More publications of Prof. K.F. So:
1. Lau, B.W.M., Ren, C., Yang, J., Yan, S.W.L., Chang, R. C.-C., Pu, M., and So, K.-F., * (2010). Light
deprivation induces depression-like behavior and suppress neurogenesis in diurnal Mongolian
gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), Cell Transplantation, in press
2. Lau, B.W.M., Yau, S.-Y., Lee, T.M.C., Ching, Y.-P. Tang, S.-W., So, K.-F.,* (2010).Effect of
corticosterone and paroxetine on masculine mating behavior: possible involvement of neurogenesis,
J Sex Med, in press
3. Chan, K C., So, K.-F., and Wu, EX* (2009) Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed
choline reduction in the visual cortex in an experimental model of chronic glaucoma. Experimental
Eye Rearch, 88:65–70.
4. Ellis-Behnke, R.G.., Liang, Y.X., Guo, J., Tay, D.K.C., Schneider, G.E., Teather, L.A., Wu, W., and
So, K.F., (2009). Forever young: How to control the elongation, differentiation, and proliferation of
cells using nanotechnology. Cell Transplantation, (18): 1047-1058.
5. Cheung, Y. T., Zhang, N.Q., Hung, C.H.L., Lai, C.S.W., Yu, M.S., So, K.F. & Chang, R.C.C., (2009).
Temporal relationship of autophagy and apoptosis in neurons challenged by low molecular weight
beta-amyloid peptide. J Cell. Mol. Med. [Epub ahead of print Dec 8].
6. Fu, Q.L., Li, X., Yip, H.K., Shao, Z., Wu, W., Mi, S., & So, K.F., (2009). Combined effect of
brain-derived neurotrophic factor and LINGO-1 fusion protein on long-term survival of retinal
ganglion cells in chronic Glaucoma. Neuroscience, 162:375-382.
7. Li, S.Y., Fu, Z.J., Ma, H., Jang, W.C., So, K.F., Wong, D. and Lo, A.C., Effect of Lutein on retinal
neurons and oxidative stress in a model of acute retinal ischemia/ reperfusion, IOVS, 50 (2):
836-843 [Epub ahead of print, Oct 20, 2008].
8. Ho, Y. S., Yik, S. Y., Yu, M. S., So, K. F., Yuen, W. H. & Chang, R. C. C., (2009). Polysaccharides
from wolfberry antagonizes glutamate excitotoxicity in rat cortical neurons. Cell. Mol. Neurobiology,
29: 1233-1244.
9. Luo, X.G., Chiu, K., Lau, F.H., Lee, V.W., Yung, K.K., and So, K.F., The lective vulnerability of
retinal ganglion cells in rat chronic ocular hypertension model at early pha. Cell Mol Neurobiol,
10. Cheung, Y. T., Lau, W. K. W., Yu, M. S., Lai, C. S. W., Yeung, S. Z., So, K. F. & Chang, R. C. C.,
(2009). Effects of all-trans retinoic acid on human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y as in vitro model of
neurotoxicity rearch. NeuroToxicology, 30, 127-135.
11. Yuan, Q., Scott, D.E., So, K.F., Lin, Z., & Wu, W., (2009). The potential role of nitric oxide syntha
in survival and regeneration of magnocellular neurons of hypothalamo-neurohypophyal system.
Neurochemical Rearch, 34:1907-1913.
12. Lau, B.W.M., Yau, S.Y., Lee, T.M.C., Ching, Y.P., Tang, S.W. & So, K.F., (2009).
Intracerebroventricular infusion of cytosine-arabinoside caus prepul inhibition disruption.
Neuroreport, 20(4):371-7.
13. Chang, R. C. C., Chiu, K., Ho, Y. S. & So, K. F., (2009). Modulation of neuroimmune respons on
glia in the central nervous system: implication in therapeutic intervention against neuroinflammation.
Cell. Mol. Immunol., 6: 317-326.
14. Chiu, K., Chan, H. C., Yeung, S. C., Yuen, W. H., Zee, S. Y., Chang, R. C. C., & So, K. F., (2009).
Modulation of microglia by Wolfberry on the survival of retinal ganglion cells in a rat ocular
hypertension model. J. Ocular Biol. Dis. Informatics, 2, 47-56.
15. Yuan, Q., Hu, H., Su, H.X., So, K.F., Lin, Z.X. & Wu, W., (2009). GAP-43 expression correlates with
spinal motoneuron regeneration following root avulsion. JBPPNI, 4:18.
16. Chan, O.C.M., So, K.-F., and Chan, B.P. (2008). Fabrication of nano-fibrous collagen microspheres
for protein delivery and effects of photochemical crosslinking on relea kinetics. J Controlled
Relea, 129(2):135-43.
17. Fu, Q.-L., Hu, B., Wu, W., Pepinsky, R.B., Mi, S., and So, K.-F. (2008). Blocking LINGO-1 function
promotes retinal ganglion cell survival following ocular hypertension and optic nerve transaction.
IOVS, 49: 975-985.
18. Chan, K.C., Fu, Q.-L., Guo, H., So, K.-F., Wu, E.X. (2008). Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI of ocular
transport in a rat model of chronic glaucoma. Experimental Eye Res, 87: 334-341.
19. Cheung, Z.H., Leung, M.C.P., Yip, H.K., Wu, W., Siu, F.K.W., and So, K.-F. (2008). A
neuroprotective herbal mixture inhibits caspa-3-independent apoptosis in retinal ganglion cells.
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, 28: 137-155.
20. Fu, Q.L., Wu, W., Wang, H., Li, X., Lee, V.W., and So K.-F. (2008). Up-regulated Endogenous
Erythropoietin/Erythropoietin Receptor System and Exogenous Erythropoietin Rescue Retinal
Ganglion Cells after Chronic Ocular Hypertension. Cell Mol Neurobiol. 28:317-329.
21. Li, S.-Y., Yau, S.-Y., Chen, B.-Y., Tay, D.K., Lee, V.W.H., Pu, M.-L., Chan, H.H.L., and So, K.-F.
(2008). Enhanced survival of melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells after injury is associated
with the PI3 K/Akt pathway. Cell Mol. Neurobiol., 28 (8): 1095- 1107.
22. Lai, C.S., Yu, M.S., Yuen, W.H., So, K.-F., Zee, S.Y., Chang, R.C. (2008). Antagonizing
beta-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity of the anti-aging fungus Ganoderma Lucidum. Brain Res.1190:
23. Mi, S., Hu B, Hahm, K., Luo, Y., Kam Hui, E.S., Yuan, Q., Wong, W.M., Wang, L., Su, H., Chu, T.H.,
Guo, J., Zhang, W., So, K.F., Pepinsky, B., Shao, Z., Graff, C., Garber, E., Jung, V., Wu, E.X., Wu,
W. (2007). LINGO-1 antagonist promotes spinal cord remyelination and axonal integrity in
MOG-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Nature Medicine, Oct; 13(10):1228-33.
24. Schneider, G.E., Ellis-Behnke, R.G., Liang, Y.X., Kau, P.W.F., Tay, D.K.C., & So, K.F. (2006).
Behavioral testing and preliminary analysis of the hamster visual system. Nature Protocols, 1,
25. Ellis-Behnke, R.G., Liang, Y.-X., You, S.-W., Tay, D.K.C., Zhang, S., So, K.-F., Schneider, G.E.
(2006) Nano neuro knitting: peptide nanofiber scaffold for brain repair and axon regeneration with
functional return of vision, Proc Natl Acad Ssci USA, 103 (13): 5054-5059. (pdf) (media coverage)
26. Cheung, A.K., Fung M.K., Lo, A.C., Lam, T.T., So, K.-F., Chung, S.S., Chung, S.K. (2005) Aldo
reducta deficiency prevents diabetes-induced blood retinal barrier breakdown, apoptosis and glial
reactivation in the retina of db/db mice. Diabetes, 54, 3119-25.
27. So, K.-F., Ho, L.S.H., Tay, D.K.C., and Lee, T.M.C. (2006) Light delays synaptic deafferentation
and potentiates the survival of axotomized retinal ganglion cells, Neuroscience Letters, 395:
28. Yuan, Q., Scott, D.E., So, K.-F., and Wu, W. (2006) Developmental changes of nitric oxide
syntha expression in the rat hypothalamoneurohypophyal system. The Anatomical Record Part
A. 2006 Jan, 288(1): 36-45.
29. Yip, H.K.F., Lai, T.Y.Y., So, K.-F., and Kwok, A.K.H. (2005) Retinal ganglion cells toxicity caud by
photonsitising effects of intravitreal indocyanine green with illumination in rat eyes. Br.J.
Ophthalmol. 2006 Jan, 90(1); 99-102.
30. Cheung, A.K., Fung M.K., Lo, A.C., Lam, T.T., So, K.-F., Chung, S.S., Chung, S.K. (2005) Aldo
reducta deficiency prevents diabetes-induced blood retinal barrier breakdown, apoptosis and glial
reactivation in the retina of db/db mice. Diabetes Nov; 54 (11) 3119-25
31. Zhang, X.-M., Chen, B.-Y., Ng, A.H.-L., Tanner, J.A., Tay, D., So, K.-F., Rachel, R.A., Copeland,
N.G., Jenkins, N.A., and Huang, J.-D. (Oct 2005) Transgenic mice expressing cre-recombina
specifically in retinal rod bipolar neurons. IOVS Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 46
(10): 3515-3520.
32. Yu, M.S., Leung, S.K., Lai, S.W., Che, C.M., Zee, S.Y., So, K.-F., Yuen, W.H., and Chang, R.C.C.
(2005) Neuroprotective effects of anti-aging oriental medicine Lycium barbarum against ß-amyloid
peptide neurotoxicity. Experimental Gerontology, 40: 716-727.
33. Chan, B.P., and So, K.-F. (2005) Photochemical crosslinking improves the physicochemical
properties of collagen scaffolds. J. Biomedical Materials Rearch Part A, Published online 16 Aug
34. Zhi Y., Lu, Q., Zhang, C.W., Yip, H.K., So, K.-F., and Cui, Q., (2005) Different optic nerve injury
sites result in differential respons of retinal ganglion cells to brain-derived neurotrophic factor but
not neurotrophin-4/5. Brain Rearch, 1047: 224-232.
35. Chan, H.H., Leung, M. C., and So, K.-F. (2005) Electroacupuncture provides a new approach to
neuroprotection in rats with induced-glaucoma. J Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Apr.
11(2): 315-322. (pdf)
36. Zhang, C.-W., Lu, Q., You, S.-W., Zhi, Y., Yip, H.K., Wu, W., So, K.-F., and Cui, Q. (2005) CNTF
and BDNF have similar effects on retinal ganglion cell survival but differential effects on nitric oxide
syntha expression soon after optic nerve injury. IOVS Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science, 46 (4): 1497-1503.
37. He, M.-H., Cheung, Z.H., Yu, E.-H., Tay, D.K.C., and So, K.-F. (2004) Cytochrome c relea and
caspa-3 activation in retinal ganglion cells following different distance of axotomy of the optic
nerve in adult hamsters. Neurochemical Rearch, 29 (11): 2153-2161.
38. Li, S., Hu, B., Tay, D., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K.-F. (2004) Intravitreal transplants of Schwann cells
and fibroblasts promote the survival of axotomized retinal ganglion cells in rats. Brain Res. 1029:
39. Yick, L.W., So, K.-F., Cheung, P.T, Wu, W. (2004) Lithium chloride reinforces the
regeneration-promoting effect of chondroitina ABC on rubrospinal neurons after spinal cord injury.
J. Neurotrauma, 21(7): 932-43. (pdf)
40. Mok, K.H., Lee, V.W., and So, K.-F. (2004). Retinal nerve fiber loss in high- and normal-tension
glaucoma by optical coherence tomography. Optom Vis Sci., 81(5): 369-372.
41. Cui, Q., Cho, K.S., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (2004). Synergistic effect of Nogo-neutralizing antibody
IN-1 and ciliary neurotrophic factor on axonal regeneration in adult rodent visual systems. J.
Neurotrauma, 21:617-625.
42. Lin, K.F., Chang, R.C.C., Suen, K.C., So, K.-F., and Hugon, J. (2004). Modulation of
calcium/calmodulin kina II attenuates ß-amyloid peptide-induced neurotoxicity. Eur. J. Neurosci,
43. Mok, K.H., Lee, V.W., and So, K.-F. (2004). Increasing scans per examination improves the
reproducibility on retinal nerve fiber layer measurements by optical coherence tomography.
Optometry and Vision Science, 81 (4): 267-270.
44. Cheung, Z.H., Chan, Y.-M., Siu, F.K.W., Yip, H.K., Wu, W., Leung, M.C.P. and So, K.-F. (2004).
Regulation of caspa activation in axotomized retinal ganglion cells. Molecular and Cellular
Neuroscience, 25: 383-393. (pdf)
45. Ji, J.-Z., Elyaman, W., Yip, H.K., Lee, V.W.H., Yick, L.-W., Hugon, J., and So, K.-F. (2004). CNTF
promotes survival of retinal ganglion cells after induction of ocular hypertension in rats: the possible
involvement of STAT3 Pathway. Eur. Journal of Neuroscience, 19(2):265-272.
46. Suen, K.-C., Lin, K.-F., Elyaman, W., So, K.-F., Chang, R.C.-C., and Hugon, J. (2003). Reduction of
calcium relea from the endoplasmic reticulum could only provide partial neuroprotection against
beta-amyloid peptide toxicity. J. of Neurochemistry, 87: 1413-1426.
47. Suen, K.-C., Yu, M.-S., So, K.-F., Chang, R.C.-C., and Hugon, J. (2003). Upstream signaling
pathways leading to the activation of double-stranded RNA-dependent rine/threonine protein
kina in beta-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity. J Biol. Chem., 278 (50): 49819-49827
48. Lu, Q., Cui, Q., Yip, H.K. and So, K.-F. (2003). C-jun Expression in surviving and regenerating
retinal ganglion cells: effects of intravitreal neurotrophic supply. Investigative Ophthalmology and
Visual Science, 44: 5342-5348.
49. You, S.-W., Tay, D., Yip, H.K., and So, S.-F. (2003). Effects of MK-801 and L-NA on the survival
and regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells in adult hamsters. ACTA Anatomica Sinica,
50. Mok, K.H., Lee, V.W., and So, K.-F. (2003). Retinal nerve fiber loss pattern in high-tension
glaucoma by optical coherence tomography. J. of Glaucoma, 12: 255-259.
51. Yuan, Q., Xie, Y., So, K.-F., and Wu, W. (2003). Inflammatory respon associated with axonal
injury to spinal motoneurons in newborn rats. Developmental Neurosci - Bal, 25: 72-78.
52. Chan, Y.-M., Yick, L.-W., Yip, H.K., So, K.-F., Oppenheim, R.W., and Wu, W. (2003). Inhibition of
caspas promotes long-term survival and reinnervation by axotomized spinal motoneurons of
denervated muscle in newborn rats. Experimental Neurology, 181: 190-203.
53. Yick, L.-W., Cheung, P.-T., So, K.-F., and Wu, W. (2003). Axonal regeneration of Clarke’s neurons
beyond the spinal cord injury scar after treatment with chondroitina ABC. Experimental Neurology,
182: 160-168.
54. Cheung, Z.H., Yip, H.K., Wu, W., and So, K.-F. (2003). Axotomy induces cytochrome c relea in
retinal ganglion cells. NeuroReport, 14: 279-282.
55. Mok, K.H., Lee, V.W., and So, K.-F. (2003). Retinal nerve fiber layer measurement by optical
coherence tomography in glaucoma suspects with short-wavelength perimetry abnormalities. J. of
Glaucoma, 12: 45-49.
56. Cui, Q, Yip, H.K., Zhao, R.C.H., So, K.-F., and Harvey, A.R. (2003). Intraocular elevation of cyclic
AMP potentiates ciliary neurotrophic factor-induced regeneration of adult rat retinal ganglion cell
axons. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 22: 49-61.
57. You, S.-W., Bedi, K.S., Yip, H.K., and So, K.-F. (2002). Axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells
after optic nerve pre-lesions and attachment of normal or pre-degenerated peripheral nerve grafts.
Visual Neuroscience, 19: 661 - 668.
58. Mok, K.H., Lee, W.H. and So, K.-F. (2002). Retinal nerve fiber layer measurement of the Hong
Kong Chine population by optical coherence tomography. Journal of Glaucoma, 11: 481-483.
59. Siu, A.W., Leung, M.C.P., To, C.H., Siu, F.K.W., Ji, J.Z., and So, K-.F. (2002). Total retinal nitric
oxide production is incread in intraocular pressure-elevated rats. Experimental Eye Rearch, 75:
60. Leung, M.C.P., Lo, S.C.L., Siu, F.K.W., and So, K.-F. (2002). Treatment of experimentally induced
transient cerebral ischemia with low energy lar inhibits nitric oxide syntha activity and
up-regulates the expression of transforming growth factor-beta 1. Lar in Surgery and Medicine,
31: 283-288.
61. Chan, Y.M., Wu, W., Yip, H.K., and So, K.-F. (2002). Development of the regenerative capacity of
postnatal axotomized rat spinal motorneurons. NeuroReport, 13: 1071-1074.
62. Cui, Q., Tang, L.S., Hu, B., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (2002). Expression of TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC in
injured and regenerating retinal ganglion cells of adult rats. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science, 43: 1954-1964.
63. Tay, D., Diao, Y.-C., Xiao, Y.-M., and So, K.-F. (2002). Postnatal development of
NADPH-diaphora positive neurons in the retina of the golden hamster. Journal of Comparative
Neurology, 446: 342-348.
64. Cheung, Z.H., So, K.-F., Lu, Q., Yip, H.K., Wu, W., Shan, J.J., Pang, P.K.T., and Chen, C.F. (2002).
Enhanced survival and regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells by a mixture of herbal
extracts. Journal of Neurotrauma, 19: 369-378.
65. Cho, K.S., Chung, S.K., Yip, H.K., and So, K.-F. (2001). Differential effects of intravitreal optic nerve
and sciatic nerve grafts on the survival of retinal ganglion cells and the regeneration of their axons.
Journal of Neurocytology, 30(12): 983-991
66. Chan, Y-M, Wu, W., Yip, H.K., So, K.-F., and Oppenheim, R.W. (2001). Caspa inhibitors promote
the survival of avuld spinal motoneurons in neonatal rats. NeuroReport, 12: 541-545.
67. You, S.W., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (2001). Effect of distance of axotomy on axonal regeneration of
retinal ganglion cells into a normal or pre-degenerated peripheral nerve graft in adult hamsters. Acta
Anatomica Sinica, 32: 26-29.
68. You, S.W., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (2000). Axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells depending
on the distance of axotomy in adult hamsters. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 41:
69. You, S.W., So, K.-F., Yip, H.K., and Ju, G. (2000). Effect of a pre-degenerated peripheral nerve
graft on axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells in adult hamsters. The Journal of Fourth
Military Medical University, 21: S228-229.
70. Jin, Y., Tay, D., So, K.-F., and Wu, W. (2000). Expression of c-jun in the lateral vestibular nucleus
following spinal cord injury and peripheral nerve graft transplantation in adult rats. Journal of
Neurocytology, 29: 91-97.
71. Chai, H., Wu, W., So, K.-F., Yip, H.K. (2000). Survival and regeneration of motoneurons in adult
rats by reimplantation of ventral root following spinal root avulsion. NeuroReport, 11: 1249-1252.
72. Yip, H.K. and So, K.-F. (2000). Axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cell: Effect of trophic factors.
Progress in Retinal and Eye Rearch 19: 559-575.
73. Yuan, Q., Wu, W., So, K.-F., Cheung, A.L.M., Prevette, D.M., and Oppenheim, R.W. (2000). Effects
of neurotrophic factors on motoneuron survival following axonal injury in newborn rat. NeuroReport,
74. Yick, L.W., Wu, W., So, K.-F., Yip, H.K., and Shum, D.K.-Y. (2000). Chondroitina ABC promotes
axonal regeneration of Clarke’s neurons after spinal cord injury. NeuroReport, 11:1063-1067.
75. Chau, W.K., So, K.-F., Tay, D., and Dockery, P. (2000). A morphometric study of optic axons
regenerated in a sciatic nerve graft of adult rats. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 16:
76. Chai, H., Wu, W., So, K.-F., Prevette, D.M., and Oppenheim, R.W. (1999). Long-term effects of a
single do of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on motoneuron survival following spinal
root avulsion in the adult rat. Neuroscience Letters, 274: 147-150.
77. Hu, B., Yip, H.K., and So, K.-F. (1999). Expression of p75 neurotrophin receptor in the injured and
regenerating rat retina. NeuroReport, 10:1293-1297.
78. Yick, L.W., Wu, W., and So, K.-F. (1999). Additive effect of NOS inhibitor and neurotrophic factors
on the survival of injured Clarke’s neurons. NeuroReport, 10: 2569-2573.
79. Yick, L.W., Wu, W., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (1999) Peripheral nerve graft and neurotrophic factors
enhance neuronal survival and expression of nitric oxide syntha in Clarke’s nucleus after
hemiction of the spinal cord in adult rat. Experimental Neurology, 159: 131-138.
80. Cho, K.S., Xiao, Y.M., So, K.-F., Diao, Y.C., and Chung, S.K. (1999). Synergistic effect of optic and
peripheral nerve grafts on sprouting of axon-like process of axotomized retinal ganglion cells in
adult hamsters. Neuroscience Letters, 265: 175-178.
81. Cho, K.S., Chan, P.M., So, K.-F., Yip, H.K., and Chung, S.K. (1999). Ciliary neurotrophic factor
promotes the regrowth capacity but not the survival of intraorbitally axotomized retinal ganglion cells
in adult hamsters. Neuroscience, 94: 623-628.
82. Chau, C.H., Shum, D.K.Y., Chan, Y.S., and So, K.-F. (1999). Heparan sulfates upregulate
regeneration of trancted sciatic nerves of adult guinea pigs. European Journal of Neuroscience,
11: 1914-1926.
83. Cui, Q., Lu, Q., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (1999). CNTF, not other trophic factors, promotes axonal
regeneration of axotomized retinal ganglion cells in adult hamsters. Investigative Ophthalmology
and Visual Science, 40: 760-766.
84. Li, H.-B., So, K.-F., and Cheuk, W. (1999). Substance P-immunoreactive neurons in hamster
retinas. Visual Neuroscience, 16: 475-481.
85. Hu, B., Yip, H.K., and So, K.-F. (1998). Localization of p75 neurotrophin receptor in the retina of the
adult SD rat: an immunocytochemical study at light and electron microscopic levels. Glia,
86. Cui, Q., So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (1998). Major effects of neurotrophic factors on retinal ganglion
cells in mammals. Biological Signals, 7: 220-226 (New name: Biol Signal Recept; Biochemistry &
Molecular Biology).
87. So, K.-F., and Yip, H.K. (1998). Regenerative capacity of retinal ganglion cells in mammals. Vision
Rearch, 38: 1525-1535.
88. Yick, L.-W., Wu, W., So, K.-F., and S.-Y. Wong (1998). Time cour of NOS expression and
neuronal death in Clarke’s nucleus following traumatic injury in adult rat spinal cord. Neuroscience
Letters, 241: 155-158.
89. So, K.-F., Sawai, H., Ireland, S., Tay, D., and Fukuda, Y. (1996). The effect of damage of the
brachium of the superior colliculus in neonatal and adult hamsters and the u of peripheral nerve
to restore retinocollicular projections. Progress in Brain Rearch, 112: 363-372.
90. Hasan, N. A.-K., Neumann, M.M., deSouky, M.A., So, K.-F., and Bedi, K.S. (1996). The influence of
predegenerated nerve grafts on axonal regeneration from prelesioned peripheral nerves. Journal of
Anatomy, 189: 293-302.
91. Cho, K.S., So, K.-F., and Chung, S.K. (1996). Induction of axon-like process from axotomized
retinal ganglion cells of adult hamsters after intravitreal injection of sciatic nerve exudate.
NeuroReport, 7: 2879-2882.
92. Xiao, Y.-M.., Diao, Y.-C., and So, K.-F. (1996). A morphological study on neurons expressing
NADPH diaphora activity in the visual cortex of the golden hamster. Brain Behavior and Evolution,
48: 221-230.
93. Sawai, H., Fukuda, Y., Sugioka, M., Morigiwa K., Sasaki, H., and So, K.-F. (1996). Functional and
morphological restoration of the lesioned retinocollicular pathways by peripheral nerve autografts in
adult hamsters. Experimental Neurology, 137: 94-104.
94. Ng, T. F., So, K.-F., and S.K. Chung (1995). Influence of peripheral nerve grafts on the expression
of GAP-43 in regenerating retinal ganglion cells in adult hamsters. Journal of Neurocytology, 24:
95. Lei, J.L., Lau, K.C., So, K.-F., Cho, E.Y.P., and Tay, D. (1995). Morphological plasticity of
axotomized retinal ganglion cells following intravitreal transplantation of a peripheral nerve gment.
Journal of Neurocytology, 24: 497-506.
96. Chen, Q., Tay, D., and So, K.-F. (1995). The study on the sciatic nerve graft inducing axonal
regeneration of the neurons in motor cortex and brainstem in adult hamsters. Journal of Beijing
Medical University, 27: 19-22.
97. Chen, Q., Tay, D., and So, K.-F. (1994). The effects of transplanted peripheral nerve gment on
the axonal regeneration of damaged pyramidal neurons in hamsters. Journal of Beijing Medical
University, 26: 413-415.
98. Lau, K.C. So, K.-F., Tay, D., and Leung, M.C.P. (1994). NADPH-diaphora neurons in the retina of
the hamster. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 350: 550-558.
99. Shen, L., Yu, E., Yang, L., Yang, B., Mai, H., Xu, L., and So, K.-F. (1994). A study on nitric oxide
syntha positive neurons in the retina of spontaneously hypertensive rat. Acta Anatomica Sinica,
25: 353-355.
100. Shen, L., Yu, E., Lei, Y., Yang, B., Xu, L., and So, K.-F. (1994). Distribution of nitric oxide syntha
in the retina of the rat, hamster and rabbit. Acta Anatomica Sinica, 25: 349-352.
101. Chen, Q., Tay, D., and So, K.-F. (1994). The axonal regeneration of neurons in the motor cortex of
adult hamsters. Chine Journal of Neuroanatomy, 10: 219-222.
102. Lau, K. C., So, K.-F., and Tay, D. (1994). Intravitreal transplantation of a gment of peripheral
nerve enhances axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells following distal axotomy. Experimental
Neurology, 128: 211-215.
103. So, K.-F., Chang, C.M., Yu, Y.L., and Fung C.F. (1993). Neural tissue transplantation. Journal of
Hong Kong Medical Association, 45: 164-168.
104. Cho, E.Y.P. and So, K.-F. (1993). Sprouting of axon-like process from axotomized retinal
ganglion cells is influenced by the distance of axotomy from the cell body and the mode of
transplantation of the peripheral nerve. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 6: 29-34.
105. Lau, K.C., So, K.-F., and Tay, D. (1992). APV prevents the elimination of transient dendritic spines
on a population of retinal ganglion cells. Brain Rearch, 595: 171-174.
106. Lau, K.C., So, K.-F., Campbell, G., and Lieberman, A.R. (1992). Pupillary constriction in respon
to light in rodents, which does not depend on central neural pathways. Journal of the Neurological
Sciences, 113: 70-79.
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