RISK MANAGEMENT PLANPMT NUMBERPROJECT NAMENr.2Risk DescriptionNot to define CATEGORYSystemNot to find candidates in tohire for indirect 3212Potential impact(s)Not to have an attractivesystem of wages for thenewest operative personelHigh cost of hire(archcandidates in others cities inBrazil)Materialized impact(s)Not operators atraction,operator tunr overNot start operations on timeActions to prevent risk orimpactDefine category system before tohire candidates with experiencefrom other electronicscompanies314Not to find qualify candidatesin to hire for direct keypositions(SMT, inspection,repair, etc.)Not to define RelocalizationpolicyNot to define main HumanResources polices2Training timeNot start operations on timeHire candidates with experiencefrom other electronicscompanies51Not define Ext Pat's resistence tryingimplement new tDefine relocalization policy(Expats), before start operations with Molexpolices, while -Brazil polices aredefined.63Start to work without policesdefined: culture vs. Molex atthe beginning7 Not to establish agreementwith Mexican labor union tond operator to Brazil1Troubles with labor union,Disnt of the operatorNot definition of operator laborEstablish agreement betweenconditions in other countrylabour union and our labouradvir8Lack of control in theoperators level team withoutthe language and appropriateguidance11.- To risk employee curity2.- To risk training plan 3.-Migration issues 4. Safety e shockTo lost control in activitiesplanned, Mexican Unionreaction. Needed to repatriateinmediatly interrupting thetraining define a group coordinator, totake responsabilities about maindecisions such as disciplinaryrules, travel expensadministration, if someone wantto return to Mexico, others groupactivities, etc.9Orientation Cur way2Abnce of identification(company) and following,confussion, badcommunicationAbnce of standarization in theDevelopment of the documents towork waysstablish first prentation withthe main highlights of the actionTime and resourcesDecisionWork on it and finishbefore week 30Rearch localagreements aboutpersonel piracyAction if risk realizesStar with minimun salaries(acord of local law) whilerearch is Mty. Support whilepersonel is hired in BrazilCost of the actionMore salarycompetitivenessTravel expens forsupport personelAtract people as way asWork on it and finishcompetitivenessbefore week 30category Mty. Support whilepersonel is hired in BrazilTravel expens forsupport personelMake a rearch(timeand resources)HR AmericasTemporal agreement betweencompany and employe whilepolicy is all expens fromexpatriation processTime of adjustment,HR/Project/Operationxtra efforts to re-adaptAmericasalready hired personnelClarify at the beginning that isTime of adjustment whenthe Company and thechange is doing, reactionsrules/guidelines/policies will bedefined vs. MolexNot take MEXICAN operators toLegal sues, troubles withBrazil, Hire Brazilian expertslabour unionfrom Competitors and get thetraining at Monterrey to carry out theHR Americas, labourtraining of the approvedunion, labour , Possibledemands for not doingthe legal agreementNot to continue withtraining plan (time)Grouop cordinator helped Return to Mexico of conflictby Human el or take expens out ofplan. To lect anotherperson to travel to Brazil(Replacement)Resource & trainingHR will provide / provideNot can appear, this must besolutionssolved now
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