1.I am something that is full of holes and yet can hold
am I?A:a sponge
kind of table has no legs?A:timetable
has a neck but no throat?A:a bottle
has an eye but can not e?A:a needle
are the most difficult ships to conquer?A:hardships
carries his hou with him?A:a snail or tortoi
room can no one enter?A:mushroom
is the most disagreeable month for soldiers?A:a long
is the worst weather for rats and mice?A:when it
rains cats and dogs
has four legs but can’t run?A:bed ,desk
11.I have hands and a face,but I can’t touch or smile,what
am I?A:watch,clock
question can you never answer “yes”to “?”?A:
Are you asleep?
begins with T,ends with T,and full with T?A:teapot
comes twice in a moment,once in a minute and never
in a hundred years?A:M
tables de we often e in fields?A:vegetable
two words can be pronounced fast and quick?A :
is the longest word in English?A:smiles
is white when it is dirty?A:blackboard
is that which you break by even naming it?A:silence
another three years Tom will be three times as old
as he was three years old is Tom now?A:He is six
21.I am something that can run but can’t am I?A:
22.I am something that has teeth,but can’t am I?A:
a comb
23.I am something that every living person has en,but no
one will ever e me am I?A:yesterday
24.I am something that always increas the more I shared
with am I?A:happiness
wasn’t my sister,nor my brother,but still was the
child of my father and was it?A:mylf
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