Life is like Climbing Mountains
When a baby opens her eyes, the first glowof sunlight shines upon her
face, and her life begins with a cry.
当婴儿睁开眼睛, 阳光照在她脸上的第一道光的时候, 她的生命在哭 泣中开始了。
At first, it was easy. Grabbing the handsof her parents, she came through
her delightful childhood. The path was broadand flat; with some help, she
climbed a little. However, when she looked up, sherealized the peak of the
mountain could not be en clearly. The dim, obscureclouds got into her
way. 一开始,很容易。抓住她父母的手,度过了快乐的童年。道路宽阔平 坦;在一定的帮助下,一点一点地爬。然而,当她抬起头时,她意识 到山顶是看不清的。阴暗,模糊的云阻挡着路。
But she didn't stop. She continued herjourney. A considerable number of
stones were thrown at her face, leaving scarsinside and out. 但她并没有停止。继续她的旅程。大量的石头砸在她脸上,在里里外 外留下了疤痕。
But she didn't stop. She didn't give uptrying. The tight, warm and strong
hands became loo; step by step, she wasalone.
但她并没有停止。没有放弃尝试。握得紧紧的,温暖而有力的手变松 了;独自一人,一步一步地。
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She looked beyond and the road became steepand dangerous. The
heavens were less obscure than before. She hurried up, buttripped and fell.
She lay on the ground, depresd and frustrated, until shenoticed the
intoxicating scent of flowers, the tickling sound of bells and theinviting
image of above. 她看向远方,道路变得陡峭的和危险。天堂比之前更加的朦胧。急匆 匆地走,却绊了一跤。躺在地上,沮丧和失望,直到发现醉人的花香, 钟声的回音,还有对于上述情形想象的诱惑。
Despite the pain from her fall,she stood up, with faith in her
heart, and continued her journey. She knewthere would be numerous
obstacles ahead, but she didn't stop. She knew shewould never stop. 尽管摔得很痛,凭着心中的信念,她站了起来,并继续她的旅程。她 知道前方会有很多的障碍, 但她并没有停止。 她知道她永远都不会停 止。
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