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包括保险费及运费之货价 "cost

包括保险费及运费之货价 "cost

随身行李 cabin luggage; personal luggage

随身行李 cabin luggage; personal luggage

房舱乘客 cabin pasnger

房舱乘客 cabin pasnger

历月 calendar month

历月 calendar month

历年 calender year

历年 calender year

运河通行费 canal tool

运河通行费 canal tool

解约条款 cancelling clau

解约条款 cancelling clau

解约日 cancelling date

解约日 cancelling date

罐装货品;罐头类 canned goods

罐装货品;罐头类 canned goods

吊货钩索 cant hook

吊货钩索 cant hook

帆布吊兜 canvas sling

帆布吊兜 canvas sling

揽货 canvassion; freight solicitation; solicitation

揽货 canvassion; freight solicitation; solicitation

脱封 cap off; head off; al off

脱封 cap off; head off; al off

容量包装 capacity packing

容量包装 capacity packing 造船资金 capital construction fund

造船资金 capital construction fund

船长 captain; length of ship; ship-master

船长 captain; length of ship; ship-master

汽车运送船 car carrier

汽车运送船 car carrier

注意标志 care mark; caution mark; notice mark

注意标志 care mark; caution mark; notice mark

货载配额 cargo allotment

货载配额 cargo allotment

订载 cargo booking

订载 cargo booking

货载容积 cargo capacity; cargo capacity and measuremen


货载容积 cargo capacity; cargo capacity and measuremen


货物滑槽 cargo chute

货物滑槽 cargo chute

船舶所载重量货 cargo deadweight

船舶所载重量货 cargo deadweight

货物载重吨位 cargo deadweight tonnage

货物载重吨位 cargo deadweight tonnage

货载费用 cargo expens

货载费用 cargo expens

货载作业 cargo handling

货载作业 cargo handling

货物标志 cargo mark

货物标志 cargo mark

货网 cargo net

货网 cargo net 载货作业 cargo operation

载货作业 cargo operation

载货图;货物装载图 cargo plan [= cargo stowage plan;

stowage plan]

载货图;货物装载图 cargo plan [= cargo stowage plan;

stowage plan]

货量摊配 cargo pool; freight tons pool

货量摊配 cargo pool; freight tons pool

[装卸货]舷门;港埠货物;货物港 cargo port

[装卸货]舷门;港埠货物;货物港 cargo port

收货人 cargo receiver; consignee

收货人 cargo receiver; consignee

吊货索具 cargo sling; cargo wire runner; ship's tackle

吊货索具 cargo sling; cargo wire runner; ship's tackle

货物防护板 cargo sparring

货物防护板 cargo sparring

货物检验 cargo survey

货物检验 cargo survey

货载投标 cargo tender

货载投标 cargo tender

货柜 cargo van

货柜 cargo van

货物分配协定 cargo-sharing arrangement

货物分配协定 cargo-sharing arrangement

装卸监督 cargo-watch

装卸监督 cargo-watch

适载性;适载能力 cargoworthiness

适载性;适载能力 cargoworthiness

木匠 carpenter

木匠 carpenter 海上货物运送法;海上货物[运送]条例 Carriage of Goods by

Sea Act {= COGSA; C of G Act; C of GS Act}

海上货物运送法;海上货物[运送]条例 Carriage of Goods by

Sea Act {= COGSA; C of G Act; C of GS Act}

运送人;运送船;运输船;载波;载子;导轮 carrier {= CARR}

运送人;运送船;运输船;载波;载子;导轮 carrier {= CARR}

运送船保留额 carrier's allowance

运送船保留额 carrier's allowance

运送人载货证券 carrier's B/L

运送人载货证券 carrier's B/L

运送人负责内陆运输业 carrier's haulage

运送人负责内陆运输业 carrier's haulage

运送人免责事项 carrier's immunities

运送人免责事项 carrier's immunities

[装]载量;载运能力;养殖容量 carrying capacity

[装]载量;载运能力;养殖容量 carrying capacity

承运船;搬运船;载货船舶 carrying vesl

承运船;搬运船;载货船舶 carrying vesl

搬运费 cartage; handling charges

搬运费 cartage; handling charges

数目;号数 ca number [= number]

数目;号数 ca number [= number]

箱装货 cad cargo

箱装货 cad cargo

副水手长 cassab; coxswain

副水手长 cassab; coxswain

乘船遭难者;乘船遇难者;流落荒岛;自动毁船 cast away [=


乘船遭难者;乘船遇难者;流落荒岛;自动毁船 cast away [=

castaway] 船离岸边;遗弃之人或物 cast-off

船离岸边;遗弃之人或物 cast-off

牲畜运送船;牲口船 cattle carrier [= cattle ship]

牲畜运送船;牲口船 cattle carrier [= cattle ship]

运牲畜装置 cattle fittings

运牲畜装置 cattle fittings

牲畜船 cattle ship

牲畜船 cattle ship

填隙;填缝 caulking

填隙;填缝 caulking

不能控制之原因 cau beyond control

不能控制之原因 cau beyond control

水泥运输船;水泥运送船 cement carrier

水泥运输船;水泥运送船 cement carrier

完载证明 Certificate for completion

完载证明 Certificate for completion

消毒证明书 Certificate of disinfection

消毒证明书 Certificate of disinfection

所有权状;所有权证书;登记证书 certificate of ownership

所有权状;所有权证书;登记证书 certificate of ownership

签证舱单 certified manifest

签证舱单 certified manifest

责任终止及留置权条款 cesr & lien clau

责任终止及留置权条款 cesr & lien clau

止付佣船费条款 cesr of hire or off-hire clau

止付佣船费条款 cesr of hire or off-hire clau

拼装/拼拆 CFS/CFS

拼装/拼拆 CFS/CFS

拼装/整拆 CFS/CY

拼装/整拆 CFS/CY 吊[货]链 chain sling

吊[货]链 chain sling

租回船;佣回船 charter back ship

租回船;佣回船 charter back ship

佣船营利基数 charter ba

佣船营利基数 charter ba

租船契约代号;佣船契约代号 charter code

租船契约代号;佣船契约代号 charter code

佣船佣金 charter commission

佣船佣金 charter commission

佣船费;租金 charter hire

佣船费;租金 charter hire

佣船市场 charter market

佣船市场 charter market

佣船载货证券 charter party B/L

佣船载货证券 charter party B/L

租船契约;佣船契约 charter party {= C/P}

租船契约;佣船契约 charter party {= C/P}

佣船运价 charter rate

佣船运价 charter rate

租佣业务 charter traffic

租佣业务 charter traffic

租入;佣入 charter-in

租入;佣入 charter-in

租出;佣出 charter-out

租出;佣出 charter-out

佣船费 charterage

佣船费 charterage

租船准所有人;佣船准所有人 chartered owner

租船准所有人;佣船准所有人 chartered owner 佣船人 charterer

佣船人 charterer

租船人之代理人;佣船人之代理人 charterer's agent

租船人之代理人;佣船人之代理人 charterer's agent

租船人责任;佣船人责任 charterer's liability

租船人责任;佣船人责任 charterer's liability

佣船人市场 charterer's market

佣船人市场 charterer's market

租方选定;佣方选定 charterer's option

租方选定;佣方选定 charterer's option

租船人负担风险;佣船人负担风险 charterer's risk

租船人负担风险;佣船人负担风险 charterer's risk

佣船人破产 charterers insolvency

佣船人破产 charterers insolvency

租船代理人;佣船代理人 chartering agent

租船代理人;佣船代理人 chartering agent

佣船奖金 chartering bonus

佣船奖金 chartering bonus

租船经纪人;佣船经纪人 chartering broker

租船经纪人;佣船经纪人 chartering broker

租船期间;佣船期间 chartering period

租船期间;佣船期间 chartering period

租船术语;佣船术语;租船条件;佣船条件 chartering terms

租船术语;佣船术语;租船条件;佣船条件 chartering terms

车架搬运货柜方式 chassis system

车架搬运货柜方式 chassis system

正厨 chef

正厨 chef

轮机长;总工程师 chief engineer

轮机长;总工程师 chief engineer 冷存货;寒冻货 chilled cargo

冷存货;寒冻货 chilled cargo

碎落 chipped off

碎落 chipped off

命名典礼 christening

命名典礼 christening

货值、保险费及运费之价额 CIF value

货值、保险费及运费之价额 CIF value

民变 civil commotion

民变 civil commotion

民争 civil strife

民争 civil strife

内战 civil war

内战 civil war

索赔;理赔;债权 claim

索赔;理赔;债权 claim

理赔统计 claim statistic

理赔统计 claim statistic

索赔人;债权人 claimant

索赔人;债权人 claimant

索赔代理人 claims agent

索赔代理人 claims agent

船级维持证书 class maintenance certificate

船级维持证书 class maintenance certificate

分等运价;等级费率 class rate

分等运价;等级费率 class rate

不洁载货证券;有批注的载货证券 claud B/L [= dirty B/L;

foul B/L; unclean B/L]

不洁载货证券;有批注的载货证券 claud B/L [= dirty B/L;

foul B/L; unclean B/L] 清洁载货证券 clean B/L

清洁载货证券 clean B/L

洁净货 clean cargo

洁净货 clean cargo

常例佣船契约 clean charter

常例佣船契约 clean charter

无批注船上收货单 clean M/R

无批注船上收货单 clean M/R

清油 clean oil

清油 clean oil

无瑕收货单 clean receipt

无瑕收货单 clean receipt

清油轮;轻油船;净油船 clean tanker

清油轮;轻油船;净油船 clean tanker

净日数 clear days

净日数 clear days

出口结关证书 clearance certificate; clearance customs


出口结关证书 clearance certificate; clearance customs


出港许可 clearance permit

出港许可 clearance permit

结关出口 clearance port

结关出口 clearance port

封闭港 clo port

封闭港 clo port

结关日 closing date

结关日 closing date

船舶共有人 co-owner; co-owner of ship

船舶共有人 co-owner; co-owner of ship 加煤港 coaling port

加煤港 coaling port

沿海贸易 coasting trade

沿海贸易 coasting trade

沿海运输 coastwi transport

沿海运输 coastwi transport

折迭式货柜 collapsible container

折迭式货柜 collapsible container

托收银行 collecting bank

托收银行 collecting bank

煤业假日 colliery holidays

煤业假日 colliery holidays

煤运装船时限表 colliery scale

煤运装船时限表 colliery scale

煤运次序 colliery turn

煤运次序 colliery turn

煤业工作日 colliery working day

煤业工作日 colliery working day

复合运输 combined transport

复合运输 combined transport

复合运送载货证券 combined transport bill of lading;

combined B/L

复合运送载货证券 combined transport bill of lading;

combined B/L

复合运送单据 combined transport document {= CTD}

复合运送单据 combined transport document {= CTD}

复合运送[经营]人 combined transport operator {= CTO}

复合运送[经营]人 combined transport operator {= CTO}

商务责任 commercial functions

商务责任 commercial functions 商运 commercial rvice

商运 commercial rvice

佣金;服役 commission

佣金;服役 commission

委任代理人 commission agent

委任代理人 commission agent

经付佣金 commission past us

经付佣金 commission past us

混杂不清货 commixtion and unidentifiable cargo

混杂不清货 commixtion and unidentifiable cargo

个别货品运价 commodity rate

个别货品运价 commodity rate

公共运送人;运输业者 common carrier

公共运送人;运输业者 common carrier

定期票 communication ticket

定期票 communication ticket

船员]配额;员额 complement

[船员]配额;员额 complement

满载货;混载货[物] completing cargo

满载货;混载货[物] completing cargo

优待票 complimentary ticket

优待票 complimentary ticket

混合货柜船 conbination container ship

混合货柜船 conbination container ship

隐蔽之损害 concealed damage

隐蔽之损害 concealed damage

承受人 concessionaire

承受人 concessionaire

确定证据 conclusive evidence

确定证据 conclusive evidence 状况检验 condition survey

状况检验 condition survey

条件背书 conditional endorment

条件背书 conditional endorment

公量重量 conditioned weight

公量重量 conditioned weight

航运同盟联合会员 conference associated member

航运同盟联合会员 conference associated member

同盟船;加盟运送人 conference carrier

同盟船;加盟运送人 conference carrier

航运同盟完全会员 conference full member

航运同盟完全会员 conference full member

航运同盟会员 conference member

航运同盟会员 conference member

航运同盟正会员 conference regular member

航运同盟正会员 conference regular member

航运同盟运价表 conference tariff

航运同盟运价表 conference tariff

接运人 connecting carrier

接运人 connecting carrier

连续自然日 concutive or running day

连续自然日 concutive or running day

连续航次 concutive voyage

连续航次 concutive voyage

从商损失;从属损失 conquential loss

从商损失;从属损失 conquential loss

浚港捐 conrvancy dues

浚港捐 conrvancy dues

受货人;受货单位 consignee

受货人;受货单位 consignee 托运货物;托运;发货;寄售 consignment

托运货物;托运;发货;寄售 consignment

委托代理条款 consignment clau

委托代理条款 consignment clau

托运人;发货人;寄售人 consignor

托运人;发货人;寄售人 consignor

拼装业者 consolidator

拼装业者 consolidator

航业集团 consortia

航业集团 consortia

固定成本 constant cost; fixed cost

固定成本 constant cost; fixed cost

造船贷款 construction loan

造船贷款 construction loan

造船准备基金 construction rerve fund

造船准备基金 construction rerve fund

推定交货 constructive delivery

推定交货 constructive delivery

领事签证费 consular invoice; consulage; consular charge

领事签证费 consular invoice; consulage; consular charge

遣返乘客 consular pasnger

遣返乘客 consular pasnger

消耗性物料;消耗量 consumable store

消耗性物料;消耗量 consumable store

货柜;货柜船 container

货柜;货柜船 container

货柜场 container ba; container terminal; container yard

{= CY}

货柜场 container ba; container terminal; container yard

{= CY} 货柜验收单 container interchange report

货柜验收单 container interchange report

货柜运送单 container note

货柜运送单 container note

平车载货柜 container on flat car {= COFC}

平车载货柜 container on flat car {= COFC}

货柜服务费 container rvice charge

货柜服务费 container rvice charge

货柜船 container ship

货柜船 container ship

货柜存放场 container yard {= CY}

货柜存放场 container yard {= CY}

货柜化 containerization

货柜化 containerization

内容结块 contents caked

内容结块 contents caked

内容暴露 contents expod

内容暴露 contents expod

内容完整 contents intact

内容完整 contents intact

内容摇动有声 contents rattlig

内容摇动有声 contents rattlig

走私货;违禁品 contraband

走私货;违禁品 contraband

禁运品 contraband goods

禁运品 contraband goods

非法贸易 contraband trade

非法贸易 contraband trade

契约载货证券 contract B/L

契约载货证券 contract B/L 契约运送人 contract carrier

契约运送人 contract carrier

货运契约 contract of affreightment

货运契约 contract of affreightment

海上运送契约 contract of carriage by a

海上运送契约 contract of carriage by a

契约运价 contract rate

契约运价 contract rate

契约运价制 contract rate system

契约运价制 contract rate system

承办人;承包人 contractor

承办人;承包人 contractor

公营运送人 controlled carrier

公营运送人 controlled carrier

适宜港 convenient port

适宜港 convenient port

适宜速率 convenient speed

适宜速率 convenient speed

传统载货证券 conventional B/L

传统载货证券 conventional B/L

传统货 conventional cargo

传统货 conventional cargo

普通包装;习惯包装 conventional packing

普通包装;习惯包装 conventional packing

协定税率 conventional tariff

协定税率 conventional tariff

传统运输 conventional transport

传统运输 conventional transport

换算表;对照表 conversion table

换算表;对照表 conversion table 改装油轮 converted tanker

改装油轮 converted tanker

可变货柜船 convertible container ship

可变货柜船 convertible container ship

煤运轮班休息日 converting day

煤运轮班休息日 converting day

运送人责任期间条款 conveyance clau

运送人责任期间条款 conveyance clau

船队 convoy

船队 convoy

厨工 cook

厨工 cook

修补工 cooper

修补工 cooper

交运单;委托通知 cosignment note

交运单;委托通知 cosignment note

包括运费之货价 cost & freight {= C&F}

包括运费之货价 cost & freight {= C&F}

包括保险费之货价 cost & insurance {= C&I}

包括保险费之货价 cost & insurance {= C&I}

运输成本 cost of rvice

运输成本 cost of rvice

反求偿 counter claim

反求偿 counter claim

副标志;辅助标志 counter mark

副标志;辅助标志 counter mark

还价 counter offer

还价 counter offer

计数器理货 counter tally

计数器理货 counter tally 反证 counter-proof; disproof

反证 counter-proof; disproof

辅标志 countermark

辅标志 countermark

副本 counterpart

副本 counterpart

副署 countersign

副署 countersign

对抗外籍船舶补助金 countervailing subsidy

对抗外籍船舶补助金 countervailing subsidy

原地损害;原产地损害 country damage {= c.d.}

原地损害;原产地损害 country damage {= c.d.}

包装破损 cover-torn

包装破损 cover-torn

盖干货柜 covered top container

盖干货柜 covered top container

裂痕 crack

裂痕 crack

裂缝 crack; split

裂缝 crack; split

起重机使用费 cranage

起重机使用费 cranage

领款通知 credit note

领款通知 credit note

债权人 creditor

债权人 creditor

船员名单 crew list

船员名单 crew list

原油 crude oil

原油 crude oil 巡航距离;续航力 cruising range

巡航距离;续航力 cruising range

压损 crushed

压损 crushed

容积;按体积计算 cubage or cubature

容积;按体积计算 cubage or cubature

立方容量;立体容积 cubic capacity

立方容量;立体容积 cubic capacity

体积货 cubic cargo

体积货 cubic cargo

立方公尺 cubic meter {= CBM}

立方公尺 cubic meter {= CBM}

币值附加费 currency adjustment factor {= CAF}; currency

surchange {= CS}

币值附加费 currency adjustment factor {= CAF}; currency

surchange {= CS}

现行汇率 current exchange rate

现行汇率 current exchange rate

港口惯例;港口习惯 custom of port {= COP}

港口惯例;港口习惯 custom of port {= COP}

习惯快速装卸 customary despatch; customary quick

despatch {= CQD}

习惯快速装卸 customary despatch; customary quick

despatch {= CQD}

报关行 customs broker

报关行 customs broker

结关费 customs clearing fee

结关费 customs clearing fee

关税 customs duties; duty

关税 customs duties; duty 海关准单 customs permit

海关准单 customs permit

海关税则 customs tariff

海关税则 customs tariff

海关仓库 customs warehou

海关仓库 customs warehou

整装折让 CY discount

整装折让 CY discount

整装/拼拆整装/拼拆整装/整拆整装/整拆 CY/CFS




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