辽宁中医药大学 (110032)
朱 爱 松
摘要:自1971年7月《纽约时报》的著名记者詹姆斯(James Reston)来华访问发
现主要介绍美国国家针灸师资格考试委员会举办的针灸师考试 (NCCAOM: The
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine)。
两部分。前者要完成265道选择题,内容为中医基础理论(Foundations of Oriental
Medicine)、针灸(Acupuncture Module)、生物医学(Biomedicine);后者要在纸质
1. A bedridden patient prents with flushed cheeks, pale lips, minor
restlessness and thirst for hot drinks. Becau you suspect a ca of true Cold and
fal Heat, you expect the pul to be
a. rapid and weak b. slow and weak
c. bowstring and rapid d. strong and flooding
2. Lingering headache with an empty nsation in the head, accompanied by
paroxysmal darkness before the eyes and blurred vision, is due to
a. upward disturbance of phlegm b. invasion of exogenous pathogenic
c. insufficiency of Qi and blood, and loss of Yin esnce d. stagnation of blood
3. The meeting point of the Lung Divergent Channel with the Large Intestine
Channel is
a. Jianyu(LI 15) b. Neck-Futu(LI18)
c. Hegu(LI 4) d. Yingxiang(L120)
4. A patient complains of headaches, dizziness, palpitations, frequent dreams,
and inability to sleep at night. The patient is very forgetful and irritable, and has a
flushed face. The pul is deep, thread and rapid. In this ca, the correct diagnosis
a. Heart Fire flaring upward b. Phlegm (Tan) blocking Heart orifices
c. deficiency of Heart Yin d. deficiency of Heart Yang
5. For this patient, the most appropriate needle treatment would u points
a. Hand-Zhongzhu(SJ 3)(TH 3) and Laogong(P 8) b. Shenmen(Ht 7) and
Juque(Ren 14)(CV 14) c. Taichong(Liv 3) and Jiaoxin(K 8) d. Guanyuan(Ren 4)(CV 4)
and Qihai(Ren 6)(CV 6)
6. The best point to stop bleeding in the lung due to Heat would be
a. Kongzui(Lu 6) b. Shousanli(LI 1 O)
c. Quchi(LI 11) d. Zhouhai(K 6)
7. Which of the following points is on the transver crea of the wrist in the
articular region between the pisiform bone and the ulna, in the depression on the
radial side of the tendon of m. flexor carpi ulnaris
a. Yinxi(H 6) b. Daling(P 7)
c. Shenmen(H 7) d. Houxi(SI 3)
8. A male patient in his early 30s comes to you complaining of a chronic mild a
chiness and weakness of the lumbar region and bothers knees. His pul is sinking,
his general appearance is pale, and he complains of general fatigue. Bed rest is the
only way that he can ea the backache, which always grows wor after exertion.
He tends to need more sleep than the average person. This condition is
characteristic of
a. Phlegm accumulation in lower heater b. Trauma to the lower back
c. Pathogenic Wind, Cold and Dampness in the channels d. Xu(deficiency) of
Kidney Qi
9. Your treatment principle for this ca would be
a. Stimulate dispersal of phlegm by promoting excretion b. Disper the
pathogenic Factors and build Wei Qi c. Notify Kidney Qi d. Promote flow of
Qi and Blood to speed healing
10. Which of the following combinations of points would you lect for this
a. Shenshu(UB 23), Mingmen(Du 4), Taixi(K 3)
b. Renzhong(Du 26), Weizhong(UB 40), Yaoyangguan(Du 8), Shenshu(UB 23)
c. Dachangshu(UB 25), Kunlun(UB 60), Tainshu(St 25)
d. Pishu(UB 20), Sanyinjiao(Sp 6), Zusanli(St 36)
11. A 30-year-old female patient complains of having a stiff neck and stiffness
in the shoulders. If you wish to u confluent points of the eight extra channels
which of the following would be correct to u
a. Lieque(Lu 7), Zhaohai(K 6) b. Neguan(P 6), Gongsun(Sp 6)
c. Foot-Linqi(GB 41), Zusanli(St 36) d. Houxi(SI 3), Shenmai(UB 62)
12. A patient complains of a persistent dry cough with difficult expectoration,
night sweats, and recurring low fever in the afternoon. Your tentative diagnosis is
deficiency of lung Yin. What further signs would you look for to confirm your
a. Frothy white sputum; slippery pul; thick tongue fur
b. Rapid thread pul; flushing of jaw or cheeks; dry lips and mouth
c. Shortness of breath; red tongue with grayish-yellow fur; fever and chills
d. Cold limbs; spontaneous perspiration; pale tongue and complexion
13. The symptoms of abdominal distention, edema, deafness, pain in the outer
cantus, swelling of the cheeks, and congested and sore throat are indicative of
dysfunction of which of the following channels
Shao Yang Tai Yin
c. Hand Shao Yang d. Hand Yang Ming
14. A male patient is treated for symptoms associated with the Taiyang stage.
The next day, he complains of fever perspiration, and a fear of heat. In this ca,
the dia has most likely progresd from the Taiyang stage to the
a. Taiyin stage b. Shaoyang stage
c. Shaoyin stage d. Yangming stage
15. Several bilateral penetrating pain, especially in the nape and occipital area,
may be accompanied by dizziness, irritability, a suffocating feeling in the chest, a
bitter taste in the mouth, and a sticky tongue such cas, the most
effective points would be
a. Baihui(Du 20)(GV 20), Houxi(SI 3), Zhiyin(UB 67), Taichong(Liv 3)
b. Fengchi(GB 20), Kunlun(UB 60), Houxi(Sl 3)
c. Touwei(St 8), Yintang(Extra), Shangxing(Du 23)(GV 23), Hegu(Ll 4), Neiting(St
d. Taiyang(Extra), Shuaigu(GB 8), Waiguan(SJ 5)(TH 5), Foot-Linqui(GB 41)
16. A male patient complains of feeling cold, but he refus covers. He also
complains of feeling thirsty, but he likes only cold drinks. He also has dark yellow
urine and constipation. The physical findings are indicative of
a. Alternating Cold and Heat b. True Cold/Illusionary Heat
c. True Heat/Illusionary Cold d. Separation of Yin and Yang
17. A patient prents with insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, red tongue and
palpitations. In this ca, you would expect which of the following puls
a. Thready b. Rapid and wiry
c. Full and rapid d. Constrained
18. A patient prents with the following symptoms: Chills, cold limbs, sallow
complexion, and abnce of thirst, listlessness, lassitude, spontaneous sweating,
loo stools, and clear urine in large amount, deep slow weak pul, and pale
tongue with white coating. What type of syndrome do the symptoms indicate?
a. Cold syndrome of Shi (excess) type b. Interior cold syndrome
c. Exterior cold syndrome d. Cold syndrome of the Xu(deficiency) type
19. In acute epigastric pain or stomachache, which one of the following is the
best choice for acupuncture treatment?
a. Zusanli(St 36), Liangqiu(St 34), Gongsun(Sp 4), Zhongwan(Ren 12)(CV 12)
b. Zusanli(St 36), Shangqiu(Sp 5), Fenglong(St 40), Juque(Ren 14)(CV 14)
c. Zusanli(St 36), Zhangmen(Liv 13), Tianshu(St 25), Shangjuxu(St 37) ~
d. Zusanli(St 36), Pishu(UB 20), Shenshu(UB 23), TaixiO( 3)
20. According to the theory of Yuan (Source) points and Luo(Connecting)
points, the points ud for treatment of a deficiency of Spleen Yang are
a. Taibai(Sp 3), Shangqiu(Sp 5) b. Taibai(Sp 3), Chongyang(St 42)
c. Taibai(Sp 3), Fenglong(St 40) d. Taibai(Sp 3), Gongsun(Sp 4)
21. Fullness in the abdomen, irregular menstruation, and leucorrhea, pain in
the lumbar region, and weakness or motor impairment of the lower limb are
pathological symptoms of a disorder in which of the following Extra channels
a. Dai/Belt Channel b. Yang Heel/Yangqiao Channel
c. Yin Heel/Yinqiao Channel d. Penetrating/Chong Channel
22. Which of the following describe ctions of the Foot Taiyang Bladder
a. A branch descends from the vertex to area above the ear.
b. It begins at the inner cantus of the eye, ascends across the forehead, and
cross to the vertex.
c. A branch parates in the lumbar region, cross the buttock, and descends
to the popliteal fos of the knee.
d. A branch parates on the dorsum of the foot and runs between 1st and
2nd metatarsal bones.
23. Which meridian has a branch that ascends behind the ear and reaches the
comer of the anterior hairline?
a. Hand Taiyang Small Intestine b. Hand Shaoyang Triple Energizer
c. Hand Yangrning Large Intestine d. Foot Yangrning Stomach
24. Which statements are true?
a. The three hand Yin meridians run from the chest to the finger.
b. The three hand Yang meridians run from the finger to the head.
c. The three foot Yang meridians run from the head to the toe.
d. The three foot Yin meridians run from the toe to the chest.
25. Which pairs of meridians begin and in the chest respectively?
a. Yang and Yin b. Yin and Yang
c. Yang and Yang d. Yin and Yin
26. Which of the following describe part of the circulation of the Du Mai
Governing Vesl?
a. It reaches the top of the head. b. It intercts the Bladder meridian.
c. It threads through the spine, d. It spreads over the abdomen.
27. Which of the following statements are true regarding where the twelve
organ meridians begin and end?
a. The associated Yang and Yin meridians interchange circulation (one ends
and the other begins) at the end of the extremities.
b. The hand and foot Yang meridians of the same name interchange
circulation in the teed or face.
c. The Yin meridians interchange circulation with other Yin meridians in the
d. The Yang meridians interchange circulation with the other Yang meridians in
the neck.
28. Which of the following list the correct order that Qi circulates through the
a. Liver meridian, Gallbladder meridian, Triple Energizer meridian
b. Stomach meridian, Spleen meridian, Pericardium meridian
c. Kidney meridian, Lung meridian, Large Intestine meridian
d. Large Intestine meridian, Stomach meridian, Spleen meridian
29. Which type of insomnia would you treat with a combination of Pishu(BL
20), Xinshu(BL 15),shenmen(HT 7), and Sanyinjiao(SP 6)?
a. Deficient Heart and Spleen b. Deficient Kidney Qi
c. Imbalance between Heart Yang and Kidney Yin d. Excess Liver Yang
30. What should your treatment of epilepsy ek to accomplish?
a. Clear away Heart Fire and tranquilize
b. Disper and rectify the Depresd Liver Qi
c. Expel Wind and relea Heat
d. Extinguish Wind and eliminate Phlegm
31. Which of the following combinations would best treat a patient with
symptoms of dizziness, arc us nile ,general fatigue, pale face, palpitations,
insomnias, and a weak thin pul?
a. Baihui (GV 20), Taiyang(EX-HN 5), Fengchi(GB 20), Lieque(LU 7)
b. Baihui (GV 20), Danshu(BL 19), Xingjian(LR 2), Fengchi(GB 20)
c. Pishu (BL 20), Shenshu(BL 23), Guanyuan(CV 4), Zusanli(ST 36)
d. Zhongwan (CV 12), Neiguan(PC 6), Jiexi( ST 41), Fenglong( ST 40)
32. Which of the following ear point combinations would best treat headache
a. Forehead, Occiput, Ear Shenmen b. Heart, Adrenal, Temple
c. Central Rim (Brain), Heart, Liver d. None of the above
33. Which of the following combinations would best treat dizziness due to
a. Fenglong(ST 40), Zhongwan(CV 12) b. Danshu(BL 19), Xingjian(LR 2)
c. Pishu(BL 20), Zusanli(ST 36) d. Baihui(GV 20), Qihai(SC 6)
34. Which of the following combinations forms the best basic recipe for
treating edema?
a. Guanyuan(CV 4), Guilai(ST 29), Taichong(LR 3), Yinlingquan(SP 9)
b. Shuifen(CV 9), Qihai(SC 6), Sanjiaoshu(BL 22), Zusanli(ST 36)
c. Danshu(BL 19), Yanglingquan(GV 34), Yinlingquan(SP 9), Taichong(LR 3)
d. Ganshu(BL 18), Shenshu(BL 23), Qihaishu(BL 24), Danshu(BL 19)
35. Which of the following would you u as a main point for treating facial
a. Lianquan(CV 23) b. Shuigou(CV 26)
c. Dicang(ST 4) d. Yingxiang(L120)
36. If a patient falls down due to wind stroke with ten syndrome, what is the
major acupuncture prescription?
a. DU 26, P 9, S 40, LV 3, P 8 b. S 7, S 6, LI 4, GB 20
c. P 9, LV 3, S 40, LI 4 d. LI 4, DU 20, S 6, LV 3
37. For deviated mouth and eyes due to wind stroke, not only S 4, S 6, LI 4, S 44
should be ud, one can also add
a. DU 26 b. SJ 17
c. SJ5 d. LV3
38. Headache, body ache, nasal congestion with discharge, itchy throat, cough
with thin sputum, aversion to cold without sweating, floating and tight pul, thin
white tongue coating. One should choo
a. DU 14, LI 11, LI 4, Shi Xuan b. DU 14, LI 11, LI 4, SJ 5
c. LU 7, GB 20, LI 4, UB 12 d. L120, GB 20, SJ 5, S 40
39. What is the major function if points such as DU 14, UB 12, LU 1 are
combined together
a. Dispel wind, calm asthma b. Regulate channels, stop pain
c. Ventilate Lung, relieve exterior d. Clear heat, detoxify
40. For exogenous pathogenic attack causing cough with sore and swollen
throat, besides using major points one should also add
a. LU 10, LU 6 b. LU 11, LU 5
c. REN 24, LU 9 d. REN 22, LU 7
41. REN 17, P 6, S 36, SP 4, GB 34, and LV 3 are ud to treat vomiting caud
a. Stomach heat b. Food stagnation "
c. Phlegm accumulation d. Liver Qi stagnation
42. What are the major points for acute diarrhea due to damp heat?
a. REN 12, S 25, S 36, SP 9 b. UB 20, REN 12, LV 13, S 36
c. S 36, S 25, DU 4, REN 4 d. UB 20, LV 13, S 37, S 39
43. When treating damp-heat dyntery, in addition to the major points one
can also add
a. UB20, UB21 b. REN 12, UB21
c. LI 4, LI 11 d. REN 4, REN 12
44. Frequent urination, painful urination, occasional prence of calculi in the
urine, in addition to the major points, one can also add
a. K6, UB 23 b. K6, SP6
c. LV8 d. UB 39, K6
45. For chronic lung T.B causing hoar voice, in addition to points for lung T.B.,
one can add
a. DU 15, REN 23 b. H 5, DU 15
c. UB 15, REN 22 d. LU 9, LI 17
46. For palpitation due to exuberance of internal fire caud by Yin deficiency,
in addition to the major points, one can add
a. UB 13, LU 5, S 40 b. UB 20, UB 22, UB 24
c. UB 17, UB 20, S 36 d. UB 14, UB 23, K3
47. DU 20, REN 6, LIB 18, UB 23, UB 20, LI 4 and S 36 combinations are ud to
treat headache caud by
a. Wind attacking the channels and collaterals causing vertex headache
b. Liver Yang rising causing headache and dizziness
e. Chronic headache, stubborn and hard to cure
d. Qi and Blood deficiency, dizziness and heavy nsation
48. When treating wandering Bi, in addition to the major points, one can also
a. GB 20, Du 16 b. UB 17, SP 10
c. UB 23, SP 6 d. LI 11, GB 34
49. What is the most appropriate acupuncture treatment for toothache, local
swelling and pain, foul breath, thirst, constipation, rapid and surging pul, yellow
4, S 6, SJ 5, GB 20 b. LI4, S 6, $44, S 7
4, K 3, LV 2, S 7 d. LI4, S 6, S 5, SI 18
50. When treating tinnitus and deafness due to hyperactivity of fire in the liver
and gallbladder, in addition to the major points, one can also add
a. LV 2, UB 48 b. UB 18, DU 9
c. LV 2, GB 41 d. LV 6, LV 4
正答: 01:b 02:c 03:b 04:c 05:b 06:a 07:c 08:d 09:c
11:d 12:b 13:c 14:d 15:b 16:c 17:c 18:d 19:a 20:c
21:a 22:a,b,c 23:b 24:all 25:d 26:a,b,c 27:a,b,c 28:d 29:a 30:d
31:c 32:a 33:a 34:b 35:b 36:a 37:d 38:c 39:c 40:b
41:d 42:a 43:c 44:d 45:d 46:d 47:c 48:b 49:b 50:c
基金项目:辽宁省教育厅科学基金资助项目(05 L 259)
作者简介:朱爱松 女 1973年9月18日生 2006级博士研究生 讲师
Liaoning Chine Medicine University (110032)
Zhu Ai Song
Abstract:Since James Reston, renowned reporter of NEW YORK TIMES, visited
China and published “line of the Beijing” in July, 1971 and the visit of late
American President Nixon in 1972 raid the world-wide surge of acupuncture, the
mysterious Chine medicine has existed in US for 35 years. It also developed from
early market demand to standardize slowly. At prent, most of US 50 states
pasd the acupuncture legislation and acupuncture treatment is also included in
the medical insurance system. The author has been engaged in the foreign student
education for a long time, this thesis summarized the American acupuncturists
tests according to the author’s understanding.
Keyword: US; Acupuncture; Licensing Examination
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