P48 1. Listen and point.
SIMON: Let's play an animal game, Suzy!
SUZY: OK, Simon.
SIMON: What's this animal? It's a big cat. It's orange and black.
SUZY: That's easy. It's a tiger.
SIMON: Yes. Very good. What now? This animal is big and grey.
SUZY: It's a hippo.
SIMON: No, it's big and grey with a long no.
SUZY: It's an elephant.
SIMON: OK. OK. What's brown and yellow with a small head?
SUZY: Is it a monkey?
SIMON: No, it isn't.
SUZY: I know! It's a giraffe.
SIMON: Yes, very good. OK. What's this? It's long and green and …
SUZY: Er, is it a snake?
SIMON: Hah! No, it isn't. This animal is big, long, green and …
SUZY: I know! I know! It's a crocodile.
SUZY: Now it's my turn. What this? It's small and white with red hair and a big mouth.
SIMON: Er, I don't know. What animal's that, Suzy?
SUZY: It's a Simon! Ha! Ha! Ha!
SIMON: Very funny, Suzy. Thank you.
P48 and repeat
Giraffe elephant snake hippo crocodile monkey tiger
P49 3. Say the chant. Do the actions.
Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake,
Giraffe and crocodile.
Tiger, elephant, hippo, snake,
Giraffe and crocodile.
P49 and point. Answer.
What are the animals?
Listen and look.
Point to the animals
In this book.
They're small and brown,
They're long and green.
They're grey and dirty,
They're big and clean.
They're orange and black,
They're red and blue.
They're yellow and brown,
With small heads too.
They're small and brown with big ears. What are they?
They're long and green with big mouths and a lot of teeth. What are they?
They're big and grey with very big mouths and small ears. What are they?
They're big and grey with long nos and big ears. What are they?
They're orange and black with small ears and big teeth. What are they?
They're red and blue with small heads and no ears. What are they?
They're yellow and brown with small heads. What are they?
P50 and point.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
MASKMAN: What have you got there, Trevor?
TREVOR: I've got a book on animals. Look at the monkeys. They're funny.
MASKMAN: Yes, they've got long arms and big hands. Ooohh. What are they?
TREVOR: They're crocodiles. They're long and green and they've got big mouths and long tails.
MONTY: How many teeth have they got?
TREVOR: They've got a lot of teeth.
MASKMAN: Have they got long legs?
TREVOR: No, they haven't. They've got short legs and feet. Look at the snakes. They've got no legs
and no feet.
MASKMAN: Look at the elephants. They're big and grey. They've got very big ears, long nos and
short tails.
MONTY: Hmmm. Elephants. They're my favourite animals.
P50 and repeat.
They've got long arms and big hands.
They've got short legs.
They've got long legs.
They haven't got feet.
P51 the song.
Animals, animals, big and small,
Animals, animals, short and tall.
Let's all do the hippo show,
Let's all do the hippo show,
Move your hands and feet.
Let's all do the elephant dance,
Let's all do the elephant dance,
Let's all do the elephant dance,
Move your arms and legs.
Let's all do the snake shake,
Move your head and tail.
Let's all do the crocodile smile,
Let's all do the crocodile smile,
Let's all do the crocodile smile,
Show your big white teeth.
Let's all do the giraffe laugh,
Let's all do the giraffe laugh,
Let's all do the giraffe laugh,
And open your big clean mouth.
P52 ’s phonics.
MONTY: Hi, I'm Monty! Repeat after me!
/I/ /I/ fish
/I/ /I/ big
Six big fish.
Six big fish.
Six big fish!
P53 to the story.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
MONTY: I'm here, Maskman! Elephants are very big and they've got very big feet, but I'm a
mou … and I'm very small.
MASKMAN, MARIE, TREVOR: Thank you, Monty. You're a small mou, but you're a big hero.
P54 andpoint.
MR STAR: Come on, children. Time for school.
SIMON: Stella, where are my grey trours?
STELLA: They're under your toy box.
SIMON: Now, where are my socks?
STELLA: Your blue socks? They're in your shoes.
SIMON: And where are my shoes?
STELLA: Under the chair, Simon. Come on!
SIMON: OK. Is that my green T-shirt next to the computer?
STELLA: Yes, it is. And your jacket's next to the door.
P54 and repeat.
T-shirt skirt socks shoes jacket trours
P55 3. Say the chant.
I've got blue trours,
And a green T-shirt.
I've got a brown jacket,
And a purple skirt.
I've got red shoes,
And long pink socks.
They're on the floor,
Next to my box.
P55 and say the number.
My favourite clothes are my grey skirt and my purple jacket.
My favourite shoes are white.
I've got an orange T-shirt. It's my favourite.
I've got short grey trours. They're my favourite.
My favourite shoes are red.
My favourite trours are brown.
My favourite socks are pink.
My favourite T-shirt is big and yellow.
My favourite skirt is blue.
I've got brown shoes. They're my favourite.
My favourite shoes are black. They're beautiful.
My favourite jacket is green.
My favourite socks are white.
P56 and point.
STELLA: Mum, have you got my red trours? Where are they?
MRS STAR: I don't know.
STELLA: Has Simon got my red trours?
MRS STAR: Ask Simon, not me.
SUZY: No, Stella. Simon hasn't got your red trours.
SIMON: Mum, has Stella got my blue T-shirt?
MRS STAR: I don't know. Ask Stella, not me.
SUZY: No, Simon. Stella hasn't got your blue T-shirt.
STELLA: No, I haven't got your blue T-shirt. Have you got my red trours?
SIMON: No, I haven't. And who's got my favourite white shoes?
MRS STAR: Look at Suzy. She's got your red trours, Stella. She's got your blue T-shirt, Simon.
SIMON: And she's got my favourite white shoes … Not my shoes!
P56 and repeat.
He's got a blue T-shirt.
She's got red trours.
He's got white shoes.
P57 and correct.
She's got a black sock.
She's got a pink train.
He's got a blue elephant.
He's got a white ball.
P57 the song.
He's got a blue jacket in his hands,
A blue jacket.
He's got a blue jacket in his hands,
A jacket in his hands.
He's got a purple ball in his hands,
A purple ball.
He's got a purple ball in his hands,
A ball in his hands.
She's got a yellow sock in her hands,
A yellow sock.
She's got a yellow sock in her hands,
A sock in her hands.
She's got a pink pencil in her hands,
A pink pencil.
She's got a pink pencil in her hands,
A pencil in her hands.
P58 ’s phonics
MONTY: Hi, I'm Monty! Repeat after me!
/o/ /o/ orange
/o/ /o/ socks
/o/ /o/ dog
A long dog in orange socks.
A long dog in orange socks.
A long dog in orange socks!
P59 to the story.
SIMON: Here, Stella. Catch.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
MARIE: Look at Stella's clothes. She's got a yellow T-shirt, she's got a blue skirt, she's got pink
socks and she's got brown shoes.
MASKMAN: But she hasn't got a jacket. Look at the. Simon's got a red jacket, he's got green
trours and he's got black shoes.
MARIE: Well, Maskman, Stella's got trours too. Has Simon got a skirt?
MASKMAN: Huh! No, he hasn't!
TREVOR: Oooohh! Hee, hee.
MONTY: Suzy's got a skirt, and she's got a beautiful orange T-shirt, with a mou on it!
TREVOR: Ha, ha, ha!
socks and she's got brown shoes.
P60 and point.
Elephants are big.
Fish are small.
Tigers are big.
Monkeys are small.
Crocodiles have got four legs.
Birds have got two legs.
Giraffes have got four legs.
Snakes have got no legs.
And hippos?
You tell me!
P61 to the story.
FATHER BIRD: Come on, Ben. It's time to go.
YOUNG BIRD: OK, Dad. Come on, Mum.
MOTHER BIRD: I'm right here, next to you.
MOTHER BIRD: The river is dirty.
YOUNG BIRD: The forest hasn't got trees.
FATHER BIRD: The animals are sad.
FATHER BIRD: And this river is dirty.
YOUNG BIRD: And this forest hasn't got trees.
MOTHER BIRD: And the animals are sad.
MOTHER BIRD: This river is clean.
YOUNG BIRD: This forest has got trees.
FATHER BIRD: The animals are happy.
P61 4. Listen. Say ‘happy’ or ‘sad’.
The forest is clean.
The river is dirty.
The forest has got trees.
The river is clean.
The forest hasn't got trees.
The forest is dirty.
P62 1. Listen and say the number.
They aren't crocodiles. They're elephants.
Her jacket's green.
They're brown and yellow and they've got small heads.
They've got short legs and they're green.
He's got a red jacket.
I haven't got a blue T-shirt. I've got a yellow T-shirt.
We've got black hair.
She's got short brown hair.
She hasn't got a cat. She's got a dog.
My skirt's orange.
He's got grey trours.
They've got a lot of teeth.
P64 1. Listen and point.
ALEX: Let's play ‘Simon says'.
SIMON: OK, Simon says put your hands on your head.
SIMON: OK, good.
SIMON: Now, play the piano. Oh, sorry, Lenny. Come and stand next to me.
LENNY: Oops, yeah, OK.
SIMON: Simon says play basketball. Good. Simon says play tennis.
Very good. Now play the guitar. Oh, dear, Stella. Come and stand next to Lenny.
STELLA: Ha haha! OK!
SIMON: OK. Meera and Alex. Simon says swim. Great! Now, play football. Oops, Alex! Stand next
to Stella. OK, Alex, ‘Simon says' stand next to Stella.
ALEX: Thank you.
SIMON: Great. Meera, Simon says ride a bike.
SIMON: OK, stop.
MEERA: Very good, Simon. Now it's my turn.
P64 2. Listen and repeat.
Play football swim play basketball play tennis ride a bike play the guitar
P65 4. Sing the song.
Do the Maskman song,
Do the Maskman song,
Let's all do the Maskman song.
Ride a bike.
Play tennis, basketball.
Play, play, play.
Do the Maskman song,
Do the Maskman song,
Let's all do the Maskman song.
Now let's swim.
Play football, the guitar.
Play, play, play.
Do the Maskman song,
Do the Maskman song,
Let's all do the Maskman song.
P66 5. Listen and point.
SUZY: Look at Mum. She can ride a hor. Can you ride a hor, Simon?
SIMON: No, I can't, but I can ride a bike and I can play football and basketball too.
SUZY: Ooh! Can you _ sh, too, Simon?
SIMON: No, I can't. Grandpa can _ sh.
STELLA: Yes, he can. And Grandma can draw pictures.
SUZY: Look at Dad. He can sing and play the guitar. Can you play the guitar, Stella?
STELLA: Yes, I can, but I can't sing. What can you do, Suzy?
SUZY: I can draw and I can sing. Listen. Red and yellow and pink and green …
SIMON: Yes, Suzy. You can sing. Can you be quiet too?
SUZY: No, I can't … Orange and purple and blue. I can sing a rainbow …
P66 6. Listen and repeat.
She can ride a hor.
He can ride a bike.
She can't sing.
She can draw.
He can play the guitar.
P67 the chant.
I can chant,
I can chant,
I can chant the ‘Can chant'.
I can play basketball,
I can play the guitar,
I can play football,
And I can drive my car.
I can't ride a bike,
I can't swim,
I can't play tennis,
And I can't sing.
But I can chant,
I can chant,
I can chant the ‘Can chant'.
Can you chant?
Can you chant?
Can you chant the ‘Can chant'?
Who can ride a hor?
Who can play football?
Who can play the guitar?
P68 ’s phonics
MONTY: Hi, I'm Monty! Repeat after me!
/l/ /l/ Lily
/l/ /l/ blue
Lily's got a blue and yellow tail.
Lily's got a blue and yellow tail.
Lily's got a blue and yellow tail!
P69 11. Listen to the story.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
MASKMAN: Do the Maskman song, Do the Maskman song, Let's all do the Maskman song.
MONTY: Oooh! Look! There's Maskman. He can ride a bike and play tennis!
TREVOR: I know, and he can play basketball.
MONTY, TREVOR AND MASKMAN: Ride a bike. Play tennis, basketball. Play, play, play.
MONTY: Hello, Marie.
TREVOR: Marie! Listen to the Maskman song. He can swim and he can play football!
MARIE: What? Pardon? Oh! Sorry, Trevor.
MARIE: Yes, Trevor. Maskman can swim and he can ride a bike and he can play football, but … he
can't play the guitar and he can't sing.
P70 and point.
SUZY: Look at me, Mum! I'm in the blue helicopter.
MRS STAR: That's nice, Suzy! Where's Stella?
SUZY: She's in the plane.
MRS STAR: Oh, yes.
SIMON: Mum, can I ride on the black motorbike?
MRS STAR: One moment, Simon. No, sorry, you can't. Alex is on the motorbike, but you can go in
the white boat, next to Meera.
SIMON: Where's Meera?
MRS STAR: She's on the yellow bus.
P70 and repeat.
Lorry motorbike plane helicopter boat bus
P71 the chant. Do the actions.
Helicopter, boat,
Long, blue train.
Motorbike, lorry,
Bus and plane.
P71 and answer.
Is the red car in the shoe?
Is the pink boat next to the shoe?
Is the green train under the chair?
Is the brown train next to the computer?
Is the purple plane next to the pink boat?
Is the black helicopter on the table?
Is the orange motorbike under the chair?
Is the yellow lorry in the toy box?
Is the white lorry under the chair?
Is the grey plane on the table?
P72 and point.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five,
One, two, three, four, five.
MONTY: Hello, everybody.
MONTY: Are you flying your helicopter, Maskman?
MASKMAN: No, I'm not.
MONTY: What are you doing, Maskman?
MASKMAN: I'm flying my plane.
MONTY: That's a nice bus, Marie. Where are you driving?
MARIE: I'm driving to school.
MONTY: Oh! Are you riding your bike, Trevor?
TREVOR: Bike! No, I'm not. I'm riding my big red motorbike.
MARIE: What are you doing, Monty?
MONTY: Well, I haven't got a bike, a motorbike, a helicopter or a plane, so … I'm walking!
P72 and repeat.
MARIE: I'm driving to school.
TREVOR: I'm riding my big red motorbike.
MASKMAN: I'm flying my plane.
MONTY: I'm walking!
P73 the song.
I'm walking, walking.
I'm walking in my favourite shoes, favourite shoes, favourite shoes.
I'm walking.
I'm driving, driving.
I'm driving in my long white lorry, long white lorry, long white lorry.
I'm driving.
I'm sitting, sitting.
I'm sitting in my big green boat, big green boat, big green boat.
I'm sitting.
I'm riding, riding.
I'm riding on my motorbike, motorbike, motorbike.
I'm riding.
I'm flying, flying.
I'm flying in my helicopter, helicopter, helicopter.
I'm flying.
I'm walking, walking.
I'm walking in my favourite shoes, favourite shoes, favourite shoes.
I'm walking.
P74 ’s phonics.
MONTY: Hi, I'm Monty! Repeat after me!
/v/ /v/ duck
/v/ /v/ under
/v/ /v/ bus
The ducks are under the bus.
The ducks are under the bus.
The ducks are under the bus!
P74 and correct.
1. SUZY: I'm driving my car.
2. MASKMAN: I'm flying my plane.
3. MONTY: I'm riding a hor.
4. TREVOR: I'm driving a train.
One, two, three, four, five.
SAM: Help! Help! I can't swim.
MASKMAN: I'm flying my helicopter. Look! I can e a boy. Oh! He can't swim.
MASKMAN: I can pick the boy up.
MASKMAN: Stand next to me, Sam. You can fly in my helicopter again.
SAM: Thanks, Maskman. Wow! You're my hero!
MONTY: Maskman … a green lorry! Stop! You can't cross the street now. Look, the man's red!
MASKMAN: Ooh! Er! Thank you, Monty. Wow! You're my hero.
MONTY: That's OK, Maskman.
Do the Monty song,
Do the Monty song,
Let's all do the Monty song.
P75 and say the number.
MASKMAN: I can pick the boy up.
MASKMAN: Ooh! Er! Thank you, Monty. Wow! You're my hero.
Do the Monty song,
Do the Monty song,
Let's all do the Monty song.
MASKMAN: Stand next to me, Sam. You can fly in my helicopter again.
SAM: Thanks, Maskman. Wow! You're my hero!
SAM: Help! Help! I can't swim.
MONTY: Maskman … a green lorry! Stop! You can't cross the street now. Look, the man's red!
MASKMAN: I'm flying my helicopter. Look! I can e a boy. Oh!
He can't swim.
P76 and say.
1. They've got a small boat. They're sitting on the boat. What are they doing?
2. They've got T-shirts and trours. And they've got bikes. What are they doing?
3. They're jumping. They've got a big orange ball. What are they doing?
4. They've got a small white ball and yellow T-shirts. What are they doing?
5. They're wearing black trours, and T-shirts. They've got hors. What are they doing?
P77 3. Listen to the story.
BOY 2: That's OK. I've got some water. Here you are.
GIRL 2: Thank you!
YELLOW TEAM: You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
P77 4. Listen and say the number. Act it out.
YELLOW TEAM: You can do it! You can do it! You can do it!
ANNOUNCER: Can you work in teams?
ANNOUNCER: Great! Come on! Let's go!
GIRL 2: Phew. It's very hot. I haven't got any water.
BOY 2: That's OK. I've got some water. Here you are.
GIRL 2: Thank you!
BOY 1: I can't do this. I can't …
GIRL 1: Yes, you can. Come on. I can help you.
BOY 1: Thanks.
P78 and point.
MR STAR: Hello, everybody. I'm home! Where is everybody?
GRANDMA: Hello. We're in the living room.
MR STAR: Where are the children?
GRANDMA: Stella's in the kitchen, Suzy's in her bedroom and Simon's in the bathroom.
MR STAR: Good. Stella!
STELLA: Hi, Dad! Yes?
MR STAR: Where's Mum?
STELLA: She's in the dining room.
MRS STAR: I'm here, in the dining room. Where are you?
MR STAR: I'm in the hall.
MRS STAR: Well, come in and sit down.
P78 and repeat.
Bedroom bathroom living room dining room kitchen hall
P79 and correct.
Monty's in the bathroom.
Grandma and Grandpa are in the kitchen.
Maskman's in the living room.
The cat's in the hall.
Stella's in the bedroom.
Mr Star's in the dining room.
Suzy's in the kitchen.
Mrs Star's in the bathroom.
Simon's in the living room.
P79 and answer.
1. Where's the computer?
2. Where are the fish?
3. Where are the trours?
4. Where's the ball?
5. Where are the dolls?
6. Where's the book?
P80 and point.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
MONTY: What have we got here? OK. The children are sitting in the living room. Meera's listening
to music.
TREVOR: Er, pardon?
MASKMAN: Shh. Meera's listening to music.
MONTY: Stella's reading a book and Suzy's colouring a picture.
TREVOR: Yum yum. Pencils! They're my favourite food.
MASKMAN: Shh. Where are Alex and Lenny?
MONTY: They're sitting on the sofa. They're playing a game.
MASKMAN: What's Simon doing?
MONTY: He's drawing a picture.
MASKMAN: What's he drawing?
MONTY: He's drawing a … a monster.
MARIE: Monty! What are you doing?
MONTY: Eek! I'm er, looking at the children.
MARIE: Come to the toy box, everybody!
P80 and repeat.
She's colouring a picture.
He's drawing a monster.
She's listening to music.
She's reading a book.
They're playing a game.
P81 the song.
Where's Grandpa? In the dining room.
What's he doing? He's eating fish.
Where's Simon? In the living room.
What's he doing? He's watching TV.
Where's Suzy? In the bathroom.
What's she doing? She's having a bath.
Where's Stella? In her bedroom.
What's she doing? She's reading a book.
Where's Grandma? In the hall.
What's she doing? Opening the door.
Where's Grandpa?
P82 ’s phonics.
MONTY: Hi, I'm Monty! Repeat after me!
/h/ /h/ hor
/h/ /h/ hippo
A hor and a hippo in a helicopter.
A hor and a hippo in a helicopter.
A hor and a hippo in a helicopter!
P83 to the story.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
SUZY: Where are my pencils? I've only got ten. I haven't got orange, pink, yellow or black. Can you
help me?
STELLA: Are they under the table?
SUZY: No, they aren't and they aren't in the box.
STELLA: Sorry, Suzy. I can't _ nd your pencils. Are they in your bedroom?
MARIE: Hello, Trevor. What are you doing?
TREVOR: Mmmm, er… ,mmmm … , I'm not … doing …
MARIE: Where are Maskman and Monty? Are they in the kitchen?
TREVOR: They're mmm.
MARIE: Pardon? Trevor! What are you eating?
TREVOR: I'm not … eating.
MARIE: Trevor! What have you got in your mouth? Can you open your mouth, plea?
TREVOR: Er, no.
MARIE: Trevor! Open your mouth. Now!
TREVOR: Er, pencils! Pencils are my favourite food.
MARIE: Oh, Trevor! You can't eat pencils!
SUZY: No, Stella. My pencils aren't in my bedroom, and they aren't in the kitchen or the dining
MARIE: Sshh! Be quiet. They're coming!
STELLA: Look, Suzy! Your pencils are here on the floor.
SUZY: What? Hmmmmm …
P83 and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
Suzy and Stella are in the living room.
The pencils are under the table.
Trevor and Marie are in the hall.
Trevor's eating.
Trevor's eating fish.
Trevor's got the pencils in his mouth.
The pencils are in the bedroom.
The pencils are in the kitchen.
The purple pencil's on the floor.
P84 and point.
SUZY: What are you eating, everybody?
SIMON: I'm eating a big burger.
STELLA: And I'm eating a banana.
SUZY: Hmmm. What have you got, Mum?
MRS STAR: I've got a big red apple.
SUZY: What's that, Dad?
MR STAR: It's chocolate ice cream. My favourite.
SUZY: Grandpa, are you eating ice cream too?
GRANDPA: No, I'm eating _ sh.
SUZY: Hmmm. Can I have some cake, plea? Cake's my favourite.
GRANDMA: Yes, Suzy, I know. Here you are.
SUZY: Ooooohh, thank you.
P84 and repeat.
Apple ice cream banana cake burger chocolate
P85 the chant.
Apple, apple.
Banana, banana.
Orange and cake.
Orange and cake.
Ice cream and chocolate.
Ice cream and chocolate.
P85 and say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The woman with a purple skirt is eating chocolate.
The boy on the bike is eating ice cream.
The girl next to the giraffe's got brown hair.
The man with the green jacket is looking at the hippos.
The snake in the hou is eating an orange.
The small elephant's eating a cake.
The woman with the pink T-shirt is eating chocolate.
The boy is riding a grey bike.
The girl with the red trours is next to the tigers.
The big elephant's eating a banana.
P86 5. Listen and point.
SIMON: Ooohh, Stella! What are you doing?
STELLA: I'm making a cake.
SUZY: Oh, that's nice! I like cake.
SIMON: I like cake, too. I like chocolate cake.
STELLA: Well, sorry, Simon. It isn't chocolate cake. I don't like chocolate. It's banana cake.
SIMON: Oh! I don't like banana cake.
SUZY: Look, Simon! It's a Maskman cake. Do you like Maskman cake?
SIMON: Great! Yes, I really like Maskmancake.
STELLA: Good! I'm really happy now, Simon. You like my banana cake.
SIMON: I like Maskmancake.
P86 6. Listen and repeat.
SIMON: I like chocolate cake.
STELLA: I don't like chocolate.
SUZY: Do you like Maskman cake?
P87 the song.
Do you like bananas?
Yes, yes, yes.
Do you like fish?
Yes, yes, yes.
Do you like ice cream?
Yes, yes, yes.
Do you like apples?
Yes, yes, yes.
Do you like chocolate?
Yes, yes, yes.
Do you like burgers?
No, no, no.
P88 ’s phonics.
I like my white bike!
P88 . Listen and say the name.
I don't like swimming.
I don't like chocolate.
I like jackets.
I don't like hors.
I don't like trours.
I like football.
I don't like burgers.
I don't like tennis.
I like cats.
I like cake.
P89 to the story.
Toys in the toy box,
Come alive.
Walk and talk,
On the count of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
MASKMAN: Apple, apple. Banana, banana.
TREVOR: Orange and cake. Orange and cake.
MONTY: Marie! Come and do the food train with us!
MONTY: Ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream and chocolate.
TREVOR: Oooops!
MASKMAN: Ooooh, er!
MONTY: Eeeek! Help!
MARIE: But I don't like burgers.
MASKMAN: And I don't like apples or bananas. Monty's got my ice cream and chocolate.
MONTY: But I don't like ice cream and chocolate. My favourite food's cake.
MARIE: Yuk! I like apples and bananas.
TREVOR: Listen! I know! Can we chant our favourite food?
MASKMAN, MONTY AND MARIE: Yes! OK! Let's chant our favourite food.
MASKMAN: Hah! Now I've got the ice cream and chocolate.
MARIE: Apple, apple. Banana, banana.
MONTY: Orange and cake. Orange and cake.
MASKMAN: Ice cream and chocolate. Ice cream and chocolate.
This is my favourite painting. It's two apples. One apple is red and one apple is yellow. Apples are
my favourite fruit. I'm hungry!
I like this painting. It's a man. His head is food. His hair is grapes and his face is an apple. The
painting is old. This is my favourite painting. It isn't old. It's a watermelon, an orange and a lemon.
The watermelon is big. It's green and pink.
P91 3. Listen and point.
Wash, wash, wash your hands,
Wash your hands, wash your hands.
Clean, clean, clean your teeth,
Clean your teeth, clean your teeth.
Wash, wash, wash apples,
Wash apples, wash apples.
P92 and answer.
Where's the lion?
What's it doing?
Where's the tiger?
What's it doing?
本文发布于:2023-11-24 11:33:31,感谢您对本站的认可!
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