英语学年论文 《呼啸山庄》中的爱与恨
Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" explores the theme of
love and the conflict een human nature and social n。making the
novel ___ and depth of human nature。which is influenced by
both love and hate。and how social n affects it。The article
explores the conflict een human nature and n in the novel。and
how Catherine and Heathcliff face their love under the ___ social
n。it distorts ___.
___ ___
Love is the main theme of "___." It is a complex ___'s love is
the most prominent example of this。Their love is nate and inten。but it is also destructive。The novel shows how love can turn into
hate。and how hate can consume a person's soul.
___ Two Main Characters’ Human Nature
___'s ___'s nature is shaped by his upbringing and his ___
flawed and make mistakes。but they are also capable of great love
and sacrifice.
The social culture of the time in which "Wuthering Heights"
is t was ___。Social class and status were everything。and
people were expected to conform to their roles in society。This
social structure often conflicted with human nature。___.
___ Time
The social culture of the time was ___ bad on their social
status。and any n from the norms was met with scorn and
ridicule。This led to a stifling of human nature。as people were
___ Corner。Social ___
The social culture of the time was so pervasive that it left little
room for human ___ ns and desires were en as weakness。and
people were expected to be nal and logical at all times。This led to
a n of human nature。___.
Catherine’s Love Under the Social Culture
Catherine's love for Heathcliff is a prime example of how
social culture can affect human nature。Catherine is torn een her
love for Heathcliff and her desire for social status。She ___ social
status over love。which leads to tragic conquences.
___ Reasons for Deep Love
___'s love is deep and nate。They have a n that goes beyond
social status and ___ love is bad on a deep understanding of each
other's true lves.
Social ___’s Love
Despite their deep love。Catherine ___。a man of higher
social status。in order to cure her own place in ___。___.
Heathcliff's love for Catherine is bad on his true nature。but his hate is a product of social ___ desire for revenge。which
___’s Love for Catherine Caus by Nature and It Is ___
Heathcliff's love for Catherine is bad on his true nature。and it is ___ do anything for her。even if it means sacrificing his
own happiness.
___ is a product of social ___ desire for revenge。which is
fueled by the rigid social structure of the time.
___ Himlf
___ is torn een his love for Catherine and his ___ ___。___.
___ Primitive Pleasure
Heathcliff's love for Catherine is bad on his true nature。but his ___ revenge。leading to a tragic end.
Wuthering Heights" ___ n。The novel shows how love can
turn into hate。and how social culture can suppress ___'s love is a
prime example of this conflict。as they are torn een their true
lves and the ___。their love is destroyed by social culture。leading to a tragic end.
In Emily ___。the central theme is love。The novel portrays
a love that is inten。unyielding。and all-___。this love is not
without its flaws。The two main characters。Catherine and
Heathcliff。share a love that is both ___ culture。___ undying。
cultural norms ___ their love。leading to ___'s hate。it is still
rooted in his love for Catherine.
1.1 ___
Emily ___ love。depicting an all-___。this love is not
without ___ the inten and deeply ingrained love een the two
main characters。___。While their love is ___ culture。it is ___
norms。___。___ Catherine.
1.2 The Human Nature of Catherine and Heathcliff
___ inten。unyielding。and deeply ingrained。but it is
also ___ undying。but cultural norms ___ it。___'s hate。it is still
rooted in his love for Catherine。The novel portrays the
complexities of human nature and how it can both create and
destroy love.
In Emily Bronte's novel。the two main characters posss a
___。truculence。frankness。firmness。and a flush of ntiment。___ inten。and their ___。their love is powerful。as described
in the quote。"Unchanged as the mount。___" (songp7)。Thus。___.
During the time d depicted in the novel。there ___.
During the Victorian era。___ on their social status and ___
hierarchy。___ estates and having rvants。they were still
considered to be of a lower social ___。the Lintons had a firmer
grip on their status as gentry。Catherine。a character in the novel。aspired to marry Edgar so that she could ___ on social status and
culture during this time d.
___ with their own success that they neglected the well-being
of others。This ___。
Overall。___ d was ___。such as the Earnshaws and the
Lintons。___。it is important to recognize that this was a product
of the time d and not a n of inherent ___.
a business n。using it as a means to gain wealth and status。This shows that Catherine is torn een her love for Heathcliff and
her desire for social acceptance.
Catherine's love for Heathcliff is nate and inten。___。she
is also aware of the ___ upon her and the need to conform to them。This conflict caus her to make a tragic n。choosing wealth and
status over true love.
When Catherine returns from Thrushcross Grange。___。She longs to be with him。but is also aware of the differences een
them。such as their social status and the state of ___.
In the end。Catherine'___ one。driven by her desire for
wealth and social status。Despite her deep love for Heathcliff。she ___。___ of tho around us.
___。___。the man she truly loves。or marrying Edgar
Linton。a man of higher social status。Catherine knows that if
she marries Heathcliff。she will be ced to a life of poverty。
However。she also realizes that without Heathcliff。she cannot
truly live。In the end。the harsh ______.
___ in the novel are divided by their social class。with the
___ this。the novel shows that love and n ___ barriers。For
example。Catherine and Heathcliff's love for each other is not
diminished by their difference in social status。and their ___。the
novel suggests that while social ___。it is ___.
and the ___.
Catherine's love for Heathcliff was strong。but her desire for
material gain and the culture of the bourgeoisie led her to betray
him。However。her betrayal was not complete。as she still held
strong feelings for him even without property or status。As she
said。"It would ___ now。but becau he is more mylf than I
am." (Gao p102) Despite societal pressures。___。She compared
it to the eternal rocks beneath。a source of little ___ to her being。(Gao p105) Unfortunately。___.
For the next ven years。Catherine lived only in the past。___。societal pressures won out over her humanity。She was
never truly happy ___。Catherine was torn een her wild ___ and
the pressure to ___.
4.2 ___。Catherine cannot deny her strong ___ their n as “an
eternal。unchangeable n” (Bronte。p。81)。___.
4.3 However。___ for the wild and free life she shared with
4.4 ___。while her love for Edgar is bad on ___。In the
end。Catherine realizes the true depth of her love for ___.
4.5 ___ of their love。as she ___。“Let me in —Let me in!”
(Bronte。p。28)。is a poignant reminder of the power of love that
purely through his ns and ns。rather than through words。___。___.
___ and Catherine share a deep n that is rooted in their love
for the moors。They both find solace and freedom in running
around on the open land。However。while Catherine’s love for
the moors is tied to her desire for social status and wealth。Heathcliff’s love is ___.
___。Heathcliff’s love for Catherine is put to the test when he
hears ___ from her room。His inten ___ as he rushes to her side。desperate to ___。Heathcliff cannot help but plead with her to
return to him。His love is so strong that it borders on n。and he is
willing to do anything to be with her once more.
Overall。___ obstacles。___ to her until the very end。While his love may be ___ destructive at times。it is ___ of the
human spirit and the power of true love.
matter how much they try to deny it.
The ___ social ns。___ es a so-called "genteel man," ___。their love is natural。primitive。inner。___ be parated。___ to
deny it。
Overall。___'s desire for social status caus her to make
choices that go against her true feelings。leading to the downfall
of their nship。Despite this。their love is powerful and transcends
societal barriers。as their ___.
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