Analysis and Recommendation of
Cross-cultural Communication and
—— bad on Sino-US joint venture
A13 Business English Class 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ I
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2
1.1 Purpo and scope ............................................................................................ 2
2. American staff ............................................................................................................ 2
2.1 Cultural types ................................................................................................... 2
2.1.1 Individualism vs collectivism ............................................................... 2
2.1.2 Power distance ...................................................................................... 2
2.1.3 Context cultures .................................................................................... 3
2.2 Non-verbal communication ............................................................................. 3
2.2.1 Eye contact ............................................................................................ 3
2.2.2 Personal space ....................................................................................... 3
2.2.3 Gestures ................................................................................................. 3
2.2.4 Recommendations ................................................................................. 3
2.3 Customs, etiquette, and protocol ...................................................................... 4
2.3.1Face-to-face greetings ............................................................................ 4
2.3.2Social drinking protocol ......................................................................... 4
2.3.3Culture quirks ......................................................................................... 4
2.3.4Recommendations .................................................................................. 4
3. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 4
Reference ....................................................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction
With the economic integrationand aggravation of the Chine market globalization
process, an increasing number of Sino-US joint venture have emerged. How to do
cross-cultural management? How to manageand developthe enterprieffectively?
They are keys to the success of companies.
This report will provide Chine with countermeasures and advicesaimed at staff from
American, by which they will be able to solve cross-cultural problems step by step,
and ultimately make companies more inclusive and competitive.
1.1 Purpo and scope
The purpo of this report is to offer the chine executives of Sino-US joint venture
feasible advices to better deal with the cross-cultural problems, including management
and communication. Analysis and countermeasures will mainly cover culture of the
United States. And at the end of this report I will come up with universal methods to
better process cross-cultural management and communication.
2. American staff
2.1 Cultural types
2.1.1 Individualism vs collectivism
America is a society cherishes rugged individualism. Americans value personal
success over group success and emphasize individual freedom and individual
achievement. They respect their values while not allow others to violate their rights.
In business activities, the Americans try their best to show themlves and put forward
their own standpoints actively and they care for others‟ judgment. In addition, while
decision making in an individualist culture may not be more rapid, the implementation
of a change in policy, such as a new manufacturing process or a new ethics code, will
be perceptibly slower than in a collectivist culture.
2.1.2 Power distance
America is in cultures with a low power distance profile. In America, the relationship
between employee and employer is fairer and they live in a more harmonious
atmosphere. Employees are good at learning and making progress as well as going
beyond themlves which is beneficial for the realization of individual value. Workers
accept more responsibility and low power-distance cultures tend to be more
individualistic in nature.
2.1.3 Context cultures
America is a good example of a low context low context cultures, communi
cation is explicit, clear and unambiguous. Individuals come directly to the point and s
ay precily what they mean. They focus what is being said, rather than on who is
saying it. Business can be conducted successfully by letter, telephone, fax or email. It
is not necessary to meet face-to –face to get things done.
2.2 Non-verbal communication
2.2.1 Eye contact
In American culture, it is almost impossible for people to communicate without eye
contact. We must look into their eyes when talking to them. Americans take direct eye
contact as a sign of honesty and sincerity which shows interest and asrtiveness.
Otherwi, they may mistake that they are not interested in the topic or intimidated
and have a bad guilty in mind as well as being too shy. It can also be applied in two
persons have different social background.
2.2.2 Personal space
In America cultures, individual regard space as personal territory and detest the
invasion of their turf. 0-18 inches is intimate space rerved for family and clo
friends. 18 inches to 4 feet is personal space ud in most interpersonal
interactions.4-12 feet is social-consultative space ud in more formal interactions.
2.2.3 Gestures
In America, the ok sign, with thumb and index finger forming an “O” and the
remaining 3 fingers slightly raid means everything is going well to an American.
For Americans the handshake is a vital test of their opponent –the firmer the better.
Raid voices and animated gestures do not necessarily indicate anger. They may
reflect enthusiasm and excitement. Pointing at someone to clarify meaning is normal
but emphatic or repeated pointing usually indicates agitation or aggression. Americans
will sometimes emphasize a strongly held commitment, belief or position by banging
on the table or suddenly standing up.
2.2.4 Recommendations
Make direct eye contact with them which shows interest and attentiveness.
0-18 inches is intimate space rerved for family and clo friends. 18 inches
to 4 feet is personal space ud in most interpersonal interactions.4-12 feet is
social-consultative space ud in more formal interactions.
Treat Americans with directness becau they are a very animated people and
not aver to letting others know how they feel.
Pro-actively studies indirect signals of meaning reflecting in non-verbal
2.3 Customs, etiquette, and protocol
2.3.1Face-to-face greetings
Americans will feel comfortable with this invasion of “private space” and consider it
an aggressive gesture of moving in very clo during an introduction and almost be
right in the face of the person they are meeting. It is not. It is important to realize that
crowding is simply a cultural norm.
2.3.2Social drinking protocol
In America, social drinking is a part of relationship building. Alcohol helps to break
down the strict social barrier between class. In some business activities, business
meals have moved towards a complete shunning of alcohol.
2.3.3Culture quirks
Many Americans believe the number 13 to be unlucky. Often building will go from
the 12
to the 14
floor, skipping the number 13 entirely. Business communication
and negotiation are often informal and even when formal, they will be less so than in
most other cultures. Americans are notoriously blunt and prefer to speak their minds.
They have no concept of “face”. When they disagree, they say no. Americans are very
health conscious. Never smoke without asking permission. It is not only rude, but
probably illegal to smoke in most public buildings
Avoid moving in very clo during an introduction and almost be right in the
face of the person they are meeting.
Do not be offended by emingly overly personal questions.
Skipping the number 13 in some business activities.
3. Conclusion
Conflicts between managers and employees or between employees are common in an
enterpri, especially multinational enterpri. The most main reason is the
breakdown of communication since they come from different cultures. People coming
from different cultures will have different values, beliefs, behaviors, characters and
others things. The factors make them have different thinking modes and ways of
understanding to the same thing. Conquently, we have to face the challenges of
cross-cultural management and deal with the problems of intercultural communication.
Here are the recommendations to manage employees from different countries
1. Communication management
Attends to the choice of working language(s)
Choos modes of communication that suit the particular communicative
Establishes and agrees communication protocols
Takes steps to deal with communication problems
Allows adequate time for achieving satisfactory mutual understanding
2. Building of shared knowledge
Disclos and elicits background information that is needed for mutual
understanding and meaningful negotiation
Expos own intentions by explaining not only „what‟ s/he wants, but also
„why‟ s/he wants it
3. Active listening and Attuning
Listens attentively
Regularly checks and clarifies the meaning of important words and phras,
to ensure that all participants attach the same meaning to them, even when
they are well known
Notices potential misunderstandings and eks clarification/negotiates
meaning until common understanding is reached
Adept at obrving indirect signals of meaning, such as intonation, eye
contact and body language, and at picking up meaning from them
4. Language Adjustment and Stylistic flexibility
Adapts u of language to the proficiency level of the recipient(s) so as to
maximize comprehensibility
Pays attention to, and adapts where necessary, aspects such as speed,
frequency and length of pausing, complexity of ntence structure,
complexity of vocabulary
Us different language styles flexibly to suit different purpos, contexts and
5. Language learning
Motivated to learn and u other languages, and willing to invest time and
effort in this
Confident in ability to pick up and u foreign languages
Tries out words and expressions in unfamiliar languages
In conclusion, there are three principlesshould be grasped. First, we should recognize
cultural differences when managing conflict. Second, we should reframe the problems
or issues from the employees‟ cultural perspective. Third, we can reconcile the
differences by focusing on the issues and repairing or enhancing the relationship.
[1] World Business Etiquette
Published on: 12/11/2013 Last referred on: 5/22/2015
Author: linjuan12151 Published on: 6/6/2013 Last referred on: 5/24/2015
Author: xiaoS Published on: 6/29/2013 Last referred on: 5/25/2015
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