1. The Odysy (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
The Odysy (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
作 者:Homer
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定 价:14.00
出 版 社: Penguin Classics
2. The Iliad (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) [Paperback]
The Iliad (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) [Paperback]
作 者:Homer
I S B N :
定 价:18.00
出 版 社: Penguin Classics
3. Metamorphos (Penguin Classics ed.) [Paperback]
Metamorphos (Penguin Classics ed.) [Paperback]
作 者:Ovid
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定 价:13.00
出 版 社: Penguin Classics
出版时间:2023-11-27 [加入推荐书单]
The Aeneid (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
The Aeneid (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
作 者:Virgil
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定 价:0.00
出 版 社: Penguin Classics
5. The Bible: Authorized King James Version (Oxford World's
Classics) [Paperback]
The Bible: Authorized King James Version
Classics) [Paperback]
作 者:Robert Carroll
I S B N :
定 价:18.95
出 版 社:Oxford University Press, USA
6. Shakespeare's Sonnets [Paperback]
Shakespeare's Sonnets [Paperback]
作 者:William Shakespeare
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定 价:0.00
World's (Oxford
出 版 社:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
7. Paradi Lost (Dover Thrift Editions) [Paperback]
Paradi Lost (Dover Thrift Editions) [Paperback]
作 者:John Milton
I S B N :
定 价:5.00
出 版 社:Dover Publications
8. Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
Pamela: Or, Virtue Rewarded (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
作 者:Samuel Richardson
I S B N :
定 价:11.00
出 版 社:Penguin Classics
出版时间:1981-02-26 [加入推荐书单]
9. The Prelude: 1799, 1805, 1850 (Norton Critical Editions)
The Prelude: 1799, 1805, 1850 (Norton Critical
作 者:William Wordsworth
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定 价:0.00
出 版 社: W. W. Norton & Company
10. Bleak Hou (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
Bleak Hou (Penguin Classics) [Paperback]
作 者:Charles Dickens
I S B N :
定 价:13.00
出 版 社: Penguin Classics
Selected Poems [Paperback]
Selected Poems [Paperback]
作 者:T. S. Eliot
I S B N :
定 价:13.00
出 版 社:Mariner Books
The Collected Shorter Plays Beckett [Paperback]
The Collected Shorter Plays Beckett [Paperback]
作 者:Samuel Beckett
I S B N :
定 价:15.95
出 版 社:Grove Press
Mimesis: The Reprentation of Reality in Western Literature
(New in Paperback) (Princeton Classics) [Paperback]
Mimesis: The Reprentation of Reality in Western Literature
(New in Paperback) (Princeton Classics) [Paperback]
作 者:Erich Auerbach
I S B N :
定 价:24.95
出 版 社:Princeton University Press; Reprint edition
The Poetry Handbook: A Guide to Reading Poetry for Pleasure
and Practical Criticism [Paperback]
The Poetry Handbook: A Guide to Reading Poetry for Pleasure
and Practical Criticism [Paperback]
作 者:John Lennard
I S B N :
定 价:0.00
出 版 社: Oxford University Press, USA
A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms [Paperback]
A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms [Paperback]
作 者:Richard A. Lanham
I S B N :
定 价:0.00
出 版 社: University of California Press
Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative
Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative
作 者:Mieke Bal
I S B N :
定 价:0.00
出 版 社: University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing
Critical Terms for Literary Study [Paperback]
Critical Terms for Literary Study [Paperback]
作 者:Frank Lentricchia
I S B N :
定 价:27.50
出 版 社: University of Chicago Press
The Literary Guide to the Bible [Hardcover]
The Literary Guide to the Bible [Hardcover]
作 者:Robert Alter
I S B N :
定 价:0.00
出 版 社:Belknap Press
Makers of Mathematics S. Hollingdale (Penguin, 1989)
There are not many books on the history of mathematics which
are pitched at a suitable level. Hollingdale gives a biographical
approach which is both readable and mathematical. You might also try
E.T. Bell Men of Mathematics (Touchstone Books, Simon and Schuster,
1986). Historians of mathematics have a lot to say about this (very
little of it complimentary) but it is full of good stories which have
inspired generations of mathematicians.
Alan Turing, the Enigma A. Hodges (Vintage, 1992)
A great biography of Alan Turing, a pioneer of modern
computing. The title has a double meaning: the man was an enigma,
committing suicide in 1954 by eating a poisoned apple, and the German
code that he was instrumental in cracking was generated by the Enigma
machine. The book is largely nonmathematical, but there are no holds
barred when it comes to describing his major achievement, now called
a Turing machine, with which he demonstrated that a famous conjecture
by Hilbert is fal.
The Man Who Knew Infinity R. Kanigel (Abacus, 1992)
The life of Ramanujan, the lf-taught mathematical prodigy
from a village near Madras. He nt Hardy samples of his work from
India, which included rediscoveries of theorems already well known in
the West and other results which completely baffled Hardy. Some of his
estimates for the number of ways a large integer can be expresd as
the sum of integers are extraordinarily accurate, but em to have
been plucked out of thin air.
A Mathematician’s Apology G.H. Hardy (CUP, 1992)
Hardy was one of the best mathematicians of the first part of
this century. Always an achiever (his New Year resolutions one year
included proving the Riemann hypothesis, making 211 not out in the
fourth test at the Oval, finding an argument for the non-existence of
God which would convince the general public, and murdering Mussolini),
he led the renaissance in mathematical analysis in England. Graham
Greene knew of no writing (except perhaps Henry James’s Introductory
Essays) which conveys so clearly and with such an abnce of fuss the
excitement of the creative artist. There is an introduction by C.P.
Littlewood’s Miscellany (edited by B. Bollobas) (CUP, 1986)
This collection, first published in 1953, contains some
wonderful insights into the development and lifestyle of a great
mathematician as well as numerous anecdotes, mathematical (Lion and
Man is excellent) and not-so-mathematical. The latest edition contains
veral worthwhile additions, including a splendid lecture entitled
‘The Mathematician’s Art of Work’, (as well as various items of
interest mainly to tho who believe that Trinity Great Court is the
centre of the Univer). Thoroughly recommended.
The man who loved only numbers Paul Hoffman (Fourth Estate,
An excellent biography of Paul Erd¨os, one of the most
prolific mathematicians of all time. Erd¨os wrote over 1500 papers
(about 10 times the normal number for a mathematician) and collaborated
with 485 other mathematicians. He had no home; he just descended on
colleagues with whom he wanted to work, bringing with him all his
belongings in a suitca. Apart from details of Erd¨os’s life, there
is plenty of discussion of the kind of problems (mainly number theory)
that he worked on.
Surely You’re Joking, Mr Feynman R.P. Feynman (Arrow Books,
Autobiographical anecdotes from one of the greatest
theoretical physicists of the last century, which became an immediate
best-ller. You learn about physics, about life and (most puzzling of
all) about Feynman. Very amusing and entertaining.
Simon Singh Fermat’s Last Theorem (Fourth Estate)
You must read this story of Andrew Wiles’s proof of Fermat’s
Last Theorem, including all sorts of mathematical ideas and anecdotes;
there is no better introduction to the world of rearch mathematics.
Singh’s later The Code Book (Fourth Estate) is not so interesting
mathematically, but is still a very good read.
Marcus du Sautoy The Music of the Primes (Harper-Collins,
This is a wide-ranging historical survey of a large chunk of
mathematics with the Riemann Hypothesis acting as a thread tying
everything together. The Riemann Hypothesis is one of the big unsolved
problems in mathematics – in fact, it is one of the Clay Institute
million dollar problems – though unlike Fermat’s last theorem it is
unlikely ever to be the subject of pub conversation. Du Sautoy’s book
is bang up to date, and attractively written. Some of the maths is
tough but the history and storytelling paint a convincing (and
appealing) picture of the world of professional mathematics.
Marcus Du Sautoy Finding Moonshine: a mathematician’s
journey through symmetry
(Fourth Estate, 2023)
This book has been exceptionally well reviewed (even better
than Du Sautoy’s Music of the Primes listed above). The title is lf
The book start with a romp through the history and winds up
with some very modern ideas. You even have the opportunity to discover
a group for yourlf and have it named after you.
J. McLeish Number (Bloomsbury, 1991)
The development of the theory of numbers, from Babylon to
Babbage, written with humour and erudition. Hugely enjoyable.
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