
更新时间:2024-02-16 10:14:06 阅读: 评论:0




During the epidemic d。the following measures XXX and

control in the office area:

1.n measures in the office area

1.1 Office area n:

From December 9th。the office area will be XXX

disinfectant。including floors。walls。ns。furniture。and all

equipment。The work area。public area。and enclod space will

be XXX ensure the hygiene and safety of the work environment.

1.1.2 XXX follow the daily health check process and wear

masks when on duty.

1.1.3 The scope of n in the office area includes n areas。office area XXX。conference rooms。tea rooms。n rooms。phone booths。and restrooms.

1.1.4 XXX。The frequency is three times a day.

1.2 XXX

1.2.1 All personnel entering the office area (including but not

limited to internal employees and third-party rvice personnel)

must cooperate and pass the temperature test and wear a mask

before XXX.

1.2.2 The specific process for entering the building is as

follows: a。Personnel (internal employees and third-party rvice

personnel) enter the building and cooperate with temperature

testing。b。After the temperature test is normal。they must wear

a mask before entering。XXX the building。plea wash your

hands with soap and running water or u hand sanitizer for n。and then move to your personal office n (the front desk of each

office area will provide hand sanitizer)。d。The company

provides alcohol n supplies。plea wipe and disinfect personal

items on the n by yourlf。e。Plea dispo of the ud mask

properly。If it is not reud。it should be put into the medical

waste bin at the temperature testing XXX.

es for personnel access management in the office

area during the epidemic d

2.1 From December 10th。before entering the office area。show real-name n n。and other XXX.

2.2 After confirming the identity of the person。the curity

XXX。If any of the following ns occur:

a。Temperature ≥ 37.3℃;

b。The first temperature measurement is higher than 37℃ but

lower than 37.3℃。and the cond temperature measurement is

higher than 37.3℃;

XXX chills;

XXX the office area and are required to register their name。system number。and contact number。They should immediately

go to the hospital for treatment or rest at home.

2.3 If the temperature。symptoms。holiday itinerary。and

personnel contact are all normal。the curity guard will issue a

new mask and supervi XXX entry into the office area.

2.4 During the epidemic d。the company does not encourage

the n of express XXX).

2.5 Access control

A temperature XXX is t up at the main entrance and exit of

each office area。n of personnel identity。temperature

measurement。n inquiry。mask n and recovery will all be

conducted here。Only the main entrance and exit of each office

area will be retained。and other exits will be XXX.

plan in the office area during the epidemic d

3.1 It is XXX.

3.2 XXX.

n and wearing plan in the office area during the

epidemic d

4.1 n and wearing of masks

4.1.1 在乘坐公共交通工具时,请员工务必佩戴口罩。我们会提供定点收集处理废旧口罩;

4.1.2 每日8:00-11:00,各办公区设有体温检测站,对体温检测合格的员工发放一只新口罩。员工必须正确佩戴口罩才能进入办公区;

4.1.3 任何不佩戴口罩的人员均会被禁止进入办公区。

4.2 废弃口罩的回收及处理

4.2.1 员工在下班离开办公区时,应将上班期间佩戴的口罩投递到各体温检测站的黄色医疗专用垃圾桶中;

4.2.2 每日对废弃口罩进行集中消毒后,打包投递至所在园区垃圾站,由园区物业清运消纳。


5.1 与他人接触时,请戴口罩,不要拥抱、握手、近距离聊天,以避免病毒飞沫传播和接触传播;

5.2 在办公区内,除了吃饭和喝水,务必不要摘口罩,无论是在电梯、工位、卫生间等地方。这是对自己和其他同事的负责;

5.3 牢记两个准则:戴口罩和勤洗手。


本文发布于:2024-02-16 10:14:06,感谢您对本站的认可!




本文 PDF 下载地址:疫情期间防控管理制度.pdf

标签:口罩   办公区   体温
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