1. 当主席授予冠军队奖杯时,观众欢呼起来。(award)
The audience cheered when the president awarded the winn
er’s cup to the champion team.
2. 除了聪明外,汤姆还非常热心、和蔼,乐于助人。(Apart from)
Apart from being clever, Tom is very warm-hearted, kind and
ready to help others.
3. 我们应该让我们的思维方式适应时代的发展。(adapt)
We should adapt our way of thinking to the quick
development of the times.
4. 直到20世纪后半期,他的这个想法才被普遍接受。(Not until)
Not until the cond half of the 20th century was his idea
generally accepted.
5. 这使他坚信中国必能以其有限的耕地来养活其庞大的人口。(be
This made him firmly believe that China was sure to feed her
large population with her limited cultivated land.
6. 自从她当了校长后,她把所有时间和精力都放到了学校工作上。
She has devoted all her time and energy to work at school
since she became the principle.
7. 只有通过不懈的努力奋斗,我们才能取得巨大的成功。(Only)
Only by working hard continuously can we achieve great
8. 我们的祖国从来未像今天这样强大。(Never)
Never before has our country been so strong like today.
9. 虽然他出身贫寒,却从未妄自菲薄。(born)
Though he was born of a poor family, he never looked down
upon himlf.
10. 四川汶川大地震后,社会各界人士积极投身于各种抗震救灾活
After the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan Province, people
from all walks of life got actively involved in the activities of
disaster relief.
11. 在他的脑海中一直存在一个坚定的信念:为中华之崛起而读书。
(in his mind)
In his mind always exists a firm belief that he should study
for the ri of China.
12. 为国家做出巨大贡献的科学家们值得受到人们尊重。
The scientists who have made great contributions to our
country derve to be respected.
13. 张国荣在愚人节自杀的消息很快传遍了全世界。(spread)
The news that Zhang Guorong committed suicide on April
Fool’s Day spread throughout the world.
14. 有关部门估计,这次空难中的死亡人数将高达120。
It is estimated by the department concerned that the number
of the death in this air crash will be as many as 120.
15. 吉姆如此沉浸在他的工作中以至于他深知没有注意到我进入房
So absorbed in his work was Jim that he didn’t notice me
enter the room.
16. 诺贝尔奖金授予那些在某个领域做出巨大贡献的科学家。
Nobel Prizes are awarded to the scientists who have made
great contributions in a certain field.
17. 尽管已经采取措施缓解交通,但是交通仍是个严重的问题。
Despite the fact that measures have been taken to relieve the
traffic, it’s still a rious problem. Despite the measures taken
to relieve the traffic (jams), the traffic remains a rious problem.
18. 在发展经济的过程中,我们必须注意节省资源和防止污染。
In the cour of developing economy, we must pay attention
to saving resources and preventing pollution.
19. 正是科学家们的奉献精神才导致了在科学领域一个接一个的突
It was the scientists’ devotion that led to one breakthrough
after another in the field of science. 20. 游客只有乘坐直升飞机才能
The top of the mountain is only accessible to tourists by
21. 必须立即采取行动以减少台风带来的损失。(action)
Immediate action must be taken to reduce the loss caud
by the typhoon.
22. 他很独立,所以他不允许任何人牵着他的鼻子走。(allow)
He is so independent that he won’t allow anyone to lead
him by the no.
23. 商店里的商品琳琅满目,让我们眼花缭乱。(accustomed)
We are not accustomed to eing so many kinds of goods in
26. 他早在二十多岁时就已经在工程学领域取得了巨大成就。
In his twenties, he had already made great achievements in
27. 我已经安排了一辆出租车去机场接你。(arrange)
I have arranged for a taxi to meet you at the airport.
28. 教师指定学生写一篇有关切身体验的作文。(assign)
The teacher assigned the students (to write) a composition
about their own experiences.
29. 尽管他很忙,他还是每天抽出一点时间读英语。(as)
Busy as he is, he spares a few minutes every day to read
30. 应该鼓励学生将课堂上所学知识运用到实践中去。(apply)
Students should be encouraged to apply what they have
learned in class to practice.
31. 我向你保证这项计划会成功。(assure)
I assure you of the success of the project.
32. 别闯红灯,否则你要被罚款的。(or)
Don’t jump the red light, or you will be fined.
33. 如果你能帮我复习英语我将不甚感激。(appreciate)
I’d appreciate it very much if you could help me with my
34. 做幼儿园老师需要极大的耐心。(call)
Working as a teacher in the kindergarten calls for great
35. 我恐怕他们遇到了交通堵塞了。(catch)
I’m afraid that they have been caught in a traffic jam.
36. 如果您方便的话,今晚我想去您府上拜访。(call)
If (it is) convenient (for you), I want to call on you tonight./I
will call at your hou tonight.
37. 她不在乎报酬,对她来说重要的是她的实验。(care)
She doesn’t care about the reward, and what matters to her
is her experiment.
38. 为了承担得起店铺的费用,你无论怎样节俭都不过分。
In order to afford to go abroad. you cannot be too
39. 小心点,别从车上摔下来,你才刚学会骑车。(careful)
Be careful not to fall off the bike, as you’ve just learned to
40. 学生们逐渐认识到友谊胜过金钱。(come)
The students have come to realize that friendship is more
important than money.
41. 幸运的是,我们有许多共同之处,很谈得来。(common)
Fortunately, we had a lot in common and got along very well.
42. 老人感到很孤独,所以养了一条狗来陪伴他。(company)
The old man felt lonely, so he raid a dog to keep him
43. 大家都束手无策,最后还是彼得想出了个主意。(come)
Everyone was at a loss what to do, but Peter came up with
an idea at last.
44. 大量砍伐树木肯定会扰乱生态平衡。(certain)
Cutting down trees in large numbers is certain to upt the
balance of nature.
45. 商店里有那么多的电动玩具可供挑选,他不知道选哪一个好。
There were so many electric toys to choo from in the shop
that he didn’t know which to choo.
46. 希望这里的志愿者都要精通英语。(command)
All the volunteers here are expected to have a good
command of English.
47. 这次歌咏比赛给了我一次千载难逢的机会挑战自我。(chance)
The singing competition provides me with a rare chance to
challenge mylf.
48. 他选择勇敢面对失败,而不是自暴自弃。(choo)
He cho to face up to the failure instead of giving himlf
49. 定期参加体育锻炼有助于身体健康。(contribute)
Taking part in physical exerci regularly contributes to
one’s health.
50. 他一到上海就和我们取得了联系。(contact)
He got in contact with us as soon as he arrived in Shanghai.
51. 我们打算开个派对来祝贺Helen获得这场比赛的胜利。
We are going to hold a party to congratulate Helen on
winning the game.
52. 我不需要买新车,我的那辆旧车还很好。(condition)
I don’t need to buy a new car as my old one is still in good
53. 看到银装素裹的群山,孩子们欣喜若狂。(cover)
Seeing the mountain covered with snow, the children were
wild with joy.
54. 认为现在的年轻人样样都好或者一无是处都是错误的。
It’s wrong to consider the young today (as) totally good or
completely bad.
55. 他没有报名参加面试,这使他失去了一份高薪工作。(cost)
He didn’t sign up for the interview, which cost him a well-
paid job.
56. 我们将作进一步的讨论,然后再作出最终结论。(conclusion)
We will have a further discussion before we make a final
57. 他们由于忘记付煤气费,所以供气中断了。(cut)
Their gas was cut off becau they had forgotten to pay the
58. 任何考试作弊被抓住的学生都将受到严惩。(catch)
Whoever is caught cheating in the exam will be verely
59. 如果他得到及时的治疗,很可能在一个星期内康复。
Chances are that he will recover in a week if he receives
timely treatment.
60. 与他原来的期待相反,做这个工作需要经常出国。(contrary)
Contrary to what he expected, doing this job involves often
going abroad.
61. 随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活质量。(concern)
With the improvement of living standard, people are
increasingly concerned about the life quality.
62. 由于种种原因,我昨天彻夜难眠。(reason)
For a variety of reasons, I stayed awake all night yesterday.
63. 我们必须确保这些新产品符合环保要求。(requirement)
We must make sure that the new products meet the
requirements of environmental protection. 64. 我们可以用机器人
We can replace man with robots to do some dangerous jobs.
65. 时间有限,这个问题留待下一次会议讨论。(remain)
The time is limited, so the problem remains to be discusd
at the next meeting.
66. 那个年轻人迟疑了一会儿才回答问题。(reply)
The young man hesitated for a while before he replied to the
67. 那个男孩因帮助了陌生旅客被奖励两块巧克力。(reward)
The boy was rewarded with two chocolates for helping the
strange travelers.
68. 据记载,这个地区历史上发生过多次地震。(record)
It is recorded that a lot of earthquakes happened in this area
in history.
69. 机遇和成功往往青睐有准备的人。(ready)
Opportunities and success usually favor tho who are ready
for them.
70. 家长不该孩子要什么就买什么,而不管花费如何。
Parents shouldn’t buy children whatever they want,
regardless of the cost.
71. 在火车站,他们含着泪依依惜别。(reluctant)
At the railway station, they were reluctant to part with tears
in their eyes.
72. 这本小说是专门写给年龄在7至12岁之间的孩子们的。
The novel is specially written for the children ranging in age
from 7 to 12.
73. 这个问题很值得讨论,它与我们未来的生活息息相关。
The problem is well worth discussing becau it is cloly
related to our future life.
74. 受伤的选手很快就被送到了附近的医院。(rush)
The injured player was rushed into the nearby hospital.
75. 中国已积极采取碳减排措施来应对国内的空气污染和全球变暖。
China has taken active measures to reduce carbon emission
to deal with domestic air pollution and global warming.
76. 对于这件事情,所有在场的人除了保持沉默,别无选择。
As for the matter, all the people prent had no choice but
to remain silent.
77. 在医院、学校等公共场所禁烟的法规已经在上海生效。
The regulations that forbid smoking in public places like
hospitals and schools have come into effect in Shanghai.
78. 应该鼓励市民乘坐公共交通来缓解交通压力。(relieve)
The citizens should be encouraged to u public
transportation to relieve the traffic pressure.
79. 所谓的代沟是指两代人对事物不同的看法。(refer to)
The so-called generation gap refers to the different points of
view which the two generations have
on something.
80. 这个工作要求太高,没几个人能胜任。(qualified)
The job is so demanding that few people are qualified for it.
81. 你仅凭知识并非就有资格教书。(qualify)
Knowledge alone doesn’t qualify you to teach/as a teacher.
82. 这些培训课程将使你胜任更好的工作。(qualify)
This training cour will qualify you for a better job.
83. 当他意识到自己的健康每况愈下时,他决定戒烟。(quit)
He decided to quit smoking when he realized that his health
was going from bad to wor. 84. 据说,印度在高科技方面仅次于
It is said that India is cond only to America in high
85. 20世纪下半叶,伦敦发生了巨变。(e)
The cond half of the 20th century saw great changes in
86. 令人遗憾的是,他为了自己的利益出尔反尔。(sake)
To our regret, he broke his promi for his own sake.
87. 朋友是无论发生什么都能与你同甘共苦的人。(share)
A friend is a person who can share joys and sorrows with you
no matter what happens.
88. 在我国的一些大城市,缺水依然是一个严重的问题。
In some large cities of our country, shortage of water remains
a rious problem.
89. 在我们的共同努力下,胜利指日可待。(sight)
With our joint efforts, victory is just in sight.
90. 她已有三个月没有收到她在加拿大的儿子的信了。(since)
It is three months since she heard from her son in Canada,
91. 乍看之下,他们的要求似乎挺合理的。(sight)
At first sight, their demands emed reasonable.
92. 考虑到他的年龄,我们还是没派他去那个偏远山区。(nd)
Considering his age, we didn’t nd him to the remote
mountain area.
93. 这款运动鞋卖得非常好,已经脱销了。(stock)
This style of sports shoes lls well and is already out of stock.
94. 我劝他不要老是生活在上次失败的阴影中。(suggest)
I suggested him not always living in the shadow of the last
95. 在过去的几年里,这家工厂用塑料代替木头来降低成本。
In the past few years, this factory has substituted plastics for
wood in order to reduce the cost.
96. 他努力想要赢得老板的欢心,但却事与愿违。(strive)
He strove to win his boss’s favor, but the result was contrary
to his wish.
97. 参观者惊奇地发现这些油画保存得这样好。(surpri)
The visitors were surprid to find that the oil paintings had
been prerved so well.
98. 我也曾经无家可归,因此我对灾民们深表同情。(sympathy)
I was also once homeless, so I have great sympathy for the
99. 没有什么能代替鲁迅为中国文学所作的巨大贡献。(substitute)
Nothing can substitute for Luxun’s great contribution to the
Chine literature.
100. 三十年的教学生涯中,她一直严以律己。(strict)
During her thirty years’ teaching career, she was always
strict with herlf.
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