乒乓球在 1988 年首次进入奥运会成为正式比赛项目。乒乓球是中国的国球,在历届奥运会上都为中
1988 年汉城奥运会乒乓球首次成为正式比赛项目以来,在已经产生的 枚
16 枚!
2008 年北京奥运会上,王励勤、王皓、张怡宁、郭跃等人都将是金牌的有力争夺者。
乒乓球的英文叫 “table tennis ,”中文最早是 “桌上网球 ”。到 1900 年左右,出现了赛璐珞制的球,由于拍与球撞击发出 “乒 ”而落台时发出 “乓 ”的声音,故而又称 “乒乓球 ”。
人员 规则 发球与接球 握拍 击球 抽杀 旋转 推挡 远近与快慢 打法 场地与器材
1.乒乓球运动: table tennis; ping-pong; paddle
2.乒乓外交: ping-pong diplomacy
3.团体赛: team event
4.男子团体赛: men's team event
5.女子团体赛: women's team event
6.单项比赛: individual event
7.单打: singles
8.男子单打: men's singles
9.女子单打: women's singles
10. 双打: doubles
11. 男子双打: men's doubles
12. 女子双打: women's doubles
13. 混合双打: mixed doubles
14. 斯韦思林杯(男子团体奖杯): Swaythling Cup
15. 考比伦杯(女子团体奖杯): Marcel Corbillon Cup
St. Bride Va
G. Geist Prize
Iran Cup
19W. J .Pope
赫杜赛克杯(混合双打奖杯):Heyduk Prize
21. 乒乓球运动员: table tennis player; paddler
22. 裁判员: umpire
23. 主裁判;裁判组长: chief umpire
24. 裁判长: referee
25. 副裁判长: deputy referee
26. 检录长: chief recorder
团体赛两队之间的一场比赛: team match; tie
29. 每局 11 分制: 11-point scoring system
30. 轮换发球法: expedite system
31. 主队队员抽签代号: ABC
32. 客队队员抽签代号: XYZ
33. 选择方位与发球权: choice of ends and rvice
34. 交换场地换边: change sides
35. 换发球: change rvice
36. 发球违例: rvice fault
37. 拦击: volley
38. 连击: double hit
39. 两跳: double bounce
40. 界内球: inside
41. 出界: out; outside; over the table
42. 落网: net; hit into the net
43. 擦网球: net ball
44. 擦网好球: net in
45. 擦网出界: net out
46. 擦网重发: let
47. 擦边球: edge [touch] ball ; touch
48. 擦边缘以下的球: edger
49. 局末平分后的分数: extra point
50. 发球: rve ; rvice
51. 发球员: rver
52. 发球员的右半区: rver's right half court
53. 发球员的左半区: rver's left half court
54. 下蹲式发球: squatting [crouching position] rvice
55. 无遮挡发球: no-hiding rvice
56. 高抛式发球: high toss rvice
57. 发轻球: light rvice
58. 发短球: short rvice
59. 发底线球: deep rvice
60. 发平击球: flat rvice
61. 正手发球: forehand rvice
62. 反手发球: backhand rvice
63. 发反手斜线球: backhand crosscourt rvice
发斜线急球: fast cross table rvice
发弹击式急球: flip rvice
发怪球: freak rvice
发旋转球: spin rvice
发不转球: knuckle rvice; rve without spin
发上旋球: topspin rvice
发下旋球: backspin rvice
发奔球: deep topspin rvice
发侧旋球: sidespin rvice
发快速旋转球: heavy spin rvice
发球时用手指转球: finger spin
合法发球: good rvice
发球得分: rvice ace[winner; point]
发球失误: lo one's rve; misd rvice
发球落网: fall
发球出界: rvice out
发球未触及本区台面: volleyed rvice
接球: receive; reception
82. 接球失误: receive miss
83. 接球员: receiver
84. 接球员的右半区: receiver's right half court
85. 接球员的左半区: receiver's left half court
86. 接发球: rvice reception [return]
87. 接发球得分: kill a rvice
88. 执拍手: racket hand
89. 非执拍手: free hand
90. 直握: pen-hold grip
91. 直拍运动员: pen-holder
92. 横握: tennis [ shake-hand ; knife-hold; open; orthodox; Western] grip
93. 横拍运动员: open-grip player; tennis-holder
94. 深握: deep [Seemiller] grip
95. 击球: hit; stroke;strike;shot
96. 轻击: tap
97. 还击回球: return
98. 合法还击: good return
99. 击球部位: striking spot on the ball
100. 触球: impact with the ball
101. 触球点(点在球上): point of contact
102. 正手侧: forehand side
103. 正手击球: forehand stroke
104. 反手侧: backhand side
105. 反手击球: backhand stroke
106. 拍形: shape of bat
107. 拍面垂直: bat in vertical position
108. 拍面前倾: bat tilted forward
109. 拍面稍前倾: bat tilted slightly forward
110. 拍面后仰: bat tilted backward
111. 拍面稍后仰: bat tilted slightly backward
112. 调整拍形: angle the bat
113. 挥拍幅度: amplitude of swing
114. 挥拍速度: speed of swing
115. 挥拍路线: path of the bat
116. 随挥动作: follow-through
117. 飞行路线: line [path] of flight; trajectory
118. 飞行最高点: zenith of flight
119. 球反弹的顶点: top of the bounce
120. 高球: lob; high ball; balloon shot
121. 直线球: straight [down-the-line]shot
122. 斜线球: cross [angled; diagonal]shot
123. 曲线球: curved stroke
124. 飘球: floater
125. 落点控制得好的球: placement; well-placed shot
126. 追身球: body(-chasing) hit
127. 超身球: passing shot
128. 机会球: sitter; easy ball
129. 打出界: overhit; hit out
130. 步法: footwork
131. 单步: single step
132. 并步: level step
133. 跨步: striding step
134. 跳步: jumping step
135. 小碎步: random little step
136. 侧身步: sideway step
137. 混乱的步伐: confud footwork
138. 站位: positioning
139. 近台(身体离台约 30-50 厘米): short court; clo to the table
140. 中台(身体离台约 50-100 厘米): middle court
141. 远台(身体离台 1 米以上): back court; off [far from] the table
142. 站位姿势: stance
143. 抽球: drive
144. 平抽球: flat drive
145. 反手抽球: backhand drive
146. 跳起抽球: jump smash
147. 扣球: smash
148. 扣杀[死]: kill; deal a fatal [lethal] blow
149. 侧身攻: pivot attack; forehand attack from backhand court
150. 突然起板: sudden [surpri ] attack
151. 猛击: hard hit; slag; wham ; slam
152. 旋转: spin
153. 旋转球: screw; spinning ball
154. 不转球: plain [knuckle] ball
155. 上旋: topspin
156. 左侧上旋: left-side topspin
157. 右侧上旋: right-side topspin
158. 下旋: back[under]spin
159. 左侧下旋: left-side backspin
160. 右侧下旋: right-side backspin
161. 急下旋: fast [quick] backspin
162. 侧旋: sidespin ;English
163. 左侧旋: left sidespin
164. 右侧旋: right sidespin
165. 回跳: backward bound
166. 低旋球: bottom-spin
167. 加转: impart spin to the ball
168. 刁钻的旋转球: vicious spin
169. 抵消旋转: counteract [offt] spin
170. 削球: chop; cut; slice; chil
171. 削球手: chop player
172. 削短球: short chop
173. 削得薄: cut thin
174. 削下旋球: backspin chop
175. 对搓: chopping the chop; trade [exchange] chops
176. 弧圈球: loop (drive)
177. 弧圈球选手: looper
178. 提拉: lift
179. 前冲弧圈球: fast[accelerated]loop
180. 高吊弧圈球: high loop
181. 强旋转弧圈球: heavy-spin loop
182. 加转高吊弧圈球: high-spin[super]loop
183. 不转弧圈球: dummy loop
184. 推: push
185. 挡: block
186. 推挡: push-and-block; mi-push and mi-drive; mi-volley
187. 轻推挡球: stop ball
188. 加力推: accentuated push
189. 减力挡: cushion block; stop-block shot
190. 快挡: fast block
191. 短 [吊近网 ]球: short [drop] shot; dink
192. 长 [远;底线 ]球: deep [long] ball; end-line shot
193. 近抽: clo drive
194. 远抽: long [off-table] drive
195. 近削: clo-to-table [short-range] chop
196. 远削: long chop
197. 台内抽球: drive over the table
198. 台内削球: chop over the table
199. 滚网球: net-cord ball
200. 打到对方台角的球: corner
201. 快[急]球: quick [fast] ball
202. 快拉: quick lift
203. 快拨: quick flick
204. 快点: quick point
205. 快带: quick bringing
206. 抖腕球;弹球: flick
207. 改变速度: change speed
208. 打法: playing method ; play;game
209. 风格: style of play
210. 快、准、狠、变、转: speed , accuracy, aggressiveness, variation and spin
211. 争取主动: gain control [domination] over the game; force the pace
212. 前三板: first three strokes
213. 发球抢攻: attack after rvice; third-ball attack; rvice-led offensive
214. 相持球: sustained [protracted]rally; post-third-ball strokes; persistent trade of shots
215. 对攻[抽 ]: exchange drives
216. 攻击型打法: offensive play
217. 攻击型选手: attacking player
218. 防守型打法: defensive play
219. 防守型选手: defensive player
220. 以削为主的打法: all cut
221. 削中反攻: counterattack during chops
222. 左推右攻: backhand block and forehand attack
223. 正反手结合进攻: forehand and backhand attacks
224. 反手攻结合侧身攻: backhand and pivot attacks
225. 快攻结合弧圈球: fast attack and loop
226. 弧圈球结合快攻: loop and fast attack
227. 直拍横打: pen-hold backhand attack with rever surface
228. 近台打法: clo-to-table play
229. 近台快攻: clo-to-table fast attack
230. 近台防守: short [ clo-to-table] defen
231. 近网区: net zone
232. 近网球打法: net play
233. 以短回短: return short with short
234. 远台打法: far-from-table play
235. 远台防守: far-from-table [long-range] defen
236. 放高球防守: balloon [high lobbing] defen
237. 打回头;远台反攻: hit back from a long distance; far-from-table counterattack
238. 长短结合: long drives combined with drop shots ; long-and-short play; rocking tactics
239. 变线: change direction of shots
240. 两面攻: two-winged attack; attack on both sides
241. 滑板: feint play
242. 拉中路杀两角: corner smash after lift to the middle
243. 拉两角杀相反方向: smash after lift to opposite corner
244. 多球训练: multi-ball practice
245. 共同练习: joint practice
246. 比赛场区: playing area
247. 挡板: barriers ; surrounds
248. 记分器: score indicator
249. 球台[桌]: table
250. 中线: center[middle; rvice center; doubles] line
251. 左半区: left half court
252. 右半区: right half court
253. 本方球台: home court
254. 对方球台: opponent's court
255. 台面: playing surface
256. 网: net
257. 网架: net brace
258. 网柱: pole; support
259. 乒乓球: table tennis [ping-pong]ball
260. 大球(直径 40 毫米): big ball
261. 乒乓球发射机: robot machine
262. 乒乓球拍: table tennis bat[racket; paddle]
263. 拍柄: handle
264. 拍身: blade
265. 拍面: racket surface
266. 木版面: wooden face
267. 胶合板: veneer
268. 双面胶板: double-glue bat
269. 胶皮: gum ; rubber (covering)
270. 合成胶: synthetic rubber
271. 胶粒: pimple
272. 胶膜: paint sheet
273. 胶水: glue
274. 海绵胶拍: sponge (bat) ; sandwich; soft rubber
275. 橡胶拍: rubber bat
276. 胶粒球拍: pimpled rubber
277. 正胶拍: pimples-[pips-]out bat; sandwich [outward-pimpled] rubber
278. 反胶拍: pimples-[pips-]in bat ;inverted sandwich[inward-pimpled] rubber; reverd(-glue)
279. 长胶拍: long-pimpled bat
280. 两面不同性能的球拍: different rubber bat
281. 两面不同颜色的球拍: two-color bat
282. 防弧圈拍: anti-loop bat
283. 反旋转拍: anti-spin [Phantom] rubbe
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