英语 地道 词组
1. break the ice - 打破僵局
2. beat around the bush - 绕圈子
3. hit the nail on the head - 一语中的
4. let the cat out of the bag - 泄露秘密
5. make a long story short - 简言之
6. bite the bullet - 咬紧牙关
7. take the bull by the horns - 勇敢地面对问题
8. put all your eggs in one basket - 孤注一掷
9. spill the beans - 泄露秘密
10. get cold feet - 害怕或紧张
11. take something with a grain of salt - 不完全相信
12. take the high road - 采取高尚行为
13. actions speak louder than words - 行动胜过言辞
14. a piece of cake - 轻而易举
15. turn a blind eye - 对某事故意不理睬
16. kill two birds with one stone - 一举两得
17. take the wind out of someone's sails - 打击某人的自信
18. the ball is in your court - 该由你决定
19. pull someone's leg - 开某人玩笑
20. in the same boat - 同处境況
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