 极热的v. 烤,炙,烘 n. 烤肉 adj. 烤(烘)过的n. 栗树;栗子,板栗 adj. 栗色的;红棕色的
9759180awkwardhugeSergeantridiculousperkswingloopmiraclebona fidedivinityrmongonerungodlyspanslaughtersnappyproportionfireworkberrycrochetdoilyhingepinbustdamperadj. 尴尬的,棘手的,难操纵的,笨拙的adj. 庞大的,巨大的n. 军士,中士adj. 可笑的,荒谬的v. 恢复,振作;打扮;竖起v. (使)摇摆;(使)旋转 n. 摆动;秋千n. 圈,环(状物);回路,循环 v.(使)成环,转圈n. 奇迹,令人惊奇的人(或事)adj.伟大的,真诚的,善意的n. 神性;神,女神,上帝n. 讲道,说教n. 完蛋的人,快死了adj. 无信心的,不敬畏神的,邪恶的,难受的n. 指距,全长,跨距,经距,广度vt. 屠宰,残杀,屠杀 n. 屠杀,杀戮;屠宰adj. 精力充沛的;潇洒的,活泼的n. 比例;部分,份儿;均衡,相称n. 烟火;激烈争论n. 浆果n. 钩针织物 v. 用钩针编织n. 小型装饰桌巾n. 铰链n. 别针;徽(像)章;钉子,闩 vt. 固定住n. 半身(雕)像 adj.腐烂的n. 起抑制作用的因素;节气闸,断音装置;挡板
6481992hamcordsupremedragtrashnegativeterrifictunescrumptiousbucketcuestraightdumpextraeffortspreadout-arguedoomlivestockpoultryrideRitacornfieldscaren. 火腿,熏肉n. 细绳,索;(一梱),(pl.)灯心绒裤adj. 最高的,至上的;极度的,最重要的,最后的vt. 拖,拉;迫使 vi. 拖延 n. 累赘;一吸,一抽n. 无价值之物,垃圾,废物adj. 否定的;消极的;负的 n. 底片;负数 没门!(oral)adj. 好的;了不起的n. 曲调,曲子 vt. 为(乐器)调音,调节adj. (食物)很可口的n. 水桶,吊桶n. 提示;暗示,信号,出来了adj. 直的;连续的;直率的 adv. 直接地;立即vt. 倾卸,倾倒;倾销,抛售, 淘(垃圾) n. 垃圾场adj. 额外的 adv. 特别地 n. 额外的事物(费用)n. 努力,尝试;努力的成果,成就v. 展开;散布;涂 n. 传播;幅度,范围反驳n. 厄运,劫数 vt. 注定,命运,老了n. 牲畜n. 家禽v. 骑(马),乘(车) n. 骑(马),乘(车);骑马(或乘车等)旅行丽塔(女名)n.玉米地n. 惊恐 vt. 吓,使害怕 vi. 受惊吓,害怕satisfactionn. 满足(意);赔偿(物),补偿(物)
22224225226227228229230231232stealthynimblewhoaadj. 秘密的,掩人耳目的,鬼鬼祟祟的adj. 敏捷的,灵活的int.哇哦!mess with sb和某人玩玩spotdesperatetrapprivacygeniusradiantgraciousbrilliantlaborgravydoubtbuttermilkentrybaconhonCharlotteribboncrategarbagelitterhunkv.锁定adj. 孤注一掷的,极需要的;绝望的;危急的n. 陷阱;困境 vt. 使中圈套,使陷于困境n. 隐居;私事,隐私n. 才华,天才adj. 容光焕发的;光芒四射的;辐射的adj. 高尚的,亲切的,美的adj. 光辉的,灿烂的;卓越的,杰出的n. 劳动;劳工;分娩,阵痛 vi. 劳动,努力n. 肉汤n. 疑惑,疑问,怀疑 v. 怀疑,不相信n. 白脱牛奶,酪浆n. 参赛的人(物);进入;入口处;登记,条目n. 咸肉,熏肉n. 亲爱的夏洛特(名字)n. 缎带,丝带;(打印机等的)色带n. 篓,板条箱n. 垃圾;废话;无用(或不正确)的资料n. 垃圾,杂乱的废物 vt. 乱扔,使......凌乱 vi. 乱扔废物<口>大块,大片,厚块
233234235236237238239244245246247248249254255256257chewfunneldribspitpopcornstickygagdevilEdithbumperfilthshoveheavensakebeasthipposhoo-inv. 咀嚼,咬vi.&vt. 成漏斗状,灌进漏斗 n. 漏斗,采光孔n. 一滴,少量 vi.点滴地落下n. 唾液,唾吐,小雨,炙叉,一铲的深度vt.唾吐,吐出,降小雨n. 爆米花adj. 粘(性)的;湿热的;棘手的n. 箝口物,箝制言论,讨论终结vt.使窒息n. 恶魔,恶棍,可怜的家伙 vt 粘芥末,折磨,嘲弄,激怒艾迪斯(人名)n.特大者,缓冲器,(汽车)保险杠;adj.丰盛的,特大的,极好的n. 垃圾,污秽,肮脏;下流的事物vt. 享受,乱推,挤;乱塞,随意放 vi.用力推,挤 n. 猛推n.上帝 举起者,挑夫,举起物件之装置n. 缘故;理由n. 野兽,牲畜;凶残的人,令人厌憎的人n. 河马n.赢定的人;int. 赶走鸟等时所发声音harmoniouslyad. 和好的,调和的tiebreakerpushydemandingmannacarameltorturingstarvingn . 决胜者,延长赛,平分决赛adj. 过于积极的,冒进的adj. 苛刻的,过分要求的n. 精神食粮,天赐,甘露n. 焦糖a. 拷问的,使受苦的,使痛苦的adj. 非常饿的;饥饿难忍的
25825926426526626726826927427527627827928rindpromisingbirdbrainflamingoesabortchokedervehumblegrandstandtruckbehalfMainefolkgovernortokenamazementmiraculousdenymagnum opusmagnetnutrientwaterproofsaclanguishingtwistedn.皮adj. 有希望的;有前途的n.愚蠢,轻佻的人;傻子n.小鸟n.取消,中断;vt.取消,中断v. (使)窒息,呛;塞满,塞住vt. 应受,应得,值得adj. 谦逊的,卑贱的,简陋的 vt. 使谦恭n.1.正面看台,哗众取宠的表演;2.大看台;3.看台;3.赛车场的主看台n. 卡车,载重汽车;(铁路上的)敞篷货车n. 利益;方面n. 缅因州 (美国东北角的州)n. 亲人,朋友n. 统治者,管辖者,地方长官,总督,州长n. 表示,象征;标志,记号;信物;纪念品;筹码n. 惊愕,惊奇adj. 奇迹的,不可思议的vt. 否定,否认;拒绝相信,拒绝授予vi.否定,拒绝n.这本他巨著;大作;杰作;主要作品;大事业;重n. 磁铁,磁体;有吸引力的人(或事物)n. 滋养物质adj. 不透水的,防水的n. (动植物组织中的)囊,液囊adj.衰弱下去的;苦思的adj. 扭曲的
284286287288289294295296297298299308309hindquartersn. (动物的)臀及后腿gorgingoccurn.奔波劳碌vi. 发生,出现,存在(to);被想起(到)appreciationn. 欣赏;感激dibledgemedalclorwarmthoccasionsnowfallbudcirclescoopGollysalutationtremblinginitialnsibledumbhalloweddoorwaypledgegalscrapn. 一种游戏;骨制的筹码;零钱;权利n.1.平台;2.横档;3.凸缘;3.壁架;突出物;暗礁n. 奖牌,奖章,勋章a. 靠近的;adv.更亲近n. 暖和,温暖;热烈,热情,热心n. 时刻,场合;盛会;时机;起因 vt.引起n. 降雪,降雪量n.1.芽,萌芽;蓓蕾;2.芽;3.花蕾;3.发芽;芽n.轮回, 圆(圈);界,阶层 vt. 围着vi. 盘旋n. 小铲,勺子 v. (用勺子)取出,舀出n.高利(人名) 神 int.呀!天哪!发誓n. 招呼,寒暄,问候vi. tremble的现在分词,颤抖,发抖adj. 开始的 n. (pl.)(姓名等的)首字母adj. 合理的adj. 哑的;说不出话的,沉默的adj. 神圣的n. 门口n. 诺言;抵押品 vt. 抵押;发誓n. 女孩,少女n.1.废料;2.报废;3.碎片;3.废料或废品
310311312fetchingsurroundnobilityadj. 迷人的,吸引人的,寻找vt. 包围;环绕,围绕n. 贵族
例句There was nothing special about Somert 's astonishing that so many people should be that a regular flight or a charter flight?The facts were plain to 's a runt.A runty pig is 's a born basketball player.A new leader will reform the unjust can you be so heartless?There's 11 pigs and only 10 s plow their fields and sow in spring.I think you're absolutely 't be rude to him.I only give pigs to early works from dawn to swore that they would rid the country of its was up before dawn, ridding the world of 's degree in hand, he headed for a buddy's ranch here we're gonna get a lot of rain this month.I have a particular fondness for pop doll is pretty, but too you go to the pet shop with me?Hay is stored in the 're really the typical abnt-minded professor.例句翻译索门赛特郡没有什么特别的地方。竟有这么多的人缺席,这使人惊讶。那是正常班机还是包机?事实显而易见。它发育不良。发育不良的小猪是另一回事。他是一位天生的篮球运动员。新的领导人将改革不公正的制度。你怎么能如此无情呢?有11只小猪,但却只有10个奶头。农民在春天犁地播种。我认为你完全错了。不要对他粗暴无礼。早起的小孩才有猪养。他从黎明工作到深夜。他们发誓要为国家除掉军事统治者。芬恩天还没亮就起来了,维护世界的正义。取得硕士学位后,他准备去塔克森的一个好友的农场。说是这个月会下很多场雨。我特别喜欢流行歌曲。这洋娃娃很漂亮,但是太大了。你跟我一起去宠物店吗?干草储存在谷仓里。你真是典型的心不在焉的教授。
What kind of stuff do you have in your bag?Cars, for instance, u a lot of river was smelly are training the dogs to sniff out . For that, this barn needed a is sick in was a little hay and a little corn speaker is apparently unaware that rat is a is obviously intelligent.I was lucky to get him instead of dolphin.你包里装的什么东西?例如,汽车要消耗大量汽油。如今这条河臭气熏天。他们正在训练这些狗嗅出毒品。不,这个谷仓需要一只猪。她卧病在床。只剩下一点儿干草和玉米了。发言人显然没有注意到老鼠是一种社会公害。很明显,他是一个聪明的人。我幸而捉到的是他,不是海豚。With two men on ba, Steve hit a 3-run homer.垒上有两人,史蒂夫击出三分全垒打。The army was in full retreat. Don't retreat, pig! Giddyup!Not the smokehou!Here you go, y. Eat it out for lives in a solitary a fuss about nothing!It was stupid of me to go bungee nur stuck the needle into my eart, it sounded-ounded almost like you explanation sounds reasonable.军队已全线撤退。别后退,小猪!转圈跑!别去熏制室!好了,小猪。好孩子,吃吧。被泔水吸引。他住在一个偏远的县里。真是大惊小怪!我居然去蹦极,真是太蠢了。护士把针扎进我的胳膊。亲爱的,就像你说的。他的解释听起来合情合理。
A flash of lightning struck the typhoon wiped out the area was struck by an outbreak of barn was struck by an outbreak of people have naturally frizzy spider did a heck of a silence implied was a bloody contribution did you make to your company?一道闪电击中了那棵树。台风吹毁了这个城市。该地区突然发生了霍乱。这个牲口棚突然发生了痢疾。有的人长着天然卷发。那蜘蛛干的不错。他的沉默不语意味着同意了。那是一场血腥的战争。你对公司有什么贡献?牛排?And is that your contribution to society, you gassy rib eyes?那你对社会的贡献呢,你的所谓的肋眼How many ribs does a man have?Filthy hairball!Filthy hairball!The heap of dirty clothes is for the lintball!My zip is 's very steep here and the surface is a little itty-bitty way you taught was so cute.A white rabbit with pink eyes ran by the chance, otherwi you'll regret had roast goo for dinner last e what's good for the goo is good for the gander.I have a pain in the white wool gloves lay in her lap.一个人有多少条肋骨?脏兮兮的毛团!脏兮兮的毛团!这堆脏衣服是要送洗衣店的。脏毛团!我的拉链卡住了。这儿很陡,而且地面有点滑。小-小猪。你教课的方式好可爱喔。一只粉红眼睛的小白兔从她身边跑过。抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。我们昨天晚餐吃了烤鹅。因为母鹅的责任就是公鹅的责任。我胃痛。她的一副白羊毛手套放在膝上。
Well, for us there's this whole smell-of-wet-wool y!It ems the pig slop has brought out the n, moldy chee, half-eaten you care for an appetizer or chee?Did I have salami last night?Yep. I guess I you guess his age?Can you reduce the price?How charming you are!The were disgusting pay for equal work is valid.对我们来说只有产羊毛的事,可怕!看上去猪的泔水引来了啮齿动物。爆米花,发霉的奶酪,吃了一半的三明治。你要开胃菜还是乳酪?昨天晚上我是不是吃的意大利腊肠?是.我猜我是。你能猜出他的年龄吗?你能减价吗?你真迷人!这些是令人憎恶的鸟。同工同酬是正确的。Gee! What a nice puppy!Our dog likes to gnaw a thought him to be a put it in a nutshell, we are gun can fire invisible , I'm nocturnal, which means I work at night.哇!多漂亮的小狗啊!我们的狗喜欢啃骨头。他们认为他是一个间谍。简单地说,我们破产了。这枪能发出看不见的射线。不,我在夜间活动,也就是说我在夜间工作。I began to concentrate all of my rearch on birds and their我开始集中精力研究鸟和鸟的歌声。 can conver tomorrow.我们可以明天再谈。He's like a freak of 's the steamed corn bread.他像是一个怪物。这是窝头。I wasn't drooling, was I?我没流口水吧?
She sucked the lemonade through a thing is creepy!They eat their , I give him a little nip to anesthetize , I give him a little nip to anesthetize wrap it as a moves with the natural grace of a photo is too pail will hold four royal party drove to the palace.I am a is a bug in the inct has a 's a very fancy pair of shoes!她用吸管吸柠檬水。那东西很恐怖!他们把自己的配偶吃掉。首先,我刺他一下好麻痹他。首先,我刺他一下好麻痹他。请把它当作礼物包起来。她的动作具有芭蕾舞演员自然优雅的风姿。你的照片太模糊了。这桶能盛四加仑。皇室成员一行驱车到皇宫去。我是个补猎者。系统有一个小问题。这种昆虫有刺。那是一双非常别致的鞋!You must not despi a man becau he is horror film was about a hideous we even eing the same ruddy creature?Ignorance of the law is no 's an old expression that says that ignorance is bliss.I incline to the view that we should take no action at ball rolled down the filled with endless conversation between the twounlikeliest of friends.I thought it meant bouncy.你不能因一个人贫穷而轻视他。这个出名的电影讲的是一个恐怖的怪物。我们见过这么讨厌的生物吗?不懂法律不是借口。有句老话说得好,无知便是福。我倾向于认为我们在这个阶段不应采取行动。球滚下了山。在两个最不相像的朋友之间天天是没完没了的交谈。那就是欢快的。
One day, the ducklings hatched thieves hatched a plan to rob the dress looks marvelous on you.A breeze murmured in the spinning sign was revolving round and round in this be a dud?Keep away from rotten add it to that nasty-asty collection of gave her aunt a quick peck on the cheek.有一天,小鹅孵出来了。这些小偷策划抢劫银行。你穿上那件衣服真是太漂亮了。树林中微风沙沙作响。旋转的标志牌在风中打着旋儿。这个是不是坏蛋?别吃腐烂的蔬菜。作为你乱七八糟的收藏吧。她在姑姑的脸颊上匆匆吻了一下。Something in the kitchen really stinks, but I do not want to厨房里有什么东西臭了,但我不想进去找出是什么。go in and find out the devil at work the days?Here, gross national product incread 5 percent last wasn't too scary for a the yolk's on tomatoes aren't ripe enough to , ingrates! I saved the leggy lady's life. I saved the leggy lady's life.I know. Ironic, isn't it?Will you be able to cure him, Doctor?Check out that yummy people don't like out that sizzling 's still roast chestnuts in Paris were all in blossom.这几天工作真见鬼了吗?来吧,小蜘蛛。去年的国民生产总值提高了百分之五。对一部恐怖电影来说那一点儿也不可怕。蛋黄在我身上。那些西红柿不够熟,不能吃。对,忘恩负义的。我救了长胶女士的命。我救了长脚女士的命。我知道,是反讽,对不对?医生,你能把他治好吗?看那美味的香肠。很多人不喜欢香肠。看那流油的培根。还有点烤牛肉。巴黎的栗树全都开花了。
As he watched them the men became nervous road was blocked by a huge told the first rgeant of headquarters company to givehim a detail of 's ridiculous to sing songs that you don't goes to my head and perks me arms swung as he loop of wire was still around his right doctors said her recovery was a 's nothing short of a bona fide made some pictures of the divinities of had to listen to a long rmon about not 's a at such an ungodly hour!Humans have very short attention vast slaughters have since become need something snappy, like "pig supreme."The proportion of boys to girls in our school is 2 to the fireworks off the were to gather fresh leaves and berries for her bed.I can crochet a doily.I can crochet a the hinge, the gate is 's pearl pin matches her dark dress a stainless steel bust.I noticed the hinge pin’s busted on the damper in thesmokehou.在他的监视下,这些人变得紧张,笨手笨脚。道路被一块巨石堵住了。他叫直属连里当家的上士给他抽调了一队人。唱歌却不懂歌的意思是很可笑的。血液倒流到头部让我振作。他边走边摆动手臂。他右拳上仍然挽着那圈电线。医生说她的康复是个奇迹。这真是个伟大的奇迹。他画了几幅印度教中的神像。我们必须去听关于不要浪费金钱的长篇说教。他就快死了。而且是在这么个让人难受的时间!人类的关注时间很短。此后,这些大规模的屠杀变得臭名昭著。需要活泼点的,比如“最后的猪”。我们学校男女学生之比是2比3。请勿将烟花爆竹带上飞机。他们要为她的床上采集鲜叶和浆果。我可以钩块桌布。我可以钩块桌布。门发出咯吱声,给铰链上些油吧。珍妮的珍珠胸针和她的深色连衣裙很相称。铸一座不锈钢的胸像。我看到熏制室的挡板上的链条钉子腐烂了。
The hams were cooked don't have any extra power believed that the king was their supreme dragged the heavy chest across the steals my pur steals had a negative view of drove at a terrific you know the tune to this song?Nobody brings around tho scrumptious buckets of can't bring up the whole well with one cue for that will be given at the proper go straight ahead. You'll e it on your waste products are dumped into the had to pay extra for his excess luggage on the should put more effort into your dia spreads are always arguing with each other about the start, the plan was doomed to of the livestock either died due to the famine or waskilled to feed the adopts new techniques in raising you ride a bike?I've got a date with Rita this Saturday can he be in every cornfield?That should be enough to scare any man into grey felt satisfaction at having her ability recognized.这些火腿是整条烹制的。我们没有多余的电源线。他相信国王是他们至高无上的主。他在地板上拉着沉重的箱子。谁偷我的钱包,就等于偷走垃圾。她对待生活是消极的态度。她以极快的速度驱车飞驰。你知道这首歌的曲调吗?没有人会送一桶桶美味的泔水来。你不能用一只桶就把所有井水打上来。这方面的提示将在适当的时候发出。一直往前走,你会在你的右边看到它。废品被倒进箱子里。他乘飞机行李超重时必须要付超重费。你应该更加努力地工作。这种疾病容易传播。我们总是为钱争论不休。这个计划从开始就注定会失败。所有的牲畜不是死于饥荒就是被屠宰掉给村民们吃。他采用新技术来饲养家禽。你会骑自行车吗?这个周六晚上我和丽塔有约会。为什么每块玉米地里都有他。那足以把任何人吓得头发发白。她因自己的才能得到赏识而满足。
The rat is rat is ! my white shirt ture blue!My life's in a real mess!Luckily there was a doctor on the must not make him police t a trap to catch the old professor lived in privacy after his in was a great scientific hing looked radiant in the morning distributed gifts in a gracious novel had a brilliant company wants to keep down labor dish cooked with this gravy is delicious.I don't doubt your in to the muum is free.I'll rustle up some eggs and bacon for 's all right, hon.这只老鼠鬼鬼祟祟的。这只老鼠行为敏捷。哇啊!我的白衬衫变成蓝的了!我的生活真是一团糟!幸运的是现场有一位医生。我们千万不要弄得他走投无路。警察设下了圈套捉拿窃贼。这位老教授退休后过着隐居的生活。爱因斯坦是一个伟大的科学天才。朝阳之下,万物看上去光芒四射。她亲切地分发礼物。这部小说有精彩的情节。公司想降低劳动成本。用这肉汤做的菜非常好吃。我不怀疑你说的话。洗牛奶浴。该博物馆免费参观。我给你弄些鸡蛋和熏肉。没事的,亲爱的。Her hair was tied back with a black 's e if he'll get in the don't drop the garbage on the was litter thrown all over the pavement.A hunk of meat.她的头发用黑缎带扎在后面。让我们看看他会不会进箱子。请不要把垃圾扔在地上。人行道上到处都是扔的垃圾。一大块肉。
I cannot chew my food water is funneled into the of ice cream going sour in the 's bad to spit.I'd like a large popcorn with butter and a medium cola, fingers are sticky with made me made me gag, the stink of it, especially that deviledegg.我不能很好地咀嚼食物。水通过漏斗被灌进瓶里。滴落的冰淇淋在阳光下发酵。吐痰是不好的行为。我想要一大份奶油爆米花和一中杯可乐。他的手指上因有果酱而发粘。它使我窒息。那臭味几乎让我窒息,特别是那占了很多芥末的蛋。The car bumper hit the and wash that filth off your didn't you give her a good shove?For heaver’s sake, all I want to know is if you're a do wrong for the sake of lion is called the king of beasts.I have never en a 's a Li lives harmoniously with me together. There's a real about "pushy" and "demanding"?My supervisor is so from heaven!Caramel is ud to color and flavor torturing me!I'm absolutely starving.这辆车的保险杠撞到了墙。去把你手上的脏东西洗掉。你为什么不用力推她一把?看在上帝的份上,我只想知道你是不是春天的猪。绝不要为金钱而做坏事。狮子被称为百兽之王。我从未见过河马。他赢定了。艾利与我融洽地生活在一起。这是一个决胜者。“强求的”和“苛刻的”怎么样?我的头儿苛刻极了。天赐甘露。焦糖被用于颜色和风味食品。别折磨我了。我饿极了。
Pork 've thrown away a very promising , not the flamingoes!Abort plans for a corporate fish bone in her throat made her derves to be was ashamed of her humble sat in the grandstand to watch the baball game.A car hit the rear of a truck.I apologize on behalf of the hotel.猪肉皮。你放弃了一个很有前途的职业。哦,不是这两个傻子吧。小小鸟!停止公司的接收计划。她喉咙中的鱼骨使她哽噎。他被解雇是应得的。她对自己卑微的出身感到羞愧。我们坐在看台上观看棒球比赛。汽车撞上了卡车的尾部。我代表饭店道歉。How are you forks?British colonies were ruled by 's a little token of my is the general amazement at the murder.你家里人好吗?英国的殖民地由总督统治。这是我的一点小礼,聊表寸心。对这场谋杀案,人们普遍感到惊骇。In a time when we really don't e many miraculous things.当我们不常看到奇迹发生。There's no denying that our own little Wilbur。This is my magnum n metals are attracted to a 's a nutrient-filled, waterproof egg shoes were far from being doctor informed us that something had punctured thesac inside my body.I have no choice. I'm languishing.I twisit my foot.这是不可否认的我们的小威尔伯。这是我的伟大作品。某些金属会受磁石的吸引。这是一个防水的有营养的蛋囊。他的鞋子一点儿也不防水。医生告诉我们有什么东西刺破了我体内的液囊。我没的选择,我越来越虚弱。我把脚扭伤了。
The slice of beef is taken from the interrupted the gorging of a lifetime so you could be"humble"?When exactly did the incident occur?She shows little appreciation for good music. You'll get dibs on my slop for the rest of my often land on my window was awarded a medal for take a clor old lady received him with unusual occasion calls for a cool head.A spring pig saw his first then, the first buds of plane circled the airport before landing.I just want to scoop them up and hug them all.这块牛肉取自牛的后腿。是谁终其奔波劳累让你能变得“谦逊的”?这一事件究竟是什么时候发生的?她对好音乐没有多少欣赏力。以后你有权利先吃我的泔水。小鸟经常停落在我窗台上。她因勇敢而获得奖章。请仔细看看。老夫人以前所未有的热情接待了他。这种场合需要冷静的头脑。一头春天的猪看到了他生命中的第一场雪。然后,春天来了。飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。我想把它们都挖出来,抱在怀里。A word or gesture of welcome or n was trembling as if she had en a initial talks were the ba of the later agreement.I don't think the suggestion is very and dumb people u sign language.问候,招呼一个欢迎或致敬的词语或姿态。莉莲直发抖,就像见了鬼似的。最初的会谈是后来达成协议的基础。我认为这个建议不太合情理。聋哑人使用手语。You have chon a hallowed doorway in which to spin your你们选择了一个神圣的门口来织自己的网。 the doorway stood a man with a have pledged that they will always remain faithful toeach gal was behind acid for about a need a few scraps of paper for inspiration。门口站着一个持枪的男人。他们发誓永远忠于对方。这个姑娘服用毒品大约已有一个星期了。你们需要一些碎纸屑激发灵感。
You look very fetching in that hat with the purple have surrounded the town.你戴上那顶帽子配上这紫色衣服显得非常动人。部队已经包围了城镇。The king granted the nobility land in the eastern part of the国王授予贵族该国东部的土地。country.
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