a good hor is never of an ill color.
a good hor should be ldom spurred.
[谚]好马无须加鞭(意指工作积极的人, 不用催促)。
a hor of another color
a hor of different color
a hor of the same colour
a hor on sb.
a short hor is soon curried.
[谚]矮马容易刷洗; 小事易办。
be off one s high hor
放下臭架子, 不再骄傲自大; 不再生气
be off the high hor
放下臭架子, 不再骄傲自大; 不再生气
be on the high hor
趾高气扬; 目空一切; 盛气凌人
be on one s high hor
趾高气扬; 目空一切; 盛气凌人
beat a dead hor
[口]重提早已解决了的问题; 炒冷饭; 白费口舌; 浪费精力
flog a dead hor
[口]重提早已解决了的问题; 炒冷饭; 白费口舌; 浪费精力
mount on a dead hor
[口]重提早已解决了的问题; 炒冷饭; 白费口舌; 浪费精力
bet on the wrong hor
buy a white hor
【航海】[口]浪费金钱 (white hor 指浪花)
change hors
换马, 换班子; 调换主持或领导人
change hors in midstream
中流换马, 在危急中作出重大的变动
swap hors in midstream
中流换马, 在危急中作出重大的变动
come off one s high hor
[口]放下臭架子, 不再盛气凌人
get down off one s high hor
[口]放下臭架子, 不再盛气凌人
dark hor
dead hor
已经预付工钱的工作; 旧债; 令人厌恶的工作
已经解决的问题; 不值得讨论的问题; 琐事
don t swap hor while crossing a stream.(=don t swap hors
in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
don t swap hor while crossing the stream.(=don t swap
hors in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
don t swop hor while crossing a stream.(=don t swap hors
in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
don t swop hor while crossing the stream.(=don t swap
hors in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
never swap hor while crossing a stream.(=don t swap hors
in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
never swap hor while crossing the stream.(=don t swap
hors in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
never swop hor while crossing a stream.(=don t swap
hors in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
never swop hor while crossing the stream.(=don t swap
hors in midstream).
[谚]过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
eat like a hor
flog a willing hor
spur a willing hor
flying hor
诗歌; 诗兴
winged hor
诗歌; 诗兴
from the hor s mouth
[俚]从可靠来源得来的, 第一手(情报或消息)的
get on the high hor
耀武扬威, 目空一切
go round like a hor in a mill
象驴推磨一样千篇一律地干活; 干单调乏味的工作
hitch one s hors
意见一致; 相处得很好
hitch one s hors
意见一致; 相处得很好
t one s hors together
意见一致; 相处得很好
t one s hors together
意见一致; 相处得很好
hold one s hors
[美口]别忙; 等一等
it is a good hor that never stumbles.
[谚]人有失错, 马有溜蹄。
it is enough to make a hor laugh.
lock the barn after the hor is stolen.
贼去关门; 亡羊补牢。
shut the barn after the hor is stolen.
贼去关门; 亡羊补牢。
look a gift hor in the mouth.
对礼物吹毛求疵; 品评礼物的好坏。
one man may steal a hor, while another may not look over a
[谚]只许州官放火, 不许百姓点灯。
outside of a hor
pay for a dead hor
play hor
[美俚]胡闹; 开玩笑
[美俚]嘲弄某人; 粗暴无礼
把...搞得一塌胡涂, 把...搞乱
play the hor
put the cart before the hor
ride a hor that was foaled of an acorn
ride a hor that was foaled by an acorn
ride on hor of ten toes
[谑]骑两脚马; 步行
ride on hor with ten toes
[谑]骑两脚马; 步行
roll up hor and foot
击溃敌人; 使敌人全面溃败
run before one s hor to market
[废]过早地计算利润, 乐观得太早
talk hor
to hor!
【军】上马! (口令)
trial hor
trojan hor
特洛伊木马(希腊神话, 传说)
诡计, 隐患
war hor
[美口]老兵, 老手
wheel hor
辕马, 良马
[美](党政团体中)可靠人员, 骨干分子
when two ride on one hor, one must ride behind
[谚]两人骑一匹马, 总有一人坐在后面(意指只能有一个当第一把手)。
when two ride on one hor, one must sit behind
[谚]两人骑一匹马, 总有一人坐在后面(意指只能有一个当第一把手)。
wild hors shall not drag it from me.
[口]休想从我这里探到口风, 我决不会泄露。
wild hors shall not drag it out of me.
[口]休想从我这里探到口风, 我决不会泄露。
willing hor
自愿工作的人, 干活主动的人
win the hor or lo the saddle
work for a dead hor
work like a hor
you can take a hor to water , but you can not make him drink.
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
you can take a hor to water , but you can not make it drink.
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
you can take a hor to the water , but you can not make him
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
you can take a hor to the water , but you can not make it
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
you may take a hor to water , but you can not make him
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
you may take a hor to water , but you can not make it drink.
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
you may take a hor to the water , but you can not make him
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
you may take a hor to the water , but you can not make it
[谚]你可以把马牵到水边, 但你无法强迫它饮水(意指有的事情必需本人自愿, 强迫无济于事); 老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
hor and hor
并驾齐驱; 旗鼓相当
hor around
[美俚]胡闹; 鬼混; 玩弄; 闹哄
hor on sb.
[美俚]拿某人开玩笑, 作弄某人
a good hor is never of an ill color.良马无劣色
a good hor should be ldom spurred.好马无须加鞭
a short hor is soon curried.矮马容易刷洗; 小事易办。
dont swap hor while crossing a stream.(=dont swap hors
in midstream).过河中途莫换马; 病重不宜换郎中。
it is a good hor that never stumbles.人有失错, 马有溜蹄。
one man may steal a hor, while another may not look over a
hedge.只许州官放火, 不许百姓点灯。
when two ride on one hor, one must sit behind两人骑一匹马,
you can take a hor to water , but you can not make him drink.老牛不喝水, 不能强按头。
a good hor cannot be of a bad colour 良马的毛色不会差。
a good hor often needs a good spur 好马常要好靴刺。
a hor is neither better nor wor for his trappings 相马不可凭马的装饰。
a man is not a hor becau he was born in a stable 人并不因为生在马厩里就成了马。
a man may lead a hor to the water, but he cannot make him
drink 牵马到河易,强马饮水难。
an nod is as good as a wink to a blind hor 对牛弹琴。
better be the head of an ass than the tail of a hor 宁为驴头,不为马尾。
better lo the saddle than the hor 吃小亏占大便宜。
dias come on horback, but go away on foot 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。
do not swap hors when crossing a stream 处在危难中,不宜大更动。
every hor thinks his sack heaviest 每疋马认为自己驮的袋子重。
every man has his hobby-hor 人各有所好。
if two men ride on a hor, one must ride behind 两人同骑一马,必有一人在后。
if wishes were hors, beggars might ride 愿望不等于事实。
it is a good hor that never stumbles 良马不失蹄。
its a good hor that never stumbles, a good wife that never
grumbles 良马不失蹄,贤妻不聒絮。
many ants kill the hor 蚁多可杀马。
misforunes come on horback and go away on foot 遭灾易,消灾难。
never swap (or swop) hors while crossing the stream 骑渡中流莫换马。(指危难时不宜做大变动)
old wood is best to burn, old hor to ride 老柴好烧,老马好骑。
one man may steal a hor while another may not look over a
hedge 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。
put the cart before the hor 本末倒置。
t a beggar on horback and hell ride to the devil 小人得意,忘乎所以。
the best hor needs breaking, and the aptest child needs
teaching 玉不琢不成器。
when two ride on one hor, one must sit behind 两人共骑一匹马,总有一个背后跨。
while the grass grows the hor (or steed) starves 远水救不了近火。
you can take a hor to the water but you cannot make him
drink 马到河边不喝水,逼马低头亦枉然。(不要逼人做他不愿做的事)
you may know the hor by his harness 欲知马如何,可看套马索。
以上这篇 搞笑谜语,脑筋急转弯,祝福语,每日惊喜不断,尽在谜语网!可通过扫描本站微信二维码或者添加微信号:miyu_88,即可进行体验!
1.汗马功劳 distinctions won in battle, ones contribution in work
during the bilateral trade negotiations, he spared neither day
nor night to make them a success. his contribution was indeed
great and is highly appreciated.
2.悬崖勒马 pull back before its too late
in spite of having done wrong, you can still pull back now
before it is too late and work for a bright future.
3.一马当先 be the first, take the lead
when we were climbing the mountain, he took the lead and
made for the summit.
4.单枪匹马 do something single-handedly
xiao song, the center forward, takes the ball single-handedly
into the rivals court, dodges all obstacles and shoots, he
always manages to score nine times out of ten.
5.老马识途 an old hand is the best guide, an old hor knows
the way
the road is rugged and winding, so we have lao zhang lead the
way becau an old hand is the best guide.
6.马到成功 win instant/speedy success
if the problem is given to this rearch institute, which is well-equipped and well-staffed, we believe it can be both
successfully and quickly done.
7.秣马厉兵 be combat-ready, (feed the hors and sharpen the
weapons) make active preparations for war
the two teams will play in the finals tomorrow. both sides are
combat-ready and hoping to do well.
8.走马观花 give a hurried and cursory glance at, cast only a
passing glance at
由于有公事在身, 他只能走马观花似地看看三亚的风景。
having business at hand, he only had a passing glance at
9.天马行空 an unrestrained and vigorous style of imagination
(that brims with talent)
give your child a piece of blank paper, and he will show you an
unrestrained imagination.
10.塞翁失马 a blessing in disgui, a loss may turn out to be a
the failure of the summit may be a blessing in disgui.
(1) you can take a hor to the water, but you can’t make him
drink. 带马到河边容易,逼马饮水难。
(2) don’t ride the high hor. 勿摆架子。
(3) a good hor cannot be of a bad colour. 好马不会毛色差。
(4) a hor may stumble on four feet. 马有四条腿,亦有失蹄时。
(5) a running hor needs no spur. 奔马无需鞭策。
(6) don’t put the cart before the hor. 不要将大车套在马前面。(处理问题应按先后次序,不要本末倒置。)
(7) the common hor is worst shod. 公用之马,掌子最差。
(8) lock the barn door after the hor is stolen. 失马之后锁马厩。(亡羊补牢)
(9) don’t look a gift hor in the mouth. 馈赠之马,勿看牙口。
(10) hair by hair you will pull out the hor’s tail. 一根一根拔,拔光马尾巴。(水滴石穿)
(11)doctor a dead hor tentatively as if it were still alive 死马当成活马医
(12)it is uless to flog a dead hor 鞭打死马,徒劳无益。
(13)spur on the flying hor 快马加鞭
(14)a blind man on [riding] a blind hor;the blind leads the
(15)look at the flowers while passing on horback 走马观花
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