
更新时间:2023-12-05 07:21:16 阅读: 评论:0




【 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是为大家整理的《英语口语怎么说【五篇】》 供您查阅。【穹顶之下 雾霾用英语怎么说?】《穹顶之下》告诉我们,雾霾是PM2.5等可吸入颗粒物悬浮在空中形成的。它的来源主要是煤炭燃烧、汽车尾气和光化学污染。  Haze A slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caud by fine suspended particles.  Haze虽然可以译作烟雾,但它的本意是指空气中的蒸汽、微粒形成的雾气,并不特指污染物。  Smoke A visible suspension of carbon or other particles in air, typically one emitted from a burning substance.  Smoke是指燃烧释放的微粒形成的烟。雾都人民看不见河北省的火焰,而且光污染和汽车尾气也制造了一大批PM2.5。因此唐山人民可以管钢铁厂排出烟叫smoke,帝都魔都的雾霾却应该换一种说法:smog。  Smog Fog or haze intensified by smoke or other atmospheric pollutants.  因为没有现成的单词准确形容雾霾,英国人在20世纪初用smoke和fog合成了一个新单词smog,专指空气污染形成的雾霾。《穹顶之下》里提到的英国1952年污染事件的学名就叫做great smog of ’52。【路痴用英语怎么说?】Donny 在北京学汉语,他的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教他。今天是琼燕要问的:路痴。  Donny: Hey琼燕! You went hiking over the weekend, right? How was it?  QY: The view was breathtaking! 我跟朋友去了一个国家公园,可气的是,我们都是路痴,走错了好几回,1个小时的路足足走了3个小时!I'm such a   Donny: Road idiot? (诡异的笑) That's not how we say it! You can say, I have no n of direction.  QY: 哦,direction 是方向,所以No n of direction 就是没有方向感——路痴啦!  Donny: Right! People with no n of direction can easily get lost. 路痴经常迷路。  QY: 这说的不就是我么?下礼拜我们要开车去南京,一定又会迷路……哎,Donny, 你原来是不是在南京住过?  Donny: Yep! I lived in Nanjing for 3 years. I know that city like the back of my hand.  QY: Like the back of your hand? 了如指掌?  Donny: Exactly! It basically means that I know Nanjing really well. You can also say: I know every nook and cranny ofNanjing.  QY: Wait! Every nook and cranny? nook 一定是 n-o-o-k, 那 cranny 要怎么拼呢?  Donny: Cranny is spelled c-r-a-n-n-y. When people say "every nook and cranny," they're talking about every tiny cornerand out-of-the-way place.  QY: 我明白了, every nook and cranny 就是所有边边角角,犄角旮旯。对了,既然你对南京这么熟,你一定要跟我们去!这样我们就不会走丢了。  Donny: Sure! I'd love to go back! Now let's e what you've learned today!  QY: 第一:形容路痴可以说:somebody has no n of direction;  第二,对一个地方了如直掌,是 know somewhere like the back of one's hand,也可以说know every nook and cranny ofa place.【秘密用英语怎么说?】cret; clandestine; confidential; arcanum;  例句:  1.我的秘密武器一直是我的家庭。  My cret weapon was my family always.  2.许多基督徒是在家里秘密集会的。  Many christians were meeting cretly in homes.  ok和其他社交络已有数百万易受伤害的、秘密的低龄用户。  Facebook and other social networks already have millions of vulnerable, clandestine underage urs.  4.此次暗杀中,27个秘密特工使用伪造的护照出行。  The killing involved 27 undercover agents travelling on forged passports.  5.正因如此,一些秘密将继续保持下去。  So we are left with something of a mystery.【节日快乐用英语怎么说?】1. Wish you a Happy Teacher's Day and Good Health.  祝您节日快乐身体键康的英语怎么说?  2. With many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year!  敬祝节日快乐,新年事事如意!  3. I wish all a happy holiday all the mothers!  祝愿天下所有的母亲:节日快乐!  4. Wish all the teachers and the world, a happy holiday!  祝愿天下所有的教师们,节日快乐!  5. Wish you and yours a happy holiday on this gathering day.  在这团聚的日子里祝你全家节日快乐。【英国人用英语怎么说?】英国人用英语怎么说?  Britisher ; Briton ; Englishman ;Englisher ; john bull  1. He was born in France but his parents are British.  他生在法国,但父母是英国人。  来自《权威词典》  2. The report said there were three Britons on the crashed plane.  报道说,坠毁的飞机上有三名英国人。  来自《简明英汉词典》  3. He was the only Englishman prent.  他是在场的一名英国人。  来自《现代汉英综合大词典》  4. He speaks with a British accent, but that is just an affectation becau he's not British.  他说话带有英国口音,但这是装出来的,因为他不是英国人。  来自《简明英汉词典》  5. He pretended to be English but his foreign accent gave him away.  他装英国人,但他的外国口音露了马脚。



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标签:秘密   形成   路痴   燃烧
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