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旅途来天台山,赴一场太阳文化之旅Take a Tour of Sun Culture in Mount Tiantai  文/郭晓娟 天台山是“世界五大太阳文化发源地”之一。图为鸟瞰天台山景区。图/朱玉东Mount Tiantai is one of the “Five Sun Culture Cradles in the World”. The picture depicts a bird’s-eye view of the

Tiantai Mountain Scenic Area.日照地处黄海之滨,因“日出初光先照”而得名,素有“东方太阳城”的美誉。独特的自然地理和人文环境孕育了原始太阳崇拜,开创了璀璨的太阳文化,当地民间仍有农历六月十九为太阳过生日的习俗。日照太阳文化节约定俗成,源远流长,经过多年发展,已逐步成为独具特色的民俗文化旅游活动。今年的太阳文化节在天台山旅游区、刘家湾赶海园同时进行,山海联动,游客和市民共同感受来自太阳文化的魅力。天台山东南两面向海,西北两面环山,古有“登上天台山,凡人也成仙”的说法。天台山中有汤谷,是东夷人祖先羲和祭祀太阳神的圣地,也是东方太阳崇拜和太阳文化的发源地。山上遗迹众多,历来有东海日出、太阳神石、羲和部落、独占鳌头、神秘天书、量天尺的“天台六景”之说。近年来,天台山旅游区整合现有文化、生态、旅游等资源,进一步丰富太阳文化内涵,重点打造了观日台、天台书院、扶木宫三处文化核心。位于天台山顶部的观日台,如一轮巨日冉冉升起。其设计灵感来源于Copyright©博看网. All Rights Rerved.



谷·观日颂》演绎东海日出的传说。图/朱玉东The large live-action dance performance

Yanggu—Ode to Sun Viewing

prents the legend of sun rising

from the East China Sea.

《山海经》中“羲和浴日”的故事,以天圆地方的宇宙认知为整体布局,灯光、建筑、山体相互配合,融入太阳文化元素。在观日台上举行的大型实景舞蹈演出《谷·观日颂》,大气磅礴、气势恢宏,向观众生动形象地再现了远古时代人们对太阳的崇拜Copyright©博看网. All Rights Rerved.



旅途 观日台位于天台山顶部,以天圆地方的宇宙认知为整体布局,融入太阳文化元素。图/郭晓娟Located on the top of Mount Tiantai, the Guanri Terrace incorporates the elements of the sun culture, with the

cognition of an orbicular sky and a rectangular earth (ancient Chine belief) as the overall layout.和向往,又体现了古今交融、太阳文化源远流长的重要意义。天台书院位于天台山的半山腰,是日照首家以太阳文化为主题,富有古韵书香的特色书院。“出门是山景,进门是书香。”在书院寻一处安静的地方,选三两本喜爱的书籍,点一杯醇香可口的咖啡,可享受宁静惬意的时光。扶木即扶桑,传说中,扶桑是太阳栖息、升起的地方。扶木宫以扶桑树作为文化核心点,围绕扶桑树,通过壁画、雕塑等各种艺术形式,讲述“日出扶桑”“羲和浴日”“大羿射日”等太阳文化故事,诠释“夷汤 游客在太阳街市体验射箭。图/郭晓娟Tourists experience arrow shooting on the Sun Street.谷,日出扶桑”之地。古人认为,扶桑象征“天地之中”不动的中轴,扶Copyright©博看网. All Rights Rerved.


游玩累了,吃上一碗鲜味十足的海沙子面,一身的疲惫便消失殆尽。图/韩军Fatigued tourists feel relaxed after eating a bowl of palatable afood (clam)

noodles. 七夕长桌宴是日照为展示本地特色美食、促进青年人择偶交友举办的特色活动,深受年轻人喜爱。图/朱玉东The Qixi Long Table Feast is a characteristic activity held by Rizhao for displaying local

delicacies and promoting the young people’s mate lection and friend making, and

enjoys great popularity among the young people.桑树下祈福能够达成美好的心愿。扶木宫内,巨型扶桑树下,不时有人将祈福牌挂在树上,寄托心中之愿。在天台山风景区,不仅能感受悠久的太阳文化魅力,还可以去太阳街市玩个痛快。整个街市建筑古朴典雅、错落有致,有山水画卷、亭台楼阁之美。街上店铺各具特色,非遗手工艺品、地方特色美食、太阳文化商品,应有尽有。若有兴致,游客还可体验手做香囊,通过选香、制香感受一场寻香之旅;身着汉服,在古香古色的街市射箭、投壶;饿了、累了,就近在天台食府、太阳餐厅歇歇脚,尝尝海沙子面、京东菜、海蜇脑子汤等当地特色美食,品味阳光与大自然的馈赠。编辑/魏伟Take a Tour of Sun Culture in Mount TiantaiRizhao, located on the shore

of the Yellow Sea, is named for

being “the first ray of light at sun-ri”, and reputed as the “Oriental

Sun City”. The Rizhao Sun Culture

Festival is conventionalized and

long-standing. After years of devel-opment, it has gradually become a

folk cultural tourism activity with

distinctive characteristics.

In recent years, the Tiantai

Mountain Scenic Area has further

enriched the connotation of the

sun culture by integrating existing

culture, ecology, tourism and other

resources, and mainly built three

cultural cores, i.e. the Guanri (Sun

Viewing) Terrace, the Tiantai Acad-emy, and the Fumu Palace.

The large live-action dance per-formance

Yanggu—Ode to Sun View-ing held at the Guanri Terrace was

grand and magnificent, which vivid-ly reproduced the ancients’ worship

and longing for the sun before the

audience, and reflected the signifi-cance of the ancient and modern in-tegration and the long-standing sun


The Tiantai Academy, located

on the mountainside of Tiantai, is

Rizhao’s first characteristic academy

with ancient book charm themed on

the sun culture. You may find a qui-et corner in the academy, choo a

couple of books and order a cup of

mellow and delicious coffee to enjoy

a quiet and pleasant moment.

Taking the hibiscus (Fusang)

tree as the cultural core, with a fo-cus on the hibiscus tree, the Fumu

Palace narrates the stories of the

sun culture concerning “Sunri

from the Hibiscus Tree”, “Xihe Bath-ing with the Sun”, and “Dayi Shoot-ing the Sun” in various art forms,

including murals and sculptures.

In the Tiantai Mountain Sce-nic Area, you can not only feel the

charm of the long-standing sun

culture, but also enjoy your time on

the Sun Street. On the street, there

are distinctive stores, which ll

intangible cultural heritage hand-icrafts, local delicacies, as well as

sun culture commodities (from five

sun-worshiping nations).Copyright©博看网. All Rights Rerved.



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