(法理、法制史)Jurisprudence, History of Legal Systems
按照法律规定:according to law
按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper
share of the credit
按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper
share of the debt
案例教学法:ca system
案例汇编:ca book; ca report; law report
被视为:be deemed as
被宣布为非法:be outlawed; be declared illegal
比较法:comparative law
比较法学:comparative jurisprudence
比较法学派:school of comparative jurisprudence
比较法制史: comparative legal history
比较分析法:method of comparative analysis
比较刑法:comparative penal law
比较刑法学:comparative penal jurisprudence
必然因果关系:positive causal relationship
边缘法学:borderline jurisprudence
变通办法:adaptation; accommodation
补充规定:supplementary provision
补救办法:remedial measures
不成文法:unwritten law
不动产所在地法律:law of the place where the real property is situated;
lex loci rei immobilisci
不可分割的权利:impartible right
不可抗力 :force majuere
不履行法律义务:non-performance of obligation
不要式行为:informal act
不要因的法律行为:non-causal juristic act
不因实效而丧失的权利:imprescriptible right
不作为:abstain from an act; act of omission
部门法:department law
参照 :consult
参照具体情况: in the light of actual conditions
参照原文: consult the original
亚里士多德: Aristotle
柏拉图: Plato
德拉古: Draco
盖尤斯: Gaius
西塞罗: Marcus Tullius Cicero
乌尔比安 Ulpianus
罗马皇帝优士丁尼一世: Justinian I
乌尔比安: Ulpianus
西塞罗: Marcus Tullius Cicero
优士丁尼皇帝: Justinian《罗马法律汇编》:Roman Digest
《民法大全》:Corpus Juris Civilis
优士丁尼法典: the Codex Justinianus
《优士丁尼民法大全》(《国法大全》):Corpus Juris Civilis
《十二表法》: Twelve Tables
拿破仑法典: The Code Napolean
《日耳曼法》:Germanic law
《教会法大全》Corpus Juris Canonici
《汉穆拉比法典》: Code of Hammurabi
《保护人权与基本自由公约》(1950) :Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950 (罗)
查士丁尼法典:Code Justinian; Codex Justinianus
查士丁尼法规汇编: Authenticum
《德国民法典》:German Civil code
《大宪章》(1215) :Great Charter, 1215(英)
欧洲大陆法: continental law
南京条约: (1843) Treaty of Nanking, 1843
罗马-日耳曼法系: Roman-Germanic family
罗马私法: Jus Privatum
罗马法学派: school of Romanists
家庭法: family law
教会法: canon law
罗马法理学: jurisprudential
教会法学家 decretalists
罗马法:Roman Law; Jus Romanum
罗马法系: Roman-Law System
(古罗马的)元老院: the Senate
超出法律范围的:outside of law
超过权限: exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction
成文法: written law
冲突法: conflict of laws; rules of conflict
冲突规则: conflict rule; rule of conflict
除(本法)另有规定外: except for otherwi stipulated (by this law)
除外条款: provisory clau
除外责任条款: exclusion clau
触犯公共利益: encroach on the public interests
触犯国际利益: go against the state’s interests
触犯人民利益: encroach on the interests of the people; go against the
people’s interests
传统法律观念: traditional ideas of law
纯粹法学: pure theory of law
次要法规: by law
次要规则: condary rule
从宽解释原则: doctrine of liberal construction
从权利: accessory right
达到法定年龄: come of age
大法: the fundamental law
大法官: Lord High Chancellor
大陪审团 grand jury
大法官法院:Court of Chancery
大陆法系: Continental Legal System
大律师: barrister
《大明律》:Criminal Law of the Ming Dynasty (中)
《大清律例》:the Criminal Laws of the Qing Dynasty (中)
单行法规: specific regulations
单一法律体系: unitary legal system
单一制政府: unitary government
但书: proviso
当代法学动向:current trend of jurisprudence
当然解释: natural interpretation
党纪国法:party discipline and the law of the country
道德规范:norm of morality
道德义务: moral obligation
第二读: cond reading
第三读: third reading
二元论:the dualistic theory
二元君主立宪制: dual constitutional monarchy system
二元论: the dualistic theory
二元制: bicameral system
法的本质: the nature of law
法的变化:changes of law
法的定义:definition of law
法的发展:development of law
法的分类: divisions of law
法律概念: legal concept
法的概念: concepts of law
法的规范作用:normalized usage of law
法的继承:succession of law
法律的理想:ideal of law
法律的权威: authority of law
法律的失效:lap of law
法律的实施:administration of law; law enforcement
法律的适用:application of law
法律的统一: unification of law
法律的推定: presumption of law
法律的推理: analogy of law
法律的完整性: integrity of law
法律的效力范围: force’s scale of law
法律的效力形式: force’s form of law
法律的修改:alteration of law
法律的演进: evolutin of law
法律的原理: principle of law
法律地位平等:equal in legal status
法律对人的效力:personal act of law
编纂法律方法: legal methodology
法律分类: classification of law
法律赋予权力: authority conferred by law
法律改革: law reform
法律根据: legal basis
法律工作者: legal professional
法律关系:legal relation
法律关系的运行: process of legal relation
法律关系客体: object of legal relation
法律关系主体: subject of legal relation
法律规定:provisions of law
法律规范: norm of law
法律规范的逻辑结构: logical structure of legal rule
法律规则体系: system of legal rules
法律含义: intendment of law
法律另有规定:otherwi stipulated by law
法律现象:legal phenomenon
法律研究:legal rearch
法律要件: legal requirement
法律依据: legal basis
法律意见: legal advice
法律意见书:legal opinion
法律意识: law-consciousness
法律意义: legal n
法律用语: legal language
法律与正义先验论: a prior theory of law and justice
法律渊源: source of law
法律原本注释: gloss
法律原理: legal doctrines
法律原则: principle of legality
法律援助:legal aid
法律约束: legal binding; legal restraint
法律责任: legal responsibility
法律责任的道义基础: moral basic of legal obligation
法律责任的归结: imputaton of legal responsibility
法律责任的认定: determination of legal responsibility
法律责任的执行: enforcement of legal responsibility
法律责任客体: object of legal responsibility
法律责任主体: subject of legal responsibility
法律哲学:philosophy of law; philosophie du droit (法);philosophia juris
法律政策: policy of the law
法律职业道德: legal ethics
法律指导: legal counl
法律制裁: legal sanction
法律制度: regime of law; legal system
法律秩序: legal order
法律主体资格: capacity as a subject of law
法律主张: proposition of law
法律属地原则: territoriality of laws
法律著述: legal literature
法律专家: legal expert
法律专业: legal profession
法律专著和教科书: legal treati and textbook
法律咨询: legal advice
法律尊严:legal sanctity
法盲: legal illiterates
法权: right
法社会学: sociology of law
法系: legal system
法协会: law society
法学: jurisprudence
法学士: bachelor of law
法学博士: doctor of jurisprudence
法学导论: leading principles of law
法学的范畴体系: the system of categories of jurisprudence
法学的范畴意识: the consciousness of category of jurisprudence
法学的基石范畴: fundamental categories of jurisprudence
法学方法: method of jurisprudence
法学方法论: methodology of jurisprudence
法学院: faculty of law; law school
法学会: law society
法学教科书:law textbooks
法学理论: theory of law; legal theory
法学权威: an academic authority in law
法学体系: system of jurisprudence
法学通论: first principles of law法医: forensic medicine
法医学: forensic medicine
法院: court
法院调查: judicial investigation
法院管辖权: competence of court
法院管辖以外的: extrajudicial
法院判决: court decision
法院系统: court structure
法院组织法: judicature act
法则: articles
法哲学: philosophy of law
法制:legal institution
法制传统: tradition of law system
法制的精神: spirit of legality
法制的尊严: dignity of the legal system
法制观念: legal concept
法制观念淡薄: very weak in the understanding of law
法制教育: legal education; education of legal system
法制史: legal history; history of legal system
法治: rule of law
法治的机制: the mechanism of rule of law
法治的要素: the element of rule of law
非实质的: immaterial
非营利的: non-profit
非约束性条款: permissive provision
废止法律: annulment of law
分别管辖权: parate jurisdiction
分别财产制: paration of property regime
分别规定: parate provision
分担责任: share the responsibility
分工负责,互相配合,互相制约: divide responsibility for their own work;
coordinate their efforts and check each other
分工负责制: division of labor responsibility system
分级管理: different levels holding different responsibilities
分配制度: distribution system
分析法理学: analytical jurisprudence
否决权: power veto; veto power
否认事实: denial of facts
服从法律: amenable to law; subject to the law
服从判决: accept a judgment
符合程序: be in order
符合法律: be in conformity with law
符合原则: be in conformity with the principle
概括裁定: general verdict
概括继承: general succession
干扰司法公正: interference with cour of justice
刚性条款: entrenched clau
岗位责任制: post responsibility system
高度集中: highly centralize
高度民主: high level of democracy
高度自治权: high degree of autonomy
搁置: t aside; abeyance
格式条款: clau of style
公认的行为准则: established standard of conduct
规避法律: in fraud of law
规避义务: evade obligations
规范的法律规则: normative rule of law
规范法学: normative jurisprudence
规范性法律文件: normalizative document of law
规范性法律文件的规范化: normalization of normative legal document
过错方: tort-feasor; wrongdoer
过错推定原则: doctrine of presumption
过错责任: liability for wrongs; tort liability
合并条款: consolidation of provisions
合法的个人财产: legal personal property
合法地位: legal status
合法权益: the lawful rights and interests
合法行为: lawful acts; legality of purpo
合宪性: constitutionality
衡平法: equity
衡平法规则: rule of equity
衡平法学: equity jurisprudence
衡平法院: Court of Chancery (美);Court of Equity (英)
后法取代前法: A later statute takes away the effect of a prior one.
后法优于前法: lex posterior derogat priori
户籍所在地:the place where his residence is registered
互为因果: reciprocal causation
基本法: fundamental law
基本法律规范: basic norm of law
基本方针: basic policies
基本权利和义务: basic rights and duties
基本司法概念和假设: basic legal conception and assumption
技术性法规: technical legal rule
建立法律关系:create legal relations
解释法律的技术规则: technical rule of interpretation
解释权: power of interpretation
近因: immediate cau
禁治产人: imbecile; interdicted person
经常居住地:habitual residence
经法律确认的: ascertained by law
经法律许可: authorized by law
经验法学: scholastic theories of law
纠问式审判: trial by inspection or examination
具有法律约束力的文件: legally binding instrument
具有同等效力的: with equal authenticity
具有约束力的判例: binding precedent
绝对衡平法: absolute equity
君主立宪制度: constitutional monarchy
开罗会议: Cairo Conference
凯恩斯主义: keynesianism
可撤销的法律行为: revocable juristic act
可让与性: alienability
可用法律强制执行的: enforceable at law
可预见的: foreeable
可直接适用的法律: directly applicable law
可追溯的: retrospective
客观条件: objective condition
客观因素: objective factor
客体: object
扩充解释: amplified interpretation
理论法理学派: theoretical jurisprudence school
理性决定说: theory of rational decision
理性认识: conceptual knowledge
历史法学: historical jurisprudence
历史法学派: historical school of law
历史解释: historical interpretation
立法机构:legislative body
立法权: law-making power; legislative power
立法委任权: legislation mandate
立法效力: legislative effect
立法议案 bills
立法者: law-maker; legislator
立宪: constitutionalism
利益冲突: conflict of interests
利害关系人:interested person
连带法律关系: joint legal relations
连带责任: joint and veral obligation
论理解释: logical interpretation
逻辑解释: logical interpretation
马克思主义法律理论: Marxism-leninism
马克思主义法学:Marxist jurisprudence
马克思主义法学家: Marxist jurist
没有事实根据的: unsubstantial
美国国际法协会: American Institute of International Law
美国海事法庭: Admiralty Courts of the U.S.A.
美国联邦地区法院: United States district courts
美国联邦法官: federal judge
没有法律依据的: lawless
没有判决先例的案件: ca of first impression
民法典: civil code
民法法系:Civil-Law System
民法通则: General Principles of the Civil Law
民法学: science of civil law
民事案件中“占有优势证据”的原则: “by a preponderance of evidence” in
civil cas
民事权利能力:the capacity for civil rights
民事权益:civil rights and interests
民事诉讼法学: Civil Procedure Law
民事制裁: civil punishment; civil sanction
民政部门:the civil affairs department
明代法规: laws and regulations of Ming Dynasty
明示或默示的: express or implied
默示表达: communication by implication
内部规章: internal regulations
纳妾制: concubinage
拟制理论: fiction theory
拟制买卖: mancipatio
偶然权利: contingent right
偶然因果关系: fortuitous causal relationship
偶然因素: accidentalia
偶因: accidental cau
排他的权利: right to exclude all others
派生的权利: derived right
派生取得: derivative acquisition
判例法系: Ca Law System
普通法法系: Common-Law System
判例法系: Ca Law System
判例汇编: reports; reports of judgments
普通法: common law
普通法法系: Common-Law System
普通法上的补偿: common-law remedy
普通法上的过失: common-law negligence
普通法上的留置权: common-law lien
普通法学: general jurisprudence
强制办法: coercive method
强制规定: mandatory provisions
强制性法规: mandatory rule of law
强制性条款: mandatory term
侵犯财产权: property torts
侵权行为法: tort law
侵权责任: tortious liability
清理法规: check up laws and regulations
区域性法律体系: regional system of laws
取证: obtain evidence
确权之诉: affirmative petitory action; cau for ownership affirmation
确认之诉: action for confirmation; actio confessoria
权威解释: authentic interpretation
人法: human law, statute personalia
人格减等: capitis deminutio
人身不可侵犯: inviolability of the person
人身非财产关系: personal non-property relations
人身关系: personal relation
任意解释: arbitrary interpretation
柔性宪法: flexible constitution
三权分立: paration of powers
善意推定: presumption of good faith
商法: commercial law
商法典: code of commerce
社会法学: sociological jurisprudence
社会关系: social relations
社会规范: social regulation
社会连带主义法学: social solidarism jurisprudence
社会契约论: theory of social contract
社会团体:social organization
社会主义法学: socialist jurisprudence
社会主义法制: socialist legal system; socialist rule of law
神法: divine law
神权说: theory of divine right
审查制度: censorship; inspection system
审计监督: supervi through auditing
审计监督权: power to supervi through auditing
生效条款: operative clau
失效法律: expired laws
失效日: expiry date
施行细则: implementary provisions
实证主义法学派: the positivist school
实体法: material law; substantial law
实体法上的抗辩: substantial defen
实体权利: substantive right
实用主义法学: judicial pragmaticism
实在法: positive law
实在法学: positive jurisprudence
实在法学派: positivist
实在主义法学: positivist jurisprudence
实证法学: positive jurisprudence
实质条款: material stipulation
实质性的瑕疵: defect of substance
实质性解释: material interpretation
事实的推定: presumption of fact
适用法律: reference to the law; applicable law
适用范围: area of application; sphere of application
适用中国法律:be governed by the law of PRC (The law of PRC shall apply
溯及既往原则: doctrine of retroactivity
溯及力: retrospect; retrospective effect
损害赔偿: damages
梭伦: Solon
弹性宪法: elastic constitution
特别程序: special procedure
特别但书: special proviso
特别法: special law
特殊主体: special subject
提案:motion; overture; proposal
提出抗辩: rai a plea; rai a plead
条约法: law of treaties
同态复仇: retaliation
推定合法:presumption of legality
停止生效:cea to have effect
外国法: foreign law
外国法制史: foreign legal history
外国人待遇: foreigner treatment
完全民事权利能力:full capacity for civil conduct
完全丧失行为能力的人: person entirely incapable of legal transaction
完全无行为能力: absolute disability
万民法: jus gentium
违法构成要件: esntial condition of delict
违宪: violation of constitution
无国籍人:stateless persons
无条件解释: unconditional interpretation
无效的法律: void law
无效法律行为: void act; act without legal effect
物权: property
习惯法:custom law
细则: detailed rules and regulations; details by-laws
狭义解释: narrow definition
下文另有规定者除外: except as hereinafter provided
先决条件 :precedent condition; prerequisite
现实主义法学: realism jurisprudence
现行法律: current law; existing law
限制解释: restrictive interpretation
无国籍人:stateless persons
无条件解释: unconditional interpretation
无效的法律: void law
无效法律行为:void act; act without legal effect
物权: property
习惯法:custom law
细则: detailed rules and regulations; details by-laws
狭义解释: narrow definition
下文另有规定者除外: except as hereinafter provided
先决条件: precedent condition; prerequisite
现实主义法学: realism jurisprudence
现行法律: current law; existing law
限制解释: restrictive interpretation
相对主义法学: relativist jurisprudence
新分析法学: new analytical jurisprudence
新律: New Law , Novellae
行为规范: code of conduct
学说编纂: the Pandekta
形式主义法学: formalist jurisprudence
严格解释: strict interpretation
严重不法行为: aggravated misconduct; gross misbehavior
严重违法: break the law on a rious scale
要件: important condition; esntial condition
一般客体: general object
一般权利能力: general legal capacity
一般主体: general subject
一事不再理的保证: guarantee against double jeorpardy
依法办案: handle cas according to law
依法独立行使职权: independent exerci of powers within the framework
of the law
依照法律的规定: as prescribed by law
以法律为准绳: take law as the criterion
依法治国: genuine rule of law; running the country according to law
义务性规范: obligatory rule
义务主体: subject of duty
英美法系: Anglo-American Legal System
永恒法: eternal law
有法必依: ensure that laws are obrved
有法律约束力: legally binding
有条件解释: conditional interpretation
有效期间: time of effect; term of validity
与法律规定不符: against the forms of the statute
与法律相抵触的行为:act going against the law
域外效力: extraterritorial effect
援引法律条文: invoke a legal provision约束力: binding; binding effect
在法律的范围内: within the law
暂行条例:interim regulations; provisional regulation
整体法学: integrative jurisprudence
正当权益: justified rights; legitimate interests
正式解释: official interpretation
正式渊源: formal source
政法学院: institute of political science and law
知法犯法: deliberately break the law
执法必严: ensure that law’s enforcement be strict
执法人员: law enforcement officials
执行权: enforcement power
直接故意 actual intent; direct intent
直接后果:immediate conquence
直接客体: direct object
直接主体: direct subject
制定法: statute
治外法权: extraterritoriality; extraterritorial jurisdiction
中端时效: interrupt the running of the statute of limitation
中国大陆的法律: law of China’s mainland
中国法制: Chine legal system
中国法制史: Chine legal history
中国特色的社会主义法制: socialist legal system with Chine character
中华法系: Chine legal system
《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区基本法》:the Basic law of Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
主要法律体系:principal legal system
自然法: natural law
自然法学派: natural law school
组成合议庭开庭审理:form a collegial panel to conduct the trial
最高国家权力机关: highest organ of state power
最高人民法院的解释: interpretation of supreme people’s court
遵循先例原则: The Doctrine of Stare
作为或不作为: act or omission
宪法学行政法学Constitution and Administrative Laws
制宪权:constituent power
宪法的解释: interpretation of constitution
宪法修正案: constitution amendment
宪法学: constitutional jurisprudence
成文宪法 written constitution
不成文宪法unwritten constitution
符合宪法: constitutionality
符合宪法的法律 constitutional law
刚性宪法: rigid constitution
马伯里诉麦迪逊案: Marbury vs. Madison
抽象行政行为: abstract administrative act
非法活动: unlawful activities
非法利益: unlawful interests
非法手段: illegal means
非强制性行政行为: non-coercive form of administrative action
非正式的:informal; irregular
非政府机关: non-governmental organization
非主要条件: non-esntial stipulation
非专业的: non-professional国家赔偿案件: ca of state compensation
国家赔偿的归责原则: principle of culpability for state compensation
国家赔偿的双重过错原则: principle of dual faults for state compensation
国家赔偿法: state compensation law
国家赔偿主体: subject of state compensation
行政法: administrative law; executive law
行政法规: administrative laws and regulations
行政法学: administrative jurisprudence
行政解释: administrative interpretation
行政救济: administrative remedy
治安管理: curity administration
治安条例: curity regulations
高级人民检察院: Higher People’s Procuratortate
国家权力机关: state authority
国际审判机关: state judicial organs
国家行政机关: state administrative organs
国家意志: state’s will
国家职能: function of the state
国民待遇: national treatment
公安部: Ministry of Public Security
公安分局: public curity sub-bureau
公安厅: public curity bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous
regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government
地方各级人民代表大会: local people’s congress at different levels
地方各级人民法院:local people’s courts at different levels
地方各级人民检察院:local people’s procuratorates at different levels
地方各级人民政府:local people’s governments at different levels
罚款: impo a fine
刑法学Criminal Laws
犯罪预防: crime prevention
预防犯罪: anti-crime
帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据罪: crime of aiding a client to destroy or forge
妇女儿童罪: crime of kidnapping women and children
包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪: crime of harboring a mafia-style syndicate
包庇毒品犯罪分子罪: crime of harboring drug criminals
报复陷害罪:ca of retaliation and frame-ups
必要共同犯罪: indispensable joint crime
并科原则: doctrine of cumulating punishments
剥夺权利:deprival of rights
不能犯: impossibility; unrealized offen
参加恐怖活动组织罪: crime of taking part in an organization engaged in
terrorist activities
超越管辖权: excess of jurisdiction
超越职权范围: overstep one’s authority
惩办和宽大相结合:combine punishment with leniency
惩办少数、改造多数的原则: principle of punishing the few and reforming
the many
惩罚措施: punitive measure
惩罚性制裁: punitive sanction
惩罚与教育相结合: combination of punishment and education
处以刑罚: inflict punishment
处以有期徒刑: ntence to fixed-term imprisonment
触犯法律: break the law; violate the law
抽逃出资罪: crime of flight of capital contribution
出口骗税犯罪活动: criminal activities of cheating out of tax rebates in
出售伪造发票罪: crime of lling counterfeit currency
出于对法律的无知: from ignorance of law
出于恶意: from malevolence
从轻处罚: gie a lesr punishment
从重处罚: give a verer punishment
单位受贿罪: crime of bribe taken by a unit
单一犯罪构成: single constitution of crime
盗伐林木罪: crime of illegally chopping down trees; crime of illegally
felling trees
盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、爆炸物罪: crime of stealing or izing guns,
ammunition or explosives
盗窃犯: theft act; larcenist
渎职犯罪案件:ca of dereliction of duty
对象不能犯: object impossibility
多次作案: repeatedly commit crimes
罚不当罪: punishment does not fit the crime
犯意: criminal intent; mens real
犯罪低龄化: lowering ages of criminal offenders
犯罪动机: criminal motive
犯罪构成: constitution of a crime; constitutive elements of a crime
犯罪构成要件: special constitutive elements of crime
犯罪故意: criminal intent; guilty intent; meas rea
犯罪集团: criminal gang; criminal group
犯罪客观要件: objective circumstances of a crime
犯罪客体: criminal object; object of a crime
犯罪实行终了: completion of a criminal act
犯罪学: criminology
犯罪中止: discontinuance of crime; desistance of crime
犯罪主观方面要素: subjective elements of crime
犯罪主体: subject of crime
犯罪着手: initiate a crime
犯罪组织: criminal organization
贩卖毒品罪: drug offen; crime of drug trafficking
防卫过当: unjustifiable lf-defen
防卫挑拨: instigation of defen; provocation of defen
防卫限度: limit of defen
防止类似事件重演: prevent the recurrence of similar incidents
妨碍公务罪: crime of disrupting public rvice
妨害公共安全罪: crime of impairing public curity
放弃权利: withdraw a claim; waive a right
非法持、私藏枪支、弹药罪: crime of illegally holding or hiding a firearm
or ammunition
非法持有毒品罪: crime of illegally holding drugs
非法干涉: illegal intervention
非法干预: unlawful interference
非法出售增值税专用发票罪: crime of illegal lling invoice for exclusive
u of VAT
诽谤罪: crime of defamation
隔地犯: offen of gregation by location
隔时犯: offen of gregation by time
工具不能犯: impossibility of instruments
故意犯罪: calculated crime; intentional crime
故意杀人罪: crime of intentional homicide
故意伤害罪: crime of willful and malicious injury
惯犯: habitual criminal
惯例: custom and usage
过失犯罪: criminal negligence; involuntary crime; negligent crime
黑社会性质的犯罪集团: gangland criminal syndicate; mafia-style criminal
缓期二年执行: with a two-year reprieve
缓刑: probate cessat executio
集合犯: aggregate offen; collective offen
既遂犯: accomplished crime
继续犯: continuous crime
加重处罚: give an aggravated punishment beyond the maximum prescribed
假冒他人注册商标罪: crime of counterfeiting the registered trademark of
假释: parole
假想防卫: imaginative defen
假想数罪: imaginatively veral crimes
简单共同犯罪: simple joint crime
间接故意: indirect intent; indirect iintentino
教唆未遂: attempt of solicitation
劫持船只、汽车罪: crime of hijacking a ship or an automobile
劫持航空器罪: crime of skyjacking
结果犯: conquential offen
结果加重犯: aggregated conquential offen
结合犯: combinative crime; integrated offen
拒不执行人民法院判决、裁定罪: crime of refusing o execute judgments or
orders of the People’s Court
具结悔过: make a statement of repentence
具体行政行为: specific administrative act
具体罪名:concrete accusation
绝对不确定法定刑: absolutely indeterminate statutory punishment
违反职责罪: crimes of soldiers violating military dutie
抗税罪: offen of resisting taxes
客体不能犯: object impossibility
空白罪状: blank facts about a crime
滥伐林木罪: crime of illegal denudation
累犯: recidivist; repeat offender; cumulative offen
连续犯罪: continuing crime
量刑: criterion for ntencing; ntencing criterion
量刑不当: criterion for ntence
量刑幅度: extent for discretionary action of ntencing
虐待罪: crime of abusing member of one’s family
挪用公款案: ca of misappropriation of public funds
偶犯: casual offender; casual offen
情节加重犯: aggravated offen by circumstances
情节特别严重: when the circumstances are particularly wicked
情节严重、构成犯罪的: when the circumstances are so rious as to
constitute a crime
取保候审: post a bail and await trial with restricted liberty of moving
扰乱公共场所秩序罪: crime of disturbing order at public places
刑法: criminal law
刑罚: penalty; punishment
刑事责任能力: criminal capacity
民商法学与经济法学(Civil Laws, Commercial Laws and Economic Laws)
按照出资比例:in proportion to one’s respective contributions to the
办理注销登记:cancel the registration
被代理人:the principal
被侵权人 the infringed
本人名义:in one’s name
标的:subject matter
补偿制度:compensation system
不动产登记制: Lot and Block System
财产法: property law
财产的添附: accretion of property; property accession
财产抵押权: property mortgage
财产继承权:the right of inheritance
财产关系和人身关系:property relationships and personal relationships
财产管理人: property administrator; custodian of property
财产混同: confusion; hotchpot
财产留置权: encumbrance
采用书面形式:in writing
仓单: warehou voucher
草签合同: initial a contract; sign a referendum contract; ad referendum
长期合同: long-term contract
偿付能力: solvency capability of reimburment
超越代理权:beyond the scope of one’s power of agency
撤消合同:cancellation of contract
撤销合同: cancel a contract; rescind a contract; avoid a contract
撤销权: right of rescission; right of revocation
撤销要约: revocation of offer; revoke an offer
撤销遗赠: cancellation o will; revocationi of will
承运人: actual fault of the carrier
承运人的留置权: carrier’s lien
诚信原则: principle of good faith
诚实信用原则:principle honesty and credibility; principle of honestry
and good faith; good faith principle ; bona fide principle
船舶承租人: charterer
船舶抵押权: right of mortgage with respect to a ship; mortage of the ship;
ship mortgage
船舶抵押权的设定: establishment of mortgage of the ship
船舶抵押的消灭: extinguishments of the mortgage of the ship
船舶抵押权登记: registration of ship mortgage
船舶留置权: posssory lien; lien of ship
村民委员会:the village committee
惩罚性的损害赔偿: punitive damages
乘人之危:take advantage of one’s unfavorable position
处分财产: dispo of properties
处分权: act of disposition
处分原则: principle of disposition
代理民事活动:be reprented in civil activities by
代理权终止:the expiration of one’s power of agency
单独承担的责任: undivided responsibility
单方法律行为:unilateral obligation
单方行政行为: unilateral administrative act
等价有偿:making compensation for equal value
对等原则: principle of reciprocity
对抗措施:counter measure
对人权:right in personam; personal right
对世权: real right; right in rem
恶意串通:conspire maliciously
恶意行为:ill will mala fides
法人: judicial person; legal body
法人的权利能力: legal capacity of juristic person
法人的责任能力: capacity for responsibility of juristic person
法人权限: corporate power
法人人格: corporate personality
法人身份: status of a legal person
法人团体: corporation
法人资格: corporate capacity
法人组织章程:the articles of association of the legal person
负共同连带责任: liable jointly and verally
负全部责任: bear all responsibilities; in all charge
负有解释的义务: accountable
负有连带义务的每个债务人:each of the joint debtors
附带的条件: incident
附带要求: contingent claim
附带原因: contributory cau; inherent cau
附条件的民事法律行为:conditional civil juristic acts
附条件的权利: conditional right
赋予权力: entitle
个体工商户:individual business
个人合伙:individual partnership
各尽所能,按劳分配: from each according to his ability, to each according
to his needs
给付定金:leave a deposit with the other party
工商行政管理机关:the administrative agency for industry and commerce
公民基本义务: fundamental duties of citizens
合同法: contract law
合同副本: copies of the contract
合同规定: contract provisions/stipulations
合同履行地法: lex loci contractus
合同期限:contract period (or contract term)
合同条款:contract terms (or contract clau)
合同有效期:contract life
合同正本: originals of the contract
合议制: collegial system
核准登记的经营范围:within the range approved and registered
恢复原状: recovery of original state; restitution; restoration of he
original conditions; retitutio in integrum
集体所有制企业:an enterpri under collective ownership
技术合同纠纷案件: controversy over a technology contract
经主管机关核准登记:approved and registered by the competent authority
居民委员会:the neighborhood committee
履行监护职责:fulfill duty of guardianship
埋藏物、隐藏物:buried or concealed object
买卖、出租、抵押、转让:be sold, lead, mortgaged or transferred
农村承包经营户:leaholding farm houholds
平等主体:civil subjects with equal status
企业法人被撤销:the dissolution of an enterpri as legal person
企业法人分立、合并:the division and merger of an enterpri as legal
企业法人解散:disbanding of an enterpri as legal person
契约自由: liberty of contract
取得不当得利:profits acquired improperly and without a lawful basis
取得法人资格:be qualified as a legal person
全民所有制企业:an enterpri owned by the whole people
让与: alien; alienate; assign; cede
让与的利益: benefit of cession
让与权: benefit of cessioni
设定义务的规则: rule of imposing duty
设立、变更、终止民事关系:establish, change or terminate civil
所有权: ownership
书面合同: a written contract
双倍返还定金:repay the deposit in double
双方法律行为: bilateral legal transaction
擅自变更或者解除:(民事法律行为):alter or rescind one’s act arbitrarily
他物权: right over the property of another
提供一定的财产作为抵押物:offer a specific property as a pledge
违反合同:breach of contract
委托代理:entrusted agency
委托代理人:an entrusted agent
无过错责任: liability without negligence
无民事行为能力人:a person having no capacity for civil conduct
无因管理:act as manager or provide rvices in order to protect another
person’s interests when he is not legally or contractually obligated to
do so
下落不明: one’s whereabouts have been unknown
限制民事行为能力人:a person with limited capacity for civil conduct
享有连带权利的每个债权人:each of the joint creditors
行使代理权:exerci the power of agency
宣告为无(限制)民事行为能力人:declare … to be a person to be without
or with limited capacity for civil conduct
遗失物、漂流物:lost-and-found objects, flotsam
以抵押物折价或者以变卖抵押物的价款优先得到偿还:to keep the pledge to
offt the debt or have priority in satisfying his claim out of the
proceeds from the sale of the pledge
以合法形式掩盖非法目的:perform under the gui of legitimate acts which
conceal illegitimate purpos
以欺诈、胁迫的手段:as a result of cheating or coercion
意思表示 show one’s intention
意思表示真实:the intention expresd is genuine
优先购买的权利:a right of pre-emption
优先权: priority, preemptive right
有过错的一方:the erring party
有连带责任的: conjunctly and verally
有权向债务人追偿:have the right to claim repayment from the debto
造成财产损失:cau any property loss
责任能力: capacity for responsibility
责任年龄:capacity of responsibility; year of discretion
债的标的: object of obligation
债的发生:creation of obligation
债的消灭: extinction of obligation
占有人有权留置该财产:the posssor shall have a lien on the property
指定代理:appointed agency
执行合同: carry out a contract,execute/implement/fulfill/perform a
主要办事机构:the main administrative office
追偿:claim compensation from
继承法: inheritance law
案件发回: remand/rimit a ca (to a low court)
案件名称: title of a ca
案卷材料: materials in the ca
案情陈述书: statement of ca
案外人: person other than involved in the ca
案值: total value involved in the ca
败诉方: losing party
办案人员: personnel handling a ca
保全措施申请书: application for protective measures
报案: report a ca (to curity authorities)
被告: defendant; the accud
被告人最后陈述: final statement of the accud
被告向原告第二次答辩: rejoinder
被害人: victim
被害人的诉讼代理人: victim's agent ad litem
被上诉人: respondent; the appellee
被申请人: respondent
被申请执行人: party against whom execution is filed
被执行人: person subject to enforcement
本诉: principal action
必要共同诉讼人: party in necessary co-litigation
变通管辖: jurisdiction by accord
辩护: defen
辩护律师: defen attorney/lawyer
辩护人: defender
辩护证据: exculpatory evidence; defen evidence
辩论阶段: stage of court debate
驳回反诉: dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim
驳回请求: deny/dismiss a motion
驳回上诉、维持原判: reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original
驳回诉讼: dismiss an action/suit
驳回通知书: notice of dismissal
驳回自诉: dismiss/reject a private procution
驳回自诉裁定书: ruling of dismissing private-procuting ca
补充答辩: supplementary answer
补充判决: supplementary judgement
补充侦查: supplementary investigation
不公开审理: trial in camera
不立案决定书: written decision of no ca-filing
不批准逮捕决定书: written decision of disapproving an arrest
不起诉; nol pros
不予受理起诉通知书: notice of dismissal of accusation by the court
财产保全申请书: application for attachment; application for property
裁定:order; determination (指最终裁定)
裁定管辖: jurisdiction by order
裁定书: order; ruling
裁决书: award
采信的证据: admitted evidence
查封: al up
撤回上诉: withdraw appeal
撤诉: withdraw a lawsuit
撤销立案: revoke a ca placed on file
撤销原判,发回重审: rescind the original judgement and remand the ca
ro the original court for retrial
出示的证据: exhibit
除权判决: invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)
传唤: summon; call
传闻证据: hearsay
答辩: answer; reply
答辩陈述书: statement of defence
答辩状: answer; reply
大法官: associate justices; justice
大检察官: deputy chief procurator
代理控告: agency for accusation
代理申诉: agency for appeal
代理审判员: acting judge
代为申请取保候审: agency for application of the bail pending trial with
restricted liberty of moving
弹劾式诉讼: accusatory procedure
当事人陈述: statement of the parties
当庭宣判: pronouncement of judgement or ntence in court
地区管辖: territorial jurisdiction
地区检察分院: inter-mediate People's Procuratorate
第三人: third party
调查笔录: record of investigation
定期宣判: pronouncement of judgement or ntence later on a fixed date
定罪证据: incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence
冻结: freeze
督促程序: procedure of supervision and urge
独任庭: sole-judge bench
独任仲裁员: sole arbitrator
对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施: compulsory measures against impairment of
civil action
对席判决: judgement inter parties
二审: trial of cond instance
二审案件: ca of trial of cond insurance
法定证据: statutory legal evidence
法定证据制度: system of legal evidence
法官: judges
法警: bailiff; court police
法律文书: legal instruments/papers
法律援助: legal aid
法律咨询: legal consulting
法庭辩论: court debate
法庭调查: court investigation
法庭审理笔录: court record
法庭审理方式: mode of court trial
法庭庭长: chief judge of a tribunal
法院: court
法院公告: court announcement
反诉: counterclaim
反诉答辩状: answer with counterclaim
反诉状: counterclaim
犯罪嫌疑人: criminal suspect
附带民事诉讼案件: a collateral civil action
附带民事诉讼被告: defendant of collateral civil action
复查: reexamination; recheck
复验: reinspect
高级法官: nior judge
高级检察官: nior procurator
高级人民法院: Higher People's Court
告诉案件: ca of complaint
告诉才处理的案件: ca accepted at complaint
告诉申诉庭: complaint and petition division
工读学校: work-study school for delinquent children
公开审理: trial in public
公开审判制度: open trial system
公示催告程序: procedure of public summons for exhortation
公诉案件: public-procuting ca
公诉词: statement of public procution
公证机关: public notary office
共同管辖: concurrent jurisdiction
管辖: jurisdiction
国际司法协助: international judicial assistance
海事法院: maritime court
合议庭: collegial panel
合议庭评议笔录: record of deliberating by the collegiate bench
和解: composition; compromi
核对诉讼当事人身份: check identity of litigious parties
恢复执行: resumption of execution
回避: withdrawal
混合式诉讼: mixed action
基层人民法院: basic People's Court
羁押期限: term in custody
级别管辖: subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels
监视居住: living at home under surveillance
监狱: prison
检察官: procurator
检察权: procutorial power
检察委员会: procuratorial/procutorial committee
检察院: procuratorate
检察院派出机构: outpost tribunal of procuratorate
简易程序: summary procedure
鉴定结论: expert conclusion
经济审判庭: economic tribunal
径行判决: direct adjudication without ssions; judgement without notice
纠问式诉讼: inquisitional proceedings
拘传: summon by force; summon by warrant
拘留所: detention hou
举报: information/report of an offence
举证责任: burden of proof; onus probandi
决定书: decision
军事法院: military procuratorate
开庭审理: open a court ssion
开庭通知: notice of court ssion
勘验笔录: record of inquest
看守所: detention hou
可执行财产: executable property
控告式诉讼: accusatory proceedings
控诉证据: incriminating evidence
控诉职能: accusation function
扣押: distrain on; attachment
扣押物: distress/distraint
宽限期: period of grace
劳动争议仲裁申请书: petition for labor dispute arbitration
劳改场: reform-through-labor farm
劳教所: reeducation-through-labor office
类推判决的核准程序: procedure for examination and approval of analogical
累积证据: cumulative evidence
立案报告: place a ca on file
立案管辖: functional jurisdiction
立案决定书: written decision of ca-filing
立案侦查: report of placing a ca on file
利害关系人: interested party
临时裁决书: interim award
律师见证书: lawyer's written attestation; lawyer's written
律师事务所: law office; law firm
律师提前介入: prior intervention by lawyer
免于刑事处分: exemption from criminal penalty
民事案件: civil ca
民事审判庭: civil tribunal
民事诉讼: civil action
民事诉讼法: Civil Procedural Law
扭送: ize and deliver a suspect to the police
派出法庭: detached tribunal
派出所: police station
判决: judgement; determination
判决书: judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)
旁证: circumstantial evidence
陪审员: juror
批准逮捕: approval of arrest
破案: clear up a criminal ca; solve a criminal ca
破产: bankruptcy; insolvency
普通程序: general/ordinary procedure
普通管辖: general jurisdiction
企业法人破产还债程序: procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a
business corporation
起诉: filing of a lawsuit
起诉: sue; litigate; procute; institution of proceedings
起诉状: indictment; information
区县检察院: grassroots People's Procuratorate
取保候审: the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
缺席判决: default judgement
人民调解委员会: People's Mediation Committee
认定财产无主案件: cas concerning determination of property as
认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件:cas concerning
determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing
上诉: appeal
上诉人: appellant
上诉状: petition for appeal
少管所: juvenile prison
社会治安综合治理; comprehensive treatment of social curity
涉外案件: cas involving foreign interests
涉外民事诉讼: foreign civil proceedings
涉外刑事诉讼: foreign criminal proceedings
申请人: applicant; petitioner
申请书: petition; application for arbitration
申请执行人: execution applicant
申诉人宣誓书: claimant's affidavit of authenticity
申诉书: appeal for revision; petition for revision
神示证据制度: system of divinity evidence
神示制度: ordeal system
审查案件: ca review
审查并决定逮捕: examine and decide arrest
审查起诉阶段: stage of review and procution
审理通知书: notice of hearing
审判长: presiding judge
审判长宣布开庭: presiding judge announce court in ssion
审判管辖: adjudgement/trial jurisdiction
审判监督程序: procedure for trial supervision
审判委员会: judicial committee
审判员: judge
审问式诉讼: inquisitional proceedings
生效判决裁定: legally effective judgement/order
胜诉方: winning party
省市自治区检察院: higher People's Procuratorate
失踪和死亡宣告: declaration of disappearance and death
实(质)体证据: substantial evidence
实物证据: tangible evidence
实在证据: real evidence
示意证据: demonstrative evidence
视听证据: audio-visual evidence
收容所: collecting post; safe retreat
首席大法官: chief justice
首席检察官: chief procurator
受害人的近亲属: victim's immediate family
受理: acceptance
受理刑事案件审批表: registration form of acceptance of criminal ca
受送达人: the addre
书记员: court clerk
书记员宣读法庭纪律: court clerk reads court rules
书证: documentary evidence
司法部: Ministry of Justice
司法机关: judicial organizatons
司法警察 judicial police
司法局: judicial bureau
司法厅: judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions,
and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government
司法协助: judicial assistance
死缓的复核: judicial review of death ntence with a retrieve
死刑复核程序: procedure for judicial review of death ntence
死刑复核权: competence for judicial review of death ntence
送达: rvice of process
送达传票: rvice of summons/subpoena
送达诉状: rvice of bill of complaint
搜查: arch
诉: sue; suit; action; lawsuit
诉前财产保全: property attachment prior to lawsuit
诉讼: litigation; lawsuit; sue; action
诉讼保全: attachment
诉讼参加人: litigious participants
诉讼代理人: agent ad litem
诉状: complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim
特别程序: special procedures
提起公诉: institute a public procution
海事法院: court of admiralty
铁路法院: railway court
铁路检察院: railroad transport procuratorate
庭审程序: procedure of court trial
通缉: wanted for arrest
投案: appearance
退回补充侦查: return of a ca for supplementary investigation
委托辩护: entrusted defen
未成年人法庭: juvenile court
无行政职务的法官: associate judge
无正当理由拒不到庭: refu to appear in court without due cau
无罪判决: acquittal, finding of “ not guilty ”
物证: material evidence
先予执行申请书: application for advanced execution
先予执行: advanced execution
刑事案件: criminal ca
刑事拘留: criminal detention
刑事强制拘留: criminal coercive/compulsory measures
刑事审判庭: criminal tribunal
刑事诉讼: criminal proceedings
刑事诉讼法: Criminal Procedural Law
刑事自诉状: lf-incriminating criminal complaint
行政案件: administrative ca
行政审判庭: administrative tribunal
行政诉讼: administrative proceedings
行政诉讼法: Administrative Procedural Law
宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件: cas concerning the declaration of
disappearance and death
宣判笔录: record of rendition of judgement
选民资格案件: cas concerning qualifications of voters
询问证人: inquire/question a witness
训诫: reprimand
讯问笔录: record of interrogation
询问犯罪嫌疑人: interrogate criminal suspect
言词证据: verbal evidence
要求传唤证人申请书: application for subpoena
一裁终局: arbitration award shall be final and binding
一审: trial of first instance
一审案件: ca of trial of first instance
应诉通知书: notice of respondence to action
有罪判决: ntence; finding of “guilty”
予审: preliminary examinantion; pretrial
原告: plaintiff
院长: court president
阅卷笔录: record of file review (by lawyers)
再审案件: ca of retrial
再审申请书: petition for retrial
责令具结悔过: order to sign a statement of repentance
债权人会议: creditors' meeting
侦查阶段: investigation stage
侦查终结: conclusion of investigation
征询原、被告最后意见: consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and
证据: evidence
证据保全: prerve evidence
证据保全申请书: application for evidence prervation
证人证言: testimony of witness; affidavit
支付令: payment order/warrant
知识产权庭: intellectual property tribunal
执行程序: procedure execution
执行逮捕: execution of arrest
执行和解: conciliation of execution
执行回转: recovery of execution
执行庭: executive tribunal
执行异议: objection to execution
执行员: executor
执行中止: discontinuance of execution
执行终结: conclusion of execution
指定辩护: appointed defen
指定仲裁员声明: statement of appointing arbitrator
中级人民法院: intermediate People's Court
中途退庭: retreat during court ssion without permission
仲裁: arbitration
仲裁被诉人: respondent; defendant
仲裁裁决: award
仲裁申请书: arbitration
仲裁申诉人: claimant; plaintiff
仲裁庭: arbitration tribunal
仲裁委员会: arbitration committee
仲裁协议: arbitration agreement; claus of arbitration
仲裁员: arbitrator
主诉检察官: principal procurator
助理检察官: assistant procurator
助理审判员: assistant judge
专门法院: special court
专门管辖: specific jurisdiction
专属管辖: exclusive jurisdiction
追究刑事责任: investigate for criminal responsibility
自首: confession to justice
自诉案件: private-procuting ca
自行辩护: lf-defen
自由心证制度: doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence
自侦案件: lf-investigating ca
最高人民法院: the Supreme People's Court
最高人民检察院: the Supreme People's Procuratorate
最后裁决书: final award
高级法官: nior judge
高等法院: high court; high court of justice
高级法院:superior court
高级人民法院: Higher People’s Court
国际法(international law)
国际法学: international jurisprudence
边界地区:forntier region, border region
边界谈判:boundary negotiation
边界现状:status quo of the boundary
公认的国际关系原则:generally-accepted principles of international
国际法准则:an established principle of international law
国际关系中最起码的准则:rudimentary code of international relations
国际形势:international situation
国界:national boundary
海洋资源:maritime resources
基本权利:fundamental rights
领水:Territorial Waters
领海:territorial a
领海范围:limits of territorial a
领海宽度:breadth of territorial a
领空:territorial air
领水:territorial waters
领土的不可割让性:inalienability of territory
领土管辖权:territorial jurisdiction
领土毗连:territorial contiguity
领土完整:territorial integrity
神圣不可侵犯:sacred and inviolable
外层空间:outer space
唯一合法政府:sole legal government
有争议的地区:disputed areas
渔业资源:fishery resources
中东:Middle East, Mideast
中立国:neutral state, neutral country
永久中立国:neutralized state
种族隔离:apartheid, racial gregation
主权国家:sovereign state
专属经济区:exclusive economic zone
保持中立:to maintain neutrality
保卫国家主权和民族资源:to safeguard national sovereignty and national
发展和平友好、平等互利、长期稳定的关系:to develop relations of peace and
friendship, equality and mutual benefit, and prolonged stability
发展民族经济:to develop the national economy
国家不分大小,应该一律平等:All countries, big or small, should be equal
建立正常的国家关系:to establish normal state relations
求得公平合理的解决:to ek a fair and reasonable solution
通过外交途径进行谈判:to negotiate through diplomatic channels
维护国家独立和主权完整:to safeguard national independence and the
integrity of sovereignty
维护世界和平:to safeguard world peace
用和平手段解决争端:to solve disputes by peaceful means
照顾现实情况:in consideration of the actual conditions
和平共处五项原则:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
互相尊重主权和领土完整:mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial
互不侵犯:mutual non-aggression
互不干涉内政:non-interference in each other's internal affairs
平等互利:equality and mutual benefit
和平共处:peaceful coexistence
根据公允及善意的原则:ex aeque et bono: as a result of fair dealing and
good conscience
条约必须遵守原则:pact sunt rvand: a pact is not to be surrendered
(agreements are to be kept)
国际法院:International court of justice
双边和多边关系:bilateral and multilateral relations
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