减肥不是短期的内快速的节食以及高强度 运动就能胜利的。之所以发胖,那是由于生活习惯出了问题,或者是吃得太多,或者是运动得太少。平常应当多运动,少吃高热量食物。才能有效的达到减肥效果。这里给大家共享一些关于介绍减肥的英语演讲稿,供大家参考。
In recent years, losing weight has become a hot topic in our life,
especially in women’s community. However, losing weight has aroud
people’s attention as many problems has appeared.
There are many ways in losing weight. Some people lo their
weight by persisting in doing exerci regularly. Some people take
medicine to cut their weight. Furthermore, some turn to operation for help,
especially the young. Therefore, all kinds of product have been sold in the
market, such as special medicine, tea and equipment.
It’s understandable for human to pay much attention to their
good-look. However, many side effects have come into being when some
people are losing weight. For example, some people have lost their
weight by taking medicine, but at the same time, their digestion systems
have been injured. Thus, we should pay more attention to our physical
coordination when we choo the way to cut our weight.
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In my opinion, doing exerci is the best way to lo weight. On the
one hand, we can train our bodies by taking exerci and become
healthier. On the other hand, our mind will be clearer if we do exerci
Ladies and you for being topic is How to
lo weight.
So many of us are few know how to slim
me share some strategies that work! Forget so-called experts and crazy
miracle pills,gadgets and carefully and
Ill t you straight! To lo weight you must start in your must
make a decision to must dig deep down and decide youll do
Be very determined to work disciplined enough to
must promi yourlf not a quit.
Write down the reasons you want to lo down the
goals you want to convince yourlf that you have the
power to change.
We all know that dieting is the know we are what we
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lo weight we must alter our diet.
Eat a low-fat,well-balanced lots of lean meat,fruit and raw
importantly,drink eight large glass of water every day.
Also,downsize your snack late at skip
meals or starve yourlf! Also,you must exerci to lo
goes hand in hand with builds muscle that burns off
calories and fat.
Work out five times a week for thirty out intensively
with interval out in the morning on an empty stomach for
the best results.
Do aerobics,like speed walking on one anaerobics,like
weight lifting,the er,dont eat anything for one hour
It is important to remember to be takes time to lo
not a race but a process of growth.
Focus on progress,not on quality,not to
be consistent and stay on track.
Dont let friends or family distract listen to well-intentioned
but incorrect follow my plan to succeed.
Finally,remember youre not just temporarily losing
creating a healthy new creating healthy habits for life.
Youre also lowering reducing risks of
gaining confidence as you add years to your life.
Now,go lo weight and feel graet!Thank you all for
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bless you and have a good day.
How to Lo WeightIt ems that many people today are overweight.
No one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to
slum down effectively. They look for miracle pills and magic cures. In the
end, they fail and the pounds come back. But the most effective way of
losing weight is actually very simple. It is a combination of a good diet
and proper exerci. What makes it work is determination. It requires
discipline and commitment to succeed. Here is an example that proves the
truth of the aunt had been trying to lo weight for years.
She went on one diet after another, but none of them worked. She lost a
lot of weight quickly only to have it come back. Finally, she followed her
doctors advice and began to eat a simple, well-balanced diet. She ate lots
of fruits and vegetables and avoided high-fat foods. In addition, she
joined an exerci class. She worked out three times a week. At first, my
aunt wasnt happy becau the weight came off so slowly. But her
classmates encouraged her to stick to it and eventually she reached her
goal. Best of all, she was able to stay at her ideal weight. That was
becau she had developed healthy new habits.如何减肥现在好像有很多人的体重都过重。
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going on a diet means being moderate in eating and drinking.
as we know,our body is a balanced system which needs a reasonable
diet.a reasonable or balanced diet can help people keep fit becau it not
only prevents them from eating too much fat which may cau many
dias but aisc provides them with sufficient nutrition to guarantee that
their body operates s,going on a diet can aisc help
people,especially young ladies keep a slender figure,which will of cour
beautify their r,every coin has two on a diet is no
carried to extremes,going on a diet may even become
dangerous to our we know,eating too much will result in
corpulence,while eating too little wili lead to malnutrition,which is also
the cau of many dias,obviously,going on a diet doesnt mean eating
too little,such a misunderstanding must be avoided.
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in my judgement,not everybody needs to go on a health
should be our primary your purpo is to have a slender
figure,a diet should be carried only to the extent that your health is not
Perhapsbecau of heredity, I was born to fat. My parents are
overweight. Even though Ididn’t eat too much, I couldn’t loss my weight.
Therefore, I was laughed at bymy classmates sometimes, which made me
lf-abad. Therefore, I decided tolo weight after graduating from
primary school. For the sake of my health, myparents supported me a lot.
They even made a plan for me. For example, I mustget up six thirty
and do some running for about forty minutes. In theafternoon, I went to
swim for about half and an hour. This was the only thing Iexpected.
I like swimming. I can’t eat much in lunch and dinner.
The food wasmainly vegetables. It was so hard, becau I liked
hamburger, meat, anddesrt.
I had to say no to them all. Besides, I couldn’t sit down within
anhour after a meal. Luckily, after two and half months, I lost ten
kilograms andI had no discomfort. I felt like I live in a rebirth. My friends
were so surpridthat I changed so much. The most important is that I
became much more confidentand healthy.
因此,我有时候会被同学称赞,这让我觉得自卑。所以,学校毕业后我打算减肥。为了我的健康着想,我的爸爸妈妈也很支持我,他第 6 页/共 7
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