分析检测Analysis and Testingdoi:10.16736/41-1434/ts.2021.02.059南极磷虾油多维量化评价体系的构建Construction of Antarctic Krill Oil Multi-dimensional Quantitative Evaluation System◎ 孙德伟,陈金标,王黎明,束凤鸣(无锡商业职业技术学院,江苏 无锡 214153)(Wuxi Vocational Institute of Commerce, Wuxi 214153, China)SUN Dewei, CHEN Jinbiao, WANG Liming, SHU Fengming摘 要:南极磷虾是地球上宝贵的生物资源,南极磷虾油富含对人类有益的成分,具有重要的经济价值。本文分析了南极磷虾油的结构,总结了现有南极磷虾油质量评价方法。并在此基础上,以综合分析、分类量化评价为指导思想,构建了以南极磷虾油感官评定、基本指标、化学组成、特殊结构及危害因子为指标的多维量化评价体系。本多维量化评价体系可以更客观、全面、科学地评价南极磷虾油的品质,此外还可以在一定程度上鉴定南极磷虾油真伪。关键词:南极磷虾油;多维量化;评价体系Abstract:Antarctic krill is a precious biological resource on the earth. Antarctic krill oil is rich in ingredients that
are beneficial to humans and has important economic value. This article analyzes the structure of Antarctic krill oil and
summarizes the existing methods for evaluating the quality of Antarctic krill oil. On this basis, this paper takes “comprehensive
evaluation system with Antarctic krill oil nsory evaluation, basic indicators, chemical composition, special structure and
krill oil more objectively, comprehensively and scientifically. In addition, it can also identify the authenticity of Antarctic
krill oil to a certain ds:antarctic krill oil; multidimensional quantification; evaluation system中图分类号:TS225.2analysis, classification and quantitative evaluation” as the guiding ideology, and constructs a multi-dimensional quantitative
harmful factors as indicators. This multi-dimensional quantitative evaluation system can evaluate the quality of Antarctic
1 南极磷虾油概况南极磷虾(Euphausia superba)是一种小型软甲纲[1]生物,营集群生活(密度可达10 000~30 000只/m3),
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