I. Introduction
In China, “入境而问禁;入国而问俗;入门而问讳” 1 have been a norm of behavior for
thousands of years.Similarly, in west,“when in Rome,do as the Romans do.”is also
the norm of western.For the purpo of successful intercultural communication, both
east and west people all emphasize on the studying the knowledge of taboos. And
linguistic taboo exists universally in almost all of the languages and cultures.The
violation of linguistic taboo is regarded impolite and offensive,but people from
different cultures do not all agree on what are linguistic taboos and what should be
tabooed.Even taboo in the same thing may have different implications,since people
from different cultures have established different social customs and cultural
orientations.In intercultural communication,they may interpret each other’s speech
and behavior in accordance with their own beliefs and values and adopt different
politeness strategies to achieve their goals.
At the same time,with the development of transportation, information technology and
the globalization of economy, communication between people from different cultures
are increasingly frequent and extensive.In this process,people are increasingly
conscious of the existence of cultural diversity, and they gradually notice that
differences produce great barriers to social or intercultural communication.
Human tolerance and desire for communication do help to reduce the differences and
enhance mutual understanding but there are still some aspects such as some taboos that
are beyond people’s acceptability becau of its nsitiveness,
misunderstanding ,unhappiness,conflict or even disastrous conquences may occur due
to the violation of certain taboos.Considering what have been mentioned above, when
intercultural communication occurs more frequently and more extensively, a systematic
study of linguistic taboos in intercultural communication becomes an
imperative.Mastering taboos knowledge in Chine and English helps to cultivate
intercultural competence.It is particular conducive to the management of interpersonal
and intercultural conflicts,and enables people to produce harmonious relationships.As
James Thurber has said in The East and The West, “Precision of communication is
important, more than ever, in an era of hair-trigger balances when a fal or
misunderstood word may create as much a disaster as a sudden thoughtless act.”2
II. Literature Review
A. The Definitions and Features of Taboo
Oxford English Dictionary defines taboo as:words likely to be considered offensive,
shocking or indecent by certain people(though not necessarily by everyone).In Chine
taboo is regarded as the indelicate or dirty word.Taboo is explained by the Modern
Chine Dictionary as the prohibited words or actions. According to modern linguists
Robinett,taboo is a principle or criterion erected by society, which can prevent people
from bad action.As Wardhaugh states:“taboo is one way in which a society express
its disapproval of certain kinds of behavior believed to be harmful to its members,either
for supernatural reasons or becau such behavior is held to violate a moral code”.
Generally speaking, taboo has about it a n of something unapproachable,and it is
principally expresd in prohibitions and restrictions.
Linguistic taboo,as a common social cultural phenomenon in both east and west, exists
objectively.It has three features as below.
1. Temporality
With the development of the society, some linguistic taboos changed and some
disappeared or lost their original meaning.In the Qing dynasty the poet Xu Jun(徐
骏)was killed becau his poem had“Qing清”in his poem“清风不识字,何事乱翻
书”.But he wouldn’t be killed in other dynasties.The poem“清明时节雨纷纷”is widely
loved before Qing dynasty.In English, the word“women” was once a taboo in Victorian
Age,It meant mistress and adultery wife.But now, it lost its original meaning and
became a common word.
2. Ethnocentricity
Every ethnic group has its own cultural pattern.Linguistic taboo,as an ethnic
phenomenon, is influenced by the economy, social structure and belief of the whole
group.Take age as an example.Chine people don’t care about old age.Sometimes,
we especially call someone “Zhang Lao张老”, “Wang Lao王老”,for respect.But this
is totally unacceptable in English-speaking countries.In their opinion, “old老”means
uless,and people will feel offended if they are described to be old.So women keep
their age cret in the English-speaking countries and ldom talk about age.
3. Context-reliability
The usage of taboos is limited by the social conditions and the psychological
factors.The context confines the usage of the taboos.In formal situations like social
gatherings and banquets,people will pay more attention to taboos,which can be ud in
private situations.A lot of Chine taboos are confined by the special contexts .For
example, “帆(Fan, has the same pronunciation with overturn) ”. In English, “nigger”is a
discriminative word.The African-American can u it and it will not cau rious
conquences.But if other ethnic groups u it, rious conflicts will be caud.
B. The Definition and Features of Intercultural Communication
According to Asante,in its most general n, intercultural communication occurs
when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of
another culture.More precily, intercultural communication is a communication
between people who cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to
alter the communication event. 3
Frequently the term intercultural communication is ud when referring to
communication between people of different cultural backgrounds.For instance, if one
talks with his or her American teacher, intercultural communication takes place.If he or
she interacts with a Japane student, there is intercultural communication.It includes
international communication, interracial communication, inter-ethnic communication,
inter-regional communication and so on.
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