我杀了小天狼星·布莱克 I killed Sirius Black!
他回来了 He's back.
警方仍在调查 The police are continuing with
伦敦千禧桥坍塌的原因 into the cau of the millennium bridge disaster.
大桥坍塌死亡人数增加 哈利波特 救世之星
为搜救生还者 交通被迫中断 Traffic has been halted as police arch for survivors.
附近地区均已戒严 The surrounding area remains clod.
市长希望伦敦市民保持冷静 The mayor has urged londoners to
声名狼藉 马尔福夫人与儿子离开法庭
阿兹卡班的 新房客
哈利·波特 "Harry Potter."
哈利·波特是谁 Who's Harry Potter?
没谁 Oh, no one.
某个二货吧 Bit of a tosr, really.
你的报纸很好玩 Funny, that paper of yours.
我发誓 Couple nights ago
几天前 我看那图片动了 I could've sworn I saw a picture move.
-是吗 -我估计是我神经错乱了 - Really? - Thought I was going around the twist.
-我想问... -点 我下班 - Hey, I - Eleven. That's when I get off.
给我讲讲那个二货哈利·波特 You can tell me all about that tosr Harry Potter.
今年夏天你有点鲁莽 哈利 You've been reckless this summer, Harry.
我喜欢坐火车到处转转 I like riding around on trains.
那能让我的头脑清静 Takes my mind off things.
样子挺吓人吧 Rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it?
背后的故事也挺刺激 The tale is thrilling, if I say so mylf.
不过以后再给你讲 But now is not the time to tell it.
抓住我的胳膊 Take my arm.
照我说的做 Do as I say.
我刚刚幻影移形了吗 I just apparated, didn't i?
没错 而且我得说 你适应得很好 Indeed. Quite successfully too, I might add.
大多数人第一次幻影移形都会吐的 Most people vomit the first time.
怎么可能吐 I can't imagine why.
欢迎来到迷人的巴德莱·巴伯顿村 Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton.
哈利 你一定在想我为什么带你来这 Harry, I assume, right about now, you're wondering why I brought
you here.
对吗 Am I right?
说实话 这些年我已经习惯一头雾水了 Actually, sir, after all the years, I just sort of go with it.
掏出魔杖 哈利 Wands out, Harry.
霍拉斯 Horace?
霍拉斯 Horace?
梅林的胡子 Merlin's beard!
没必要拆穿我啦 阿不思 No need to disfigure me, Albus.
你这扶手椅装得相当成功 霍拉斯 Well, I must say you make a very convincing armchair, Horace.
外套是就地取材 我身材本来就有料 It's all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing naturally.
我哪露馅了 What gave me away?
龙血 Dragon's blood.
-怪不得 -对了 来给你介绍下 - Oh. - Oh, yes, introductions.
哈利 这是我的老朋友 也是老同事 Harry, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague
霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩 Horace Slughorn.
你肯定认识他吧 Well, you know who this is.
哈利·波特 Harry Potter.
弄成这样是干什么 霍拉斯 What's with all the theatrics, Horace?
你该不会是在等别人吧 You weren't, by any chance, waiting for someone el, were you?
别人 你在说什么啊 Someone el? I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
好吧 这一年来食死徒一直想招揽我 All right. The death eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a
你知道那是什么感觉吗 Do you know what that's like?
我不能总拒绝他们 You can only say no so many times,
只好每星期都换个地方住 So I never stay anywhere more than a week.
住这的麻瓜去了加那利群岛 Muggles who own this are in the Canary Islands.
咱们最好把东西恢复原样吧 Well, I think we should put it back in order for them, don't you mind?
真好玩 That was fun.
-我能用下洗手间吗 -当然 - Do you mind if I u the loo? - No, of cour.
别以为我不知道你来干嘛 阿不思 Don't think I don't know why you're here, Albus.
我就是不去 The answer's still no.
无论如何 毫不含糊 不去 Absolutely and unequivocally, no.
你长得很像你父亲 You're very like your father.
除了眼睛 你眼睛更像你... Except for the eyes. you
像我妈妈 我知道 My mother's eyes. Yeah.
莉莉 可爱的莉莉 你妈妈非常聪明 Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright, your mother.
加上她是麻瓜出身 就更厉害了 Even more impressive when one considers she was muggle-born.
我有个好朋友就是麻瓜出身 One of my best friends is muggle-born.
我们这届最棒的 Best in our year.
千万别觉得我有偏见 Plea don't think I'm prejudiced. No, no.
你妈妈是我最喜欢的学生 Your mother was one of my absolute favorites.
那个就是她 最前边的 Look, there she is. Right at the front.
这些人都是我的学生 All mine. Each and every one.
以前的学生 Ex-students, I mean.
那是巴拿巴斯·古费 预言家日报主编 You recognize Barnabas Cuffe, editor of the Daily Prophet.
我想表达下自己的观点 Always takes my owl
就给他送个信 准能登报 should I wish to register an opinion on the news of the day.
格韦诺格·琼斯 霍利黑德哈比队队长 Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies.
随时可以给我免费的票 Free tickets whenever I want them.
当然 我好久没去看过了 Of cour, I haven't been to a match in some time.
啊 这张 Ah, yes.
雷古拉斯·布莱克 Regulus Black.
你肯定知道他弟弟小天狼星几周前死了吧 You no doubt know of his older brother Sirius. died a few
weeks ago.
我教过布莱克一家 除了小天狼星 I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius.
令人惋惜啊 他确实很有天赋 It's a shame. Talented boy.
雷古拉斯我收下了 I got Regulus when he came along of cour.
不过两个都收更好 But I'd have liked the t.
霍拉斯 Horace?
我能拿走这个吗 Do you mind if I take this?
我喜欢看编织图案 I do love knitting patterns.
给你了 你该不是要走吧 Yes, of cour. But you're not leaving?
我知道请你回学校这事儿肯定没戏了 I think I know a lost cau when I e one, regrettable.
我一直认为 劝你回到霍格沃茨教书 I would have considered it a
对我来说算是个成就 不过算了 ...had you connted to return to Hogwarts. Oh, well.
你和波特先生一样 都很有性格 You're like my friend Mr. Potter here, one of a kind.
走了 拜拜 霍拉斯 Well, bye-bye, Horace.
再见 Bye.
好吧 我答应啦 All right. I'll do it.
但是我要梅乐斯教授的那间办公室 But I want professor Merrythought's old office,
我原来那间就像厕所 Not the water clot I had before.
而且我要求加薪 现在世道太乱啦 太乱 And I expect a rai. The are mad times we live in, mad!
确实如此 They are indeed.
教授 这到底是怎么回事 Sir, exactly what was all that about?
你有天赋 有名气 法力强大 You are talented, famous and powerful.
这都是霍拉斯看重的 Everything Horace values.
斯拉格霍恩教授想把你收入门下 哈利 Professor Slughorn is gonna try to collect you, Harry.
你会是他的珍宝 You would be his crowning jewel.
所以他才决定回校教书 That's why he's returning to Hogwarts.
他的回归至关重要 And it's crucial he should return.
抱歉搅了你今晚的约会 哈利 I fear I may have stolen a wondrous night from you, Harry.
那姑娘确实很漂亮 She was, truthfully, very pretty, the girl.
没关系 我明天再去 编个借口 It's all right, sir. I'll go back tomorrow, make some excu.
你今天不回小惠金区了 哈利 Oh, you'll not be returning to Little Whinging tonight, Harry.
可海德薇怎么办 还有我的行李箱 But, sir, what about Hedwig? And my trunk?
都已经搞定了 Both are waiting for you.
海德薇 Hedwig.
妈 Mum?
金妮 怎么了 Ginny, what is it?
哈利什么时候来的 I was only wondering when Harry got here.
什么 哈利 哪个哈利 What? Harry? Harry who?
当然是哈利·波特 Harry Potter, of cour.
哈利·波特来了 我当然会知道的 I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my hou, wouldn't i?
他的行李箱和猫头鹰都在厨房 His trunk's in the kitchen, and his owl.
不可能 亲爱的 我可不信 No, dear, I riously doubt that.
哈利 谁说哈利呢 Harry? Did someone say "Harry"?
是我说的 他和你一起在上面吗 Me, nosy. Is he up there with you?
当然没在了 Of cour not.
铁哥们来了 我当然会知道的 I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't i?
-那是猫头鹰么 -你没看见过他吧 - Is that an owl? - You haven't en him, have you?
他应该在屋子里闲逛 Apparently he's wandering about the hou.
-真的吗 -真的 - Really? - Really.
哈利 Harry!
哈利 Harry!
真是个惊喜 What a lovely surpri.
为什么不提前通知一下 Why didn't you let us know you were coming?
我事先不知道 邓布利多安排的 I didn't know. Dumbledore.
他真是的 Oh, that man.
不过少了他可怎么办 But then, what would we do without him?
你这...粘了点牙膏 Got a bit of toothpaste.
你什么时候到的 So when did you get here?
前几天过来的 A few days ago.
虽然当时犹豫了下 要不要来 Though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming.
我妈上星期有点迷乱 Mum sort of lost it last week.
她说我和金妮不该回霍格沃茨 Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts.
太危险了 That it's too dangerous.
-拜托 -不止她一个人这么想 - Oh, come on. - She's not alone.
就连我的麻瓜父母也知道有坏事要发生了 Even my parents, and they're muggles, know something bad's
我爸说她是瞎担心 Anyway, dad stepped in, told her she was
劝了她好几天 终于改主意了 ...and it took a few days, but she came around.
但我们要去的是霍格沃茨啊 But this is Hogwarts we're talking about.
有邓布利多 It's Dumbledore.
还有什么能更安全 What could be safer?
最近有很多人说... There's been a lot of talk
邓布利多老了 ...Dumbledore's got a bit old.
胡说 他才... Rubbish! well, he'
他多大岁数了 What is he?
一百五十岁 左右吧 Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years.
西茜 你不能这样做 他不可信 Cissy! You can't do this! He can't be trusted!
黑魔王信任他 The Dark Lord trusts him.
黑魔王看错人了 The Dark Lord's mistaken.
出去 虫尾巴 Run along, Wormtail.
我知道我不该来这儿 I know I ought not to be here.
黑魔王不允许我说这件事 The Dark Lord himlf forbade me to speak of this.
如果黑魔王不允许你说 你就不该说 If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you ought not to speak.
放下 贝拉 别动别人的东西 Put it down, Bella. We mustn't touch what isn't ours.
其实我清楚你的处境 纳西莎 As it so happens, I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa.
你清楚 You?
黑魔王告诉你了吗 The Dark Lord told you?
你妹妹怀疑我 Your sister doubts me.
可以理解 这么多年我都掩饰得很好 Understandable. Over the years I've played my part well.
我连最伟大的巫师之一都骗过了 So well, I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time.
邓布利多是伟大的巫师 这无可置疑 Dumbledore is a great wizard. Only a fool would question it.
我不怀疑你 西弗勒斯 I don't doubt you, Severus.
你应该感到荣幸 西茜 德拉科也一样 You should be honored, Cissy. As should Draco.
他还是个孩子 He's just a boy.
我无法改变黑魔王的心意 I can't change the Dark Lord's mind.
但我或许能帮助德拉科 But it might be possible for me to help Draco.
-西弗勒斯 -你得发誓 - Severus. - Swear to it.
牢不可破的誓言 Make the Unbreakable Vow.
否则只是在说空话 It's just empty words.
他总说会尽力 He'll give it his best effort.
可是到了关键时刻 But when it
却像个缩头乌龟 ...he'll just slither back into his hole.
懦夫 Coward.
魔杖拿出来 Take out your wand.
西弗勒斯·斯内普 ...
照看德拉科·马尔福 ...watch over
助其达成黑魔王的心愿 ...as he attempts to fulfill the Dark Lord's wishes?
我发誓 I will.
你发誓 尽全力 And will you, to the best of
保护他免受伤害 ...protect him from harm?
我发誓 I will.
如果德拉科失败了 And if Draco
你发誓亲自执行 ...will you yourlf carry out
黑魔王交给德拉科的任务 ...the Dark Lord has ordered Draco to perform?
我发誓 I will.
瞧一瞧 看一看 我们这儿有昏迷花糖 Step up! Step up! We've got fainting fancies!
鼻血牛轧糖 Nobleed nougats!
-正是开学的时候 -还有吐吐糖 - And just in time - Puking pastilles!
-吐在锅里 帅哥 -吐在锅里 帅哥 - Into the cauldron, handsome. - Into the cauldron, handsome.
这里由我说了算 I will have order!
我真的很讨厌小孩 这里由我说了算 I really hate children. I will have order!
-秘鲁瞬间黑暗粉 -很赚钱 - Peruvian instant darkness powder. - A real money spinner, that.
逃跑遁地 居家必备 Handy if you need to make a quick getaway.
-你好 女士们 -你好 女士们 - Hello, ladies. - Hello, ladies.
-爱情魔药 -确实很管用 - Love potions, eh? - Yeah, they really do work.
我说妹妹 我们可听说 Then again, the way we hear it, sis
你不靠魔药一样吃得开 You're doing just fine on your own.
什么意思 Meaning?
你最近在和迪安·托马斯约会吧 Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?
不关你们的事 It's none of your business.
这多少钱 How much for this?
-个金加隆 -个金加隆 - Five galleons. - Five galleons.
-我买多少钱 -个金加隆 - How much for me? - Five galleons.
我是你们的弟弟 I'm your brother.
-个金加隆 -个金加隆 - Ten galleons. - Ten galleons.
咱们还是走吧 Come on, let's go.
嗨 罗恩 Hi, Ron.
你好 Hi.
弗雷德和乔治是怎么做到的 How are Fred and George doing it?
半条巷子都关门了 Half the alley's clod down.
弗雷德觉得人们最近很需要找乐子 Fred reckons people need a laugh the days.
看来他说得对 I reckon he's right.
不是吧 Oh, no.
大家的魔杖都是在奥利凡德买的 Everyone got their wands from ollivander's.
哈利 Harry?
是我眼花 还是德拉科和他妈妈... Is it me, or do Draco and mummy look like
偷偷摸摸不想被人发现 ...who don't want to be followed?
《唱唱反调》 Quibbler.
《唱唱反调》 Quibbler.
真可爱 它们爱在节礼日唱歌 He's lovely. They've been known to sing on boxing day, you know.
-《唱唱反调》 -谢谢 - Quibbler? - Oh, plea.
-骚扰虻是什么 -一种隐形的生物 - What's a wrackspurt? - They're invisible creatures.
会飘进耳朵里 把你的脑子搅乱 They float in your ears and make your brain go fuzzy.
《唱唱反调》 Quibbler.
德拉科拿那个橱子做什么 So, what was Draco doing with that weird-looking cabinet?
那些人又是谁 And who were all tho people?
你没看出来吗 那是仪式 入会仪式 Don't you e? It was a ceremony, an initiation.
别说了 哈利 我知道你要说什么 Stop it, Harry. I know where you're going.
事实如此 他是他们的一员 It's happened. He's one of them.
谁的一员 One of what?
哈利认为德拉科·马尔福加入了食死徒 Harry is under the impression Draco Malfoy is now a death eater.
你开玩笑 You're barking.
马尔福又没有利用价值 What would You-Know-Who want with Malfoy?
那你说他去博金-博克干吗 选家具吗 Well, then what's he doing in borgin and burkes? Browsing for
那家店挺恐怖 正好适合马尔福 It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke.
他爸爸就是食死徒 肯定是这样 Look, his father is a Death Eater. It only makes n.
赫敏亲眼见过的 Hermione saw it with her own eyes.
我说过了 我不知道我看见什么了 I told you, I don't know what I saw.
我得出去透透气 I need some air.
别担心 等我们到了霍格沃茨 一定把它找出来 Don't worry. When we get to Hogwarts, we'll sort it
-怎么回事 布雷司 -不知道 - What was that? Blai? - Don't know.
放松点 兴许是一年级新生搞鬼 Relax, boys. It's probably just a first-year messing around.
算了 德拉科 都快到霍格沃茨了 Come on, Draco. Sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon.
霍格沃茨 没用的破学校 Hogwarts. What a pathetic excu for a school.
再在这学两年 I'd pitch mylf off the
还不如从天文塔跳下去 ...if I had to continue for another two years.
这是什么意思 What's that suppod to mean?
明年我不会浪费时间上魔咒课了 Let's just say you won't e me wasting my time in charms class next
笑什么你 布雷司 Amud, Blai?
看看咱们谁笑到最后 We'll e just who's laughing in the end.
你们先走 我要检查一下 You two go on. I wanna check something.
哈利去哪了 Where's Harry?
估计已经下车了 走吧 He's probably already on the platform. Come on.
你妈妈没教过你不该偷听吗 波特 Didn't mummy ever tell you it was rude to eavesdrop, Potter?
统统石化 Petrificus Totalus.
哦对了 Oh,
你还没学会擦口水 你妈就死了 ...she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin.
这脚是替我爸踢的 返程愉快 That's for my father. Enjoy your ride back to London.
咒立停 Finite.
-你好 哈利 -卢娜 - Hello, Harry. - Luna!
你怎么知道我在这 How'd you know where I was?
骚扰虻 你脑子里面有很多 Wrackspurts. Your head's full of them.
抱歉害你错过了马车 卢娜 Sorry I made you miss the carriages, by the way, Luna.
没关系 我感觉就像和朋友在一起 That's all right. It was like being with a friend.
我就是你朋友 卢娜 Oh, I am your friend, Luna.
真好 That's nice.
终于出现了 我到处都找不到你们 About time. I've been looking all over for you two.
报上姓名 Right. Names?
弗立维教授 我们都认识五年了 Professor Flitwick, you've known me for five years.
没有例外 波特 No exceptions, Potter.
那些是什么人 Who are tho people?
傲罗 负责安保 Aurors. For curity.
这根棍子是什么 What's this cane here, then?
这不叫棍子 白痴 这叫手杖 It's not a cane, you cretin. It's a walking stick.
那你干吗带这根 And what exactly would you be wanting ?
可以被用作攻击性武器 Could be construed as an offensive weapon.
没关系 费尔奇先生 我能为马尔福担保 It's all right, Mr. Filch. I can vouch for Mr. Malfoy.
脸蛋很漂亮 波特 Nice face, Potter.
介意我帮你修一下吗 Would you like me to fix it for you?
虽然我觉得你这样子更放荡不羁 Personally, I think you look a bit more devil-may-care
但你自己说了算 But it's up to you.
你以前有修过鼻子吗 Well, have you ever fixed a no before?
没 但我修过几次脚趾 应该都差不多 No, but I've done veral toes, and how different are they,
好吧 修吧 Um... okay, yeah. Give it a go.
愈合如初 Episkey.
-我怎么样 -异常的正常 - How do I look? - Exceptionally ordinary.
太好了 Brilliant.
别担心 他一会儿就来 Don't worry. He'll be here in a minute.
你就只知道吃吗 Will you stop eating?
你最好的朋友不见了 Your best friend is missing!
回头看看吧 神经质 Oi. Turn around, you lunatic.
他又浑身是血了 He's covered in blood again.
为什么他老是沾着血 Why is it he's always covered in blood?
看来这次的血是他自己的 Looks like it's his own this time.
你去哪了 Where have you been?
-你的脸怎么了 -等下再说 - What happened to your face? - Later.
我错过了什么 What've I misd?
分院帽告诫我们要勇敢坚强地挺过这段困境 Sorting hat urged us all to be brave and strong in the
troubled times.
说得倒轻巧 它就是顶帽子 Easy for it to say, huh? It's a hat, isn't it?
大家晚宴愉快 Very best of evenings to you all.
多谢 Thanks.
首先 请允许我介绍一位新教授 First off, let me introduce the newest member of
霍拉斯·斯拉格霍恩 ...Horace Slughorn.
斯拉格霍恩教授 很高兴 Professor Slughorn, I'm happy
邀请您重回学校教授魔药学 ...has agreed to resume his old post as potions master.
与此同时 黑魔法防御课将 Meanwhile, the post of defen against the
由斯内普教授授课 ...will be taken by professor Snape.
斯内普? Snape?
还有 Now, as
今晚大家进校前都搜过身 ...each and every one of you was arched upon your arrival here tonight.
你们有权得知理由 And you have the right to know why.
曾经有个年轻人 跟你们一样 Once there was a young man, who,
坐在这礼堂里 sat in this
漫步在走廊里 安睡在屋檐下 walked this castle's corridors, slept under its roof.
和其他的学生没什么不同 He emed to all the world a student like any other.
他的名字是 His name?
汤姆·里德尔 Tom Riddle.
然而今天 Today,
他用另一个名字横行世界 he's known all over the world by another name.
所以 今晚我看着你们 Which is why, as I stand looking out upon you
想起了这个严峻的事实 I'm reminded of a sobering fact.
也许 每一天 Every day,
每一时 每一分 this very minute,
黑魔法势力都在企图攻破这城堡 dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls.
但其实 他们最强的武器是你们 But in the end, their greatest weapon is you.
好好想想这些话 Just something to think about.
好了 睡去吧 晚安 Now, off to bed. Pip-pip.
真鼓舞人心 That was cheerful.
魔法史的教室在楼上 女士们 不是楼下 History of magic is upstairs, ladies, not down.
戴维斯先生 戴维斯先生 那边是女生盥洗室 Mr. Davies! Mr. Davies! That is the girls' lavatory.
波特 Potter.
肯定没好事 Oh, this can't be good.
挺闲的 是吧 Enjoying ourlves, are we?
-我今天上午没课 -我知道 - I had a free period this morning. - So I noticed.
所以我觉得你应该去上今早的魔药课 I would think you would want to fill it with potions.
还是说你以后不想当傲罗了 Or is it no longer your ambition to become an auror?
想 但我的的魔药课没拿到"优秀" It was, but I was told I had to get an "Outstanding" in my O.W.L.
确实 斯内普教授确实这样要求 So you did, when professor Snape was teaching potions.
可斯拉格霍恩教授愿意接受得了"超出预期"的学生 However, professor Slughorn is perfectly happy to
accept N.E.W.T.
进修魔药课 with "Exceeds expectations."
太好了 Brilliant. Um...
-我马上就过去上课 -很好 很好 - Well, I'll head there straightaway. - Oh, good, good.
波特 带韦斯莱一起去 别让他乐过头了 Potter, take Weasley with you. He looks far too happy over
我不想上魔药课 I don't wanna take potions.
魁地奇选拔快要开始了 我得抓紧练习 This is quidditch trials coming up. I need to practice.
注意准备工作中的细节 Attention to detail in
好的开始是成功的一半 is the prerequisite of all planning.
哈利 好孩子 我还担心你不来了 Harry, my boy, I was beginning to worry.
看来你还带了朋友 We've brought someone with us, I e.
我叫罗恩·韦斯莱 先生 Ron Weasley, Sir.
但我魔药成绩很烂 简直是我的克星 But I'm dead awful at potions, a menace, actually.
-我要 -没关系 我会让你进步的 - I' - Nonn, we'll sort you out.
哈利的朋友就是我的朋友 拿出课本上课吧 Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Get your books
实际上 我跟罗恩都没有课本 I haven't actually got my book yet, and nor has Ron.
那就到柜子里拿 Get what you want from the cupboard.
接着我刚才说的 我准备了一些药剂 Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning.
知道这些分别是什么吗 Any ideas what the might be?
-你 名字是 -格兰杰 先生 -Yes, ? - Granger, sir.
那个是吐真剂 能让人说出真相 That one there is veritarum. It's a truth-telling rum.
那个是复方汤剂 And that would be polyjuice potion.
制作起来非常复杂 It's terribly tricky to make.
这个是迷情剂 And this
世界上最强的爱情魔药 the most powerful love potion in the world.
据说每个人 It's rumored to smell differently to
都能闻到自己喜欢的味道 Each person according to what attracts them.
比如说 我闻到 For example,
刚修剪过的草坪 新羊皮纸 和 freshly mown grass, and new parchment,
留兰香牙膏 spearmint toothpaste.
迷情剂创造的当然不是真爱 Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible.
但它能引起一种强大的迷恋或执念 But it does cau a powerful infatuation or obssion.
也正因如此 And for that reason,
它大概是这教室里最危险的魔药了 it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room.
先生 你还没告诉我们那个是什么 Sir? You haven't told us what's in that one.
对 Oh, yes.
女士们先生们 你们面前的 What you e before you, ladies
是一种有趣的魔药 叫做福灵剂 ...is a curious little potion known as felix felicis.
但它更广为人知的名字是 But it is more commonly referred
-幸运药水 -没错 格兰杰小姐 幸运药水 - Liquid luck. - Yes, Miss Granger. Liquid luck.
极难制作 稍有差错后果就不堪设想 Desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong.
只要一滴 所有努力都会有回报 One sip and you will find that all of your endeavors succeed.
当然要在药效时间内 At least until the effects wear off.
这就是我今天的奖励 So this is what I offer each of you today.
一小瓶幸运药水 奖励给能下课前 One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who, in the hour that
调制出令我满意的 manages to brew an acceptable draught of
活死人药水的同学 在第十页 the recipes for which can be found on page of your books.
还有 我想强调一下 I should point out, however,
只有速度和质量兼具 Only once did a student manage to brew
才可以得到这份奖品 of sufficient quality to claim this prize.
祝大家好运 Nevertheless, good luck to you all.
开始动手吧 Let the brewing commence.
你怎么做到的 How did you do that?
用刀子压 别切 You crush it. Don't cut it.
不对 书上说明是切 No. The instructions specifically say to cut.
不对 真的 No, really.
梅林的胡子 太完美了 Merlin's beard! It is perfect.
只要一滴就能杀死我们所有人 So perfect I daresay one drop would kill us all.
现在 说好了的 So here we are, then, as promid.
一瓶福灵剂 One vial of felix felicis.
祝贺你 Congratulations.
善加使用 U it well.
哈利 你收到通知了 请进 Harry, you got my message. Come in.
过得怎样 How are you?
很好 先生 I'm fine, sir.
课程还好吗 Enjoying your class?
斯拉格霍恩教授可是非常欣赏你 I know professor Slughorn is most impresd with you.
他太抬举我了 先生 I think he overestimates my abilities, sir.
真的吗 Do you?
绝对是 Definitely.
课外的活动怎么样 What about your activities outside the classroom?
-什么意思 -我发现 - Sir? - Well, I notice
你经常跟格兰杰小姐呆在一起 a great deal of time with Miss Granger.
我不禁遐想 I can't help
不是你想的那样 她很棒 但我们只是朋友 Oh, no, no. I mean, she's brilliant, and we're friends, but,
抱歉 我只是非常好奇 Forgive me. I was merely being curious.
好了说正事 But enough chitchat.
你一定好奇我今晚为什么叫你过来 You must be wondering why I summoned you here tonight.
答案就在这里 The answer lies here.
眼前的这些都是记忆 What you are looking at are memories.
这些记忆都跟一个人有关 伏地魔 In this ca, pertaining to one individual,
或者说 汤姆·里德尔 or, as he was known then, Tom Riddle.
这个玻璃瓶中 This vial contains the most
是我第一次遇见他的记忆 of the day I first met him.
如果愿意的话 我想让你看看 I'd like you to e it, if you would.
您的来访让我有些疑惑 邓布利多先生 I admit some confusion upon receiving your letter, Mr.
这么多年从来没有亲人探访过汤姆 In all the years Tom's been here, he's never once had a family visitor.
他对其他孩子做过一些危险的事情 There have been incidents with the other children. Nasty things.
汤姆 有人来看你 Tom, you have a visitor.
你好 汤姆 How do you do, Tom?
别过来 Don't.
-你是医生吧 -不是 - You're the doctor, aren't you? - No.
我是个教授 I am a professor.
我不信你 I don't believe you.
她总想让我看病 She wants me looked at.
他们觉得我怪异 They think I'm different.
也许他们是对的 Well, perhaps they're right.
我没疯 I'm not mad.
霍格沃茨不是疯人院 Hogwarts is not a place for mad people.
霍格沃茨是所学校 Hogwarts is a school.
魔法学校 A school of magic.
你有特殊能力是吗 汤姆 You can do things, can't you, Tom?
其他孩子没有的能力 Things other children can't.
我不用碰就能让东西自己移动 I can make things move without touching them.
我不用训练就能让动物听我的话 I can make animals do what I want without training them.
我能让对我不好的人倒霉 I can make bad things happen to people who are mean to me.
我想的话 I can make
就能伤害他们 if I want.
你是什么人 Who are you?
我跟你是一类人 汤姆 Well, I'm like you, Tom.
我也很特别 I'm different.
证明给我看 Prove it.
你的衣柜里貌似有东西想出来 汤姆 I think there's something in your wardrobe trying to get out, Tom.
霍格沃茨不能容忍偷窃 汤姆 Thievery is not tolerated at Hogwarts, Tom.
在霍格沃茨 你不仅要学习使用魔法 At Hogwarts, you'll be taught not only how to u magic,
还要学会控制它 But how to control it.
明白吗 You understand me?
我还能跟蛇说话 I can speak to snakes too.
它们找到我 They find me.
跟我说话 Whisper things.
这对我来说正常吗 Is that normal for someone like me?
你那时知道吗 先生 Did you know, sir? Then?
知道我遇到了史上最危险的黑巫师吗 不可能 Did I know I'd just met the most dangerous dark wizard
of all time? No.
知道的话 我 If I had, I...
后来 来到霍格沃茨以后 Over time, while here
汤姆·里德尔和一位教师走得很近 Tom Riddle grew clo to one particular teacher.
你能猜到那位教师是谁吗 Can you guess who that teacher might be?
你要斯拉格霍恩教授回来不只是为了让他教魔药课吧 You didn't bring professor Slughorn back simply to
teach potions, did you?
对 不是 No, I did not.
因为 斯拉格霍恩教授有我迫切需要的东西 You e, professor Slughorn posss something I desire
very dearly.
而他不会轻易交出来 And he will not give it up easily.
你说过斯拉格霍恩教授想把我收入门下 You said professor Slughorn would try to collect me.
是说过 I did.
你想让我加入吗 Do you want me to let him?
是 Yes.
今天上午 我会让你们进行一些测试 This morning, I'm gonna be putting you all through a
来测验你们的能力 just to asss your strengths.
拜托 安静点 Quiet! Plea!
闭上嘴 Shut it!
多谢 好了 Thanks. All right. Um...
不要你们以为去年在队里 Just becau you made the team
今年就还能在队里 明白吗 does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?
很好 Good.
你不会生气吧 韦斯莱 No hard feelings, Weasley, all right?
为什么生气 Hard feelings?
我也竞争守门员 不是想跟你较劲 Yeah, I'll be going out for keeper as well. It's nothing personal.
你这么壮还想当守门员吗 Really? Strapping guy like you?
你更适合当击球手 不是吗 You've got more of a beater's build, don't you think?
守门员需要灵活敏捷 Keepers need to be quick, agile.
试一试也没什么 Oh, I like my chances.
话说回来 能帮我引荐下你朋友格兰杰吗 Say, think you could introduce me to your friend Granger?
我想跟她走的近一点 懂我的意思吗 Wouldn't mind getting on a first-name basis, know what I mean?
加油 韦斯莱 Come on, Weasley!
-加油 罗恩 -加油 罗恩 - Come on, Ron! - Go on, Weasley!
-上啊 韦斯莱 -罗恩加油 - Go on, Weasley! - Yeah, Ron!
加油 考迈克 Go on, Cormac!
加油 罗恩 Come on, Ron!
加油 罗恩 Come on, Ron.
加油 罗恩 Come on, Ron.
混淆视听 Confundus.
他好棒啊 Isn't he brilliant?
不得不承认 我还以为最后一个球救不到了 I have to admit, I thought I was gonna miss that last one.
希望考迈克不要太灰心 I hope Cormac's not taking it too hard.
考迈克对你有点意思啊 赫敏 He's got a bit of a thing for you, Hermione. Cormac.
他真恶心 He's vile.
听说过这个咒语吗 神锋无影 Have you ever heard of this spell? Sectummpra?
没有 No, I haven't.
你要是还有自尊的话 就快把这书还回去 And if you had a shred of lf-respect, you'd hand that book
做梦吧 他现在可是全班第一 Not bloody likely. He's top of the class.
甚至比你还厉害 赫敏 斯拉格霍恩把他当成天才 He's even better than you, Hermione. Slughorn
thinks he's a genius.
怎么了 What?
我想知道那本书是谁的 给我看一下 I'd like to know who that book was. Let's have a look.
不要 No.
为什么 Why not?
书快散架了 The binding is fragile.
-书快散架了? -是啊 - The binding is fragile? - Yeah.
-混血王子是什么人 -谁 - Who's the half-blood prince? - Who?
这里写着 That is said right here.
"本书归混血王子所有" "This book is property of the half-blood prince."
最近你一直带着这本书 连睡觉都抱着 For weeks you carry around this book, practically sleep
却不想知道混血王子是谁吗 yet you have no desire to find out who the half-blood prince is?
我没说不想 我也没抱着它睡觉 I didn't say I wasn't curious, and I don't sleep with it.
赫敏说的对 Well, it's true.
你原来睡前总要聊聊天 I like a nice chat before I go to bed.
现在你却只盯着那本破书看 Now all you do is read that bloody book.
简直都变成赫敏了 It's just like being with Hermione.
我很好奇 于是我去了 Well, I was curious, so I
-图书馆 -图书馆 然后呢 - The library. - The library. And?
什么都没找到 And nothing.
哪里都找不到关于混血王子的资料 I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a half-blood prince.
-就这样吧 别管他了 -费力斯 - There we go. That ttles it, then. - Filius!
我还想去三把扫帚找你呢 I was hoping to find you in the Three Broomsticks!
不行啊 唱诗班紧急训练 真遗憾 霍拉斯 No, emergency choir practice, I'm afraid, Horace.
有人想喝黄油啤酒吗 Does anyone fancy a butterbeer?
我的朋友坐着雪橇从克莱斯比山上下来 A chum of mine was sledging down Claxby Hill.
我们有一辆长长的 自制的挪威雪橇 We had a very long, homemade,
别坐那儿 坐这边 No, not there. over here.
别 坐我这边来 No, sit beside me.
好吧 Okay.
喝点什么吗 Something to drink?
三杯黄油啤酒 我的那杯里加点姜 Three butterbeers, and some ginger in mine, plea.
该死 Oh, bloody hell.
这个混蛋 Slick git.
得了 罗恩 他们只是拉拉小手 Honestly, Ronald, they're only holding hands.
还亲亲小嘴 And snogging.
-我想走了 -什么 - I'd like to leave. - What?
不是吧 You can't be rious.
-那是我妹妹 -那怎么样 - That happens to be my sister. - So?
如果她看到我们俩在接吻 What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me?
她会起身就走吗 You expect her to leave?
-哦 好孩子 -你好 先生 很高兴见到您 - Hey, my boy! - Hello, sir. Wonderful to e you.
我也很高兴见到你呀 And you, and you.
您怎么到这来了 So, what brings you here?
我和三把扫帚的渊源可久了 The Three Broomsticks and I go way back,
非常非常久 further than I care to admit.
那会这还是一把扫帚呢 I can remember when it was One Broomstick.
快收拾收拾 格兰杰 知道吗 以前 All hands on deck, Granger. Listen, my boy, in the
我总爱举行晚餐会 I ud to throw together the occasional
只对小部分人开放 or the lect student or two.
-你愿意来吗 -非常荣幸 先生 - Would you be game? - I'd consider it an honor, sir.
也欢迎你来 格兰杰 You would be welcome too, Granger.
-我很愿意 先生 -很好 等我的猫头鹰吧 - I'd be delighted, sir. - Splendid. Look for my owl.
很高兴见到你 韦勒比 Good to e you, Wallenby.
你在搞什么 What are you playing at?
邓布利多说要我去了解他 Dumbledore's asked me to get to know him.
-去了解他 -不明白 - Get to know him? - I don't know.
这一定很重要 It must be important.
不然邓布利多不会叫我这么做的 If it wasn't, Dumbledore wouldn't ask.
你嘴上沾了点 Got a
凯特 你不知道那里面是什么 Katie, you don't know what it could be.
-哈利 -怎么 - Harry. - what?
你听清她在酒吧里说的 Did you hear what she said back at the pub
关于我和她接吻什么的了吗 About me and her snogging?
像真的似的 As if.
我警告过她 别碰那个东西 I warned her. I warned her not to touch it.
别靠近 你们几个 退后点 Don't get any clor. Get back, all of you.
千万别碰 除非隔着包装 明白吗 Do not touch that, except by the wrappings. Do you understand?
你确定凯蒂进三把扫帚的时候 You're sure Katie did not have this in
没带这个 ...when she entered the Three Broomsticks?
我说了 It's like I said.
她起身去上厕所 回来的时候拿着这个包裹 She left to go to the loo, and when she came back she had
the package.
她说这很重要 需要帮忙送一下 She said it was important that she deliver it.
-她说送给谁了吗 -给邓布利多教授 - Did she say to whom? - To professor Dumbledore.
很好 谢谢你 莉安 你可以回去了 Very well. Thank you, Leanne. you may go.
为什么一出事就有你们仨 Why is it when something happens it is always you three?
教授啊 Believe me, professor,
这个问题我想了六年了 I've been asking mylf the same question for six years.
西弗勒斯 Oh, Severus.
你怎么看 What do you think?
贝尔小姐能活着算走运了 I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive.
她中了夺魂咒吧 She was curd, wasn't she?
我了解凯蒂 I know Katie.
下了球场 她连一只苍蝇都不忍伤害 Off the pitch, she wouldn't hurt a fly.
如果她是要拿给邓布利多 If she was delivering that to Dumbledore,
她一定不知情 she wasn't doing it knowingly.
她是被下了咒 Yes, she was curd.
是马尔福干的 It was Malfoy.
这话可不是说着玩的 波特 That is a very rious accusation, Potter.
没错 Indeed.
-有证据吗 -我就是知道 - Your evidence? - I just know.
知道 ...know.
波特 你的天赋令人叹服 You astonish with your gifts, Potter.
你有普通人梦寐以求的天赋 Gifts mere mortals can only dream of posssing.
做救世之星的感觉一定很好 How grand it must be to be the Chon One.
我想你们还是回寝室吧 都回去 I suggest you go back to your dormitories. All of you.
你觉得迪安看上她什么了 金妮 What do you suppo Dean es in her? Ginny?
她看上迪安什么了 Well, what does she e in him?
迪安吗 他很帅啊 Dean? he's brilliant.
你之前还叫他混蛋来着 You called him a slick git not five hours ago.
没错 但他不是在和我妹妹亲热吗 Yeah, well, he was running his hands all over my sister, wasn't he?
我就失去理智了 就开始讨厌他 Something snaps, and you've gotta hate him, you know?
这是原则问题 On principle.
估计是 I suppo.
-他到底看上她什么了 -我也不知道 - So, what is it he es in her? - I don't know.
她很聪明 很有趣 She's smart, funny.
-有魅力 -魅力 - Attractive. - Attractive?
-就是 她的皮肤很好 -皮肤 - You know, she's got nice skin. - Skin?
迪安和我妹妹约会是因为她皮肤好 Dean dates my sister becau of her skin?
不是 我是说有可能是因为这个 Well, no, I mean, I'm just saying it could be a contributing factor.
赫敏的皮肤也很好 Hermione's got nice skin.
你觉得呢 只看皮肤 Wouldn't you say? As skin goes, I mean.
我真的没想过 I've never really thought about it.
我想应该是吧 But, I suppo, yeah.
很好 Very nice.
-我要睡觉了 -好 - I think I'll be going to sleep now. - Right. yeah.
说说看 考迈克 So tell me, Cormac,
你叔叔提贝卢斯最近怎么样了 Do you e anything of your uncle Tiberius the days?
好的 先生 我打算趁着假期 Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting
和他还有魔法部长一起去打猎 ...and the Minister for Magic over the holidays.
给他们两个带个好 Well, be sure to give them both my best.
你叔叔呢 贝尔比 What about your uncle, Belby?
你们可能有人不知道 For tho who don't know,
马库斯的叔叔发明了狼毒试剂 Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion.
-他又研究什么新东西了吗 -不知道 - Is he working on anything new? - Don't know.
我爸爸和他关系不好 Him and dad don't get on.
可能因为爸爸觉得魔药都是垃圾 Probably becau me dad says potions are rubbish.
他说唯一有价值的魔药 Says the only potion worth having is a stiff
就是每天睡前喝的烈酒 one at the end of the day.
你呢 格兰杰小姐 What about you, miss Granger?
你家人在麻瓜世界里是做什么的呢 What does your family do in the muggle world?
我的父母都是牙医 My parents are dentists.
他们照顾人们的牙齿 They tend to people's teeth.
真有趣 是个危险的职业吗 Fascinating. and is that considered a dangerous profession?
不是 No.
但有一次 一个叫罗比·芬维克的男孩咬了我爸爸 Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my
father once.
他缝了针 He needed stitches.
韦斯莱小姐 快进来 来 Ah. Miss Weasley. Come in, come in.
看她的眼睛 她和迪安又吵架了 Look at her eyes. They've been fighting again, her and Dean.
真抱歉 我平时不迟到的 Sorry. I'm not usually late.
没关系 No matter.
刚好赶上吃甜品 You're just in time for desrt, that is,
如果贝尔比没吃光 If Belby's left you any.
干嘛 What?
没事 Nothing.
再见 再见了 Goodbye. Bye-bye.
-波特 -很抱歉 先生 - Potter. - I'm sorry, sir.
我正在欣赏您的沙漏 I was just admiring your hourglass.
哦 没错 Oh, yes.
有意思的玩意 A most intriguing object.
沙子的流速会随着谈话的质量改变 The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation.
如果内容很刺激 沙子流得就慢 If it is stimulating, the sand runs slowly.
-如果不是 -我想我该走了 - If it - I think I'll be going.
没事 你不用怕 孩子 Nonn. You have nothing to fear, dear boy.
对于你的某些同学来说 As to some of
这么说吧 他们可能不太上架 ...well, let's just say they're unlikely to make the shelf.
上什么架 先生 The shelf, sir?
想有成就的人都希望出现在那 Anyone who aspires to be anyone hopes to end up here.
但话说回来 你已经是个人物了 哈利 But then again, you already are someone, aren't you, Harry?
伏地魔也在架子上吗 先生 Did Voldemort ever make the shelf, sir?
你认识他吧 先生 汤姆·里德尔 You knew him, didn't you, sir, Tom Riddle?
你曾经教过他 You were his teacher.
里德尔先生在霍格沃茨的时候有很多老师 Mr. Riddle had a number of teachers whilst here at Hogwarts.
他是个什么样的人 What was he like?
真抱歉 请原谅我 先生 I'm sorry, sir. Forgive me.
他杀了我的父母 He killed my parents.
是啊 Of cour.
你想了解更多 这很正常 It's only natural you should want to know more.
但我可能要让你失望了 哈利 But I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Harry.
我刚见到里德尔先生的时候 他是个安静 When I first met Mr. Riddle, he was
也很聪明的男孩 一心要成为一流的巫师 ...albeit brilliant, boy committed to becoming a first-rate
和我认识的其他人都不一样 Not unlike others I've known.
甚至和你也不同 Not unlike yourlf, in fact.
就算他有邪恶的念头 If the
也隐藏的很深 ...it was buried deep within.
祝你好运 罗恩 Good luck, eh, Ron.
-帽子不错 -罗恩 你输定了 - Nice hat! - Ron, you're a lor.
就指望你了 罗恩 I'm counting on you, Ron.
我押了两个加隆赌格兰芬多赢呢 I have two galleons on Gryffindor, yeah?
-看上去不错 罗恩 -失败者 - Looking good, Ron. - Lor!
他穿的什么 What's he wearing?
感觉怎么样 So how was it, then?
-什么怎么样 -你们的晚餐会 - How was what? - Your dinner party?
挺无聊的 Pretty boring, actually.
不过哈利很喜欢甜品 Though I think Harry enjoyed desrt.
斯拉格霍恩还要办个圣诞晚会 Slughorn's having a Christmas do, you know.
我们都要带个人去 And we're meant to bring someone.
我猜你会带麦克拉根一起去 I expect you'll be bringing Mclaggen.
他也是鼻涕虫俱乐部的吧 He's in the slug club, isn't he?
-其实我想邀请你 -真的吗 - Actually, I was going to ask you. - Really?
祝你好运 罗恩 Good luck today, Ron.
我想你一定会很棒的 I know you'll be brilliant.
我要退出 打完这场就让麦克拉根接替我 I'm resigning. After today's match, Mclaggen can have my
随你吧 Have it your way.
-喝点饮料吗 -好啊 - Juice? - Sure.
大家好 Hello, everyone.
你看上去糟透了 罗恩 You look dreadful, Ron.
所以你才在他的杯子里加了东西吗 Is that why you put something in his cup?
是补品吗 Is it a tonic?
福灵剂 Liquid luck.
别喝 罗恩 Don't drink it, Ron.
你可能会被开除的 You could be expelled for that.
真不知道你在说什么 I don't know what you're talking about.
来吧 哈利 咱们必胜 Come on, Harry. We've got a game to win.
好 Yes!
加油 罗恩 你做得到的 Go on, Ron! Do it!
韦斯莱 韦斯莱 韦斯莱 Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!
太好了 Yes!
韦斯莱 韦斯莱 韦斯莱 Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!
太棒了 Yes. whoo!
韦斯莱 韦斯莱 韦斯莱 Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!
你真不该那么做 You really shouldn't have done it.
我知道 还是混淆咒好一点 I know. I suppo I could've just ud a confundus charm.
这不一样 那只是选拔 这是正式比赛 That was different. That was tryouts. This was an actual game.
你没加进去 You didn't put it in.
罗恩以为你加了 Ron only thought you did.
是个咒语 我刚在练习 Charms spell. I'm just practicing.
真不错 Well, they're really good.
那是什么感觉 哈利 How does it feel, Harry?
你看到迪安和金妮在一起的时候 When you e Dean with Ginny?
我知道的 I know.
我看到了你看她的眼神 I e the way you look at her.
你是我最好的朋友 You're my best friend.
换个地方吧 I think this room's taken.
那些鸟是什么 What's with the birds?
万弹齐发 Oppugno.
就是这种感觉 It feels like this.
她心烦意乱我有什么办法 Look, I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist.
我和拉拉之间 这么说吧 停不下来 What Lav and I have, well, let's just say, there's no stopping it.
这是化学作用 It's chemical.
能不能长久 谁知道呢 Will it last? Who knows?
重点是 我喜欢谁都可以 Point is, I'm a free agent.
他想亲谁就亲谁 He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes.
我完全不在乎 I really couldn't care less.
我是不是还想请他一起 Was I under the impression he and I
去斯拉格霍恩的圣诞晚会来着 would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party?
没错 Yes.
看这情况 我要找别人了 Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements.
是吗 Have you?
是啊 怎么 Yes. why?
我只是在想 I just thought,
既然我们俩都不能和真正想去的人一起 eing as neither of us can go with who we'd really
还可以作为朋友一起出席 ...we should go together, as friends.
我怎么没想到呢 Why didn't I think of that?
你和谁去 Who are you going with?
那可是惊喜 Um, it's a surpri.
要担心的是你 你又不能随便带个人去 Anyway, it's you we've got to worry about. You can't just take
看到那边的女孩了吗 See that girl over there?
那是罗米达·万尼 That's Romilda Vane.
她总想给你下点迷情剂 Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion.
真的么 Really?
她对你感兴趣 She's only interested in you
是因为她觉得你是救世之星 Becau she thinks you're the Chon One.
可我就是救世之星啊 But I am the Chon One.
好啦 开玩笑的 Okay, sorry. Um, kidding.
我找个喜欢的人一起 I'll ask someone I like.
很酷的人 someone cool.
我从来没到过城堡的这边 I've never been to this part of the castle.
至少醒着的时候没有 我有时会梦游 At least not while awake. I sleepwalk, you e.
所以我穿着鞋睡觉 That's why I wear shoes to bed.
修复归一 Harmonia nectere passus.
修复归一 Harmonia nectere passus.
修复归一 Harmonia nectere passus.
喝点什么吗 Drink?
纳威 Neville.
我没进鼻涕虫俱乐部 I didn't get into the slug club.
我还不错 贝尔比在厕所里递毛巾 It's okay, though. He's got Belby handing out towels in the loo.
-我不用 伙计 谢谢 -好的 - Oh, well, I'm fine, mate. thanks. - Okay.
赫敏 你在干嘛 怎么了你 Hermione. What are you doing? And what happened to you?
我在逃跑 I've just escaped.
考迈克一个人在槲寄生下 I mean, left Cormac under the mistletoe.
考迈克 你请了他吗 Cormac? That's who you invited?
我觉得这最能让罗恩难受 I thought it would annoy Ron the most.
谢谢你 我等会再来 Thank you. I'll catch up with you later.
他简直比魔鬼网还缠人 He's got more tentacles than a snarfalump plant.
-来点龙肉糕吗 -不用 谢谢 - Dragon tartare? - No, I'm fine. thank you.
不要就算了 吃了之后口气非常重 Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath.
再想想看 On
也许能让考迈克离我远点 might keep Cormac at bay.
天呐 他来了 Oh, God, here he comes.
她去补妆了 I think she just went to powder her no.
你的朋友好狡猾 Slippery little minx, your friend.
嘴唇也要补妆是吧 Likes to work her mouth too, doesn't she?
我吃的这是什么 What is this I'm eating, by the way?
龙蛋蛋 Dragon balls.
恭喜你 留堂一个月 麦克拉根 You've just bought yourlf a month's detention, Mclaggen.
别急着走 波特 Not so quick, Potter.
我还是回去吧 我的舞伴 Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party.
没了你也死不掉 Can surely survive your abnce for another minute or two.
而且我只是来带个口信 Besides, I only wish to convey a message.
-什么口信 -邓布利多的口信 - A message? - From professor dumbledore.
他向你问好 并祝你假期愉快 He asked me to give you his best, and he hopes you enjoy your holiday.
他去旅行了 假期结束才会回来 ...he's traveling, and he won't return until term resumes.
去哪旅行 Traveling where?
把你的手拿开 你个肮脏的哑炮 Take your hands off me, you filthy squib!
斯拉格霍恩教授 Professor Slughorn, sir.
我发现这个男生躲在楼上的走廊里 I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor.
说自己收到了您的舞会邀请 He claims to have been invited to your party.
好了 我是不请自来的 满意了吧 Okay, okay. I was gatecrashing. happy?
我来送他出去 I'll escort him out.
好的 教授 Certainly, professor.
没事了 大家继续 All right, everyone, carry on, carry on.
是不是我给贝尔下的咒 跟你有什么关系 Maybe I did hex that Bell girl, maybe I didn't. What's it to you?
我发誓要保护你 I swore to protect you.
我立了牢不可破的誓言 I made the Unbreakable Vow.
我不需要保护 I don't need protection.
他在众人之中选择了我 I was chon for this, out of all others, me.
-我不会让他失望 -你害怕了德拉科 - And I won't fail him. - You're afraid, draco.
你想隐藏恐惧 可是太明显了 让我帮你吧 You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. let me assist you.
不要 No!
他选的是我 这是我的机会 I was chon. this is my moment.
牢不可破的誓言 "Unbreakable Vow."
你确定斯内普是那么说的 You're sure that's what snape said?
是啊 为什么 Positive. why?
因为牢不可破的誓言不能打破 Well, it's just you can't break an unbreakable vow.
看名字我就知道是这个意思 I'd worked that much out for mylf, funnily enough.
你不懂 You don't understand.
哦 天哪 Oh, bloody hell.
我想你 I miss you.
真可爱 Lovely.
她就想亲我 我的嘴唇都要裂开了 All she wants to do is snog me. my lips are getting chapped. look.
我信你 信你 I'll take your word for it.
打破了牢不可破的誓言会怎么样 So, what happens to you? what happens if you break an unbreakable
会死 You die.
等等 这还有布丁 Wait, the pudding's still here.
伏地魔选了德拉科·马尔福完成这个任务 Voldemort has chon Draco Malfoy for a mission?
是有点不可思议 I know it sounds mad.
斯内普是不是假装提供帮助 Has it occurred to you snape was simply pretending to offer
想发现他的意图 ...so he could find out what he was up to?
-听起来不像 -也许哈利是对的 - That's not what it sounded like. - Perhaps harry's right.
立牢不可破誓 这... To make an Unbreakable Vow,
不管你相不相信邓布利多的判断 It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgment.
邓布利多相信斯内普 因此我也相信 Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore I do.
邓布利多也会犯错 Dumbledore can make mistakes.
你被仇恨蒙蔽了眼睛 You're blinded by hatred.
-我没有 -你就是 - I'm not. - Yes, you are.
哈利 每天都有人消失 People are disappearing, harry, daily.
能信任的人太少了 We place our trust in a handful of people.
要是再起内讧 我们就完了 If we start fighting amongst ourlves, we're doomed.
张嘴 Open up, you.
你不相信我吗 Don't you trust me?
很好吃 It's good.
我来... Yeah, I' yeah.
-尝一块 -不用了 - Pie? - Not for me, no.
你要理解莱姆斯 You'll have to forgive Remus.
他现在很为难 It takes its toll, his condition.
你还好吧 韦斯莱先生 Are you all right, Mr. Weasley?
我们都被跟踪了 We're being followed, all of us.
莫丽基本不离开屋子 Most days, Molly doesn't leave the hou.
真不好过 It's not been easy.
收到我的信了吗 Did you get my owl?
收到了 Yes, I did.
邓布利多外出旅行 魔法部还不知道 If Dumbledore's traveling, then that's news to
也许邓布利多就想这样 ...but perhaps that's the way Dumbledore wants it.
至于德拉科·马尔福 As for
我还知道一些 ...I know a bit more.
-继续 -我派人去了趟博金-博克店 - Go on. - I nt an agent to Borgin and Burkes.
跟据你的描述 I think, from what
你和罗恩夏天看到的 what you and Ron saw
那个德拉科很感兴趣的东西 ...the object that Draco is so
是个消失柜 ...is a Vanishing Cabinet.
消失柜 A Vanishing Cabinet?
伏地魔刚开始横行时很流行 They were all the rage when Voldemort first ro to power.
非常有用 一旦食死徒来了 You can e the appeal. Should Death Eaters
只需要钻进去 然后消失一到两小时 ...one simply had to slip inside and disappear for an hour or two.
可以传送到任何地方 They can transport you anywhere.
不过还是有点麻烦 因为不知道会去哪 Tricky contraptions though, very temperamental.
博金-博克的那个消失柜怎样了 What happened to it? the one at borgin and burkes?
没事 Nothing.
还在那 It's still there.
莫丽 食物真的很可口 It was delicious, Molly, really.
你们确定不留下来 Are you sure you won't stay?
不了 我们得走了 满月的第一晚总是最糟糕的 No, we should go. The first night of the cycle's always
the worst.
莱姆斯 Remus?
亲爱的 Sweetheart.
罗恩睡了吗 Has Ron gone to bed?
还没有 Um... not yet. no.
你的鞋带 Shoelace.
哈利 圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas, Harry.
圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas.
-哈利不要 -莱姆斯 - Harry, no! - Remus!
金妮 Ginny!
我杀了小天狼星布莱克 我杀了小天狼星布莱克 I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!
来抓我啊 You coming to get me?
哈利 你能抓到我吗 你能抓到我吗 Harry, can you get me? You coming to get me?
哈利 Harry?
昏昏倒地 Stupefy!
哈利 Harry!
金妮 Ginny!
莫丽 Molly.
他们要抓你易如反掌 It's easy for them to get to you.
没送命是你走运 You're bloody lucky you weren't killed.
哈利 你要意识到自己的身份 You have to realize who you are, Harry.
我知道我是谁 赫敏 行了吧 I know who I am, Hermione, all right?
对不起 Sorry.
亲爱的 我会戴上它的 Lav, come on. of cour I'll wear it.
这才是我的小恩恩... That's my Won-won.
不好意思 我要去吐了 Excu me, I have to go and vomit.
我想知道你是怎么获取信息的 I'd like to know where you get your information.
比大多数的老师都见多识广 More knowledgeable than half the staff, you are.
梅乐斯教授是真的要退休吗 ...is it true that professor Merrythought is retiring?
汤姆 我知道的话会不告诉你吗 Now, Tom. I couldn't tell you if I knew, could I?
对了 多谢你送的菠萝 By the way, thank you for the pineapple.
我最爱吃菠萝了 You're quite right, it is my favorite.
但是你怎么知道的 But how did you know?
直觉 Intuition.
天啊 时间已经到了吗 Gracious. is it that time already?
回去吧 孩子们 不然迪佩特教授会罚留堂的 Off you go, boys, or professor Dippet will have us all in
快走 汤姆 别在就寝时间过后被抓了 Look sharp, Tom. don't want to be caught out of bed after hours.
-有什么疑问吗 -是的 老师 - Is something on your mind, Tom? - Yes, sir.
我想不到还可以问谁 You e, I couldn't think of anyone el to go to.
其他的教授 他们不像你 The other professors, well, they're not like you.
他们会误解我 They might misunderstand.
接着说 Go on.
我那天在图书馆 I was in the library the
在禁书区 ...in the
了解到一种罕见的魔法 ...and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic.
或许您可以指点我一下 And I thought perhaps you could illuminate me.
是这样的... It's called, as I
什么 I beg your pardon?
我不知道你说的是什么 I don't know anything about such things, and if I did,
即使知道也不会告诉你 I wouldn't tell you!
现在马上滚 Now, get out of here at once,
而且不要再提这些东西 And don't let me ever catch you mentioning it again!
一头雾水吧 Confud?
那就对了 I'd be surprid if you weren't.
我不明白 这是怎么回事 Well, I don't understand. what happened?
这是我搜集到的最重要的记忆 This is perhaps the most important memory I've collected.
也是个谎言 It is also a lie.
这段记忆被篡改过 This memory has been
被它的主人 我们的老朋友斯拉格霍恩教授 By the same person who memory it is, our old friend,
Professor Slughorn.
但他为什么要改自己的记忆呢 But why would he tamper with his own memory?
-应该是羞于提及此事 -为什么 - I suspect he's ashamed of it. - why?
是啊 为什么呢 Why, indeed?
我要求你接近斯拉格霍恩教授 你做到了 I asked you to get to know professor slughorn, and you have
done so.
现在我要你说服他交出真实的记忆 Now I want you to persuade him to divulge his
尽你所能 ...any way you can.
我对他了解有限 先生 I don't know him that well, sir.
这记忆极其关键 This memory is everything.
没有它 我们毫无头绪 Without it, we are blind.
没有它 魔法世界只能自求多福了 Without it, we leave the fate of our world to chance.
你别无选择 You have no choice.
你绝不能失败 You must not fail.
我强烈建议 在解毒剂这章节中 So I'd highly recommend you
重新认识你们自己 ...with the chapter on antidotes.
下堂课将着重讲解粪石 下课吧 I'll tell you more about bezoars in our next class. right, off you go.
艾莉森 别忘了你的老鼠尾巴 Alys, don't forget your rat tail.
这不是魔药小王子吗 Aha. If it isn't the prince of potions himlf.
何事大驾光临呢 To what do I owe this pleasure?
老师 我想可否来向您请教一些事 Sir, I wondered if I might ask you something.
随便问 好孩子 随便问 Ask away, dear boy, ask away.
我那天在图书馆 禁书区里 The other day I was in the library, in the
了解到一种罕见的魔法 觉得有点古怪 And I came across something rather odd about a very rare piece
of magic.
那是什么魔法 Yes. And what was this rare piece of magic?
不知道 我也记不起来叫什么 Well, I don't know. I can't remember the name exactly.
我忍不住想 It got me wondering,
是不是有些魔法不可以教给我们 Are there some kinds of magic you're not allowed to teach us?
哈利 我是魔药老师 I'm potions master, Harry.
这个问题你最好问斯内普教授 I think your question'd better be pod to professor Snape.
是啊 Yes. um...
但是我们俩不太投缘 先生 He and I don't exactly e eye to eye, sir.
怎么说呢 What I mean to
他不像你 ...well, he's not like you.
他可能会误解我 He might misunderstand.
对 没有黑暗就没有光明 Yes. there can be no light without the dark.
魔法也是如此 我自己总是努力研究光明的魔法 And so it is with magic. mylf, I always strive to live
within the light.
我建议你也要这样 I suggest you do the same.
汤姆·里德尔问的时候 您也是这么说的吗 Is that what you told Tom Riddle, when he came asking
邓布利多让你这么做的 是吗 Dumbledore put you up to this, didn't he?
是吗 Didn't he?
什么 Yes?
哦 是你啊 波特 Oh, it's you, Potter.
抱歉 我很忙 I'm sorry, I'm busy at the moment.
月亮很美 不是吗 It's beautiful, isn't it? The moon.
美极了 Divine.
半夜了还吃甜点啊 Had ourlves a little late-night snack, did we?
在你床上放着 我就想吃一个 It was on your bed, the box. I just thought I'd try one.
-是个吧 -我没办法不想她 哈利 - Or . - I can't stop thinking about her, harry.
我还以为你开始烦她了 Honestly, I reckoned she was annoying you.
我怎么会烦她 She could never annoy me.
我爱上她了 I think I love her.
好吧 非常好 Well, brilliant.
你觉得她认识我吗 Do you think she knows I exist?
认识吧 你俩不是亲了三个月了吗 I hope so. She's been snogging you for three months.
亲嘴 你在说谁啊 Snogging? Who are you talking about?
你又在说谁 Who are you talking about?
当然是罗米达 罗米达·万尼了 Romilda, of cour. Romilda Vane.
真好笑 Okay, very funny.
-你这是干什么 -我不是开玩笑 我真爱上她了 - What was that for? - It's no joke! I'm in love with her!
好啊 你爱上她了 可是你见过她吗 Fine, you're in love with her. have you ever actually met her?
没有 但是你可以帮我介绍啊 No. Can you introduce me?
来罗恩 我把你介绍给罗米达·万尼 Come on, Ron. I'm gonna introduce you to Romilda Vane.
很抱歉 先生 十万火急的事情 I'm sorry, sir. I wouldn't bother you if it weren't absolutely esntial.
罗米达在哪? Where's Romilda?
那孩子怎么了 What's the matter with wenby?
强效迷情剂 Very powerful love potion.
好吧 进来吧 Very well. Better bring him in.
哈利 凭你的水平 配解药不在话下吧 I'd have thought you could whip up a remedy for this in no time,
找经验丰富的人保险一点 Well, I thought this called for a more practiced hand, sir.
嗨 亲爱的 想来一杯吗 Hello, darling. Fancy a drink?
看来是的 Perhaps you're right.
教授 之前的事我很抱歉 I'm sorry, by the way, professor, about earlier today,
我们有误会 Our misunderstanding.
哪儿的话 一切都会过去的 Oh, not at all. All water under the bridge, you know? Correct?
这么多年来 您已经厌倦了吧 I expect you're tired of it after all the years.
那些关于伏地魔的问题 All the questions about voldemort.
别提他的名字 Don't u that name.
给你 孩子 干杯 There you are, old boy. Bottoms up.
-这是什么 -帮你壮胆的 - What's this? - Tonic for the nerves.
-我怎么了 -你中了迷情剂 - What happened to me? - Love potion.
很猛烈的一种 A bloody strong one at that.
-我觉得好糟糕 -来点酒振作下 孩子 - I feel really bad. - You need a pick-me-up.
有黄油啤酒 葡萄酒 橡木桶酿蜂蜜酒 Got butterbeer, wine, dazzling oak-matured mead.
我还有别的酒 不过想想还是这个好 I had other intentions for this, but I think, given the
波特 给你 Here we are, potter.
敬生活 To life!
罗恩 Ron.
罗恩 教授快救他 Ron. Professor, do something.
这是怎么回事 I don't understand.
罗恩 呼吸 加油 Come on, Ron, breathe.
这些姑娘真是要人命 The girls, they're gonna kill me.
哈利 你反应很快 知道用粪石 Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar.
霍拉斯 你该为他感到骄傲 You must be very proud of your student, Horace.
对 我很骄傲 Hm? Oh, yes, very proud.
好了 哈利是很英勇 I think we agree, potter's actions were heroic.
可关键是 他为什么会中毒 The question is, why were they necessary?
是啊 为什么 Why, indeed?
看着像个礼物 霍拉斯 This appears to be a gift, Horace.
是谁送你这瓶酒的 You don't remember who gave you this bottle?
顺便提一下 Which, by the way,
这酒应该有淡淡的甘草和樱桃香 posss remarkably subtle hints of licorice
如果没有毒的话 ...when not polluted with poison.
我是打算当礼物送人的 Actually I had intended to give it as a gift mylf.
我可以问是送谁吗 To whom, I might ask?
送你的 校长 To you, headmaster.
他在哪里 Where is he?
我的恩恩在哪里 他有没有说想见我 Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?
她在这里做什么 What's she doing here?
我还想问你呢 I might ask you the same question.
我可是他女朋友 I happen to be his girlfriend.
我可是他...朋友 I happen to friend.
别开玩笑了 你们几个星期没说话了 Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks.
你看他有意思了 又想跟他和好了 I suppo you want to make up now that he's all interesting.
他中毒了 你个蠢姑娘 He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!
而且我一直觉得他很意思 And for the record, I've always found him interesting.
看到了吗 他知道我来了 Ah. e? He ns my prence.
别担心 恩恩 我在这里 Don't worry, Won-Won. I'm here.
我在这里 I'm here.
赫敏 Hermione.
赫敏 Hermione.
年轻真好 可以爱得死去活来 Oh, to be young, and to feel love's keen sting.
好了 大家走吧 Well, come away, everybody.
韦斯莱先生有人照顾了 Mr. Weasley is well tended.
终于在一起了 About time, don't you think?
谢谢你 Thank you.
别说话 Oh, shut up.
别这样 罗恩 都下雪了 Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow.
再说说我是怎么跟拉文德分手的 Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again.
她去医院看你 She came to visit you in the hospital.
然后你说了点话 And you talked.
好像也没说多少话 I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation.
别误会 能摆脱她我太高兴了 Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her.
只是她看起来有点抓狂 It's just she ems a bit put out.
可不是吗 Yes, she does, doesn't she?
你一点也不记得那天晚上的事了 You say you don't remember anything from that night?
一点也不记得吗 Anything at all?
好像记得一些 There is something.
应该不是真的 我都昏过去了哎 But it can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't i?
是啊 昏了 Right. Boggled.
{an}{fn方正黑体简体fsbbordshadc&HFFF&}神锋无影 对付敌人专用
哈利 Harry.
那是凯蒂 That's Katie.
凯蒂·贝尔 Katie Bell.
凯蒂 你怎么样了 Katie. How are you?
我知道你会问 哈利 但我不知道是谁 I know you're going to ask, Harry, but I don't know who curd
我真的在努力回忆 I've been trying to remember, honestly.
但就是想不起来 But I just can't.
凯蒂 Katie?
我知道你做了什么 马尔福 你对她下了咒 I know what you did, Malfoy. You hexed her, didn't you?
神锋无影 Sectummpra!
快快复原 Vulnera Sanentur.
快快复原 Vulnera Sanentur.
快快复原 Vulnera Sanentur.
今天就得把它扔掉 You have to get rid of it. Today.
牵着我的手 Take my hand.
是有求必应屋 The Room of Requirement.
得把混血王子的书藏起来 We need to hide the Half-blood Prince'
藏到没人能找到的地方 包括你 where no one will ever find it, including you.
-那是什么 -那是什么 - What was that? - What was that?
你看 See?
这屋子总是充满惊喜 You never know what you'll find up here.
闭上眼睛 你就不会回来找了 All right, clo your eyes. That way you can't be tempted.
闭上眼睛 Clo your eyes.
你喜欢的话 这个也可以留在这 That can stay hidden up here too, if you like.
是你和金妮干的吗 So did you and Ginny do it, then?
什么 What?
藏那本书 You know, hide the book?
是的 Oh, yeah.
想起来了 Dear, yes.
斯拉格霍恩那事一直走背运吗 Still no luck with Slughorn, then, I take it?
运气 Luck.
没错 我需要的就是运气 That's it. All I need's a bit of luck.
你感觉怎么样 Well, how do you feel?
棒极了 Excellent.
真的棒极了 Really excellent.
斯拉格霍恩通常很早吃饭 Slughorn usually
然后去散步 再回到他的办公室 takes a walk, and then returns to his office.
对 Right.
-我要去海格那里 -什么 - I'm going down to hagrid's. - What?
不 哈利 你要找斯拉格霍恩 No, Harry, you've got to go and speak to Slughorn.
-我们有计划 -我知道 - We have a plan. -
但我觉得去海格那非常好 ...but I've got a good feeling about Hagrid's.
我觉得我今晚就该去那 明白我的意思吗 I feel it's the place to be tonight. do you know what I mean?
-不 -相信我 我知道自己在做什么 - No. - Well, trust me, I know what I'm doing.
或者幸运水知道 Or Felix does.
您好 Hi!
梅林的胡子 哈利 Merlin's beard, harry!
抱歉 先生 Sorry, sir.
我应该弄出些声音的 清清嗓子或者咳嗽 I should've announced mylf. cleared my throat, coughed.
您把我当成斯普劳斯教授了吧 You probably feared I was Professor Sprout.
可不是吗 你怎么知道的 Yes, I did, actually. What makes you think that?
根据您的反应 先生 Well, just the general behavior, sir.
偷偷摸摸 看到我的时候吓坏了 The sneaking around, the jumping when you saw me.
是龙须叶吗 很值钱的吧 Are tho Tentacula leaves, sir? They're very valuable, aren't they?
遇到识货的 一片叶能卖十加隆 Ten galleons a leaf to the right buyer.
当然不是我熟悉行情 Not that I'm familiar with any such transactions,
我也是听人说的 But one does hear rumors.
我纯粹是想做学术研究 My own interests are purely academic, of cour.
我觉得这植物有点吓人 Personally, the plants always kind of freaked me out.
你是怎么出城堡的 哈利 How did you get out of the castle, harry?
从前门出来的 先生 Through the front door, sir.
我正要去海格那 他是我的好朋友 I'm off to Hagrid's. he's a very
我想去看看他 and I fancied paying him a visit.
您不介意的话 我先走了 So if you don't mind, I will be going now.
哈利 Harry!
-先生 -快天黑了 - Sir? - It's nearly nightfall.
你肯定知道我不会允许你 Surely you realize I can't allow you
一个人到处乱跑 to go roaming the grounds by yourlf.
那么一起去吧 先生 Well, then, by all means, come along, sir.
哈利 我要求你马上跟我回城堡 Harry, I must insist you accompany me back to the castle immediately!
那不就白跑了 先生 That would be counterproductive, sir.
为什么这么说 And what makes you say that?
我也不知道 No idea.
霍拉斯 Horace.
梅林的胡子 真是八眼巨蛛吗 Merlin's beard. Is that an actual acromantula?
是死的巨蛛 先生 A dead one, I think, sir.
上帝啊 Good god.
亲爱的伙计 你怎么杀死它的 Dear fellow, however did you manage to kill it?
杀死 他是我的老朋友 Kill it? My oldest friend, he was.
-抱歉 我不是...-没关系 不止你一个这么说 - I'm so sorry, I - Don't worry yourlf, you're not
蜘蛛被大家严重误会了 Seriously misunderstood creatures, spiders are.
应该是因为眼睛有点吓人 It's the eyes, I reckon. they unnerve some folk.
还有他的嘴 Not to mention the pincers.
是啊 也有吧 Yeah, I reckon that too.
海格 我不想对你的朋友不敬 Hagrid, the last thing I wish to be
但八眼巨蛛的毒液非常稀有 but acromantular venom is uncommonly rare.
我可以取一两管吗 Would you allow me to extract a vial or two?
纯粹为了学术研究的 Purely for academic purpos, you understand.
估计他要毒液也没用了 Well, I don't suppo it's going to do him much good now, is it?
我也这么想 My thoughts exactly.
我总是随身带着一两根试管 Always have a ampoule or two about my person
就是为这种情况 for just such occasions as this.
魔药老师的职业病 Old potions master's habit, you know.
真想让你看看它当年威风的样子 I wish you could've en him in his prime.
很了不起 非常了不起 Magnificent, he was. Just magnificent.
噢天啊 Oh, dear.
-可以让我说几句悼词吗 -好的 - Would you like me to say a few words? - Yes.
我猜他有家人吧 He had a family, I trust?
是的 Oh, yeah.
阿拉戈克 Aragog.
永别了 阿拉戈克... Farewell,
蜘蛛之王 King of the Arachnids.
你的肉体会腐烂 Your body
但精神永垂不朽 but your spirit lingers on.
你的人类朋友将在失去你的悲痛中找到慰藉 And your human friends find solace in the loss they have
我把他从卵中孵化出来的 I had him from an egg, you know.
刚出来时就是个小不点 Tiny little thing he was when he hatched.
跟狮子狗差不多大 狮子狗啊 No bigger than a pekine. A pekine, mind you.
真感人 我养过一条叫弗兰西斯的鱼 How sweet. I once had a fish. Francis.
他对我来说非常珍贵 He was very dear to me.
有天下午我下楼 发现他不见了 One afternoon I came downstairs, and he'd vanished.
消失了 Poof.
-真奇怪 不是吗 -是啊 - That's very odd, isn't it? - It is, isn't it?
但我想生活就是这样 But that's life, I suppo.
你走着走着 突然之间 消失了 You go along and then suddenly, poof!
-消失了 -消失了 - Poof. - Poof.
弗兰西斯是一个学生送给我的 It was a student who gave me Francis.
一年春天的下午 我发现桌子上有个鱼缸 One spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on
里面只有小半缸水 with just a few inches of clear water in it.
水面上漂着一片花瓣 And floating on the surface was a flower petal.
我看着它沉下去了 As I watched, it sank.
就在它沉到底部之前 Just before it reached
变成了一条鱼 into a wee fish.
多美丽的魔法啊 It was beautiful magic.
叹为观止 Wondrous to behold.
那片花瓣是莉莉变的{fs}[百合花]{fs} The flower petal had come from Lily.
你的母亲 Your mother.
有一天我走下楼 The day I came downstairs,
发现鱼缸空了 the day the bowl
那天你母亲去世了 was the day
我知道你来这的目的 I know why you're here.
但我不能帮你 But I can't help you.
那样会毁了我 It would ruin me.
知道我为什么活下来了吗 教授 Do you know why I survived, professor?
落下伤疤的那晚 The night I got this?
因为她 Becau of her.
因为她牺牲了自己 Becau she sacrificed herlf.
因为她拒绝走开 Becau she refud to step aside.
因为她的爱比伏地魔更强大 Becau her love was more powerful than Voldemort.
-别说出他的名字 -我不怕他的名字 教授 - Don't say his name. - I'm not afraid of the name, Professor.
我要告诉你一些事情 I'm going to tell you something.
一些别人一直猜测的事情 Something others have only guesd at.
那是真的 It's true.
我就是救世之星 I am the Chon One.
只有我能毁灭他 可是 Only I can destroy him, but in order to
我得知道当年汤姆·里德尔 I need to know what Tom Riddle
在您办公室问了什么问题 asked you years ago in
还有您跟他说了什么 and I need to know what you told him.
勇敢些 教授 Be brave, professor.
像我母亲那样勇敢点 Be brave like my mother.
不然你将让她蒙羞 Otherwi, you disgrace her.
不然她就白白牺牲了 Otherwi, she died for nothing.
不然鱼缸将永远是空的 Otherwi, the bowl will remain empty forever.
你看的时候 别把我想得太坏 Plea, don't think badly of me when you e it.
你不知道他有多可怕 哪怕在当时 You've no idea what he was like, even then.
我那天在图书馆 I was in the library the
在禁书区 ...in the
了解到一种罕见的魔法 ...and I read something rather odd about a bit of rare magic.
它好像叫做... It's called, as I
魂器 a horcrux.
-你再说一遍 -魂器 - I beg your pardon? - Horcrux.
我无意中读到了它 I came across it when I was reading,
但还没完全理解 and I didn't fully understand it.
我不知道你读的是什么 汤姆 I'm not sure what you were reading, Tom,
但那是非常邪恶的黑魔法 非常邪恶 but this is very dark stuff, very dark indeed.
我才找到了您 why I came to you.
把自己灵魂的一部分 A horcrux is an object in which
藏在一件物品里 就成了魂器 a person has concealed part of their soul.
但我不明白是怎么做到的 先生 But I don't understand how that works, sir.
把灵魂分割 一部分藏在物品里 One splits one's soul and hides part of it in an object.
一旦你遇袭 肉体被摧毁 By doing so, you're protected,
那部分灵魂依然完好无损 should you be attacked and your body destroyed.
完好无损 Protected?
藏在魂器里的灵魂会活下来 That part of your soul that is hidden lives on.
换句话说 你不会死 In other words, you cannot die.
怎样分割灵魂呢 先生 And how does one split his soul, sir?
我想你已经知道答案了 汤姆 I think you already know the answer to that, Tom.
杀人 Murder.
没错 Yes.
杀人会分裂你的灵魂 因为有悖自然 Killing rips the soul apart. It is a violation against nature.
灵魂只能分裂一次吗 七次行吗 Can you only split the soul once? For instance, isn'?
七次 Seven?
天啊 汤姆 杀一个人还不够邪恶吗 Merlin's beard, Tom. Isn't it bad enough to consider killing one
把灵魂分裂成七份... To rip the soul into
这都是假设吧 汤姆 纯学术研究 This is all hypothetical, isn't it, Tom? all academic?
当然 先生 Of cour, sir.
这是咱俩的秘密 It'll be our little cret.
教授 Sir.
这比我想象的还严重 This is beyond anything I imagined.
您是说他成功制造了一个魂器吗 You mean to say he succeeded, sir, in making a horcrux?
对 他成功了 而且不只一个 Oh, yes, he succeeded, all right. And not just once.
魂器具体是什么 What are they exactly?
任何东西都有可能 最普通的器物 Could be anything. Most common place of objects.
比如说 一枚戒指 A ring, for example.
或是一本书 Or a book.
-汤姆·里德尔的日记 -就是一个魂器 - Tom Riddle's diary. - It's a horcrux, yes.
四年前 你在密室 Four years ago, when you saved Ginny'
救了金妮 把它给我的时候 ...in the chamber of crets, you brought me this.
我就知道这魔法不寻常 I knew this was a different kind of magic.
非常黑暗 非常强大 Very dark, very powerful.
可直到今晚才知道究竟有多么强大 But until tonight I had no idea just how powerful.
-那戒指呢 -伏地魔母亲的 - The ring? - Belonged to voldemort's mother.
很难找到 更难毁掉 Difficult to find. Even more difficult to destroy.
但如果能全部找到 都破坏掉 But if you could find them all, if you did destroy
就能毁掉伏地魔 One destroys Coldemort.
可是怎么找 魂器可能在任何地方 But how would you find them? They could be hidden anywhere.
对 但是魔法 尤其是黑魔法... True. But magic, especially
会留下痕迹 Leaves traces.
教授 你去找魂器了吧 It's where you've been going, isn't it, sir?
-之前你离开学校那次 -是的 - When you leave the school? - Yes.
我或许已经找到一个了 And I think perhaps I may have found another.
但这次 我自己应付不来 But this time, I cannot hope to destroy it alone.
哈利 我又要苛求你了 Once again, I must ask too much of you, Harry.
您想没想过对我要求太多 Have you ever considered that you ask
让我做什么都理所当然 ...that you take too much for granted?
以您的智慧想没想过 Has it ever crosd your brilliant
我不愿再这么下去了 mind that I don't want to do this anymore?
想与没想已经没有关系了 Whether it has or hasn't is irrelevant.
我不是和你商量 西弗勒斯 你同意了 I will not negotiate with you, Severus. You agreed.
没什么好说的了 Nothing more to discuss.
哈利 Oh, Harry.
孩子 你得刮刮胡子 You need a shave, my friend.
我总是忘记 你已经长大了 You know, at times, I forget how much you've grown.
总觉得你还是住在壁橱里的小男孩 At times, I still e the small boy from the cupboard.
哈利 人老了 Forgive my mawkishness, Harry.
感慨就多了 I'm an old man.
教授 在我眼中您没有变 You still look the same to me, sir.
真像你母亲 一直都很善良 Just like your mother, you're unfailingly kind.
正直的人永远都会有用武之地的 A trait people never fail to undervalue, I'm afraid.
今晚要去的这个地方极其危险 The place to which we journey tonight is extremely dangerous.
我说过你可以跟我一起去 我说话算数 I promid you could accompany me, and I stand by that
可有一个条件 But there's one condition.
你必须绝对听我的命令 You must obey every command I give you, without question.
好的 教授 Yes, sir.
你明白我的意思吧 You do understand what I'm saying?
叫你躲 你就躲 Should I tell you to hide, you hide.
叫你跑 你就跑 Should I tell you to run, you run.
叫你扔下我逃命 你也得听话 Should I tell you to abandon me and save yourlf, you must do so.
你发誓 哈利 Your word, Harry.
我发誓 My word.
抓住我的胳膊 Take my arm.
教授 您在霍格沃茨应该不能幻影移形 Sir, I thought you couldn't apparate within Hogwarts.
我是校长 当然可以 Well, being me has its privileges.
就是这个地方 This is the place.
对 Oh, yes.
有施过魔法的痕迹 This place has known magic.
-教授 -进去就要付出代价 - Sir! - In order to gain passage payment must be made.
为了削弱入侵者 Payment intended to weaken any intruder.
-那该让我来 教授 -不 哈利 - You should've let me, sir. - No, Harry.
你的血比我的要宝贵得多 Your blood's much more precious than mine.
伏地魔不会让人轻易找到自己的藏身地 Voldemort will not have made it easy to discover his hiding
肯定有防范措施 He will have put certain defens in position.
当心点 Careful.
就在那里 There it is.
问题是怎么过去呢 The only question is, how do we get there?
搭把手 哈利 If you would, Harry.
您认为魂器在那边吗 教授 Do you think the horcrux is in there, sir?
对 Oh, yes.
必须都喝掉 It has to be drunk.
全部都要喝光 All of it has to be drunk.
记得我来之前说的话吧 You remember the conditions on which I brought you with me?
这药剂可能会让我瘫痪 This potion might paralyze me.
可能也会让我忘记来的目的 Might make me forget why I'm here.
可能会让我痛不欲生 Might cau me so much pain that I beg for relief.
你一定不要顺从我 You are not to indulge the requests.
哈利 你要让我全喝完 It's your job, Harry, to make sure I keep drinking this potion.
哪怕要强行灌下去 Even if you have to force it down my throat.
-明白吗 -我为什么不能喝 教授 - Understood? - Why can't I drink it, sir?
因为我更老 更聪明 而且没你重要 Becau I am much older, much cleverer, and much less valuable.
祝你健康 哈利 Your good health, Harry.
教授 Professor.
教授 Professor!
哈利 Harry.
教授 能听见吗 Professor, can you hear me?
教授 Professor.
不要 No. Don't.
您得继续喝下去 记得自己的话吗 You have to keep drinking, like you said. Remember?
-停下 -喝光了 - Stop. - It will stop. It
-就可以停下了 -拜托 不要 - but only if you keep drinking. - Plea, don't make me.
-抱歉 教授 -拜托 - I'm sorry, sir. - Plea.
-杀了我吧 杀了我 -不 - Kill me. Kill me! - No!
是我的错 It's my fault.
全是我的错 It's all my fault.
是我的错 It's my fault.
还有一口 教授 就一口 我保证 Just one more, sir. One more, and then
我保证听你的 I promi I'll do what you say.
-我保证 -不要 - I promi. - No.
求您 Plea.
哈利 Harry.
水 Water.
水 Water.
水 Water.
您成功了 教授 You did it, sir.
瞧 Look.
哈利 Harry.
水 Water.
清水如泉 Aguamenti.
水 Water.
荧光闪烁 Lumos.
终极荧光闪烁 Lumos maxima!
哈利 Harry.
神锋无影 Sectummpra!
哈利 Harry.
-昏昏倒地 -哈利 - Stupefy! - Harry.
哈利 Harry.
水火分路 Partis temporus!
回寝室去 不许乱逛 Go to your hous. No dawdling.
得送你去医院 教授 去找庞弗雷夫人 We need to get you to the hospital wing, sir, to Madam Pomfrey.
不 No.
西弗勒斯 我需要西弗勒斯 Severus. Severus is who I need.
叫醒他 告诉他刚才的事 Wake him. Tell him what happened.
不要跟任何人讲 Speak to no one el.
找西弗勒斯 哈利 Severus, Harry.
注意隐形 哈利 Hide yourlf below, Harry.
没我允许不要和人讲话 不要被人发现 Don't speak or be en by anybody without my permission.
无论发生什么事 你一定要藏好 Whatever happens, it's imperative you stay below.
哈利 照我说的去做 Harry, do as I say.
相信我 Trust me.
相信我 Trust me.
晚上好 德拉科 Good evening, Draco.
这春天的晚上 出来做什么呢 What brings you here on this fine spring evening?
还有谁 我听见你们在说话 Who el is here? I heard you talking.
我时常大声的自言自语 觉得很有用 I often talk aloud to mylf. I find it extraordinarily uful.
你试过吗 德拉科 Have you been whispering to yourlf, Draco?
-你不是杀手 -你怎么知道 - you are no assassin. - How do you know what I am?
我干的事说出来让你大吃一惊 I've done things that would shock you.
比如说给凯蒂·贝尔下咒 Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that
让她把带诅咒的项链交给我 In return she'd bear a curd necklace to me?
还是往蜂蜜酒里下毒 Replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison?
请原谅我 德拉科 Forgive me, Draco.
我觉得你根本没有用心做 I cannot help feeling the actions are
因为你下不去狠心 your heart can't really have been in them.
他相信我 选中了我 He trusts me. I was chon.
那我帮你省点时间 Then I shall make it easy for you.
除你武器 Expelliarmus!
很好 很好 Very good. Very good.
你不是一个人 You're not alone.
还有其他人 There are others.
怎么回事 How?
有求必应屋里的消失柜 The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement.
-被我修好了 -让我想想 - I've been mending it. - Let me guess.
还有个柜子 一对 It has a sister. A twin.
在博金-博克店里 构成一个通道 In Borgin&Burkes. They form a passage.
天衣无缝 Ingenious.
多年前 我看着一个男生走上了不归路 Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices.
-请让我来帮你吧 -我不需要 - Plea let me help you. - I don't want your help!
还不明白吗 我不得不干这个 Don't you understand? I have to do this.
不杀了你 I have to kill you.
他就杀了我 Or he's gonna kill me.
看看这是谁呀 Well, look what we have here.
德拉科 干得好 Well done, Draco.
晚上好 贝拉特里克斯 Good evening, Bellatrix.
还是逐一介绍一下吧 I think introductions are in order, don't you?
我也想 阿不思 不过我们时间有点紧 Love to, Albus, but I'm afraid we're all on a bit of a tight
动手 Do it.
他没胆的 跟他父亲一样 He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father.
还是让我来吧 Let me finish him in my own way.
不行 黑魔王说得很明白 必须是他 No! The Dark Lord was clear, the boy is to do it.
该你出手了 快动手 This is your moment. Do it.
上 德拉科 Go on, Draco.
马上 Now!
不 No.
西弗勒斯 Severus.
拜托了 Plea.
阿瓦达索命 Avada kedavra.
海格 你好吗 Hagrid! Hello?
斯内普 他那么信你 Snape! He trusted you!
走 Go on.
速速禁锢 Incarcerous.
反击呀 懦夫 反击 Fight back! You coward, fight back!
不 他属于黑魔王 No! He belongs to the Dark Lord.
神锋无影 Sectummpra!
胆敢用我发明的咒语对付我 波特 You dare u my own spells against me, Potter?
不错 Yes.
我就是混血王子 I'm the half-blood prince.
发生了这么多 in light of what
如果你想找人谈谈 if you should have the need to talk
你该知道 在邓布利多教授心里 You should know,
你的地位非常重 you meant a great deal to him.
你觉得他下得去手吗 Do you think he would've done it?
德拉科 Draco?
不 No.
不 他已经放低魔杖了 No, he was lowering his wand.
最后还是斯内普 In the end, it was Snape.
总是斯内普 It was always Snape.
而我无能为力 And I did nothing.
是假的 It's fake.
打开 Open it.
"黑魔王亲启 "To the Dark Lord.
你看到这话的时候我已经过世很久了 I know I will be dead long before you
但是我要让你知道 是我发现了你的秘密 ...but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your
我偷走了真正的魂器 并会尽快毁掉它 I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as
I can.
希望我死后 你的强敌出现 I face death in the hope that when you meet
能够把你杀死 you will be mortal once more.
R.A.B" R.A.B."
R.A.B R.A.B.
不知道 Don't know.
不管是谁 他们有真的魂器 But whoever they are, they have the real horcrux.
之前的一切就徒劳了 Which means it was all a waste.
所有一切 All of it.
罗恩愿意接受 Ron's okay with it, you know.
你和金妮交往 You and Ginny.
我要是你 他在场的时候 就尽量少亲 But if I were you, when he's around, I'd keep the snogging to a
我不回来上学了 赫敏 I'm not coming back, Hermione.
我要完成邓布利多未尽的事业 I've got to finish whatever Dumledore started.
我不知道自己要去哪 And I don't know where that'll
但一定会尽快通知你和罗恩 but I'll let you and Ron know where I am when I can.
我很佩服你的勇气 哈利 I've always admired your courage, Harry.
不过有时候你也挺傻的 But sometimes, you can be really thick.
你不是真想独自一人 You don't really think you're going to
去找所有的魂器吧 to find all tho horcruxes by yourlf, do you?
你需要我们 哈利 You need us, Harry.
我从没注意过这地方有多美丽 I never realized how beautiful this place was.
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