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许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课





(一) 课文:


Long, long ago there lived in Greece a king who name was Midas. He was a greedy man

and loved gold better than anything el in the world.

One day he asked the gods to give him still more gold. The gods decided to punish him and

said: “ Very well; in the morning everything that you touch will become gold.”

Midas was overjoyed when he heard this. “ I shall be the richest man in the world,” he said

to himlf.

He got up early next morning. When he touched his bed, it turned to gold. He began to dress,

and his clothes became gold. Midas was delighted.

Midas loved flowers and kept a beautiful garden. He went into the garden to look at his

flowers. The day was fine, the sun was bright and the ros were lovely. The king picked one of

them, but it turned to gold in his hand. He picked another, and the same thing happened. He was

sorry that the flowers changed as soon as he touched them, for he loved their rich colours.

The king went to have his breakfast. He took a cup of milk, but it immediately turned to gold.

Then he took a piece of bread, and that also changed into gold. Midas now began to feel unhappy.

It was good to be the richest man in the world, but he was hungry, and he could not eat or drink


Midas went out into the garden again. His little daughter was there. When she saw her

father, she ran up to him. King Midas was very fond of his daughter and he kisd her tenderly.

Then and there she turned into a golden statue.

Midas was now very unhappy. He went into his palace. His eyes filled with tears, and he

begged the gods to take away the Golden Touch.

“ I was very foolish to love gold so much,” he said, “ Take all my gold and give me back my


“Go,” said the gods, “ and wash your hands in the river near your garden, and the water will

take away the Golden Touch.”

Midas went to the river and washed his hands. Then he ran quickly to the golden statue of

his little girl. He kisd her again and she changed back into his pretty little daughter.

Midas never forgot this lesson. He knew now that gold did not bring happiness.


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

(二) 课文译文














(三) DIALOGUE: (新课文对话)


Customs officer: May I e your passport, dimbarkation card and customs forms?

Wang: Yes, here they are.

Customs officer: Anything dutiable?

Wang: Well, I’ve brought with me tow bottles of Chine liquor and a carton of cigarette.

Customs officer: That’s OK. Plea open the suitca. What’s in this container?

Wang: Oh, some Chine medicine for my stomach trouble.

Customs officer: All right. You may clo it now.

Wang: Am I through?

Customs officer: Yes, you may go. Good luck!


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

(四) 新课文对话译文:











(五) 旧课文对话:


A. It’s nearly time to go to bed. What are you going out for, comrade?

B. I’m going to fetch some boiled water.

A. Why, there is still plenty in this thermos bottle here.

B. Is there? Thanks, ( He has a drink of water. ) I was a bit thirsty just now.

A. By the way, is the steam on? I feel rather cold.

B. Oh, it’s my fault. I forgot to turn it on when I came in.

A. No wonder the room is like an ice-box, ( He goes and turns it on.)

B. How much time is there before the bell? Is there enough time to wash a few things?

A. The bell will ring in a minute. Oh, there it goes. Time for bed, everybody. I’ll turn the

light off.

(六) 旧课文对话译文:


A. 快到睡觉的时间了。,你要干什么?

B. 我要去拿些开水来。

A. 为什么,这个热水瓶里还有很多呢。

B. 有吗?谢谢,(他喝了一点水)刚才我有点口渴。

A. 顺便问一下,蒸汽是开着的吗?我觉得很冷。

B. 哦,这是我的错。我进来时忘了打开它。

A. 难怪房间像一个冰柜,(他去把它打开。)

B. 铃响之前还有多长时间?有足够的时间洗几样东西吗?

A. 钟一会儿就响。哦,它响了。各位,睡觉时间到了。我把灯关掉。


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

(七) Exerci:(练习)

1. Answer the following questions(课文问答)

1) Who was Midas? What kind of man was he?

Midas was king in Greece. He was a greedy man and loved gold better than anything

el in the world.

2) What did he ask of the gods one day?

He asked the gods to give him still more gold.

3) What happened next morning?

He touched his bed and it them turned to gold. He began dressing, and his clothes

became gold.

4) Did he keep a beautiful garden? What happened when he went there? Was he glad

that the flowers changed into gold?

Yes. He picked one a ro and it turned to gold. He picked another, and the same thing

happened. No, he was sorry.

5) What happened at breakfast? How did he feel when he found he could not eat or

drink gold?

As he took a cup of milk at breakfast, it immediately turned to gold. When he took a

piece of bread, and that also changed into gold. Midas began to feel unhappy, becau

he was hungry, and could not eat or drink.

6) Midas had a daughter, hadn’t he ? What happened to her when he kisd her?

Yes, he had . When he kisd her, she turned into a golden statue.

7) What did he think of the Golden Touch now? What did he decide to do then?

Midas was now very unhappy, he begged the gods to take away the Golden Touch.

8) What did the gods tell him to do?

The gods tell him wash his hands in the river near his garden, and the water will take

away the Golden Touch.

9) Did his daughter come to life at once? What lesson did Midas learn?

Yes, she come. He learned that the gold did not bring happiness.

2. Analyze the following ntences, then translate them into Chine:(分析句子成分并翻译)


1) Is this the book you want?

Is this the book[you want]?


2) The film we saw last night was about the War of Liberation.

The film [we saw last night ]was about the War of Liberation.


3) Is there anyone el in your class who would like to go with us?


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

Is there anyone el in your class [who would like to go with us]?


4) Once there live a king who name was Midas.

Once there live a king[ who name was Midas].


5) The hou that stands at the foot of the hill is a rest-home for workers.

The hou[ that stands at the foot of the hill] is a rest-home for workers.


6) He told us a story, which moved many of us to tears.

He told us a story, [which moved many of us to tears. ]


7) I often think about the days when he was with us.

I often think about the days [when he was with us. ]


8) We plan to visit the village where we worked last summer.

We plan to visit the village [where we worked last summer. ]


3. Develop the following word-groups into ntences:(用已有词组造句)

Example: the farm tool factory they built in 1958

The farm tool factory they built in 1958 has been a great help to the commune.

This is the farm tool factory they built in 1958.

They took us to e the farm tool factory they built in 1958.

1) The question David asked

The question David asked was very interesting.(戴维提的问题很有趣)

This is the question was David asked. (这个问题是戴维提的)

Who could answer the question David asked?( 谁能回答戴维提的问题)

2) The poem she recited

The poem she recited was written by herlf.(她朗诵的诗是她自已写的)

This is the poem she recited. (这是她朗诵的诗。)

We admired the poem she recited.(我们赞赏她朗诵的诗。)

3) The story he told

The story he told was about a beautiful girl.(他讲的故事是关于一个漂亮女孩的。)

Did you understand the story he told?(你明白他说的故事吗?)

Everybody was very interested in (对…感兴趣) the story by he told. (每个人都对他讲的故事很感兴趣。)

4) The girl who sat next to Peter

The girl who sat next to Peter was his sister. (坐在彼得旁边的那个女孩是他的姐姐。)

This is the girl who t next to peter. (这个女孩坐在彼得旁边)


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

Did you recognize the girl who sat to peter? (你认识坐在彼得身边的那个女孩吗?)

5) The pictures you took there

The pictures you took there came out quite nicely. 你拍的照片非常漂亮

The are the pictures you took there.这些是你拍的照片。

May I have a look the pictures you took ?我可以看一下你拍的照片吗?

6) The novel I told you about

The novel I told you about was published a year ago.(我和你说的那本小说在一年前出版了)。

This is the novel I told you about.(这本就是我和你说起的小说)

I am sure you have read the novel I told you about.(我敢确定,你看过我和你说的那本小说)

7) The play we saw that night

The play we saw that night was a great success. (那天晚上我们看的戏非常成功。)

This is the play we saw that night. (这就是那天晚上我们看的戏。)

I shall never forget the play we saw that night. (我永远不会忘记那天晚上我们看的那出戏。)

8) The man who is speaking to Mr. Li.

The man who is speaking to Mr. Li is our new teacher. (正在和李先生讲话的那个人是我们的新老师。)

This is the man who is speaking to Mr. Li. (这就是和李先生讲话的那个人。)

Do you still remember this man who is speaking to Mr. Li? (你还记得和李先生说话的那个人吗?)

4. Construct short dialogues after the model, using words given below.(用下面的词造句)


- Which picture is more beautiful: the one on the right or the one on the left?

- The one on the right is more beautiful.

- What do you think of the one in the middle?

- It is more beautiful than the other two. I think it the most beautiful of all.

1) the green pencil, the red pencil, the blue pencil, short(long)

Which pencil is longer: the green pencil or the red pencil?

The green pencil is longer.

What do you think of the blue pencil?

It is longer than the other two. I think it the longest of all.


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

2) our classroom, our dormitory, the reading room, big (small)

Which classroom is smaller , our classroom or our dormitory?

Our dormitory is small.

What do you think of the reading room?

It is smaller than other two. I think it the smallest of all.

3) Lesson 25, Lesson 26, Lesson27, long, difficult, interesting

Which Lesson is more difficult: Lesson 25 or Lesson 26?

The Lesson 25 is more difficult.

What do you think of the Lesson 27?

It is more difficult than other two. I think it the most difficult of all.

4) Jack, Tom, John, tall (short), old(young), fond of sports, active in class, ready to help


Who is more ready to help others: Jack or Tom?

Tom is more ready to help others.

What do you think of John?

He is more ready to help others than other two. I think he is the most ready to help other.

5. Form questions after the given models, then answer them:(按例句提问并回答)


- What do you do when you have a question to ask in class?

- I rai my hand.

1) be thirsty, go and get something to drink

What do you do when you are thirsty?

I’ll go and get something to drink.

2) feel cold, put on more clothes

What do you do when you feel cold?

I’ll put on more clothes.

3) feel tired, take a little rest

What do you do when you fell tired?

I’ll take a little rest.

4) clothes get dirty, clean (or wash) them

What do you do when your clothes get dirty?

I’ll clean them.


- It’s time for lunch, isn’t it?

- Yes. Let’s go to the dining-hall.

1) morning exercis, go out and do them

It’s time for morning exercis, isn’t it ?

Yes, Let’s go out and do them.


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

2) oral practice, begin

It’s time for oral practice, isn’t it?

Yes, Let’s begin.

3) physical labour, go to the farm

It’s time for physical labour, isn’t it?

Yes, Let’s go to the farm.

4) political study, go to Classroom 203

It’s time for political study, isn’t it?

Yes, Let’s go to Classroom 203.

6. Give English equivalents of the following:(中译英)






















7. Translate the following ntences into English:(中译英)

1) 对不起,我忘了把你要的杂志带来了。(forget, bring)

I am sorry, I forgot to bring the magazine that you wanted.























a piece of pager/a note/a slip of paper

a cake of soap

a piece of bread

a cup of tea

a bottle of ink

a cup of milk

a box of sweets

a bowl of rice

a pair of chopsticks


golden sunshine

rich colours

pretty children / lovely children

Sweet Flowers

a wonderful film

a splendid hou

a wide River

a grand building /a magnificent building

a strong Soldier /a staunch fighter


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课

2) 还有什么别的东西你想告诉我们吗?(el)

Do you have anything el to tell us.

3) 这是我们参观过的博物馆中最精彩的。

This is one of the best muum which we have visited.

4) 请你谈一谈解放后那里发生的变化。(tell )

Plea tell us about the changes that have taken place there in the past liberation.

5) 电影马上就要开演了,你们别走开。(in a minute, away)

The film is going to begin in a minute, don’t be away.

6) 我们决定请更多的来帮助我们进行这项工作。(more, help with)

We decided to ask more comrades to help with this job.

7) 椅子不够,咱们去搬几把来。(haven’t got, fetch)

We haven’t got enough chairs, let’s go and fetch a few more.

8) 开会的时间到了,咱们把无线电关上吧。(begin, turn off)

It time to begin the meeting . Let’s turn off the radio.

8. Oral practice:

(A) Talk about the picture.看图说话:

Desk chair bookca window lamp box paper envelope ink bottle

knife picture pen shelf book flower wall curtain drawer

above under between dictionary small clean tidy nice


This is my room. It’s small and nice. There is a desk under the window. And a chair

in front of it. The window and the curtains were opened. There is a lamp above the

desk. There are something on the desk, they’re a ink bottle , a pen, a piece of paper ,an

envelope, and a knife. This is becau I’ll write a letter to my friend. Oh, look there,

there are some flowers on the desk, they are so beautiful.

The wall is very white. There is a picture on the wall. It is my photo. Over there,

there is a bookca near the desk. I usually clean my room everyday. So it is very tidy.


许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课



(B)Say a few words about any one of the following topics:

1) King Midas in his garden.

He went into his garden. Becau he love a beautiful flowers. But the ro turned

into gold in his hand, when he picked it. The king picked another, the same thing

happened. The flowers changed into gold, too.

2) King Midas in breakfast.

The king went to have his breakfast. He took a cup of milk, it turned into gold,

Then he took a piece of break, and that also changed into gold.

3) King Midas and his daughter.

The king very fond of his pretty daughter. But when he kisd her tenderly, his

daughter turned into a golden statue.

(八) Reading material:(阅读材料)


A farmer’s daughter was once carrying her pail of milk from the field to the farmhou

when she began to think and plan. “I will ll this milk,” she said to herlf, “and with the

money I can surely buy three hundred eggs. I will put the eggs under hens, and surely

two hundred and fifty of them will hatch. I will feed the chickens, and make them fat,

and I will take them to the market when chickens are dear. I will ll them at the market,

and with this money, I will buy a new dress. In this dress, I will go to the fair. I shall look so

fine that all the young men will ask me to marry them. But I will toss my head, and refu

them all. “ As she said this, she really tosd her head. Down fell the pail, and the milk

spilled all over the ground. That was the end of all her fine plans.

The moral of this story is : Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

(九) 阅读理解译文:



许国璋英语第二册(含课文、对话、阅读、课后练习及答案) 第二课




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