“I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.”
1、The Impact of Interest on Peoples Success
As is known to all, the success of a person needs the right
guidance and interest is undoubtedly the best teacher. Even Albert
Einstein, the world-renowned physicist, said, “I have no special
talents. I am only passionately curious.” So it is high time that
people explore and cultivate their own interest.
Passionate curiosity can be developed in ones childhood or in
ones sixties, but once it is ignited, it can change peoples way of
study, work and living. On the one hand, interest makes ones pursuit
of knowledge successful and enjoyable. For instance, the pianist
Langlang, who plays piano with great love, is awarded a lot of prizes
at home and abroad. On the other hand, curiosity helps to resolve
difficulties constantly. A worker with curiosity is more likely to
dig into the esnce of the problem and thus accomplish more
creative tasks.
I would like to end up with the famous educator Herbert Spencers
words which I cant agree more, “If the interest and enthusiasm among
us are cultivated smoothly in the first place, most people will
become talents or genius.”
2、“I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious.”
This is the opinion of Einstein who was clearly intelligent,
but not outlandishly more so than his peers. Now a growing number
of people share his opinion.
It is acknowledged that curiosity is vitally important if we
cherish the hope of improving ourlves. The influence and
contribution of curiosityare , curiosity can
motivate us. The reprentative example was Edison, who was a famous
inventor in the world. But what made him invent so many things? It
was curiosity that made him acquire great achievements in his career.
Second,curiosity plays an important role to keep going. I believe
that more or less we demand continuance to master something or learn
In conclusion, as college students, we should keepcuriosity
from now on since it is indispensable in our daily life.
大学英语六级历年写作真题及 篇3大学英语六级历年写作真题及 篇4
Ⅰ. Despite the modesty of the benefit, the Chamber of Commerce
and other business groups fought it bitterly, describing it as
government-run personnel management and a dangerous precedent.
(2023.06 阅读 Text2)
【词汇】1. modesty n. 虚心,中肯,端庄
例:Modesty helps one make progress.
2. chamber n. 会客室,议事厅
例:The lawyer is in the chamber.
3. precedent n. 先例
例:There is no precedent for this ca.
Ⅱ. Society expectsand needsparents to provide their children
with continuity of care, meaning the intensive, intimate care that
human beings need to develop their intellectual, emotional and
moral capabilities. (2023. 06 阅读 Text2)
【词汇】1. continuity n. 连续性,连续
例:There is no continuity between the two passages.
2. intensive a. 密集的,彻底的,剧烈的
例:The result was bad on an intensive rearch.
3. intimate a. 亲切的,私人的
例:We are intimate friends.
4. intellectual a. 智力的,聪慧的,需要智力的
例:Chess is a highly intellectual game. 象棋是一项需要高才智的竞赛工程。
Ⅲ. What parents do, in other words, is of deep concern to the
state, for the obvious reason that caring for children is not only
morally urgent but esntial for the future of society. (2023.06
阅读 Text2)
【词汇】1. obvious a. 明显的
例:It is obvious that he loves her.
2. urgent a. 紧急的,急迫的,坚持要求的
例:There is an urgent need for medicine in the
earthquake-stricken areas.
3. esntial a. 必需的,重要的
例:Water is esntial for human beings.
【语法】1. “be of +抽象名词(词组)”表示主语的某种外形或特征,相当于 be+形容词
例:be of value=be valuable;be of interest=be interesting;be of importance= be important
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