夫妻肺片 husband and wife
making beef and beef offal
in Chili Sauce
Main ingredients:Fresh
beef, beef offal (stomach,
heart, tongue, head skin,
辅料: 老卤水各500克,辣椒油、油酥花生米、 Accessories: old brine
each 500 g, chili oil,oil
crispy peanout
Seasonings: soy sauce each
150 g , 100 g same powder ,
25 g prickly ash powder, 4
g star ani, monosodium glutamate, prickly ash,
cinnamon each 5 g,125 g
refined salt , 50 g liquor.
Production process
1, wash beef, beef offal
clean . Cut the beef into
about 500 g blocks, and
beef offals together putted in the pot, add
clear water ( to flood the
beef as limit ), boil them
on exuberant fire to
boiling, and skim floating
foam continuously, pour
out soup when the meat is
white and red, still put
beef and beef offal in
boiler, pour old brine
into boiler, put 15 pieces
Materials bagneeded to make dish of "beef and beef
offal in Chili Sauce",such
us spice bag (prickly ash,
cinnamon, star ani, u
cloth wrap it ), white wine
and refined salt, add
about 400g clear water,
after boiling on exuberant
fire for 30 minutes,
switch to low fire and
continue boiling them for
1.5 hours, boil and until beef and beef offal become
crisp and unmashed, remove
and cool them.
2, boil marinade on
exuberant fire untill
boiling,after about 10
minutes, take a bowl and
scoop 250 g brine water in, add MSG, chili oil, soy
sauce, prickly ash powder
mixed into flavour sauce.
3, cut cool beef and beef
offal respectively into 4
cm long, 2 cm wide, 0.2 cm thick pieces, mix them
together, pour the
marinade then mix them
well, Dish them up in
veral plates, sprinkled
with oil crisp peanuts and
same powder, rve
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