General Purpo Motors2
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesGeroler MotorsTools required for disasmbly and e wrench (34Nm [300 Ib-in] capacity)l300-400mm [12-16 inch] breaker barl5/16-12 point socket no. 5422 (Heavy Duty-56Nm [500 Ib-in]capacity)capacity)l5/16 12 point socket no. 5422 (Heavy Duty-56Nm [500 Ib-in]lSmall screwdriver (150-200 x 6mm [6-8 x .25 inch] flat blade), epage 6 for tooling information.l3/16 inch [5mm] hex keylShaft pressure al installation tool for -008 motor P/N 600470lShaft pressure al installation tool for -009 and -010 motors P/N600523lSeal sleeve or bullet P/N 600304 (1 inch dia. shaft), P/N 600466The following tools are not necessary for disasmbly andreasmbly but are extremely propane torch*Tools available-by special order-through our rvice department.3
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesDisasmblyCleanliness is extremely important when repairing the in a clean area. Before disconnecting the lines, clean port areaof motor. Remove key when ud. Check shaft and key slot, removeburrs nicks or sharp edges and polish around the key slot. Beforestarting disasmbly, drain oil from motor, then plug ports andthoroughly clean exterior of gh not all drawings show the motor in a vi, we recommendthat you keep the motor in the vi during disasmbly. Follow theclamping procedures explained throughout the 11 Place motor in vi, clamp across edge of flange with output shaftdown. When clamping, u protective device on vi, such as specialsoft jaws, pieces of hard rubber or board, e Fig. 1.2 Some motors may have a ca drain plug in the end cap. Ifexternal ca drain is not ud, it is not necessary to replace the alunless leakage occurs.4Figure 23 Remove cap screws and al washers from end cap (al washersud on 59, 69 and 95 cm3/r [3.6, 4.2 and 5.8 in3/r] displacementmotors only).4 Remove end cap.5 Remove al from Geroler.6 Remove Geroler-retain rollers in the outer Geroler ring, e Fig. 3.7 Remove al from Geroler, e Fig. 3.8 Remove drive spacer (not ud on 95 and 159 cm3/r [5.8 and 9.7in3/r ] displacement motors for the -008 and -009 motors and not udon -010 motors).Figure 3
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesDisasmblyFigure 49 Remove spacer plate10 Remove drive, e Fig. 4.11 Remove al from across portsnot across housing. Excessiveclamping pressure caus 512 Reposition motor in vi. Clamp across ports as shown in Fig. 5,not on side of housing. Do not over tighten jaws. Excessive clampingforce may distort housing.13 Remove the 4 cap screws from the mounting flange. The motorsare asmbled using Loctite on the screws to hold them in screws will require approximately 34-45Nm [300-400 Ib-in] oftorque to break loo and approximately 11 Nm [100 Ib-in] torque toremove after they are broken loo. Do not u an impact wrench onLoctited screws, this may result in rounded heads or broken : If higher torque than given above is required to break the screwsloo, apply heat according to the following instruction. When heatedthe Loctite partially melts and the torque required to remove the screwis greatly reduced. Follow the instructions carefully, and be careful notto overheat and cau damage to the motor. U a small flamepropane torch to heat a small area of the housing, where the screwenters, e Fig. 6. Apply torque to the screw with a socket wrenchgradually as heat is applied for 8 to 10 conds. As soon as the screwbreaks loo, remove heat from the housing and continue turning thescrew until it is completely 614 Remove motor from vi. Place on clean flat surface. Carefully liftflange from housing with a twisting motion.5
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesDisasmbly15 The dust al, pressure al and oil al will come off with theflange. U a al remover tool, like the one shown in Fig. 7, toremove the dust al and pressure al, as shown in Fig. 8 and 7Work no of tool between pressure al and flange. Pry al tool and repeat at a point 180° away. Push al completelyout of cavity, e Fig. 86Figure 9Figure 1016 Remove output shaft from housing.17 Remove bearing race and needle thrust bearing from shaft.18 Some older housings have plugs. To remove the plug, u a 5mm[3/16 inch] hex key, inrted through port opening, to push them out.
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesReasmblyCheck all mating surfaces. Replace any parts that have scratches orburrs that could cau leakage or damage. Clean all metal parts inclean solvent. Blow dry with air. Do not wipe parts with cloth or papertowel, lint or other matter can get into the hydraulic system and caudamage. Check around the key slot and chamfered area of the shaftfor burrs, nicks or sharp edges that can damage the als whenreasmbling. Remove nicks or burrs with a hard smooth stone (suchas an Arkansas stone). Do not try to file or grind motor : Lubricate all als with petroleum jelly such as Valine. Unew als when reasmbling the motor. Refer to parts list (No. 6-125) for proper al kit ant: Do not stretch als before installing. Cleanliness ixtremely important in the successful application of Loctite. U thefollowing procedures to properly clean all parts.A. Wash the housing with non-petroleum ba solvent to remove oil,grea and debris. Petroleum ba solvents may leave residuedetrimental to successful Loctiting. Pay particular attention to 4tapped holes on the flange : Fully cured Loctite resists most solvents, oils, gasoline,kerone, and is not affected by cleaning operations.B. Blow dry with compresd air. Clean and dry the tapped : It is not necessary to remove the cured Loctite that is curelybonded in the tapped holes; however any loo particles of curedLoctite should be removed.C. Wire brush the screw threads to remove cured Loctite and otherdebris. Discard any screws that have damaged threads or a corroded,damaged, or rounded head.D. Wash the screws with non-petroleum ba solvent. Blow dry withcompresd air 1119 If you removed check valves, or plug(s), replace al(s). Lubricatenew al(s). Install on check valves, or plug(s). Carefully push checkvalves, or plug(s), in housing until flush with housing face. Do notdamage al(s).20 Lubricate output shaft with clean hydraulic oil, then install shaft ant: Do not permit oil to get into the 4 tapped : To help with timing procedures, a timing dot is machined onoutput shaft, e figures 18 and 19.21 Install needle thrust bearing then bearing race on shaft. Pull shaftpartially out of housing, push all three parts in housing together. Thebearing race must rotate freely when in position.7
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesReasmblyImportant: Prior to installing high pressure shaft al it is necessaryto break the sharp corner of the flange al at, e Fig. 12. U400 grit paper to break ng Flange Cross-ctionFigure 1222 Clean mounting flange of all loo metallic chips, particles, dirt orother contamination, including oil. During cleaning, visually check alat in mounting flange for scratches or other marks that mightdamage the pressure al. Check for cracks in flange that might cauleakage, e Fig. ant: If a pressure al installation tool is not available,temporarily install flange without als. Then install 2 cap screwsto cure flange to housing. Install als in flange, and applyloctite, after you reasmble Gerotor end of motor (e step 41 thru45 page 11).Note: If you have a pressure al installation tool, continuereasmbly, starting with step 13823 Lubricate I.D. of al tube and O.D. of shaft pressure al with alight film of clean petroleum jelly. Align small I.D. end of al tube withal at in mounting flange. Install back-up ring and pressure al intube-lips of al face up-e above. Then inrt al driver in tubeto firmly push (by hand with rotating action) al in al ant: After installing al in flange, examine al condition. Ifcut, damaged, or improperly installed, you must replace it beforecontinuing reasmbly.24 Install dust al in flange, e Fig. 15. Press the dust al into placecarefully. To eliminate damage to rubber portion or distortion of metalcontainer u a tool (flat-round face 35-41 mm[1.37 to 1.62 inch]diameter) which provides proper guiding and positioning.25 Install 1.94 inch [50mm] I.D. al in 14Caution: Do not u excessive amount of Loctite.26 Apply 3 or 4 drops of Loctite adhesive (Loctite no. 601 alant) attop of threads in each of 4 holes in housing, e Fig. 14. Do not allowparts with Loctite applied to surface to contact any metal parts otherthan their proper asmbly. Wipe off excess Loctite from housing face,using a non-petroleum ba solvent. Do not apply Loctite to threadsmore than 15 minutes before installing screws. If housing stands formore than 15 minutes, repeat application. No additional cleaning orremoval of previous Loctite is necessary.
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesReasmblyFigure 1527 Before installing the flange and al asmbly over the shaft, placea protective sleeve or bullet over the shaft. Lubricate space betweendust al and pressure al, as well as lips of both als, e Fig. l flange. Rotate flange slowly while pushing down over careful not to invert or damage the als.28 Clamp motor in vi as shown in Fig. 5, install dry screws andalternately torque immediately to 28Nm [250 lb-in]. If you uprimer, allow to cure for 10-15 minutes, without primer allow 6 hoursbefore subjecting motor to high torque reversals. On all otherapplications you can run the motor immediately. If you u new bolts,make sure they are the correct length, 22mm [.875 inch] under headlength, e parts list for correct part number. Longer screws will notpermit proper al between the flange and housing. Install key in keyslot of r End29 Clamp housing in a vi, Gerotor end up. See Step 1 for correctclamping ant: To aid installation of als, apply light coating of cleanpetroleum jelly, such as Valine, to als before ant: Do not stretch als before installing.30 Pour approximately 35 cc of clean hydraulic oil in output 1631 Install 90mm [3.59 in.] I.D. al in housing al groove. Avoidtwisting al.32 Install drive, obrve proper timing procedure (Fig. 18).33 Place spacer plate carefully on the housing, align bolt 1734 Install 90mm [3.59 in.] I.D. al in Gerotor al groove, e Fig. twisting al.35 Carefully place Gerotor on the spacer plate, e Fig. 17. Obrveproper timing procedure, e Fig. 18.9
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesReasmblyTiming ProcedureA. Align shaft timing dot with any bolt hole.B. Install drive. For the 59 and 74 cm
©/r [3.6 and 4.5 in
3/r] displace-ments on the -010 motors, install the wide end of the drive in theoutput shaft. Install either end of the drive in the output shaft for the-010 motor displacements ranging from 97 to 370 cm3/r [5.9 to 22.6in3/r]C. Install spacer plate. Remember which bolt hole was aligned withthe shaft timing dot.D. Place gerotor on wear plate, positioning any star point over the bolthole aligned with the timing dot.E. Rotate gerotor to fine up bolt hole. Se careful not to dingage starfrom drive or disturb gerotor rd RotationFigure 1810Rever rotation is obtained by positioning any star valley, rather thanany star point, over the aligned bolt e RotationFigure 1936 Install drive spacer (not ud on 97 and 159 cm3/r [5.9 and 9.7 in3/r]displacements on the -008 and -009 motors and not ud at all on -010motors). See figure 17.37 Install 90mm [3.59 inch] I.D. al in Geroler al groove. Avoidtwisting al.38 Install end cap, e Figures 20 and 21.
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesReasmbly39 Install cap screws (and al washers when required, e informa-tion below) in end 97 cm
3/r [5.9 in3/r] displacement motors or less, u al -tighten all screws to 2-5 Nm[15-40 lb-in]. Make sure Gerolerction als are properly ated before torquing screws. Then torquescrews to 23 Nm[200 lb-in] in quence, as shown in Fig. 120 cm3/r [7.3 in3/r] displacement motors or larger, omit alwashers. Pre-tighten all screws to 2-5 Nm [15-40 lb-in]. Make sureGeroler ction als are properly ated before torquing screws. Thentorque screws to 34Nm [300 lb-in] in quence, as shown in Fig. 21.43 Install pressure al flush against bearing race, e Fig 22. Lightlylubricate pressure al re Seal Lips Toward RaceFigure 2244 Place a al sleeve or bullet over shaft. Twist flange down shaftuntil flush against pressure al. The pressure al must enter intoat evenly and gradually. Install 4 cap screws. Gradually and evenlyfinger tighten cap screws (crisscross pattern). Then u a hand socketwrench to lightly snug tighten screws until flange is flush againsthousing Do not tighen screws more than one full rotation at a time(crisscross pattern).Figure 2045 U a hand torque wrench to gradually and evenly tighten capscrews (crisscross pattern) until they reach 28Nm[250 lb-in]. Seeimportant information ant: Do not u air socket wrench on cap screws for this typeof al ant: Proper pressure al installation is important. You mustremove cap screws and flange to examine al condition. If youhave cut or damaged the pressure al, you must replace it with anew one. If al is in good condition continue flange reasmbly—starting with procedure step 24, page Torquing SequenceFigure 21Note: Steps 41 through 45 cover mounting flange al installationwithout using a al installation tool.40 Clamp motor in vi with output shaft up, e Fig. 23. Remove capscrews and flange.41 Prepare al at of flange, e step 22.42 Lubricate dust al O.D. Install dust al in flange. Make sure dustal is flush with flange, e step 2311
General Purpo MotorsS SeriesFor Additional Literature Contact Eaton Corp. HydraulicsDivision 15151 Highway 5 Eden Prairie, MN fications and performance Data, Catalog No. 11-885lReplacement Part Numbers and Kit Information:S Series Motors — Parts Information No. to Order Replacement PartsEach Order Must Include the Following:1. Product Number2. Date Code3. Part Name4. Part Number5. Quantity of Parts103-1000-XXX Numbers 1001 through 1999 Standard Models103-2000-XXX Numbers 2001 through 2999 Motors with Ca Drain PortEaton CorporationHydraulics Division15151 Hwy. 5Eden Prairie, MN 55344Telephone 612/937-9800Fax 612/937-7130Eaton lics DivisionGlenrothes, FifeScotland, KY7 4NWTelephone 01-592-771-771Fax 01 -592-773-184Eaton GmbHHydraulics ProductsAm Schimmersfeld 740880 Ratingen, GermanyTelephone 02102-406-830Fax 02102-406-800Quality System CertifiedProduct in this catalog are manufacturedin an ISO-9001-certified No. 7-116Copyright Eaton Corporation, 1987, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996All Rights RervedPrinted in USA
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