Customer orientation in real-estate companies
The espoud values of customer relations
Peter Palm
Malmo¨ University, Malmo¨ , Sweden
Purpo – The purpo of this paper is to analy how the espousing of customer relations has
evolved over time in the real estate ctor. Has a shift occured within the Swedish real estate
ctor from product thinking towards customer thinking?
Design/methodology/approach – The rearch is bad on an analysis of 25 commercial real
estate companies’ annual reports from the last five years. The annual reports are analyd through
text analysis using the theoretical framework of Mintzberg’s five Ps.
Findings – The Swedish real estate ctor has in general made the shift from product orientation
to customer orientation. There was, however, no significant change during the last five years and
most of the companies espoud customer orientation already in 2004. The study implies that it is
not sufficient to categori the companies between product or customer oriented. Instead four
categories are suggested: product, customer, project, and financial orientated. Customer rientation,
as measured here, was higher in listed companies and in larger companies.
Rearch limitations/implications – The rearch in this paper is limited to the Swedish real
estate ctor.
Originality/value – The paper shows the espoud values regarding customer relations of the
commercial real estate companies that can be found in their annual reports. As the annual reports
are a marketing instrument it should reflect the nior management’s core values. By highlighting
how the top management’s core values regarding customer relations are espoud an
understanding for the ctor is built up.
Keywords Customer relations, Real estate, Sweden, Customer orientation
Paper type Rearch paper
1. Introduction
Internationally there is a discussion about incread customer orientation in the real estate ctor.
Is the ctor changing from a traditional focus on “bricks and mortars” to more focus on the
tenant/customer (e for example Rasila et al., 2006; Wilson et al., 2001)? Product focus is here
ud in the n that the focus lies on the premis and not customer rvices, but it should be
noted that this definition differs from the one in ISO 9000 where product includes rvices as well.
Lindholm and Nenonen (2006) state that corporate real estate managers traditionally have tended
to have an operational efficiency perspective looking at maintenance instead of customer
satisfaction or customer relations. This change of approach has in Sweden been discusd since
the mid-1990s (Bengtsson and Polesie, 1998), and to what extent this has initiated changes within
the organisation concerning attitudes and strategies (Palm, 2008).
To be able to make such a change within the real estate ctor, it is important for the top
management to formulate and communicate the organisation’s new strategies (Palm, 2008). As
stated above, the change within the real estate ctor is believed to have started in the mid-1990s
and the ctor is still changing. One should not underestimate the time such a change of an organisation can take. Regarding a change of an organisation’s beliefs Henry states:
Becau of the deeply embedded nature and culture, societal, institutional, or organisational, is
resistant to change (Henry, 1999, p. 563).
When it comes to changes in thinking patterns, it requires what Hofstede and Hofstede (2004)
define as a change of the cond degree. They say:
New symbols without the support of more fundamental changes of the deeper levels of heroes,
rituals and the values of key lears just mean a lot of hoopla, the effects of which wear out
quickly (Hofstede and Hofstede, 2004, p. 313).
As Hofstede and Hofstede argue, it is hard to change an organisation’s thinking pattern and
thereby also the organisation’s strategic thinking. It is therefore interesting to study how the
company communicates its attitudes and policies.
In this article the focus is on how customer focus is displayed in the companies’ annual reports.
Ho¨gberg and Ho¨gberg (2000) state that annual reports are one of the top management tools to
express the norms and values that the company stands for (Ho¨gberg and Ho¨gberg, 2000; e also
Zerfass, 2008; Rutherford, 2005; Smith and Taffler, 2000). When the company’s top management
decides about the structure and form of the annual report, what should be printed and what tone it
should have, it leads to it espousing what the company gives high priority to (Smith and Taffler,
2000). It is through the titles “CEO’s statement”, “missions and goals”, and “corporate
information” that the top managements’ strategies are displayed in the annual report. Investigating
each of the top management’s display of strategies in the annual reports will display that
company’s espoud values regarding customer relations (Martin, 2004).
Two hypothes are the starting point for the study prented below:
H1. The majority of Swedish real estate companies are today customer oriented.
H2. The espoud customer orientation has incread over time.
The hypothes will be tested by analysing 28 real estate companies’ annual reports, using text
analysis bad on theories of strategy.
The structure of this paper is as follows: in ction 2 the theoretical background will be mapped.
In ction 3 the rearch design and methodology will be discusd. In ction 4 the data regarding
the Swedish companies’ espoud values for customer relations today will be described and
analyd, and ction 5 will analy how the espoud values have changed over time. Section 6
analys the results in relation to the structure of the companies’. Section 7 includes a discussion
of the results and how the companies can be classified due to their espoud values of customer
relations. The conclusions are prented in ction 8, where the hypothes will be answered.
6. Conclusion
It is clear that most Swedish real estate companies regard their annual reports as a publication
where they besides reporting standard economic data, also u it for expressing the company’s
values. Regarding the shift from brick thinking to a customer orientated thinking and its display in
the annual reports through the companies espoud strategies, it is concluded that many companies
have made the shift. But at the same time that they are companies left with a more brick orientated
thinking two groups of companies that has not made the shift yet was detected. The first of the
are companies with a strict financial focus. Generally the companies prented a thinking of real
estate management that must be equal to ast management and not real estate management. A cond group, project orientated companies, were detected. They were more diver and many
tended to have a customer approach even if the espoud strategies focud on the premis in the
first place and the customers was treated as something that just came along with the premis.
Two hypothes were initially formulated stating:
(1) The majority of Swedish real estate companies are today customer oriented.
(2) The espoud customer orientation has incread over time.
The conclusion concerning the first hypothesis is that the Swedish real estate ctor has made the
shift from brick orientation to customer orientation and that the majority of Swedish real estate
companies should be considered as espousing a customer orientation today. The conclusion comes
from both counting the companies’ espoud values and analysing the context where their values
are espoud. When analysing the characteristics of the companies there is a clear line between
companies listed on the stock market and tho that are not. The listed companies tend to have a
more extensive espousing of customer relations than the unlisted. The same obrvation can be
made regarding the size of the companies. Larger companies tend to have a more extensive
espousing. However a new “brick oriented” thinking has occurred and it is a financially oriented
thinking. It was expected that the companies either still would be considered as product oriented
or had made the shift towards a customer thinking. But the study has shown that there is another
category of companies with a lack of customer thinking. This category neither has a focus on the
premis nor the customer as they have a strict earning thinking. The are companies that regard
property management as ast management just like capital placement in stocks or grain.
The cond hypothesis for the study was rejected. No real increa of espoud values can be
detected over the five years in the study. Most companies tended to have an extensive espousing
already in 2004 and have afterwards not made any major changes. But when conducting a more
in-depth analysis of the context that the espoud values are written in a maturity within the
companies espousing can be detected. This is the ca when a company not only reports its
customer values but also em to have implemented them within the organisation. But it is here
important to remember that it is the companies that already (in 2004) were considered as having a
more extensive espousing that also show this maturity. Companies with a poor espousing also in
general tend not to mature in this question.
Further rearch:
This study is relatively narrow as only the espoud values in annual reports are considered. On
the other hand it includes many, including all of the listed, of the commercial real estate
companies in Sweden. Further rearch should focus on going into depth regarding how the
espoud strategies are implemented within the companies.
It would also be interesting to evaluate the companies’ results due to their customer relations. Is it
that companies with a customer orientated thinking within the organisation also have a stronger
Finally recommendations could be developed about how to prent the espoud values in a clear
way. An interesting way is shown by company 2, mentioned above where last year’s outcome,
how it was measured and this year’s goal are displayed. One way of refining it would be to add
what steps of actions that were made last year to fulfil that year’s goals and what the company will
do this year to improve even more and to reali this year’s goals.
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