百万英镑 One Million Pound Bank Note剧本
Chapter1: 第一幕
(旁白)One day, two old brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might
be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in
London without a friend, and with no money but that million-pound bank-note, and no way
to account for his being in posssion of it. The brothers had been having a pretty hot
argument a couple of days before, and had ended by agreeing to decide it by a bet, which is
the English way of ttling everything. Just then Henry came along.
Henry: (I was so hungry.)(狼狈样)
Brother A: Young man, come here, plea. (窃喜)
Brother B: Could I ask you some questions?(窃喜)
Henry: Of cour, sir.
Brother A: What do you do?(焦急)
Henry: I’m a mining-broker's clerk in San Francisco.
Brother B: Why are you staying here?
Henry: My time was my own after the afternoon board. One day I ventured too far, and was
carried out to a. Just at nightfall, when hope was about gone, I was picked up by a small
brig which was bound for London. And now, I have nothing in my pocket.(可怜兮兮)
Brother A: Great! (惊喜)
Henry: Great? I can’t understand you, sir. (疑惑)
Brother B: I’m sure you will understand very soon. Here is an envelope(信封).(神秘)
Henry: what’s this? (说着,我就要打开)
Brother B: no, no, no, there is some money, but you wouldn’t open it until 2:00pm.
Henry: Could I have some?
Brother A: Of cour. oh, sorry. It’s empty.(他在袋子里吹了口气,然后砸烂。— 确实空了。)This way, plea.
Chapter2: 第二幕
(旁白) Henry came into the nearest cheap eating hou.
Waiter: This at. (Henry只好换了张桌子。)
Waiter: What would you like?
Henry: Two big bowls of beef noodles, and a big cup of beer.(Henry很快吃完了,问另一位顾客:)
Henry: Excu me, what’ s the time ,plea?
Customer: 1:00
Henry: Waiter, plea give me another cup of beer, a bowl of beef noodles.
Waiter: Here is your bill.
Henry: Yes, sir. But what time is it?
Waiter: 1:45. what’ up?
Henry: Just wait a minute. (Henry磨蹭了一会儿, 估计时间到了, 掏出信封。只扫了一眼,就差点昏倒, 我盯着那张大钞头晕眼花,想必足足过了一分钟才清醒过来。这时候,首先映入我眼帘的是小吃店老板。他的目光粘在大钞上,像五雷轰顶一般)
旁白:Henry reached the note towards him, and said, carelessly:
Henry: "Give me the change, plea."
"I am sorry if it is an inconvenience, but I must insist. Plea change it; I haven't
anything el."(他心里想看,一个劲地打量那张大票;好像怎么看也饱不了眼福,可就是战战兢兢地不敢碰它.)
Boss: It isn't any matter; I’m quite willing to let the trifle stand over till another time
Henry: I may not be in your neighborhood again for a good while.
Boss: It was of no conquence, I can wait. I trust as rich a gentleman as you.
( 旁白 )I Henry was tramping the streets again. The sight of a tailor-shop gave him a
sharp longing to shed his rags, and to clothe himlf decently once more.
Henry: “If you have a misfit suit that have been thrown on their hands.”
我问的伙计没搭理我,只是朝另一个点点头。我向他点头示意的伙计走过去,那一个也不说话,又朝第三个人点点头,我朝第三个走过去, he said:
"Tend to you prently."
"It would be an accommodation to me if you could wait some days for the money. I haven't
any small change about me."
"Oh, you haven't? Well, of cour, I didn't expect it. I'd only expect gentlemen like you to
carry large change."
I was nettled(恼火的), and said:
"My friend, you shouldn't judge a stranger always by the clothes he wears. I am quite
able to pay for this suit; I simply didn't wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large
" we couldn't change your note ?On the contrary, we can."
I handed the note to him, and said:
"Oh, very well; I apologize."
他笑着接了过去,可是,只瞟了一眼钞票,他的笑容就凝固了,脸色大变。我从来没见过谁的笑脸定格成如此这般的永恒状态。这家伙站在那儿捏着钞票,用这副架势定定地瞅。老板过来看到底出了什么事,他神采奕奕地发问: “
"Well, what's up? What's the trouble? What's wanting?"
I said: "There isn't any trouble. I'm waiting for my change."
"Come, come; get him his change, Tod; get him his change."
Tod retorted: "Get him his change! It's easy to say, sir; but look at the bill yourlf."
"Sell an eccentric millionaire such an unspeakable suit as that! Tod's a fool—a born fool.
Always doing something like this. Drives every millionaire away from this place, becau
he can't tell a millionaire from a tramp, and never could. Ah, here's the thing I am after.
trours all right, they fit you to a charm, sir; now the waistcoat; aha, right again! now the
coat—lord! Look at that, now! Perfect—the whole thing! I never saw such a triumph in all
my experience."
I expresd my satisfaction.
"Quite right, sir, quite right; it'll do for a makeshift, I'm bound to say. But wait till you e
what we'll get up for you on your own measure. Come, Tod, book and pen; get at it. Length
of leg, 32"—“
. When I got a chance I said:
"But, my dear sir, I can't give the orders, unless you can wait indefinitely, or change
the bill."
"Indefinitely! It's a weak word, sir, a weak word. Eternally—that's the word, sir. Tod,
rush the things through, and nd them to the gentleman's address without any waste of
time. Let the minor customers wait. Set down the gentleman's address and—"
"I'm changing my quarters. I will drop in and leave the new address."
"Quite right, sir, quite right. One moment—let me show you out, sir. There—good day,
sir, good day."
( 旁白 ) One month later, a waitress played a joke on Henry, she hid the million pound
note. Then the news that Henry didn’t have a million pound note was spoken one by one, and
it was also reported in the newspaper
于是, 众人都聚在一起向他要账。
百万英镑 One Million Pound Bank Note
2. 两兄弟;A+B
3. 服务员(shop assistant) A,
4. 服装店老板(The Boss)
5. 饭店老板:(Boss of the restaurant)
6. Young girls A, B, C...
这张小纸片,它比其他小纸片更为不幸的是它承载了当时英国社会一百万英镑的价值,是的,它印制精美,可背负太多,这就注定了它饱经沧桑的命运(我们还记得,一个月后Adams归还小纸片的时候,它在几经折磨下已经残破了不少;当然你可以说其他进入流通领域的小纸片比它更加残破,可它们本来身价就不同啊)。但它比其他小纸片幸运的是它被转到了Henry Adams手中,因此而见识了人类社会的各种善、各种恶、各种美、各种丑、各种悲喜剧。
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