Message on International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
29 November 2014
We have pasd through another somber, sad and sorry year for Palestinians,
Israelis and all who ek peace. Over the cour of 50 brutal days this summer,
the world witnesd a ruthless war in Gaza – the third such conflict in six years.
I travelled to the region twice in recent months. First, to help end the fighting
-- and cond to e the aftermath and support the massive reconstruction
I repeat what I said in Gaza: I condemn the Hamas rocket attacks that
indiscriminately targeted Israeli civilians. They have brought nothing but
suffering to all sides.
I repeat what I said in Israel: The scale of the destruction by the Israeli military
has left deep questions about respect for the principles of distinction and
proportionality, and generated wide calls for accountability. Much more must
be done to protect civilians and abide by international human rights and
humanitarian law.
Long-term stability depends on addressing the underlying caus of the
conflict. That means lifting the closure on Gaza, ending the half century
occupation of Palestinian land and addressing Israel’s legitimate curity
On this day of solidarity, our hearts turn to the many Palestine refugees in Gaza
and beyond. UNRWA is a lifeline for millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the
West Bank as well as in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. I urge all donors to
continue their strong support to UNRWA and for the reconstruction of Gaza.
I am deeply troubled by the situation in Jerusalem and the West
Bank. Extremists on both sides are dictating the agenda. I call on all parties to
stand up to tho forces, exerci restraint and respect the status quo
governing the holy sites. I also have repeatedly denounced Israeli
ttlement activity in the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.
An end of the conflict will only come through a negotiated and just political
solution, bad on the relevant United Nations resolutions.
The Israeli and Palestinian people face a shared fate on shared land. There is
no erasing the other. Yet I fear deeply that with each passing day the people of
the region are losing any n of connection – any n of empathy – any
n of mutual understanding of our common humanity and common future.
On this International Day of Solidarity, I call on the parties to step back from the
brink. The mindless cycle of destruction must end. The virtuous circle of
peace must begin.
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