学会放松用英语怎么说 学会放松的英语说法1:
Learn to relax 学会放松的英语说法2:
Relax Your Body 放松的相关英语表达:
放松自我 Relax Yourlf 放松训练 relaxation training 放松自己
Relax Ourlves 放松心情 Relax Your Mind 学会放松英语例句:
吃惊吧,学会放松是要训练的! Surprisingly, learning to relax takes
practice. 学会放松你能学会的最宝贵的技能之一是如何放松。
Learn to Relax One of the most valuable skills you can learn is
how to relax. 如果你能在这些时候帮他学会放松并专注于当时的愉悦感,性生活也 会变得轻松些。
If you can help him learn to relax and stay focud on the
pleasures of themoment, x will become less stressful. 用于良好的世界观,避免消极的思想,学会放松应该成为心理健康项 目的部分课程”。
Having a good attitude about the world, avoiding negative
thinking,andlearning to relax [should] all become part of a heart-wellness program. 学会放松并享受这美好的时刻就好。
Just relax and enjoy the moment. 学会放松人们总是希望能够控制一切,好让生活安定和预知将来。
Learn to relax and let go. We all like to feel in control of events;
to havestability and predictability in our lives. 不管你身处何处,都学会放松。学会这种技能,无疑会增加长寿的机 会。
Learning how to relax wherever you are, regardless of the
challenges surrounding you, is a mighty fine technique to learn and
will no doubtimprove your chances of good longevity. 学会放松以提
高肿瘤患者的生存质量 Learning to relax, cope extends cancer
survival 我们需要学会放松,学会开心和享受生活。
We need to learn to relax, and be happy, and enjoy life. 这里的人们工作非常勤奋,但公司也鼓励员工学会放松、学会享受工 作之外的人生,并保持工作和生活的健康平衡状态。
People work extremely hard here, [but] the company also
promotes being able to relax and enjoy your life outside of work, to
keep a healthy balance. 举例说明一下,如果你的决心是要变得少一些被动消及,那就要学会 坚持主张;或者如果你下定决心缓解压力就要学会放松。
For example, learn asrtion if your resolution is to be less passive,
or learn to relax if you are resolved to decrea stress. 结论松弛技术干预效果受人格倾向影响,注重人格塑造对学会放松、 克服焦虑心境有指导意义。
Conclusion The personality trend can effect the relaxation
interventionresults, molding personality has significantly good
instruction for learningrelaxation and conquering anxiety state.她常常说的一句话就是:为了教育,每个等待录取的学生不仅要保持健 全的心智,更要学会放松心情。
Her message was that everyone involved in admissions needed
to chill out for the sake of education, not to mention their sanity18).
Have are some examples: Slow deep breathing, Yoga, and
peacefulthoughts. 首先,我们需要学会放松、慢慢地、顺畅地呼吸。
First, we need to learn how to relax and breathe slowly and
smoothly. 如果你是安静和被动统进党将你的领导和学会放松。
If you are quiet and passive the pup will take your lead and learn
to relaxed. 首先,我们需要学会放松、慢慢地、顺畅地呼吸。
First, we need to learn how to relax and breathe slowly and
smoothly. 其次,要学会放松自己,而且要多锻炼来缓解自己的压力。
Secondly, learn to relax yourlf and take exercis to relea the
pressure. 努力工作很重要,但是同时也要学会放松。
EVE: It“s important to work hard and have fun at the same time.
Learn to have a loving and forgiving to relax and enjoy
life. 切不可在一个特别的体式位置上让自己有强迫感或者过度的疲劳感。
Never force or strain to get into a specific position. Relax briefly
between each practice.
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