短语offer letter的汉语是什么意思

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短语offer letter的汉语是什么意思

短语offer letter的汉语是什么意思

英语短语offer letter的汉语意思

英 [ˈɔfə ˈletə] 美 [ˈɔfɚ ˈlɛtɚ]

[经] 报价书

1. (录取通知书): 录取通知书(Offer letter)是一个什么样的文件?发出录取通知书后,员工不来怎么办?企业不想要员工时又应该怎么办?

2. 聘用信:发个感谢信(Thank-you Note):如果你特别对某个公司的职位感兴趣,面试后的第二天,通过手机或网络发个感谢短信给面试官或人事部,感谢他们的安排,表示你的兴趣,说明你将期待他们的回复. 收到聘用信(Offer Letter)后:一般公司只对经理以上的职位签发书面聘用信;

英语短语offer letter的单语例句

1. Yahoo reiterated its disdain for Microsoft's " ludicrous "

offer in its own shareholder letter.

2. Ashton said she had accepted on behalf of the six countries

the offer to resume talks in her reply to Jalili's letter.

3. City said it had nt the letter detailing Thaksin's offer to

shareholders and revealed it was still holding talks with potential new


4. Liu made the remarks while commenting on Ashton's recent

letter to Iran accepting its offer to resume talks.

5. Never submit your resignation letter until after you have a

solid job offer in writing.

英语短语offer letter的双语例句

1. C: Usually it takes two days to a rove your a lication and

then we will i ue a Conditional Letter of Offer and notify your

solicitor to prepare the mortgage document in about two weeks. 通常需要两天的时间核实申请,然后在两周内我们会发出一份附带条件的按揭批准通知书给你,并通知你的律师准备按揭按材料。

2. Is the six letter s between the parties, which fail to

support that Co. extended the offer to Co.


3. Contents: This cour mainly introduces the commonly ud

foreign trade terms, commercial letters writing and unified expressions

in English, contains the key terms abbreviation, standard telex form of

the business relations establishment, inquires, order, foreign trade

policy, counter offer, rejection to counter-offer, the confirmation of

order, declining the order, renewing a subscription, the form invoice,

transferring business relations, the payment way, revising letter of

credit, reminding issuing letter of credit, the shipping notice,

postponing letter of credit, loading, reminding shipping, the applying

for amendment of letter of credit, the insurance, shipping, short term

claim, ttling claim, exchanges goods, and other business procedures.


4. Microsoft CEO Seav Bomma nt a letter to Yahoo over the

weekend threatening to take it offer right to the Shahods.


5. We are in receipt of your letter of July 17, asking us to

offer 10, 000 metric tons of Superior White Sugar on FAS Shanghai basis

and appreciate very much your interest in our product.



OF APPLICATION FOR EXCESS RIGHTS SHARES EXPIRES AT 本通知书及随附额外供股股份申请表格所载之认购邀请于二零零九年四月十五日下午四时正截止。

7. This letter should begin with profu thanks for the offer

and then spell out your proposal in a gracious way.


8. In the reply to your letter of offer, we regret to say that

our customers here find your price rather high and above the prevailing

market level.


9. The amount payable on The amount payable on acceptance of an

option is HK$10 and an application or acceptance of offer shall remain

open for acceptance by the participant for a the option and the period

period of 28 days from the date on which the letter containing the

within which payments or offer is delivered to that participant.

而参与人士可于收到要 10 额以及付款或通知付款的期约函起计日期间内接纳购股权。28 限或偿还申请购股权贷款的期限 8。


短语offer letter的汉语是什么意思

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