A Brief Introduction of Translator, Ji Xianlin
He held the honor of historian, ideologist, Buddhist thinker,
professor, translator, and writer and so on. But what he was willing
to accept and admit were professor and translator. Judging from
this, we can learn translation did play an irreplaceable role and had
a great significance in his whole life.
His name is Ji Xianlin. He was proficient in twelve languages.
He has learned English since he was ten years old. And when he
was in high school, he started learning German which was his
major after he was admitted into Tsinghua University. At the same
time, he learned the comparison of eastern and western poetry,
English from Wu Mi and Ye Gongchao. Besides he studied the
literature of Buddhist sutras’ translation from Chen Yinke and he
got great interest in Sanskrit. In 1935, he became an exchange
student of Bristol University UK. He believed that Indian culture had
a grant impact on Chine culture, so he decided to study Sanskrit.
During this period, his two majors were Sanskrit and Pali language;
two minors were English language and Slavic language. In 1941,
he followed Emil Sieg to study Tocharian was
hard-working and acquired 12 languages which paved a broad road
for his translation.
He translated
Talking about India(《论印度》)and A Short
Story Collection of Anna Seghers(《安娜•西格斯短篇小说集》)from German;
Tagore at Home(《家庭中的泰戈尔》)from
English,and Sakuntala (《沙恭达罗》)Vikramorvasiya(《优哩婆湿》)Panchatantra (《五卷书》)Ramayana(《罗摩衍那》)which
contain ancient Indian language, Slavic language, and
Tocharian language. On September 26th, 2006, Ji Xianlin
became the first translator to be awarded Translation and
Culture Lifetime Achievement Award by
Translators Association of
The honor was not only the confirmation of his contribution
to translation, but also his theories in this field.
In translation, he agreed with Yan Fu on his” faithfulness,
expressiveness and elegance”. As far as he was concerned,
faithfulness meant being loyal to the original; expressiveness
meant being loyal to the audiences; and elegance meant being
loyal to the literary language. He thought the translation which
combined all of them was the best. And he believed faithfulness
was the most fundamental rule and should come first. It can not
be called translation without this basic point. And that maybe
was why he advocated literal translation which requires
faithfulness to the original and objected retranslation. The
were what he believed and were just as what he did in practice.
When he translated
he did not find an English or
German translated version as his source language but the
original. Besides, due to Ramayana
was the primitive poetry of
India, in order to be faithful, he cho the same form of literature
following the literal translation.
This was Ji Xianlin, a translator who translated faithfully
within his whole life.
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