埃莱娜·西苏“女性书写”理论研究现状作者:刘珊来源:《西江文艺·上半月》2015年第06期 【摘 要】埃莱娜·西苏,法国著名思想家、文学批评家、小说家。20世纪70年代中期,西苏陆续发表了大量的女性主义方面的著述,例如《美杜莎的笑声》(The Laugh of the Medusa, 1975年)、《从无意识的场景到历史的场景》(From the Scene of the Unconscious to the Scene of History, 1986年),都在国际学术界引起极大关注,并提出“女性书写”理论。本论文主要探讨的是国内外关于西苏“女性书写理论”的研究历史及研究现状。
Abstract:Helene Cixous is one of the most famous critics, novelists and thinkers in France. Since the middle age of the 20th century, Cixous has published many works which are focud on feminism, such as The Laugh of the Medusa (1975), and From the Scene of the Unconscious to the Scene of History (1986), and put forward the theo
ry of feminine writing. This paper is going to analyze the rearch status of the theory of feminine writing.
Key words: Helene Cixous; feminine writing; rearch status