译林版新教材 必修一第三单元 词汇拓展 填空版
1. (关系)陷于困境,濒临崩溃
2. questions 令人尴尬的问题
3. in/out of one’s 在某人的视线内/脱离某人的视线
the first sight of 一见到 catch of 看见
4. original a. n. ad.
5. social 社交媒体
6. 能够出席;准时到达;获得成功
7. a accident 一场可怕的事故
8. with sb. 和某人闲聊
9. recover v. n. recover … 从……中恢复
10. to= in to 对……作出回应
11. loss n. lo- - v. 不知所措,困惑
get 迷路 one’s way 迷路 专心于
12. Do not a person by his or her appearance.不要以貌取人
13. 有错,应承担责任
14. to sb. for doing sth.=make an to sb. for doing sth.因某事向某
15. behavio(u)r n. v.
16. 以防;万一(+句子) 以防;万一 绝不
in this/that ca在这种/那种情况下 不管怎样,无论如何
17. to be = speaking 坦白说
18. definitely ad. a./n.
19. play on捉弄
20. 放弃;松手
21. from 遭受
22. misunderstand- - v.
23. explode v. n.
24. on/upon依靠,依赖,指望
25. 腐蚀,侵蚀,逐渐破坏
26. 离间,损害……之间的关系
27. 亲自,亲身
28. park主题公园
29. be a to 成为……的奴隶
30. 最有意思的部分
31. 不管艰难险阻,同甘共苦
32. in one’s /view= one’s pont of view在某人看来
33. be of high/bad 质量好/不好
34. basis (bas) n. ba v./n. a. ad.
on a daily 每天 be on 基于
35. show / have for sb.=respect sb.尊敬某人
36. 克服。恢复常态
37. 使显现,使表现出
38. 最大程度地 take to do sth. 采取措施做某事
39. reflection n. v.
40. ek- - v.
41. escape sth.逃避做某事 escape from从……逃脱
a narrow eacape
42. 消除(问题),克服(苦难)
43. 注定要做某事,应做某事
44. from从…中获益
45. comfort n./v. a. ad.
46. power 电路中断,断电 未能做某事; 做某事失败; 没能做成某事
47. 呈现,具有
48. at the 此刻; 目前; 眼下
49. thorough a. ad.
50. death n. die v. die 死于 / a.
51. be with 充满,挤满
52. admire v. n.
译林版新教材 必修一第三单元 词汇拓展 答案版
1. on the rocks(关系)陷于困境,濒临崩溃
2. awkward questions 令人尴尬的问题
3. in/out of one’s sight 在某人的视线内/脱离某人的视线 at the first sight of 一见到
catch sight of 看见
4. original a. origin n. originally ad.
5. social media社交媒体
6. make it 能够出席;准时到达;获得成功
7. a horrible accident 一场可怕的事故
8. chat with sb. 和某人闲聊
9. recover v. recovery n. recover from… 从……中恢复
10. respond to= in respon to 对……作出回应
11. loss n. lo-lost-lost v. at a loss 不知所措,困惑
get lost迷路 lo one’s way 迷路 be lost in专心于
12. Do not judge a person by his or her appearance.不要以貌取人
13. in the wrong有错,应承担责任
14. apologize to sb. for doing sth.=make an apology to sb. for doing sth.因某事向某人道歉
15. behavio(u)r n. behave v.
16. in ca以防;万一(+句子) in ca of以防;万一 in no ca绝不
in this/that ca在这种/那种情况下 in any ca不管怎样,无论如何
17. to be frank=frankly speaking 坦白说
18. definitely ad. definite a./n.
19. play tricks on捉弄
20. let go of 放弃;松手
21. suffer from 遭受
22. misunderstand-misunderstood-misunderstood v.
23. explode v. explosion n.
24. count/depend/ rely on/upon依靠,依赖,指望
25. eat away at 腐蚀,侵蚀,逐渐破坏
26. 离间,损害……之间的关系
27. in person亲自,亲身
28. theme park主题公园
29. be a slave to 成为……的奴隶
30. high point 最有意思的部分
31. through thick and thin 不管艰难险阻,同甘共苦
32. in one’s opinion/view=from one’s pont of view在某人看来
33. be of high/bad quality 质量好/不好
34. basis (bas) n. ba v./n. basic a. basically ad.
on a daily basis 每天 be bad on 基于
35. show / have respect for sb.=respect sb.尊敬某人
36. get over克服。恢复常态
37. bring out使显现,使表现出
38. in full measure最大程度地 take measures/steps/action to do sth. 采取措施做某事
39. reflection n. reflect v.
40. ek-sought-sought v.
41. escape doing sth.逃避做某事 escape from从……逃脱
a narrow eacape死里逃生; 九死一生; 侥幸逃脱
42. smooth out消除(问题),克服(苦难)
43. be meant to do sth.注定要做某事,应做某事
44. benefit from从…中获益
45. comfort n./v. comfortable a. comfortably ad.
46. power failure电路中断,断电 fail to do sth.未能做某事; 做某事失败; 没能做成某事
47. take on呈现,具有
48. at the moment此刻; 目前; 眼下
49. thorough a. thoroughly ad.
50. death n. die v. die of/from死于
51. be crowded with 充满,挤满
52. admire v. admiration n.
dead/dying a.
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