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【篇一:肯尼迪就职演讲背景分析 the background

meaning in john y inaugural address】

the background meaning in john f. kennedy?s inaugural

address 摘要:肯尼迪是美国历史上最年轻的总统,他的当选代表了二战后的年轻主张.肯

尼迪的就职演讲被认为是美国总统就职演讲中最为精彩的篇章之一,其语言简明、结构巧妙, 内容也反映了当时的政治,文化,社会背景,值得我们探究学习。


abstract: kennedy was the youngest person elected u.s.

president .his presidency

came to reprent the america youthful idealism in the

aftermath of world war ii. and kennedy?s address was

considered as one of the most wonderful in american history,

the words in it is short, well-organized, inflected the political,

culture, social background, and his ntences were worthing


key words: inaugural address; rights; nuclear power.

president kennedy was an excellent speaker and writer;

kennedys speech object is global ,does not only aimed at the

american citizen, moreover in view of international judgment.

he applied various historics. such as, alleles, repetition,

alliteration, antithesis, metaphor, synecdoche. and he ud the

first person, let people in the same standpoint, feel

comfortable, so make it easy to win their support. he aroud

americans n of pride and responsibility, enabled the

speech having strong dition .in his address, we can learn the

political, social, cultural situations at that moment; appreciate

the art of his language.

y?s victory is all the people?s victory.

“we obrve today not a victory of party, but a celebration of

freedom--symbolizing an end, as well as a

beginning--signifying renewal, as well as


kennedy emphasized that he become the

president of america is not only a victory of a party but also

embody the celebration of freedom. it symbolizing a new start ,

which fulfill hope, freedom. equal rights. it is also the victory of

all the american people and the human rights career.

new generations advocate freedom, equal rights and


“…we dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first

revolution. let the word go forth from this time and place, to

friend and foe alike, that the torch has been pasd to a new

generation of americans--born in this century, tempered by war,

disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient

heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing

of tho human rights to which this nation has always been

committed, and to which we are committed today at home and

around the world…”(张汉熙,1995,51-56)

some americans proudly called the 1950s the placid decade.

the united states had made huge profits in the cond world

as a result, the post-war years saw a degree of

prosperity of capitalist economy. the relation between capital

and labor became less inten.( 狄红秋,2008;209-211)there was

a relative peace. as to the new generation ,few of they have

been influenced by the old doctrine of pre-world war,they

witness the tragedy of war and the power of the nucleus.

americans are free—free to express to create, and ideally, to

solve problems, and expect to make the world a better place.

they ro with a respect, recognition for and expectation of

continued freedom; they have immen freedom and their

ancient people fought to have freedom.

3. diplomacy policy and nuclear power at kennedy?s times.



finally, to tho nations who would make themlves our

adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides

begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of

destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in

planned or but neither can two

great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our

prent cour--both sides overburdened by the cost of

modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of

the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance

of terror that stays the hand of mankinds final war.” (张汉熙,1995,51-56) at that time, the contradiction between socialism

countries and capitalistic states is still sharp. ever since the

advent of atomic bombs at the end of the cond world war,

the nuclear weapon has played a very important part in united

states world strategy. in its rivalry with the former soviet union,

the united states had ud its nuclear arnal either as a trump

card or as a

bargaining chip according to the ever-changing balance of


cuba nuclear crisis.

soon after his inauguration,

russians tried to install nuclear

missiles in cuba. when this was

discovered in october y

impod quarantine on al offensive

weapons bound for cuba. while the

world trembled on the brink of

nuclear war, the russians backed

down and agreed to take he missiles

away… the months after the cuba crisis showed significant

progress toward kennedy?s goal of “a world of law and free

choice, banishing the world of war and coercion”. his

administration thus saw the beginning of new hope for both

the equal rights of americans and the peace of the world.

5.” …become the host of our own…”america say to the


“…to tho new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the

free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall

not have pasd away merely to be replaced by a far more iron

tyranny. we shall not always expect to find them supporting

our view. but we shall always hope to find them strongly

supporting their own freedom--and to remember that, in the

past, tho who foolishly sought power by riding the back of

the tiger ended up inside…” “…let all our neighbors know that

we shall join with them to oppo aggression or subversion

anywhere in the americas. and let every other power know that

this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own


in this address, kennedy ud many metaphors to convey

implicated meanings. in the first ntence, he talked about

some countries were ud to ek the aids from socialist

country, but lost their freedom at last. he thought this is very

foolish, implying and treating the other countries don?t be

clo to socialism any more. next, he spoke in a sincerely tone,

calling on all the american people to protect their freedom,

their human rights … of cour, under their eldest brother --america?s leader. he compared “…his peaceful revolution of

” and “americas” to “…the prey hostile powers” and “a

hou” (李志坤, 2007:3), and america will never allow it,

americas should become the host of their own. once again, the

united states called on other countries to under the flag of

capitalistic to fight against socialism countries (the former

soviet union).

6. massive holy bible languages were ud in the address.

although kennedy?s address

was given to the whole world, as to

the people of english countries who

mostly is christian and believe in the

god, he quoted many ntences in the

bible. perhaps he thought that such

language style would arou the

n of agreement among english

countries, or on the other hand,

maybe this is becau kennedy

believes in catholicism. and people

always suspect whether he can fulfill

his responsibility impartially or not,

becau he is a catholic. in order to

reply this, in ptember of 1960,kennedy said he was not

catholic candidate for president; he was the democratic partys

candidate for president who happens also to be a catholic. and

he was not speaking for his church on public matters—and the

church does not speak for him. and kennedy also stresd

there are many other things which is much more important

than religion. war, hunger, ignorance and despair have no

religion limit, and we should u religion tolerance to rve the

national well-being. his speech restrained the noisy sound

surrounding his religion issues.


[1]狄红秋. celebration hall: presidents of the u.s.a.[ m ].天津:天津大学出版社,


[2]李志坤et al. 《肯尼迪就职演说词的语用含义探究》[j/ol]. cjfd收录刊, 科

技信息(学术研究) 2007年 09期,3.

[3]张汉熙et al. 《高级英语》[ m ].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1995,51-56.


[taking the oath of office]

1. vice president johnson, mr. speaker, mr. chief justice,

president einhower,

vice president nixon, president truman, reverend clergy, fellow


2. our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.

? 修辞分析:运用了antithesis 的修辞手法,前后结构一致,语义相反,容易吸引观众的注

意,达到演讲词开篇引人入胜的目的。这里“a victory of party”和“a celebration of freedom,”“an end”和“a beginning”等等分别构成对照,强调这不是一个政党的胜利,而是自由的胜利,是结束也是开端,是更新也是变革。

3. the world is very different now. for man holds in his mortal

hands the power to

abolish? same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears

fought are still at issue around the globe -- the belief that the

rights of man come ?? 修辞分析:该段子划线部分都运用了repetition的修辞手法。这里重复的使用主要是为了


4. we dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first

revolution. let the

word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike,

-- ??? 修辞分析:该段落划线部分运用了parallelism 的修辞手法。总共包括三组排比句,如段中

所示,第一组是过去分词引起的短语,第二组是形容词引起的短语,第三组是定语从句。排比句结构平衡,音韵和谐,语义紧凑,高潮迭起,极富感召力与鼓动性。排比的大量使用既能起到突出演讲主题的作用,又能令句子流畅,读起来朗朗上口,极富音乐般的节奏和感染力。 -

1 -


? 修辞分析:这句话运用了repetition和alliteration双重的修辞手法。首先是头韵法,如段

中阴影部分,“pay price“”bear burden“”survival

success“”friend foe”等这些头韵法的合理使用不仅使演说朗朗上口,富于乐感,从而抓住听众的注意力,而且通过在词首重复使用相同的辅音,使得音韵悠扬,节奏明快,增强了表现力,给人以深刻的印象,为演说增添了光彩。其二段中“any”的重复使用使演讲者观点紧凑,重点突出,有能很有效的调动听众的情感,从而达到演讲的目的。

6. this much we pledge -- and more.

7. to tho old allies who cultural and spiritual origins we

share, we pledge

the loyalty of faithful friends. a powerful challenge at odds and

split asunder.

? 修辞分析:段中划线部分运用了antithesis的修辞手法。这里主要是“united”和“divided”的


8. to tho new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the

free, ?? 修辞分析:该段划线部分?运用了repetition的修辞手法,“shall”的重复使用使句式结构紧

凑,重点突出,同时调动听众的情感,引起共鸣,很好得表达了美国政府的决心和信念。 ? ?运用了metaphor的修辞手法。用比喻来阐述道理,使听众于生动的形象中得到启发,受 - 2 -


9. to tho people in the huts and villages of half the globe

struggling to break

the ?we pledge our best efforts to help them help themlves,

for whatever period is required -- not becau the communists

may be doing it, ??? 修辞分析:该段落划线部分中?运用了metaphor的修辞手法。该短语将“mass miry”对世


? ?运用了repetition的修辞手法。该句中“becau”的重复使用一方面产生了音律美,使句


? ?运用了antithesis的修辞手法。该句中句式非常对称整齐,读起来朗朗上口,简洁明了,


10. to our ?, we offer a special pledge: to

convert our good words into good deeds, in a new alliance for

progress, to assist free men and free governments in casting

off ?peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of

hostile powers. ? we shall join with them to oppo aggression

or this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own


? 修辞分析:该段落划线部分中?和?运用了metaphor的修辞手法。?句中将其他国家比作

“sister”,即兄弟姐妹,形象生动地将美国和南美国家的外交关系化抽象为具体,使听众对这 - 3 -


? ?运用了parallelism的修辞手法。划线部分都运用了“let..know



11. to that world asmbly of sovereign states, the united

nations, our last best

hope in an age where the instruments of war have far

outpaced the instruments ? 修辞分析:该段落划线部分运用了parallelism的修辞手法。段中“to...”引出了三个排比句,


12. finally, to tho nations who would make themlves our

adversary, we offer

?before the ?of destruction unleashed by science engulf all

humanity in planned or accidental lf-destruction.

? 修辞分析:该演讲辞中从第七段到第十二段开头粗体字部分运用了parallelism的修辞手法。


? ?运用了antithesis的修辞手法。使得句式结构整齐匀称,节奏感强,同时强调了美国提出


? ?运用了metaphor的修辞手法。这里将“nuclear weapons”隐喻成了“dark power”,生动形


- 4 -

13. we dare not tempt them with weakness. for only when our

arms are sufficient

that they will never be employed.

? 修辞分析:段中划线部分运用了repetition的修辞手法。“beyond doubt”的重复,有效地强


14. but neither can two great and powerful groups of nations

take comfort from our

prent cour -- ? 修辞分析:段中粗体字部分运用了anaphora的修辞手法。首语重复的使用加强了演讲词的


15. so let us begin anew -- remembering on both sides that

civility is not a sign of

? 修辞分析:段中划线部分交错运用了chiasmus和antithesis的修辞手法。首先句中使用了


16. let both sides? 修辞分析:段中划线部分运用了antithesis的修辞手法。该句子是“explore what problems”

和“belabor tho problems which divide us”的对照,这一方面让句子结构比较整齐匀称,读来有种莫名的节奏感和音律美,另一方面强调了语义上的对立,突出了演讲者的思想, - 5 -


friday, january 20, 1961

vice president johnson, mr. speaker, mr. chief justice,

president einhower, vice president nixon, president truman,

reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we obrve today not a victory

of party, but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end, as

well as a beginning--signifying renewal, as well as change. for i

have sworn i before you and almighty god the same solemn

oath our forebears l prescribed nearly a century and three

quarters ago.

let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we

shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship,

support any friend, oppo any foe, in order to assure the

survival and the success of liberty.

this much we pledge--and more.

to tho old allies who cultural and spiritual origins we

share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. united, there is

little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. divided,

there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful

challenge at odds and split asunder.

past, tho who foolishly sought power by riding the back of

the tiger ended up inside.

finally, to tho nations who would make themlves our

adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides

begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of

destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in

planned or accidental lf-destruction.

so let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility

is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to

proof. let us never negotiate out of fear. but let us never fear to


let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of

belaboring tho problems which divide us.

all this will not be finished in the first 100 days. nor will it be

finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this

administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet.

but let us begin.

in your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest

the final success or failure of our cour. since this country

was founded, each generation of americans has been

summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. the graves

of young americans who answered the call to rvice surround

the globe.

can we forge against the enemies a grand and global

alliance, north and south, east and west, that can assure a

more fruitful life for all mankind? will you join in that historic


and so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can

do for you--ask what you can do for your country.

my fellow citizens of the world: ask not what america will do

for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

finally, whether you are citizens of america or citizens of the

world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and

sacrifice which we ask of you. with a good

conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of

our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking his

blessing and his help, but knowing that here on earth gods

work must truly be our own.

约翰-肯尼迪 就职演讲









肯尼迪总统就职演说 (1961年1月20日)

inaugural address of john f. kennedyjanuary 20, 1961

vice president johnson, mr. speaker, mr. chief justice,


einhower, vice president nixon, president truman, reverend

clergy, fellow citizens:


we obrve today not a victory of party but a celebration of

freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying

renewal as well as change. for i have sworn before you and

almighty god the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed

nearly a century and three-quarters ago.




let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we

shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship,

support any friend, oppo any foe to assure the survival and

the success of liberty.

让每一个国家都知道,无论它们对我们抱有善意还是恶意,我们都准备付出任何代价、承受任何重任、迎战任何艰险、支持任何朋友、反对任何敌人,以使自由得以维系和胜利。 this much we pledge -- and more.


to tho old allies who cultural and spiritual origins we

share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. united there is

little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. divided

there is little we can do, for we dare not meet a powerful

challenge at odds and split asunder. 对于那些与我们共享同一文化和精神源头的老朋友,我们许以朋友的忠诚。在许许多多的合作事业中,我们会尽己所能以促进我们的团结,而决不故意制造分裂,因为我们不敢轻易面对由分歧或体系崩溃而导致的巨大挑战。remember that, in the past, tho who foolishly sought power

by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.




if a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot

save the few who are rich.



and let every other power know that this hemisphere intends

to remain the master of its own hou.

让所有其他势力都知道,这一半球的人民致力于维护他们作为自己家园主人的地位。对于那个主权国家的世界性会议组织——联合国,我们最后一次良好祝愿是发生在战争机器远远超过和平机器的时代。为了防止它沦为仅仅用来谩骂攻讦的论坛,为了加强它对新成立国家及弱小国家的保障功能、为了扩展其权力涵盖的领域,我们现在重申对它的支持承诺。 finally, to tho nations who would make

themlves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request:

that both sides begin anew the quest for peace -- before the

dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all

humanity in planned or accidental lf-destruction. 最后,对于那些主动站到我们敌对面的国家,我们提出的不




let us never negotiate out of fear. but let us never fear to

negotiate. 让我们永远不要因为惧怕而谈判,让我们永远不要惧怕谈判。

let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of

belaboring tho problems which divide us.

让双方探寻那些能将我们团结在一起的因素,而不是那些刻意挑出那些分裂我们的因素。 let both sides, for the first time, formulate

rious and preci proposals for the inspection and control of

arms, and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations

under the absolute control of all nations.




and if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle

of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor --

not a new balance of power, but a new world of law -- where

the strong are just, and the weak cure, and the peace


all this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. nor

will it be finished in the first one thousand days; nor in the life

of this administration; nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this

planet. but let us begin.


in your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the

final success or failure of our cour. since this country was

founded, each generation of americans has been summoned to

give testimony to its national loyalty. the graves of young

americans who answered the call to rvice surround the



can we forge against the enemies a grand and global

alliance, north and south, east and west, that can assure a

more fruitful life for all mankind? will you join in that historic




and so, my fellow americans, ask not what your country can

do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

所以,我的美国同胞们,不要问你的国家为你做了什么,而应问你能为你的国家做些什么。my fellow citizens of the world, ask not

what america will do for you, but what together we can do for

the freedom of man.

我的世界同胞们,不要问美国将为你做些什么,而应问我们应该一起为了全人类的自由做些什么finally, whether you are citizens of

america or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high

standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. with a

good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final

judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love,

asking his blessing and his help, but knowing that here on

earth gods work must truly be our own.


vice president johnson, mr. speaker, mr. chief justice,

president einhower, vice president nixon, president truman,

reverend clergy, fellow citizens:

we obrve today not a victory of party, but a celebration of

freedom -- symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning --

signifying renewal, as well as change. for i have sworn before

you and almighty god the same solemn oath our forebears

prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.



we dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first

revolution. let the word go forth from this time and place, to

friend and foe alike, that the torch has been pasd to a new

generation of americans -- born in this century, tempered by

war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our

ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow

undoing of tho human rights to which this nation has always


我们今天不敢忘记我们是那第一次革命的继承人,让我从此时此地告诉我们的朋友,并且也告诉我们的敌人,这支火炬已传交新一代的美国人,他们出生在本世纪,经历过战争的锻炼,受过严酷而艰苦的和平的熏陶,以我们的古代传统自豪,而且不愿目睹或容许人权逐步被褫夺。对于这些人权我国一向坚贞不移,当前在国内和全世界我们也是对此力加维护的。 let every nation know, whether it

wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any

burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppo any foe,



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