Improved Magnesium Fluoride Process by Ion-Assisted DepositionR.R. Willey, Willey Optical, Charlevoix, MI; and
K. Patel and R. Kaneriya, Astro Optics Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, IndiaABSTRACTWhen Ion Assisted Deposition (IAD) started to appear on the
scene, there was great hope that MgF2 could be done with
IAD on room temperature substrates and also allow robust
AR coating on plastic substrates. The u of IAD for MgF2
on plastics is almost mandatory to get reasonable adhesion
and hardness. A review of the history of attempts to u IAD
with MgF2 at low temperatures has shown limited success.
MgF2 has been and will continue to be an attractive and well
ud low index material. It has appeared that there is still an
opportunity for study and improvement of MgF2 deposition
using IAD with respect to absorption, stress, and scattering.
The goal of this work has been to produce, on a chamber-full
production scale, den and non-absorbing MgF2 films on glass
and plastic at temperatures below 100°C which are equal to
or better than tho deposited at 250-300°C without IAD. The
effort of this study has been to investigate the realm of IAD
variables from 30-100 eV and ion-atom-arrival rates (IAAR)
well below the resputtering rates with argon or nitrogen gas,
to the extent possible with a broad beam ion source of the
End-Hall UCTIONMagnesium fluoride (MgF2, index 1.32-1.39 near 500 nm) has
been ud successfully for well over half a century. It has been
the most common optical coating on glass as a quarter wave
optical thickness (QWOT) layer antireflection coating. It can
be hard and relatively insoluble. It transmits well from about
120 nm in the vacuum UV out to about 7µm the mid-infrared.
Oln and McBride [1] showed that a 2.75 mm thick single
crystal of MgF2 was clear from at least 200 nm out to about
6 µm and then started to increa in absorption toward longer
wavelengths. At 10 µm, the transmittance fell to about 2%. A
thin layer can be ud as a top protective layer on coatings for
the 8 to 12 µm region, although it has too much absorption for
a thick layer in that region. There is currently much interest
in MgF2 as a material in vacuum ultraviolet for lithographic
optics in the miconductor hardness, durability, and density of MgF2 without IAD is
a strong function of the substrate temperature during deposi-tion. At room temperature, the films can usually be wiped
off, have high humidity shifts, have an index of about 1.32
in vacuum and a packing density of about 0.82 according to
an extensive study by Ritter [2]. With a 300°C deposition
temperature, Ritter shows that the packing density is about
0.98 and the index nearly 1.39. The 300°C films will pass an
erar rub test and have a low humidity shift.
MgF2 is often evaporated from molybdenum or tantalum
resistance boat sources where it melts to form a liquid and
evaporates. The u of an E-gun with this and other fluorides
is common, but can have some problems. Granular MgF2
from an E-gun can easily cau “explosive” scattering of
the material if the E-bean applies too much power density to
the material. It is thought that the rush of the fluoride vapors
from evaporated granules below the surface of the granule
pile “blows” the solid granules above like dust. It is therefore
necessary to u great care and slowly bring up the power on
the E-gun. Also, fusing the top layer all over during pre-melt
helps avoid spatter. It is also found that the material in the
E-gun often becomes almost black. The black condition has
also been en with a boat when the rate control is t for
low rates such as 0.2 nm/c. It is our opinion that a boat is
the best approach unless there are extenuating circumstances
forcing the u of an E-gun. Without IAD, magnesium fluoride
films tend to have a columnar structure as shown by Guenther
[3], scattering, and high tensile mechanical stress as shown
by Ennos [4].
HISTORYMcNeil et al. [5] reported early IAD work with a gridded
Kaufman ion source using oxygen gas on SiO2 and TiO2
films where they showed the effects of ion energy (eV) and
ion current on the hardness and absorption of the films. They
did not work with MgF2, but their results are generally ap-plicable to this report of Kennemore and Gibson [6] points to the likeli-hood that energies lower than the 125-150 eV that they had
ud may be optimal for MgF2. Absorption inducing damage
is thought by Tsou and Ho [7] and others to be preferential
sputtering of the fluorine from the films. Figure 1 (in a form
after Figure 18a in Cuomo, Rossnagel, and Kaufman [8])
shows that the MgF2 conditions reported by Kennemore and
Gibson might have been too far toward the “resputtering”
realm. They reported 0.5 nm/c., 150 eV, and 33 µA/cm2. On
this figure, the region of low ion energy and low IAAR are
313© 2010 Society of Vacuum Coaters 505/856-7188
53rd Annual Technical Conference Proceedings, Orlando, FL April 17–22, 2010 ISSN 0737-5921
found to have no effect, while the region of too high values
for the variables will sputter away all of the film. The region
desired for this work is where the values are high enough to
densify the film but not to sputter it.
Gibson reports.
1: Ion/atom arrival ratio versus eV for Kennemore and
with Ar, Oand Netterfield [9] reported on the u of IAD at 700eV
high absorptance at 550 nm with Ar IAD, but none with O2, and H2O at ambient temperature. They reported
and H2,
sputtered away the fluorine, but that oxygen filled the fluorine
2O. The implication here is that the IAD preferentially
vacancies to make MgO where and Kennemore [10] subquently did more work
where they ud Freon 116 (Cfluorine. Their results were “less successful than hoped for.”
2F4) to replace some of the lost
They also did some work at 80 eV with Ar and with Freon. In
Figure. 1, the small dots on the 80 eV line show the IAAR for
some of their tests. They did conclude that “low bombarding
energies may prove a uful and less absorbing combination.”
They also describe how the MgO content caus the films to
dissolve in a salt water bath after 48 hours. They review the
availability of oxygen in the chamber from water vapor, and
describe baking out the chamber before deposition to reduce
Hacquire oxygen.2O and oxygen so that the films have less opportunity to
oxygen IAD. They showed incread absorption in the VUV
et al. [11] did an extensive study with argon and
from 100-200 nm for IAD films as compared to conventional
showed that the additional absorption in the UV between 120
at 440°C. Their IAD was done at 350-700 eV. They
and 180 nm was probably due to MgO. This might be of no
314concern for tho working in the visible spectrum. However,
the MgO is more soluble than the MgFenvironmentally stable and satisfactory. The MgO also rais
2 and is therefore not as
the index while decreasing the UV transmittance.
Targrove and Macleod [12] verified that momentum transfer
is the dominant densifying mechanism by using Ne, Ar, and
Xe for IAD. Note also that the atomic weight of oxygen is
only 16, so it has less than half the momentum of argon when
ud for IAD. However, O2+et al. [5] to be the dominant species over O (32) has been shown by McNeil
+that the most common bombarding O by about 3:1, so
like Ar (40).
2+ ion is more nearly
Allen et al. [13] obtained good results with dual ion beam
sputtering (DIBS) of MgFFreon (CF2 by adding a background gas of
fluorinating the sputter target while the fluorine was being
4) at about 1x10-4 torr, which they describe as re-preferentially sputtered. They also found the least absorption was obtained when nitrogen was ud as the sputtering
-gas, which they attribute to its lower atomic weight (14) as
compared to Ar (40).Kolbe et al. [14] ud fluorine gas as the reactive species
for veral metal fluorides with good results. However, they
did mention the corrosive effects of the fluorine on the ion
source. Their work ems to be consistent with the concepts
that low energy IAD is important, and that oxygen in the
process will create a deposit which has some metal oxide
and/or oxyfluoride that caus higher index and absorption
at the short wavelength end of the et al. [15], in their Figure 11, show the decrea in
170eV to 60eV for the IAD of
coefficient with decreasing
This ems to be further evidence for the ca of using lower
YFanode voltage from
3 using a Mark II ion source.
ion energies for IAD with metal fluoride
atoms (>1000eV). The pressures can generally be lower than
IBS bombards the target to be sputtered with high energy
with IAD. However, there is significant risk of high energy
atoms reaching the substrate and disassociating the fluorine
from the magnesium. Yoshida et al. [16] report on such work
where fluorine gas is ud to replenish the lost fluorine atoms
in the metal fluoride coating and to avoid oxygen and water
vapor which would cau MgO and absorption.
Tsou and Ho [7] ud an Advanced Plasma Source (APS) for
IAD of MgFthe visible region occurred with IAD at discharge voltages
2 with argon. They reported that absorption in
exceeding 75 Vwith increasing discharge current and voltage of the plasma.
, and that absorption was found to increa
This would imply moving upward and to the right in Figure
1 where resputtering and preferential sputtering of fluorine
would occur.
Baldwin et al. [17] report on work at 36eV to 72eV (60-120
anode drive volts) argon IAD which supports the hypothesis
that low energy IAD is key MgFobtained robust films on plastic at low temperatures.2 without absorption. They
Ristau et al. [18] compared the results of IBS with both boat
found the index at 248 nm to be 1.40-1.41 for the IBS films
E-beam Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) for MgF2. They
and higher by about .03 for the PVD films. It is conjectured
that this is due to MgO and other contaminants in the PVD
films. The IBS film showed an index of about 1.387 at 500
nm. Coating stress were compressive for IBS and tensile
for at 100-150 eV by
lar damage results, but none as good as non-IAD at 250-Alvisi et al. [19] produced reasonable
300°C. The evidence ems to point to IAD with energies
between 30-100 eV (50-167 drive volts) should produce the
desired results at low temperatures, but even there, it will be
necessary to keep the IAAR below the resputtering rates to
avoid absorbing et al. [20] ud argon IAD and E-beam evaporated
MgFwith films deposited with no IAD. They modeled the effects
2 to compare UV absorption in the 200-400 nm range
of lost fluorine with oxygen and hydroxyl ion replacement.
They ud normalized momentum per the work of Targrove
and Macleod [12] as the most salient variable of the process.
It was shown that the stoichiometry dropped from over 1.95
momentum. This again ems to confirm that the differential
at low momentum to 1.7 above a certain threshold
sputtering of fluorine is the major cau of absorption in IAD
films of MENTSFor ea of production of MgFin a typical 0.5 to 1.0 meter box coater, it is desirable to have a
2 films for the visible spectrum
process that does not require fluorine replacement. Hard coatings without MgO are needed for environmental durability.
-A low process temperature (<100°C) is needed for the ability
to coat plastic (and other temperature nsitive objects) and
for reduced process time. It was the goal of this work to find
the process parameters which meet the requirements using
the available broad beam IAD equipment tup ud for this work was a Leybold L560
box coater with a Leybold Turbovac 1000 turbomolecular
pump of 1000 liter/c capacity. The starting vacuum was
torr. The ion source was a Kaufmann Robinson, Inc.
KRI to the substrates was approximately 43 cm. The MgFmodel EH400 (end-Hall). The distance from the
was evaporated from a tantalum boat at rates of 0.2-1.6 nm/2
c. Argon gas was supplied at 4-8 sccm in the argon-only
experiments which gave 2.9-8.6x10-4sure. For nitrogen-only experiments, gas at 6-15 sccm gave
torr deposition pres-2.0-5.4x10-4 torr.
An issue with most broad beam IAD sources is that large gas
flows are needed to obtain low discharge voltages (50-100V).
This increas the chamber pressure to the point that most
of the ions and energetic atoms are nearly “thermalized” to
the energy of the gas in the chamber before they reach the
substrate, and therefore they have little energetic effect. At
the higher pressures, the gas atoms are also competing with
the depositing atoms at the surface which tends to cau the
films to be porous and weak. It appears that, even at the lowest pressures and ion currents, very few IAD atoms reach the
molecules/atoms. The mean free path (MFP) in centimeters
without having multiple collisions with other vapor
is 5x10-3
torr, the MFP would be 50 cm., or approximately the source
divided by the pressure in torr. Therefore, at 1x10-4
to substrate distance here. The percentage of ions which have
not had a collision while travelling a distance X is:This means that, at a pressure of 1x10-4the ions have reached the substrate 50 cm distant without a
torr, only 37% of
collision, and only 0.67% at a pressure of 5x10-4implies that the ion flux reaching the substrate has had many
torr. This
collisions and lost much of its energy and momentum. The
of magnitude below the drive voltage of the ion source, and
eV of the ions reaching the substrate is probably an order
therefore the obrved effects are only relative with respect to
what is shown in Figure 1. However, the concern of this work
is with what control parameters produce the desired results.
Therefore, knowledge of the actual details at the surface are
of interest but not critical to the goals of this is en, from the history of the foregoing investigations,
that: 1) the ion energies (eV) may need to be kept below some
to be adequate but not too much, and 3) oxygen needs to be
2) the IAAR (momentum per depositing atom) need
avoided in the deposited MgF2 ion energies depend on the gas flow and drive current
MgFthe KRI, and to some extent the deposition rate of the
the IAAR, the atomic mass of the IAD gas atoms, and the
2. The momentum imparted to the coating depends on
ion energy. The gas flow (pressure), drive current, and deposition rate are the independent variables of this process that
-need to be investigated with respect to the ability to get the
desired densification and low absorption. As en in Figure
1, the ultimate parameters of importance are IAAR and the
energy of the arriving ions; the are derived from the results
of controlling flow, current, and rate.
Nitrogen, becau of its lower AMU of 14, is the most promising for the IAD gas. All but one ca cited in the history
-above ud argon with an AMU of 40, and/or oxygen with
and effective AMU [5] more nearly 32. The momentum for
oxygen (OAr. Nitrogen is an inexpensive alternative to Ar and much
2+) is 90% that of Ar, and nitrogen is 60% that of
less costly than neon which has an AMU of 20. Reports [13]
indicate that nitrogen does not em to become incorporated
into the MgFnot inert like Ar and Ne. Therefore, it is has been desirable
2 the way that oxygen does, even though it is
to investigate the relative merits of Ar and Nlow eV energy ranges.2 IAD over the
detailed in Schmidt and Launsby [21], and DOEKISS Softmethodology for Design of Experiments (DOE), as
ware [22] were ud here for data processing. The choice of
-experimental parameters for flow rate, deposition rate, and
drive current have been found by DOE methodology for both
Ar and Nthe film durability and absorption. Drive voltage and thereby
2. The key performance parameters measured were
rate allow the computation of a relative IAAR. Peak process
power were recorded. Drive current and deposition
temperature and process speed were also 1 shows the data and results for the argon IAD tests,
and rest are measured results and derived data. Table 2 shows
the first four columns contain the independent variables,
the data and results for the nitrogen IAD preliminary results with the argon DOE did not em
promising; therefore, the emphasis was shifted to the nitrogen
results were ud to guide additional tests to arch for a hard
After the normal 15 DOE experiments for nitrogen, the
and absorption free SNormally the results, such as absorption and hardness, would
and drive current as shown in Figure 2. The checkered area
plotted versus the independent variables of rate, sccm,
here shows the region where less than 1% absorption can be
expected when the deposition rate is 0.5 nm/cond. The
of the DOE. Historical findings make it more beneficial to
could also be made for other rates between 2 and 8
plot the results in the derived variables of log-drive-voltage
(Vd) (where the peak of eV is approximately 60% of Vd))
versus log-ion/atom arrival rate to be compared with Figure
1. The absorption (which is continuous with the variables)
is plotted in Figures 3 and 4 on a contour plot versus Vd and
IAAR. Since the hardness is not a continuous variable, but
more of a pass/fail of the 50 strokes erar-rub test, pass is
indicated by an “X” and fail by an “O” where they occur in
Figures 3 and 4.316Figure 2: DOE plot of absorption at a deposition rate of 0.5 nm/S
versus sccm and drive 3 shows the results of the absorption at 400 nm (rest of
visible has less absorption) from the argon experiments with
the hardness marks. It shows that the absorption is the least
at low values of Vd and IAAR and is the most at high values.
The shape of the curves are consistent with shape in Figure 1.
This combination predicts that the best results which combine
low absorption and high hardness, bad on the experiments
executed, would not be expected to have zero absorption, but
would be likely to lie near the checkered area. It appears that
the same process and levels of IAD which harden (densify)
the films also sputter the fluorine and cau absorption. This
still should provide a usable process for practical work since
a QWOT for a visible antireflection coating would be ¼ as
thick as tho of the tests, and will have approximately ¼
the 4 is similar to Figure 3 but for the nitrogen experiments. The region expected to yield less than 2% absorption
-and 40 or more strokes of hardness is upper middle part of
process are approximately: 0.3 nm/S, 10 sccm of nitrogen,
figure. The parameters which might provide a usable
1.36 drive amps. The should result in about: 150 Vd (2.17
log Vd), 0.43 relative IAAR (-0.36 log IAAR), and a pressure
of 3.3x10-4
Table 1: Argon IAD experimental details and 2: Nitrogen IAD experimental details and results.317
Figure 3: Contour plot of % Absorption versus drive voltage and
ion/atom arrival rate for argon IAD.
Figure 4: Contour plot of %Absorption versus drive voltage and
ion/atom arrival rate for nitrogen SIONSIt does not appear that there are fully abrasion resistant and
absorption-free solutions for the IAD of MgFnitrogen at “room temperature.” It appears that IAD condi2 with argon or
tions which provide sufficiently densified films to be hard
-enough will also lectively sputter some fluorine and cau
practical “room temperature” solutions which will be hard
absorption. However, it does appear that there are
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