1. Fall fever:秋季狂热,指秋天时人们对户外活动和秋季特有活动的热情。
2. Leaf peeping:赏叶,指观赏秋天树叶颜色变化的活动。
3. Autumnal equinox:秋分,指秋季的中点,通常在 9 月 22 日或 23
4. Pumpkin spice:南瓜香料,指用于制作秋季特色食品和饮料的混合香料,通常包括肉桂、 nutmeg、姜和丁香等。
5. Fall foliage:秋季树叶,指秋天树叶颜色的变化,通常呈现出红色、橙色和黄色等暖色调。
6. Apple picking:摘苹果,指在秋天去果园采摘苹果的活动。
7. Thanksgiving:感恩节,是美国传统的节日,通常在 11 月的第四个星期四庆祝,感恩丰收和家庭团聚。
8. Halloween:万圣节,是西方的传统节日,通常在 10 月 31 日庆祝,人们会穿上各种奇装异服,化妆成鬼怪,庆祝这个节日。
1. Fall fever: Many people experience fall fever, a strong desire
to enjoy all the outdoor activities and autumn-specific events
that the ason offers.
2. Leaf peeping: Leaf peeping is a popular activity during autumn,
where people go to admire the beautiful autumnal equinox of the
3. Autumnal equinox: The autumnal equinox marks the midway point
of autumn, usually falling on September 22nd or 23rd.
4. Pumpkin spice: The pumpkin spice latte is a classic autumn
drink that combines the flavors of pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg,
ginger, and cloves.
5. Fall foliage: The fall foliage in New England is famous for its
stunning display of red, orange, and yellow leaves.
6. Apple picking: Apple picking is a fun fall activity that allows
people to pick their own apples from orchards.
7. Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in the
United States, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November to
give thanks for the harvest and family gatherings.
8. Halloween: Halloween is a spooky and fun holiday that
is celebrated on October 31st, where people dress up in
costumes and enjoy trick-or-treating and other festivities.
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