寒假里, 我认真读了《西游记》这部神话小说, 掩卷深思, 深有感触。文中曲折的情节和唐
During the winter vacation, I read the novel Journey to the West carefully , and I am in deep
thought. The interesting experience of Tang Monk's students left a deep impression on me.
《西游记》的作者吴承恩为我们讲述了唐僧师徒历尽艰险、降妖伏魔 , 经历九九八十一难
终取得真经的故事。其中很多脍炙人口的故事让人百看不厌, 如大闹天宫、三打白骨精、真
假美猴王, 等等。这些曲折离奇的故事 , 赢得了广大读者的心。
Wu Cheng'en, the author of Journey to the West, told us the story of Tang Monk's students who
went through hardships and dangers, beat demons , and finally got the scripture after going
through eighty-one difficulties. Many of the popular stories are worth watching, such as the
uproar in the Heavenly Palace, beating the bones for three times, the real Monkey King and the
fake Monkey King and so on. The strange stories have won the hearts of readers.
《西游记》塑造了各种各样的鲜明的人物形象:神通广大的孙悟空, 贪吃懒惰的猪八戒, 任劳
任怨的沙僧, 心地善良的唐玄奘, 还有形形色色的各路妖精。他们各有特点, 性格各不相同,
恰好形成鲜明的对比, 这使我由衷佩服作者写作技艺的高超。善于刻画人物形象, 便是作者
Journey to the West has created a variety of famous characters: the mighty Monkey King, the lazy
pig Bajie, the tireless monk Sha, the kind-hearted Tang Xuanzang, and various kinds of goblins.
They have their own characteristics and different personalities, which just form a sharp contrast.
It makes me admire the author's superb writing skills.
Being good at portraying characters is the author's best writing skill.
我最喜欢齐天大圣孙悟空, 因为他神通广大、技艺高超、忠心耿耿。每次唐僧遭遇困难, 他
总是挺身而出, 迎难而上, 降妖除魔, 一路保护唐僧成功取得真经, 最后被如来佛祖封为“斗
战胜佛”。他的叛逆心理, 他敢于和强大势力作斗争的勇敢精神, 都令我十分欣赏, 他是我心
My favorite is Monkey King, the Great Sage of sky. Becau he is powerful, skilled and loyal. Every
time Tang Monk meets difficulties, he always stands up to meet the difficulties, beats demons
and devils, protects Tang Monk all the way and successfully gets the Sutra. Finally, he is awarded
the title of " Buddha of fighting" by Buddha. His rebellious mentality and his brave spirit of daring
to fight against powerful forces have won my heart. He is a true hero in my mind.
从这部名著中, 我了解到, 唐僧为了理想坚持不懈, 不管遇到什么困难都义无反顾, 最终取
得真经, 修成正果。我也要像他一样, 为实现心中的理想去坚持, 去努力。师徒四人团结一
心、众志成城是西天取经成功的法宝, 这让我深深明白团结就是力量, 团结就是胜利。
我身为班里的一份子, 要和同学们团结友爱。
From this famous book, I learned that Tang Monk pervered in order to achieve his ideal. No
matter what difficulties he met, he would never give up. Finally, he obtained the Sutra and
achieved good results. I will learn from him and persist and work hard to realize the ideal in my
heart. The unity of the four masters and students is the magic weapon for success in learning
from the Western World, which makes me deeply understand that unity is strength and that unity
is victory.
As a member of my class, I want to be united and friendly with my classmates.
文章先概括介绍整本书, 然后重点写了其中的人物,
尤其是孙悟空, 他是“我”心目中的英雄,
结构清晰, 语言流畅, 符合读后感的写作要求。
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