
更新时间:2023-12-07 14:12:40 阅读: 评论:0







group work

Group cooperation


小组合作探究 Group cooperation investigation

小组合作能力 Team-work ability ; Group cooperation capacity

竞争式小组合作 cooperation and competition-style group

小组合作学习 group cooperative learning


1. Group work: Four students in a group, talk position.

小组合作 、 拓展练习,练后说一说.

2. Work with Product D group to commercialize their



3. Cooperative learning group is a popular teaching method

in elementary schools.


4. The team collaborative study is the basic organizational

form and main activity manner.


5. Each local circle combines the functions of a concierge

rvice, lf - help group, co - operative and social club.

每个本地包括礼宾服务, 自助 小组, 合作和社会俱乐部的功能.

6. Group work: Make a new animal riddle and write Then

make an animal riddle book. 小组合作,对所学语言进行输出,共同完成一个动物谜语.由组长写下谜语,并交流汇报. 培养学生的合作学习能力.

7. Plea talk to you child about the importance of teamwork

and together to accomplish an assignment.


8. Students will work in groups to design and carry out a

small rearch project.


9. Also, they that a group - cooperation structuring map is

helpful to their studying mathematics and other areas.


10. Fourth, additional remarks paid attention to in team

cooperative learning are also made.

第四部分, 对小组合作学习中还应注意的其他问题进行了补充阐述.

11. Cooperative group learning is commonly described as

learner centered teaching theory and strategy.


12. First, paying attention to combine cooperative learning

team with the collective learning in classroom.

首先, 在实施语文合作学习的过程中要注意小组合作学习与班级集体教学相结合.

13. Have the students talk about the table in groups of four

and fulfill the table.


14. Application of the group - cooperative learning method

in computer teaching multi - media teaching software design ""

小组合作学习法在计算机学科教学中的实践 —— “多媒体教学软件设计 ” 课的教学设计. 15. Five, develop group cooperation study; Six, choo and

utilize the teaching media nimbly and reasonably.

五是开展小组合作学习: 六是灵活选择与合理运用教学媒体.


For all the jobs that machines can now do — whether

performing surgery, driving cars or rving food — they still lack

one distinctly human trait. They have no social skills.


Yet skills like cooperation, empathy and flexibility have

become increasingly vital in modern-day work. Occupations that

require strong social skills have grown much more than others

since 1980, according to new rearch. And the only occupations

that have shown consistent wage growth since 2000 require both

cognitive and social skills.


The findings help explain a mystery that has been puzzling

economists: the slowdown in the growth even of high-skill jobs.

The jobs hit hardest em to be tho that don’t require social

skills, throughout the wage spectrum.


“As I’m speaking with you, I need to think about what’s

going on in your head — ‘Is she bored? Am I giving her too

much information?’ — and I have to adjust my behavior all the

time,” said David Deming, associate professor of education and economics at Harvard University and author of a new study.

“That’s a really hard thing to program, so it’s growing as a

share of jobs.”



Some economists and technologists e this trend as cau

for optimism: Even as technology eliminates some jobs, it

generally creates others. Yet to prepare students for the change

in the way we work, the skills that schools teach may need to

change. Social skills are rarely emphasized in traditional



“Machines are automating a whole bunch of the things,

so having the softer skills, knowing the human touch and how to

complement technology, is critical, and our education system is

not t up for that,” said Michael Horn, co-founder of the

Clayton Christenn Institute, where he studies education.


Christenn Institute)联合创始人迈克尔·霍恩(Michael Horn)说。霍恩在该研究所开展教育学研究。

Preschool classrooms, Mr. Deming said, look a lot like the

modern work world. Children move from art projects to science experiments to the playground in small groups, and their most

important skills are sharing and negotiating with others. But that

soon ends, replaced by lecture-style teaching of hard skills, with

less peer interaction.


Work, meanwhile, has become more like preschool.


Jobs that require both socializing and thinking, especially

mathematically, have fared best in employment and pay, Mr.

Deming found. They include tho held by doctors and engineers.

The jobs that require social skills but not math skills have also

grown; lawyers and child-care workers are an example. The jobs

that have been rapidly disappearing are tho that require

neither social nor math skills, like manual labor.


Despite the emphasis on teaching computer science,

learning math and science is not enough. Jobs that involve tho

skills but not social skills, like tho held by bookkeepers, bank

tellers and certain types of engineers, have performed worst in

employment growth in recent years for all but the highest-paying

jobs. In the tech industry, for instance, it’s the jobs that combine

technical and interpersonal skills that are booming, like being a

computer scientist working on a group project. 尽管如今强调计算机科学的教育,但只学数学和科学是不够的。涉及这些技能但不涉及社交技巧的工作,像会计、银行柜员和某些类别的工程师,近年来的就业增长是最低的,这些领域中薪酬最高的岗位除外。举例来说,在科技产业里,技术和社交技能相结合的工作岗位数量激增,如在小组项目里工作的计算机科学家。

“If it’s just technical skill, there’s a reasonable chance it

can be automated, and if it’s just being empathetic or flexible,

there’s an infinite supply of people, so a job won’t be well paid,”

said David Autor, an economist at the Massachutts Institute of

Technology. “It’s the interaction of both that is virtuous.”

“如果只是技术性技能,就有理由认为它可能会被自动化。而如果只要求有同理心和灵活性,社会也有无限的人力供应,所以这种工作的工资也不会高,”麻省理工学院(Massachutts Institute of

Technology)经济学家戴维·奥托尔(David Autor)说。“只有结合两者的职业才最好。”

Mr. Deming’s conclusions are supported by previous

rearch, including that of Mr. Autor. Mr. Autor has written that

traditional middle-skill jobs, like clerical or factory work, have

been hollowed out by technology. The new middle-skill jobs

combine technical and interpersonal experti, like physical

therapy or general contracting.


James Heckman, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, did

groundbreaking work concluding that noncognitive skills like

character, dependability and perverance are as important as

cognitive achievement. They can be taught, he said, yet American

schools don’t necessarily do so.

诺贝尔奖得主、经济学家詹姆斯·赫克曼(James Heckman)开展了突破性的研究,得出了性格、可靠性和毅力等非认知技能,与认知技能同样重要的结论。他说,非认知技能都是可以透过教育习得的,但美国的学校却未必会教授。

The conclusions have been put into practice outside

academia. Google rearchers, for example, studied the

company’s employees to determine what made the best

manager. They assumed it would be technical experti. Instead,

it was people who made time for one-on-one meetings, helped

employees work through problems and took an interest in their



Mr. Deming’s study quantifies the types of skills. Using

data about the tasks and abilities that occupations require from

a Department of Labor survey called O*NET, he measured the

economic return of social skills, after controlling for factors like

cognitive skill, years of education and occupation.


The extent to which jobs required social skills grew 24

percent between 1980 and 2012, he found, while jobs requiring

repetitive tasks, like garbage collecting, and analytical tasks that

don’t necessarily involve teamwork, like engineering, declined.

他发现,在1980年至2012年间,要求社交技巧的工作增多了24%。与此同时,重复性的工作岗位,如垃圾收集,以及涉及分析但不一定需要团队合作能力的工作,如工程师却减少了。 Mr. Deming explains it in terms of the economic notion of

comparative advantage.


Say two workers are publishing a rearch paper. If one excels

at data analysis and the other at writing, they would be more

productive and create a better product if they collaborated. But

if they lack interpersonal skills, the cost of working together

might be too high to make the partnership productive.


Women em to have taken particular advantage of the

demand for social skills. The decline in routine jobs has hit

women harder than men. Yet women have more successfully

transitioned into collaborative jobs like managers, doctors and



That might be becau, starting in infancy, females

traditionally excel at things like social perceptiveness, emotional

intelligence and working with others, Mr. Deming and other

rearchers say.


The conclusions do not mean traditional education has

become unnecessary, rearchers say — in fact, traditional school

subjects are probably more necessary than ever to compete in

the labor market. But some schools are experimenting with how to add social skills to the curriculum.


At many business and medical schools, students are assigned

to small groups to complete their work. So-called flipped

classrooms assign video lectures before class and rerve class

for discussion or group work. The idea is that traditional lectures

involve too little interaction and can be done just as well online.


The Minerva Schools in San Francisco, a start-up college,

takes that approach. The idea is to transmit facts outside of class,

said its dean, Stephen Kosslyn, and u class to teach effective

communication and interaction. “It involves creativity, judgment,

all that stuff that is hard for a machine to be programmed to do,”

he said.

旧金山一所刚开办的大学密涅瓦学校(Minerva Schools)也采取了这个做法。院长斯蒂芬·科斯林(Stephen Kosslyn)说,其构思是希望在课堂以外的地方传递事实性的知识,利用班级教导学生有效的沟通和人际交往。“它涉及创造力、判断力和其他东西。这些东西不是给机器编了程序就能做到的,”他说。

Another way to teach the skills is through group activities

like sports, band or drama, said Deborah Slaner Larkin, chief

executive of the Women’s Sports Foundation. Students learn

important workplace skills, she said: trusting one another,

bringing out one another’s strengths and being coachable.

女子体育基金会(Women’s Sports Foundation)首席执行官黛博拉·斯蕾娜·拉金(Deborah Slaner Larkin)说,另一个教导学生这些技能的方法是透过团体活动,如运动、乐队或戏剧。她说,学生能学到重要的职场技能:彼此信任、激发彼此的长处,可以接受指导。

Someday, nearly all work could be automated, leaving

humans to revel in never-ending leisure time. But in the

meantime, this rearch argues, students should be prepared for

the actual world of work. Maybe high schools and colleges

should evaluate students the way preschools do — whether they

“play well with others.”




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