包装印刷:package printing
包装印刷工艺:printing technology of package
包装印后加工工艺:Post-press finishing technology of package
等离子体处理:plasma treatment
电晕处理:corona treatment
化学处理:chemical treatment
光化学处理:light treatment
涂层处理:coating treatment
防静电处理:anti-electronic treatment
平版印刷:planographic printing
凸版印刷:relief printing
柔性版印刷:flexographic printing
凹版印刷:gravure printing
孔板印刷:permeographic printing
网版印刷:screen printing
数字印刷:digital printing
喷墨印刷:ink jet printing
组合印刷:component printing
纸张包装印刷:paper packaging printing
纸张印刷:paper printing
纸板印刷:paperboard printing
塑料包装印刷:plastic packaging printing
金属包装印刷:metal packaging printing
玻璃印刷:glass printing
标签印刷:label printing
软管印刷:collapsible tube printing
覆膜:film laminating
烫印:hot fill stamping
模切:die cutting
分切: slitting
食品包装容器:food packaging container
食品包装材料:food packaging articles
食品包装辅助材料:auxiliary food packaging article
食品包装辅助物:food packaging auxiliary
塑料包装容器:Plastic container
塑料箱:Plastic bin
塑料周转箱:Plastic circulating bin
钙塑瓦楞箱:Plastic calp bin
塑料保温箱:Plastic heat insulated bin
塑料杯:Plastic bottle
塑料袋:Plastic bag
非复合薄膜袋:Single-ply film bag
复合薄膜袋:Laminated film bag
塑料编织袋:Plastic woven bag
复合塑料编织袋:Laminated plastic woven bag
塑料杯:Plastic cup
塑料盘:plastic plate
塑料盒:Plastic box
塑料桶:Plastic drum
塑料罐:plastic can
塑料盆:plastic bin
塑料筐:plastic basket
纸包装容器:Paper container
纸袋:Paper bag
折叠纸盒:Folding carton
固定纸盒:Fixed carton
淋膜纸盒:Coated paper carton
纸杯:paper cup
纸罐: paper can
纸餐具:Paper-made dishware
玻璃包装容器:glass container
玻璃杯:glass jar
复合罐:Composite canister
复合盒:Composite box
复合袋:Composite bag
陶瓷包装容器:ceramic package vesl
陶器:Pottery vesl
金属包装容器;metal container
金属罐:metal can
两片罐:two- piece can
三片罐:three-piece can
金属桶:metal bucket
金属盒:metal carton
铝箔容器:Aluminum foil container
木质包装容器:Wooden container
木箱:wooden ca
木盒;wooden box
木桶:wooden barrel
竹材包装容器:bamboo container
草类编织容器:grass woven container
搪瓷容器:enamel container
纤维容器:Fiber-made container
布袋:fabric bag
麻袋:jute bag
人造纤维袋:artificial fiber bag
合成纤维袋:Synthetic fiber bag
塑料包装材料:plastic packing article
塑料膜:plastic film
非复合塑料膜:single-ply film
复合塑料膜:laminated film
食品保鲜膜:cling film for food wrapping
塑料肠衣膜:sausage casing
塑料片:plastic sheet
纸包装材料:paper wrapping article
半透明纸:transluent paper
食品羊皮纸:parchment for food
茶叶袋滤纸:filter paper for teabag
鸡皮纸:cartridge paper
铝箔:aluminum foil
油墨:printing ink
密封物:Closure material
软木塞:Cork plug
密封垫:Closure liner
迁移量:Migration quantity
总迁移限量:Overall migration limit
特定迁移限量:Specific migration limit
最大残留限量:Maximum residue limit
蒸发残渣:Evaporation residue
重金属迁移量:Heavy metal migration limit
荧光性物质:Fluorescent substances
急性毒性试验:Acute toxicity test
亚慢性毒性试验:subacute toxicity test
慢性毒性试验:Chronic toxicity test
运输包装:transport package
工业包装:industrial package
销售包装:consumer package
商业包装:commercial package
硬质包装:rigid package
软包装:flexible package
透明包装:transparent package
可折叠包装:collapsible package
可拆卸包装:discountable package
便携包装:carrier pack
系列包装;ries package
配套包装:t package
局部包装:part package
避开包装:open package
托盘包装:palletizing packaging
捆扎包装:strapping package
盘卷包装;drum package
单元货物:unit loads
危险品包装:dangerous goods package
散伙包装:bulk packaging
集合包装:asmbly packaging
适度包装:appropriate packaging
初始包装:original package
儿童防护包装:child-resistant package
单体包装:individual packaging
一次性包装:portion package
可重复利用容器:returnable container
环保包装:environmentally conscious packaging
无菌包装:aptic packaging
配送包装:distribution packaging
包装模数:package module
包装系统:packaging system
包装功能:function of package
包装设计:package design
包装工艺:package process
包装机械:packaging machinery
填充机:filling machine
封口机:aling machine
裹包机:wrapping machine
标签机:labeling machine
清洗机:cleaning machine
干燥机:drying machine
杀菌机: sterilization machine
捆扎机:strapping machine
集装机:machine for the asmbly of unit load
防护包装:protective packaging
防水包装:water proof packaging
防潮包装:moistureproof packaging
防霉包装:mouldproof packaging
防静电包装:electrostaticsproof packaging
防锈包装:rustproof packaging
缓冲包装:cushioning packaging
防磁包装:magnetic field-resistant packaging
防辐射包装:Radiation resistant packaging
防虫包装:inct-resistant packaging
再生材料:recovered materials
木质包装:Wooden packaging
寿命周期分析:life cycle asssment
胶带:gummed tape
护棱:edge protector
护角:corner protector
包装检验:package inspection
包装试验:package test
压力试验:compression test
堆码试验:stacking test
跌落试验:drop test
垂直冲击试验:vertical impact test
危险物冲击试验:Hazard impact test
集中冲击试验:concentrated impact test
重复冲击试验:repetitive shock test
水平冲击试验:horizontal impact test
斜面冲击试验:incline impact test
掉摆试验:pendulum test
可控水平冲击试验:controlled horizontal impact test
碰撞试验:Bump test
滚动试验:Rolling test
振动试验:Vibration test
定频振动试验:Constant frequency vibration test
变频振动试验:Variable frequency vibration test
随机振动试验:Random vibration test
车辆模拟振动试验:Vehicle simulate vibration test
起吊试验:Hoisting test
倾翻试验:Toppling test
单元货物稳定性试验:Unit loads stability test
夹紧搬运试验:Clamp handle test
耐候试验:Weather resistance test
高温试验:High temperature test
低温试验:Low temperature test
湿温度交变试验:Temperature and humidity alternate change test
湿温度冲击试验:Temperature and humidity rapid change test
风淋试验:Wind and rain test
浸水试验:Water immersion test
渗漏试验:Leakage test
长霉试验:Mould growth test
透水性试验:Water permeability test
气密试验:Air-tight test
液压试验:Hydraulic test
加载装置:Exert load t
喷淋装置:Water spray t
冲击台:impact table
定量数据:Quantitative data
无菌装置:Aptic packaging
湿度指示卡:Humidity indicator card
气相缓冲剂:Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor
可剥性塑料:Strippable plastics
包装组分:packaging component
包装成分:packaging constituent
化学分解:chemical degradation
光降解:Photo degradation
机械分解:mechanical degradation
热降解:Thermal degradation
主要燃料:Principal fuel
次要燃料:Secondary fuel
维持燃料:Support fuel
垃圾燃料:Refu derived fuel
本文发布于:2024-02-11 10:46:32,感谢您对本站的认可!
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