SUBJECT: Chopsticks
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inform the audience about the history
of chopsticks,
To inform the audience on the different types of chopsticks,
To inform the audience how to u chopsticks.
Documented Sources:
"Chopsticks." Diner's Digest. 23 Sept. 1998
"Chopsticks (Hashi)". The Japane Tutor. 23 Sept. 1998
Giblin, James Cross. From Hand to Mouth, Or, How We
Invented Knives, Forks, Spoons, and Chopsticks, and the
Manners to Go With Them. New Faux City: Pudo, 19??.
"Learn 2 U Chopsticks". - The Ability Utility.
22 Sept. 1998
• Visual aids: posters and chopsticks
Attention-Getting device: Imagine you are invited to a nice
Chine or Japane restaurant to have dinner with your
good friends. What kinds of utensils are you going to u
when you start to enjoy your meal? A fork and a knife? Or
chopsticks? Do you know some kinds of foods taste better
when you u the right utensil? Chine and Japane foods
are no exception. They taste better when you eat them with
Preview: In China and Japan, chopsticks play a very
important role in the dining culture. Today, I am going to
share with you veral topics about chopsticks:
Where did they come from?
How do you u them in the proper way?
How can you practice using them?
The History of Chopsticks -- We ar not sure when chopsticks
were first ud but, we do know that they were invented in
China where their u has been traced back at least as far
as the 3rd century B.C. The famous philosopher Confucius,
who lived over 200 years earlier, influenced the development
of chopsticks with his nonviolent teaching. According to his
teaching, food should be cut up in slaughterhous or
kitchens, not at the table. Knives, with their association to
war and death, were not to be brought to the dinner table.
Today, chopsticks are ud in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam as
well as China, making them the world's cond most popular
method of conveying food to mouth.
What chopsticks are made of -- Most chopsticks are
made of bamboo or other wood. But they can be made
of plastic or silver. There is a very special purpo for
chopsticks that are made of silver. I will talk aabout
this later.
The name of chopsticks
In Chine, chopsticks are pronounced "Kuai-zi"
meaning "something fast" or "quick one."
In Japane, chopsticks are called "Hashi." It
means "bridge."
The word "chopsticks" as we u it today
came from the 19th century when the Chine
word was translated by trader into pidgin English.
The word "chop" means "fast" -- as in the phra
"chop chop!"
The Shape of chopsticks -- Chine chopsticks are
squared-off and blunt at the end. Japane chopsticks
are rounded and tapered to a point. It has been
suggested that this is in order to facilitate the removal
of bones from fish which makes up a major part of the
Japane diet.
No one really knows who came up with the phrade
"soap opera," but there are veral reasons why this
term was created.
Other us of chopsticks -- Besides being an eating
utensil, there are other ways to u chopsticks:
In ancient China, chopsticks were always
made of silver in the royal family. The emperor
was very important to the whole country. To
prevent the emperor from being poisoned,
rvants would test the food with silver
chopsticks which change color upon contact with
certain types of poisons.
In Taiwan, there is a special kind of folk dance
called the "chopsticks dance" in which dancers
would hold a pair of chopsticks in each hand
while they dance. In this situation, chopsticks
are like paint brushes to the painter. They
become a tool for artistic expressions.
In Japan, chopsticks can be treated as
decorative objects. They are usually made of
lacquered wood and are sometimes elaborately
painted and personalized for their owners.
It is said that using chopsticks helps to
prevent old people from becoming demented.
There could be wisdom to this adage since
people who always u their fingers tend to keep
their minds sharp.
How to u chopsticks
Hold one stick between your first two fingers and
the other stick between your cond and third fingers
U your thumb as a pivoting point for the upper
stick. Then push down on the lower stick with the area
between your thumb's joint and your thumb's knuckle.
The lower stick should remain stationary and only
the upper stick moves.
You should hold chopsticks at the correct position.
Holding chopsticks in the incorrect position will make
them difficult to u.
How Do You Practice
Position the chopsticks like in the above mention
Time: 3 minutes a day for veral days
What you will need:
Some pieces of food
A t of chopsticks -- preferably tapered
Practice with salad first
Start with large pieces and decrea the size
as your skill improves
Soon you can even pick up peanuts
Like any other skills, repetition is the key to success.
Several shot practices over a period of time is more
effective than a big chunk of time spent in one day.
Summary -- Today, I have shared with you the history of
chopsticks, how to u them, and how to practice using
Concluding Device -- I mentioned in the beginning that
food will taste better if you u the right utensil. Just like you
need to u a fork and a knife when you order steaks at a
steak hou, you need to u chopsticks to eat when you go
to a Chine or Japane restaurant. So practice how to u
them when you have a chance. Next time you are in a
Chine or Japane restaurant, you will appreciate the real
taste of Chine and Japane foods.
Introduction of Chine Chopsticks
Traditional Chine Chopsticks
In ancient times, chopsticks were called ‘Zhu’. At that time,
our ancestors liked to steam or boil food. It was difficult for
them to u spoons to dip vegetables in the soup. So they cleverly
invented ‘Zhu’ to nip food, thus it has become the most
convenient tableware in their lives. Development of chopstick
has experienced a long history. Early in Xia Dynasty (21st –
16th century BC), the shape was still in development. Chopsticks
only became two sticks of the same length in the Shang Dynasty
(16th – 11th century BC). In the late Shang Dynasty, the
tyrannical King Zhou ordered his craftsmen to make chopsticks
from elephants’ teeth, which was en to be the most luxurious
in the early history of Chine food culture.
The appearance of chopsticks said goodbye to tho days when our
Chine ancestors had to u their hands to eat, so they featured
the coming of civilization to food culture. The invention has
many scientific theories. The lever principle of mechanics was
applied into practice. The point where two sticks crosd is the
pivot of the lever.
How to U Chine Chopsticks
Chine Bamboo Chopsticks
Chine people are familiar with the u of chopsticks. Many
foreigners are interested in but also puzzled about how to u
it with facility. Here are some notes you’d better remember when
to u it.
• First, you must hold the upper part and don’t cross it.
• Second, hold it with your thumb, index finger, middle finger
and third finger. One stick is against your third finger and
the other leans on your middle finger.
• Third, when you pick vegetable or meat in the dishes, u
your index finger and middle finger to control the sticks.
Practice a lot and then you will find it is an easy job.
Taboos When You U Chine Chopsticks
The u of chopsticks has been a part of Chine food culture.
There are some taboos that you must pay great attention to, or
you may make mistakes and be laughed at.
• Don’t u it to hit the side of your bowl or plate to make
a lot of noi, becau Chine people think only beggars would
do this to beg for meals.
Taboos when you u chopsticks
• When you u it, don’t stretch out your index finger, which
would be regarded as a kind of accusation to others. Never
u it to point at others.
• It is thought to be an impolite behavior when you suck the
end of a chopstick. People will think you lack family education.
Don’t u it to poke at every dish without knowing what your
• Don’t inrt it vertically into the bowls or dishes.
Chine people do this only when they burn incen to sacrifice
the dead.
Nowadays, chopsticks rve many new functions besides tableware.
For example, you can buy a pair as a gift to your friends and
relatives. In Chine, it reads ‘Kuaizi’, which means to have
sons soon, so a newly-married couple will be very happy to accept
it as their wedding gift. Skillful craftsmen painted beautiful
sceneries on chopsticks to make them like fine artworks. Many
people love to collect them as their treasure.
Chopsticks are small but they are adored by many people in the
world. An interesting experiment shows that many joints and
muscles are being exercid when you u it. They certainly make
you cleverer, don’t they?
筷子是如何发明的呢?有人推测,远古人烤东西吃时,随手折两根树枝或竹枝,用来夹着吃,这样既不烫手,又能趁热吃到美味,于是就演变成了筷子。筷子的结构极为简单。从形状来说,是两根小细棍,中国的筷子是上粗下细,上方下贺,这种造型的优点是拿起来方便,不容易滑,也不容易转动放在桌子上不会滚,夹菜入口的一端光滑圆润不会伤着唇吞。筷子传到日本后,日本人将筷子做成圆锥形,这是因为日本多食生冷食物,如生鱼片之类,用这种筷子更方便。 相关物理知识有:物理知识:摩擦力、杠杆、曲线运动、传输系统等。 筷子是杠杆,手捏的点是支点,动力臂是支点到夹菜的一端的距离,阻力臂是支点到另一端的距
离。 运用杠杆原理不只是为了省力,在用筷子时它就没有省力,却省了距离,使操纵更加灵活,但是却费力了.杠杆的动力和阻力指的都是杠杆受到的力,动力是手指对筷子的作用力,阻力是菜对筷子的作用力。确定筷子这个杠杆动力臂和阻力臂的关系,需要找到支点,支点在筷子的上端,动力臂小于阻力臂,筷子是一个费力杠杆它的支点应该在虎口处, 动力是手指对筷子的作用力,一般在筷子中点上下 。阻力是菜阻碍筷子合拢的力,一般作用在筷子头上。所以它是一个动力臂水小于阻力臂的杠杆,是费力杠杆。
Introduction to Chopsticks
In certain parts of the world, knife, fork & spoon are mandatory cutlery pieces for eating while in other
parts chopsticks symbolizes a culture of ancient as well as modern eating experience. Not all but many
Asian food lovers are well aware of chopsticks and their us too. Consisting of a t of two tapered
sticks, chopsticks are the main cutlery item for eating in China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam.
A chopstick is an English word ud instead of the original word Kuaizi. It is a Mandarin language word
meaning “quick little fellows.” The word chopstick first appeared during the late 17th century.
Inspite of being invented in China, the u of chopsticks spread worldwide especially to Japan, Korea
and Vietnam. In ancient China, Chine ud to break sticks and twigs off trees, which later evolved in to
the chopsticks that we know today. Japane ud the same chopsticks but theirs look more like
tweezers. They were made of one piece of bamboo joined at the top. Initially they were considered
precious in Japan and ud only in religious ceremonies but are now accepted globally, for almost all kind
of occasions.
How Chopsticks are Made and Ud
Nowadays we find a variety of chopsticks, which are often lacquered and made of combination of
exquisite hardwood. They also come adorned with beautiful calligraphy. They can have round or square
ends with tips either sharp or dull.
Chopsticks are versatile; they can be ud to grip, tear apart, pull, whisk, and stir and handling them is an
Being a remarkable invention by the Chine, using a chopstick to eat is a fun filled experience in itlf
Chopsticks are a pair of sticks,usually made of wood, ud for eating Asian food. In Chine, the oldword
for “chopsticks,”,and also in some varieties of modern Chine such as Hokkien, was zhù (Pinyin:zhù).
However, using the word “zhù”became a taboo on ships becau it sounded the same as another
wordmeaning “to stop . Conquently, it was replaced by a word of oppositemeaning, kuài (fast, quick),
which evolved into the current term,“kuàizi.” This gradually spread until it became the word
for“chopsticks” in most varieties of modern Chine. Thecharacter forthis new meaning of
“chopsticks” for kuài has the radical for bambooadded to the character meaning “fast” kuài. The
English term,“chopsticks,” is suppodly derived from the Pidgin English spoken in British Chine
colonies. The Chine term, “kuai-tzu,” or “quick ones”became chop (Pidgin for “quick”) sticks.
Chopsticks come in many differentforms. Bamboo tends to be the most popular material from which to
makethem. There is plenty of bamboo in Asia, and it is easy to split andextremely resistant to heat. Other
popular materials have included woodand bone, and chopsticks made of precious metals were not
uncommonamong the wealthy in ancient times. It was believed that silverchopsticks would turn black
upon contact with poisoned food, althoughthis has since been disproven by modern science.
It is believed the first chopstickswere developed over 5000 years ago in China. The earliest evidence of
apair of chopsticks made out of bronze was excavated from the Ruins ofYin near Anyang, Henan, dating
back to roughly 1200 B.C. Early Asianman would retrieve his food from the fire using sticks or
branchesbroken from trees. Later, as the population grew and resources becamescarce, people would
cut food into smaller pieces to save fuel becauthe smaller portions cooked faster. This eliminated the
need forknives, and chopsticks became the utensils of choice. The ont ofConfucianism is believed to
have further cemented the u of chopsticksas the primary Asian eating utensil. Confucius taught, “The
honorableand upright man keeps well away from both the slaughterhou and thekitchen, and he allows
no knives on his table.” Confucius’ disdain forthe prence of knives at the kitchen table, coupled with
thepopularity of his teachings no doubt contributed to the expanding uof chopsticks among the
By 500 A.D., chopsticks had spread fromChina to other countries such as Korea, Vietnam andJapan.
Whileoriginally only ud for religious ceremonies in Japan, chopsticksquickly gained popularity there as
well, and in no time their ubecame as widespread there as in the rest of Asia. Soon chopstickvolved
into an important icon of Asian culture and an important partofhistory.
In much of Asia, especially the so-called "rice bowl" cultures of China, Japan,
Korea, and Vietnam, food is usually eaten with chopsticks.
Chopsticks are two long, thin, usually tapered, pieces of wood. Bamboois
the most common material, but they are also be made of various types of wood,
as well as plastic, porcelain, animal bone, ivory, metal, coral, agate, and jade.
During the Middle Ages, aristocrats often favored silver chopsticks since it
was thought that silver would turn color if it came into contact with poison.
Elegant Craftsmanship
Sometimes chopsticks are quite artistic. Chopsticks can be made of
lacquered wood and covered with artwork. Truly elegant chopsticks might be
made of gold and embosd in silver with Chine calligraphy. Artisans also
combine various hardwoods and metal to create distinctive designs.
A child's plastic t of chopsticks might feature a cartoon character, such as
Mickey Mou, while aluminum from recycled cans might find new life as a
lightweight, easy-to-clean pair of chopsticks.
Elaborate Carvings
Chopsticks may be totally smooth or carved or modeled ripples. Silver or
gold paint can be ud to give them a rough texture. In Thailand, wood is often
elaborately carved into chopsticks. The ends of chopsticks can be rounded or
squared, while the tips can be blunt or sharp.
"Forkchops" are chopsticks for incure Westerners and feature chopsticks
at one end and forks and knives at the other, just in ca the ur can't manage
during the meal.
The Chine have been using chopsticks for five thousand years. People
probably cooked their food in large pots, using twigs to remove it. Overtime, as
population grew, people began chopping food into small pieces so it would cook
more quickly. Small morls of food could be eaten without knifes and so the
twigs gradually turned into chopsticks.
Some people think that the great scholar Confucius, who lived from roughly
551 to 479 B.C., influenced the development of chopsticks. A vegetarian,
Confucius believed knives would remind people of slaughterhous and were
too violent for u at the table.
Non-Chopstick Countries
Chopsticks are not ud everywhere in Asia. In India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
the Philippines, Thailand
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