Winter,in my life,has come to the end of twelve
time,thewinter is cool,silent,quietly watching the original
noisy bustle of theworld becomes calm erent
to hear the roar of the north wind blew the trees getrattled
Windows,let the flowers wither,deciduous,turned a blind eye
to,ore,I hate winter,it brings the cold,cold and
The winter of this year,as usual,it still comes with that
r,when it came to my life again,I found that it is
not nothing,it'sjust that I haven't found it before flashing
onthe spot.
Isn't it?You e,at ordinary times the unknown
wintersweet,head wind,solid ice and snow,hold in full
bloom,doggedly growth in the e of the winter,the
pine trees and again to the a suit like jadejie,as white as
silver and as light as smoke,like catkin soft's new
for narcissus to sprinkle the whiteflowers,for the willow
wrapped in the simple but elegant silver e of it,only
then has the vanity of build by laying bricks or stonesjade in
the world.
Becau had the winter,the leaves were able to fly in the
sky,alwaysfell to the ground,made a good composition.
Becau of the winter,life became after you
just enjoy thesplendid golden,and revel in the pure
beauty of winter is need us to experience and understand the
slowly,it brings us the feeling is are grateful for
the you for the winter,it is winter cold,let us
more understand betterafter suffering;
Thank you for the winter,it is the cold in the winter,let's
practice thequality of overcoming difficulties;
Thanks to the winter,it is winter has taught us to cherish
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