White paper 2012

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White paper 2012

21 Century Computer Architecture


A community white paper

May 25, 2012

1. Introduction and Summary

Information and communication technology (ICT) is transforming our world, including

healthcare, education, science, commerce, government, defen, and entertainment. It is hard

to remember that 20 years ago the first step in information arch involved a trip to the library,

10 years ago social networks were mostly physical, and 5 years ago “tweets” came from

cartoon characters.

Importantly, much evidence suggests that ICT innovation is accelerating with many compelling

visions moving from science fiction toward reality. Appendix A both touches upon the visions


and eks to distill their attributes. Future visions include personalized medicine to target care

and drugs to an individual, sophisticated social network analysis of potential terrorist threats to

aid homeland curity, and teleprence to reduce the greenhou gas spent on commuting.

Future applications will increasingly require processing on large, heterogeneous data ts (“Big

Data”), using distributed designs, working within form-factor constraints, and reconciling rapid


deployment with efficient operation.

Two keybut often invisibleenablers for past ICT innovation have been miconductor

technology and computer architecture. Semiconductor innovation has repeatedly provided more

transistors (Moore’s Law) for roughly constant power and cost per chip (Dennard Scaling).

Computer architects took the rapid transistor budget increas and discovered innovative

techniques to scale processor performance and mitigate memory system loss. The combined

effect of technology and architecture has provided ICT innovators with exponential performance

growth at near constant cost.

Becau most technology and computer architecture innovations were (intentionally) invisible to

higher layers, application and other software developers could reap the benefits of this progress

without engaging in it. Higher performance has both made more computationally demanding

applications feasible (e.g., virtual assistants, computer vision) and made less demanding

applications easier to develop by enabling higher-level programming abstractions (e.g., scripting

languages and reusable components). Improvements in computer system cost-effectiveness

enabled value creation that could never have been imagined by the field’s founders (e.g.,

distributed web arch sufficiently inexpensive so as to be covered by advertising links).


PCAST, “Designing a Digital Future: Federally Funded Rearch and Development Networking and Information

CCC, “Challenges and Opportunities with Big Data," Feb. 2012 ().


Technology, Dec. 2010 ().




The wide benefits of computer performance growth are clear. Recently, Danowitz et al.


apportioned computer performance growth roughly equally between technology and

architecture, with architecture credited with ~80× improvement since 1985. As miconductor

technology approaches its “end-of-the-road” (e below), computer architecture will need to play

an increasing role in enabling future ICT innovation. But instead of asking, “How can I make my

chip run faster?,” architects must now ask, “How can I enable the 21st century infrastructure,

from nsors to clouds, adding value from performance to privacy, but without the

benefit of near-perfect technology scaling?”. The challenges are many, but with appropriate

investment, opportunities abound. Underlying the opportunities is a common theme that

future architecture innovations will require the engagement of and investments from innovators

in other ICT layers.

1.1 The Challenges: An Inflection Point

The miconductor technology enabler to ICT is facing rious challenges that are outlined in

Table 1 below. First, although technologists can make more and smaller transistors (Moore’s

Law), the transistors are not altogether “better” as has been true for four decades. Second,

the power per transistor is no longer scaling well (Dennard Scaling has ended). Since most

productsnsors, mobile, client, and data centercannot tolerate (repeated) power

increas, we must consider ways to mitigate the increas. Third, fabrication variations of

nano-scale features (e.g., gate oxides only atoms thick) reduce transistors’ long-term reliability

significantly compared to larger feature sizes. Fourth, communication among computation

elements must be managed through locality to achieve goals at acceptable cost and energy with

new opportunities (e.g., chip stacking) and new challenges (e.g., data centers). Fifth, one-time

costs to design, verify, fabricate, and test are growing, making them harder to amortize,

especially when eking high efficiency through platform specialization (e.g., handhelds,

laptops, or rvers).

Table 1: Technology's Challenges to Computer Architecture

Late 20 Century The New Reality


Moore’s Law — 2× transistors/chip every Transistor count still 2× every 18-24 months,

18-24 monthsbut e below

Dennard Scaling near-constant Gone. Not viable for power/chip to double (with 2×

power/chiptransistors/chip growth)

The modest levels of transistor Transistor reliability worning, no longer easy to hide

unreliability easily hidden (e.g., via ECC)

Focus on computation over Restricted inter-chip, inter-device, inter-machine

communication communication (e.g. Rent's Rule, 3G, GigE);

communication more expensive than computation

One-time (non-recurring engineering) Expensive to design, verify, fabricate, and test, especially

costs growing, but amortizable for mass-for specialized-market platforms

market parts


Danowitz, et al., “CPU DB: Recording Microprocessor History”, CACM 04/2012.


1.2 The Opportunities: 21 Century Computer Architecture


With CMOS technology scaling weakening as an enabler of ICT innovation, computer architects

must step up their role even further. 21 century computer architecture, however, needs to be


different from its 20 century predecessor to embrace this new role. We e three fundamental


differences, highlighted in Table 2 below. The differences form the basis of the future

rearch agenda described in Section 2.

Table 2: Computer Architecture’s Past and Future

20 Century Architecture 21 Century Architecture


Single-chip performanceArchitecture as infrastructure:

from nsors to clouds

Chips to systems

Performance plus curity, privacy,

availability, programmability, …

Performance through software-Energy first

invisible instruction level parallelism Parallelism

(ILP) Specialization

Cross-layer design

Tried and tested technologies:

CMOS, DRAM, disks with rapid but

predictable improvements

New technologies: non-volatile memory,

near-threshold voltage operation, 3D chips,

photonics, …







Break current

layers with new


Architecture as Infrastructure: From Sensors to Clouds: Past architecture rearch often

focud on a chip (microprocessor) or stand-alone computer with performance as its main

optimization goal. Moving forward, computers will be a key pillar of the 21 century societal


infrastructure. To address this change, computer architecture rearch must expand to

recognize that generic computers have been replaced by computation in context (e.g., nsor,

mobile, client, data center) and many computer systems are large and geographically

distributed. This shift requires more emphasis on the system (e.g., communication becomes a


full-fledged partner of computation), the driver application (e.g., dealing with big data), and

human-centric design goals beyond performance (e.g., programmability, privacy, curity,

availability, battery life, form factor).

Energy First: Past computer architecture optimized performance, largely through software

invisible changes. 21 century architecture confronts power and energy as the dominant


constraints, and can no longer sustain the luxury of software invisible innovation. We e

parallelism, specialization, and cross-layer design as key principles in an energy-first era, but all

three require addressing significant challenges. For example, while parallelism will abound in

future applications (big data = big parallelism), communication energy will outgrow computation


Luiz André Barroso and Urs Hölzle, “The Datacenter as a Computer”, Morgan-Claypool, 2009


energy and will require rethinking how we design for 1,000-way parallelism. Specialization can

give 100× higher energy efficiency than a general-purpo compute or memory unit, but no

known solutions exist today for harnessing its benefits for broad class of applications cost-

effectively. Cross-layer design (from circuit to architecture to run-time system to compiler to

application) can wring out waste in the different layers for energy efficiency, but needs a far

more concerted effort among many layers to be practical.

New Technologies: Past computer architecture has relied on the predictable performance

improvements of stable technologies such as CMOS, DRAM, and disks. For the first time in the

careers of many ICT professionals, new technologies are emerging to challenge the dominance

of the “tried-and-tested,” but sorely need architectural innovation to realize their full potential.

For example, non-volatile memory technologies (e.g., Flash and pha change memory) drive a

rethinking of the relationship between memory and storage. Near-threshold voltage operation

has tremendous potential to reduce power but at the cost of reliability, driving a new discipline of

resiliency-centered design. Photonics and 3D chip stacking change communication costs

radically enough to affect the entire system design.

Underlying all of the above is a cross-cutting theme of innovations that are expod to and

require interaction with other ICT layers. This change is dramatic in that it will impact ICT

innovators in other layers, similar to, but potentially greater than, the recent shift to multicore

processors. Collaboration with other-layer innovators will empower architects to make bolder

innovations with commensurate benefits, but it will also require significant investment and strong

leadership to provide the richer inter-layer interfaces necessary for the 21 century.


2. Rearch Directions

This ction discuss important rearch directions for computer architecture and related

communities, but begins with two comments. First, the ideas below reprent good ideas from

tho who contributed to this document and complement other recent documents. They do


not reprent an exhaustive list nor a connsus opinion of the whole community, which are

infeasible to gather in the process of creating this white paper.

Second, if we have been convincing that the directions prented have value to society, there is

a need for pre-competitive rearch funding to develop them. Even highly-successful computer

companies lack the incentive to do this work for veral reasons. First, the technologies

required will take years to a decade to develop. Few companies have such staying power.

Second, successful work will benefit many companies, disincentivizing any one to pay for it.

Third, many of the approaches we advocate cross layers of the system stack, transcending

industry-standard interfaces (e.g., x86) and the experti of individual companies. Finally, we

need to educate the next generation of technical contributors, which is perhaps academia’s

most important form of technology transfer.


ACAR-1, "Failure is not an Option: Popular Parallel Programming," Workshop on Advancing Computer

ACAR-2, "Laying a New Foundation for IT: Computer Architecture for 2025 and Beyond," Workshop on Advancing

Fuller and Millett, "The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level?," The National Academy

Architecture Rearch, August 2010 ().



Computer Architecture Rearch, September 2010 (/ccc/docs/).


Press, 2011 (/?record_id=12980&page=R1).


2.1. Architecture as Infrastructure: Spanning Sensors to Clouds

Until recently, computer systems were largely beige boxes nestled under a desk or hidden in a

machine room, and computer architecture rearch focud primarily on the design of desktop,

workstation and rver CPUs. The new reality of 21-century applications calls for a broader


computer architecture agenda beyond the beige box. The emerging applications described in

Appendix A demand a rich ecosystem that enables ubiquitous embedded nsing/compute

devices that feed data to “cloud rvers” and warehou-scale facilities, which can process and

supply information to edge devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Each class of computing

device reprents a unique computing environment with a specific t of challenges and

opportunities, yet all three share a driving need for improved energy efficiency (performance per

watt) as an engine for innovation. Moreover, future architecture rearch must go beyond

optimizing devices in isolation, and embrace the challenges of cross-environment co-design to

address the needs of emerging applications.

Smart Sensing and Computing. In the smart nsors space, the central requirement is to

compute within very tight energy, form-factor, and cost constraints. The need for greater

computational capability is driven by the importance of filtering and processing data where it is

generated/collected (e.g., distinguishing a nominal biometric signal from an anomaly), becau

the energy required to communicate data often outweighs that of computation. This environment

brings exciting new opportunities like designing systems that can leverage intermittent power

(e.g., from harvested energy), extreme low-voltage (near-threshold and analog) design, new

communication modalities (e.g., broadcast communication from building lighting), and new

storage technologies (e.g., NVRAM). As nsors become critical to health and safety, their

curity and reliability must also be assured (e.g., consider recent demonstrations of remote

hacking of pacemakers), including design correctness of hardware and software components.

Additionally, given that nsor data is inherently approximate, it opens the potential to effectively

apply approximate computing techniques, which can lead to significant energy savings (and

complexity reduction).

Portable Edge Devices. The portable computing market has en explosive growth, with

smartphone sales recently eclipsing the PC market. And yet, current devices still fall far short


of the futuristic capabilities society has envisioned, from the augmented reality recently

suggested by “Google Glass,” to the medical tricorder posited by Star Trek nearly 50 years

ago and recently resurrected in the form of an X Prize challenge competition. Enriching


applications in this environment will need orders of magnitude improvement in operations/watt

(from today’s ~10 giga-operations/watt), since ur interfaces em to have a significant

appetite for computation (e.g., multi-touch interfaces, voice recognition, graphics, holography,

and 3D environment reconstruction) and even mobile applications are becoming data and

compute intensive. As discusd in later ctions, such systems clearly need both parallelism

and specialization (the latest generation iPad’s key chip has multiple cores and dedicates half of

its chip area for specialized units). Given the proximity with the ur, such devices motivate

ideas that bring human factors to computer design, such as using ur feedback to adjust

voltage/frequency to save energy, focusing computation on where the ur is looking, reducing

the image to salient features only, or predicting and prefetching for what the ur is likely to do.

This environment also motivates features beyond raw performance, such as curity/privacy.



/2012/02/03/smartphone-sales-overtake-pcs/ and





The InfrastructureCloud Servers. Many of the most exciting emerging applications, such as

simulation-driven drug discovery, or interactive analysis of massive human networks, can only

be achieved with reasonable respon times through the combined efforts of tens of thousands

of processors acting as a single warehou-scale computer. Internet arch has demonstrated

the societal importance of this computing paradigm. However, today’s production arch

systems require massive engineering effort to create, program, and maintain, and they only

scratch the surface of what might be possible (e.g., consider the potential of IBM’s Watson).

Systems architects must devi programming abstractions, storage systems, middleware,

operating system, and virtualization layers to make it possible for conventionally trained

software engineers to program warehou-scale computers.

While many computing disciplinesoperating systems, networking, and othersplay a role in

data center innovations, it is crucial for computer architects to consider the interface designs

and hardware support that can best enable higher-level innovations. In addition, a key

challenge lies in reasoning about locality and enforcing efficient locality properties in data center

systems, a burden which coordination of smart tools, middleware and the architecture might

alleviate. A further challenge lies in making performance predictable; as requests are

parallelized over more systems, infrequent tail latencies become performance critical (if 100

systems must jointly respond to a request, 63% of requests will incur the 99-percentile delay of

the individual systems due to waiting for stragglers); architectural innovations can guarantee


strict worst-ca latency requirements. Memory and storage systems consume an increasing

fraction of the total data center power budget, which one might combat with new interfaces

(beyond the JEDEC standards), novel storage technologies, and 3D stacking of processors and


Putting It All TogetherEco-System Architecture. There is a need for runtime platforms and

virtualization tools that allow programs to divide effort between the portable platform and the

cloud while responding dynamically to changes in the reliability and energy efficiency of the

cloud uplink. How should computation be split between the nodes and cloud infrastructure? How

can curity properties be enforced efficiently across all environments? How can system

architecture help prerve privacy by giving urs more control over their data? Should we co-

design compute engines and memory systems?

The rearch directions outlined above will push architecture rearch far beyond the beige

box. The basic rearch challenges that relate all of the opportunities are improving energy

efficiency dramatically and embracing new requirements such as programmability, curity,

privacy and resiliency from the ground up. Given the momentum in other areas (e.g., HCI,

machine learning, and ubiquitous computing) now is the moment to explore them. Success will

require significant investment in academic rearch becau of the need for community-scale

effort and significant infrastructure. While mobile and data centers are relatively new to the

menagerie of computing devices, the rearch challenges we discuss will likely also apply to

other devices yet to emerge.

2.2. Energy First

The shift from quential to parallel (multicore) systems has helped increa performance while

keeping the power dissipated per chip largely constant. Yet many current parallel computing

systems are already power or energy constrained. At one extreme, high-end supercomputers

and data centers require expensive many-megawatt power budgets; at the other, high-


J. Dean. “Achieving Rapid Respon Times in Large Online Services.” Talk in Berkeley, CA, Mar. 2012.


functionality nsors and portable devices are often limited by their battery’s energy capacity.

Portable and nsor devices typically require high performance for short periods followed by

relatively long idle periods. Such bimodal usage is not typical in high-end rvers, which are

rarely completely idle and ldom need to operate at their maximum rate. Thus, power and

energy solutions in the rver space are likely to differ from tho that work best in the portable

device space. However, as we demand more from our computing systemsboth rvers and

nsorsmore of them will be limited by power, energy, and thermal constraints. Without new

approaches to power- and energy-efficient designs and new packaging and cooling approaches,

producing ICT systems capable of meeting the computing, storage and communication

demands of the emerging applications described in Appendix A will likely be impossible. It is

therefore urgent to invest in rearch to make computer systems much more energy efficient.

As the next subctions describe, energy must be reduced by attacking it across many layers,

rethinking parallelism, and with effective u of specialization.

Energy Across the Layers

Electronic devices consume energy as they do work (and, in the ca of CMOS, just by being

powered on). Conquently, all of the layers of the computing stack play a role to improve

energy and power efficiency: device technologies, architectures, software systems (including

compilers), and applications. Therefore, we believe that a major interdisciplinary rearch effort

will be needed to substantially improve ICT system energy efficiency. We suggest as a goal to

improve the energy efficiency of computers by two-to-three orders of magnitude, to obtain, by

the end of this decade, an exa-op data center that consumes no more than 10 megawatts

(MW), a peta-op departmental rver that consumes no more than 10 kilowatts (KW), a tera-op

portable device that consumes no more than 10 watts (W), and a giga-op nsor system that

consumes no more than 10 milliwatts (mW). Such an ambitious plan can only be attained with

aggressive changes in all layers of the computing stack.

At the Circuit/Technology Level, we need rearch in new devices that are fundamentally

more energy efficient, both in CMOS and in emerging device technologies. Rearch is also

needed on new technologies that can improve the energy efficiency of certain functions, such as

photonics for communication, 3D-stacking for integration, non-resistive memories for storage,

and efficient voltage conversion. Novel circuit designs are also needed: circuits that work at

ultra-low supply voltages, circuits that carry out efficient power distribution, circuits that perform

aggressive power management, and circuits that are able to support multiple voltage and

frequency domains on chip.

At the Architecture Level, we need to find more efficient, streamlined many-core architectures.

We need chip organizations that are structured in heterogeneous clusters, with simple

computational cores and custom, high-performance functional units that work together in

concert. We need rearch on how to minimize communication, since energy is largely spent

moving data. Especially in portable and nsor systems, it is often worth doing the computation

locally to reduce the energy-expensive communication load. As a result, we also need more

rearch on synchronization support, energy-efficient communication, and in-place computation.

At the Software Level, we need rearch that minimizes unnecessary communication. We

require runtimes that manage the memory hierarchy and orchestrate fine-grain multitasking. We

also need rearch on compilation systems and tools that manage and enhance locality. At the

programming-model level, we need environments that allow expert programmers to exerci full

machine control, while prenting a simple model of localities to low-skilled programmers. At the


application level, we need algorithmic approaches that are energy-efficient via reduced

operation count, precision, memory access, and interprocessor communication, and that can

take advantage of heterogeneous systems. At the compiler level, we need to find ways to trade

off power efficiency and performance, while also considering the reliability of the resulting

binary. Overall, it is only through a fully-integrated effort that cuts across all layers that we can

make revolutionary progress.

Exploiting Parallelism to Enable Future Applications

Throughout the 20 century, the growth in computing performance was driven primarily by


single-processor improvements. But by 2004, diminishing returns from faster clock speeds and

incread transistor counts resulted in rious power (and related thermal) problems. By shifting

to multiple cores per chip, our industry continued to improve aggregate performance and

performance per watt. But just replicating cores does not adequately address the energy and

scaling challenges on chip, nor does it take advantage of the unique features and constraints of

being on chip. Future growth in computer performance must come from massive on-chip

parallelism with simpler, low-power cores, architected to match the kinds of fine-grained

parallelism available in emerging applications.

Unfortunately, we are far from making parallel architectures and programming usable for the

large majority of urs. Much of the prior rearch has focud on coar-grained parallelism

using standard processor cores as the building block. Placing massive parallelism on a single

chip offers new opportunities for parallel architecture and associated programming techniques.

To unlock the potential of parallel computing in a widely-applicable form, we may need at least a

decade of concerted, broad-bad rearch to address emerging application problems at all

levels of parallelism. To ensure that computing performance growth will continue to fuel new

innovations, and given the magnitude of the technical challenges and the stakes involved, we

need major funding investments in this area.

Reinventing Computing Stack for Parallelism: We recommend an ambitious, interdisciplinary

effort to re-invent the classical computing stack for parallelismprogramming language,

compiler and programming tools, runtime, virtual machine, operating system, and architecture.

Along with performance goals, energy considerations must be a first-class design constraint to

forge a viable path to scalable future systems. The current layers have been optimized for uni-

processor systems and act as barriers to change. Since a single, universal programming model

may not exist, we recommend exploring multiple models and architectures. Moreover, different

solutions are clearly needed for experts, who may interact with the innards of the machine, and

the large majority of programmers, who should u simple, quential-like models perhaps

enabled by domain-specific languages.

Applications-Focud Architecture Rearch: We recommend an application-focud

approach to parallel architecture rearch, starting from chips with few to potentially hundreds of

cores, to distributed systems, networking structures at different scales, parallel memory

systems, and I/O solutions. The challenge is to consider application characteristics, but without

overfitting to particular specifics; we must leverage mechanisms (including programming

languages) that will perform well and are power efficient on a variety of parallel systems.

Fundamental architecture questions include the types of parallelism (e.g., data or task), how

units should be organized (e.g., independent cores or co-processors), and how to synchronize

and communicate. Solutions may differ depending on the inherent application parallelism and

constraints on power, performance, or system size.


Hardware/Software Co-Design: Current challenges call for integrative rearch on parallelism

that spans both software and hardware, from applications and algorithms through systems

software and hardware. As discusd below, we e a need to break through existing

abstractions to find novel mechanisms and policies to exploit locality and enable concurrency,

effectively support synchronization, communication and scheduling, provide platforms that are

programmable, high-performance, and energy efficient, and invent parallel programming

models, frameworks, and systems that are truly easy to u. Given the large range of issues,

we recommend a broad and inclusive rearch agenda.

Enabling Specialization for Performance and Energy Efficiency

For the past two or more decades, general-purpo computers have driven the rapid advances

in and society’s adoption of computing. Yet the same flexibility that makes general-purpo

computers applicable to most problems caus them to be energy inefficient for many emerging

tasks. Special-purpo hardware accelerators, customized to a single or narrow-class of

functions, can be orders of magnitude more energy-efficient by stripping out the layers of

mechanisms and abstractions that provide flexibility and generality. But current success stories,

from medical devices and nsor arrays to graphics processing units (GPUs), are limited to

accelerating narrow class of problems. Rearch is needed to (1) develop architectures that

exploit both the performance and energy-efficiency of specialization while broadening the class

of applicable problems and (2) reduce the non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs for software

and hardware that limit the utility of customized solutions.

Higher-level Abstractions to Enable Specialization. General-purpo computers can be

programmed in a range of higher-level languages with sophisticated tool chains that translate to

fixed ISAs, providing functional and performance portability across a wide range of

architectures. Special-purpo accelerators, in contrast, are frequently programmed using

much lower-level languages that often directly map to hardware (e.g., Verilog), providing limited

functional or performance portability and high NRE costs for software. As further discusd

below, rearch is needed to develop new layers and abstractions that capture enough of a

computation’s structure to enable efficient creation of or mapping to special-purpo hardware,

without placing undue burden on the programmer. Such systems will enable rapid development

of accelerators by reducing or eliminating the need to retarget applications to every new

hardware platform.

Energy-Efficient Memory Hierarchies. Memory hierarchies can both improve performance

and reduce memory system energy demands, but are usually optimized for performance first.

But fetching the operands for a floating-point multiply-add can consume one to two orders of

magnitude more energy than performing the operation. Moreover, current designs frequently


either ek to minimize worst-ca performance to maximize generality or sacrifice

programmability to maximize best-ca performance. Future memory-systems must ek

energy efficiency through specialization (e.g., through compression and support for streaming

data) while simplifying programmability (e.g., by extending coherence and virtual memory to

accelerators when needed). Such mechanisms have the potential to reduce energy demands

for a broad range of systems, from always-on smart nsors to data centers processing big


Exploiting (Re-)configurable Logic Structures. The increasing complexity of silicon process

technologies has driven NRE costs to prohibitive levels, making full-custom accelerators


Steve Keckler, "Life After Dennard and How I Learned to Love the Picojoule,” Keynote at Micro 2011.


infeasible for all but the highest-volume applications. Current reconfigurable logic platforms

(e.g., FPGAs) drive down the fixed costs, but incur undesirable energy and performance

overheads due to their fine-grain reconfigurability (e.g., lookup tables and switch boxes).

Rearch in future accelerators will improve energy efficiency using coarr-grain mi-

programmable building blocks (reducing internal inefficiencies) and packet-bad

interconnection (making more efficient u of expensive wires). Additional efficiencies will come

from emerging 3D technologies such as silicon interpors, which allow limited customization

(e.g., top-level interconnect) to configure systems at moderate cost. Such techniques coupled

with better synthesis tools can reduce NRE costs, thereby enabling rapid development and

deployment of accelerators in a broad range of critical applications.

The past scaling of processor performance has driven advances both within computing and in

society at large. Continued scaling of performance will be largely limited by the improvements in

energy efficiency made possible by reconfigurable and specialized hardware. Rearch that

facilitates the design of reconfigurable and special-purpo processors will enable corporations,

rearchers, and governments to quickly and affordably focus enormous computing power on

critical problems.

2.3. Technology Impacts on Architecture

Application demands for improved performance, power and energy efficiency, and reliability

drive continued investment in technology development. As standard CMOS reaches

fundamental scaling limits, the arch continues for replacement circuit technologies (e.g.,

sub/near-threshold CMOS, QWFETs, TFETs, and QCAs) that have a winning combination of

density, speed, power consumption, and reliability. Non-volatile storage (i.e., flash memory)

has already starting to replace rotating disks in many ICT systems, but comes with its own

design challenges (e.g., limited write endurance). Other emerging non-volatile storage

technologies (e.g., STT-RAM, PCRAM, and memristor) promi to disrupt the current design

dichotomy between volatile memory and non-volatile, long-term storage. 3D integration us

die stacking to permit scaling in a new dimension, but substantial technology and electronic

design automation (EDA) challenges remain. Photonic interconnects can be exploited among or

even on chips.

In addition to existing efforts to develop new ICT technologies (e.g., through NSF’s MRSECs),

significant architectural advancementsand thus significant investmentsare needed to exploit

the technologies.

Rethinking the Memory/Storage Stack. Emerging technologies provide new opportunities to

address the massive online storage and processing requirements of “big data” applications.

Emerging non-volatile memory technologies promi much greater storage density and power

efficiency, yet require re-architecting memory and storage systems to address the device

capabilities (e.g., longer, asymmetric, or variable latency, as well as device wear out).

Design Automation Challenges. New technologies drive new designs in circuits, functional

units, microarchitectures, and systems. Such new approaches also require investment in new

EDA tools, particularly for mixed-signal and 3D designs. New design tools must be tailored to

the new technologies: functional synthesis, logic synthesis, layout tools, and so on.

Furthermore, heterogeneous computing greatly taxes our ability to perform pre-RTL system

modeling, particularly as the diversity of architectures and accelerators explodes. Hence, new

verification, analysis and simulation tools will be needed: tools for verifying correct operation,

performance, power and energy consumption, reliability (e.g., susceptibility to soft error and


aging effects), and curity (avoiding power “footprints,” providing architectural support for

information flow tracking).

3D Integration. Die stacking promis lower latency, higher bandwidth, and other benefits, but

brings many new EDA, design, and technology challenges. Computer architects have started

this investigation with the stacking of DRAM memories on top of cores, but future designs will go

much further to encompass stacking of nonvolatile memories, of custom computational

components realized with a non-compatible technology, of new interconnection technologies

(e.g., photonics), of nsors and the analog components that go with them, of RF and other

analog components, of energy providers and cooling systems (e.g., MEMs energy harvesting

devices, solar cells, and microfluidic cooling). To realize the promi of the new technologies

being developed by nano-materials and nano-structures rearchers, further investment is

needed so that computer architects can turn the nanotechnology circuits into ICT systems.

2.4. Cross-Cutting Issues and Interfaces

As computers permeate more aspects of everyday life, making a computer system better means

much more than being faster or more energy efficient. Applications need architectural support to

ensure data curity and privacy, to tolerate faults from increasingly unreliable transistors, and

to enhance programmability, verifiability and portability. Achieving the cross-cutting design

goals—nicknamed the “Ilities”—requires a fundamental rethinking of long-stable interfaces that

were defined under extremely different application requirements and technological constraints.

Security, Programmability, Reliability, Verifiability and Beyond.

Applications increasingly demand a richer t of design “Ilities” at the same time that energy

constraints make them more expensive to provide. Fortunately, the confluence of new system

architectures and new technologies creates a rare inflection point, opening the door to allow

architects to develop fundamentally more energy-efficient support for the design goals.

Verifiability and Reliability. Ensuring that hardware and software operate reliably is more

important than ever; for implantable medical devices, it is (literally) vital. At the same time,

CMOS scaling trends lead to less-reliable circuits and complex, heterogeneous architectures

threaten to create a “Verification Wall”. Future system architectures must be designed to

facilitate hardware and software verification; for example, using co-processors to check end-to-

end software invariants. Current highly-redundant approaches are not energy efficient; we

recommend rearch in lower-overhead approaches that employ dynamic (hardware) checking

of invariants supplied by software. In general, we must architect ways of continuously

monitoring system healthboth hardware and softwareand applying contingency actions.

Finally, for mission-critical scenarios (including medical devices), architects must rethink

designs to allow for failsafe operation.

Security and Privacy. Architectural support for curity dates back decades, to paging,

gmentation and protection rings. Recent extensions help to prevent buffer overflow attacks,

accelerate cryptographic operations, and isolate virtual machines. However, it is time to rethink

curity and privacy from the ground up and define architectural interfaces that enable hardware

to act as the “root of trust”, efficiently supporting cure rvices. Such rvices include

information flow tracking (reducing side-channel attacks) and efficient enforcement of richer

information access rules (increasing privacy). Support for tamper-proof memory and copy-

protection are likewi crucial topics. Finally, since curity and privacy are intrinsically

connected to reliable/correct operation, rearch in the areas dovetails well.


Improving Programmability. Programmability refers to all aspects of producing software that

reaches targets for performance, power, reliability, and curity, with reasonable levels of

design and maintenance effort. The past decades have largely focud on software engineering

techniquessuch as modularity and information hidingto improve programmer productivity at

the expen of performance and power. As energy efficiency and other goals become more


important, we need new techniques that cut across the layers of abstraction to eliminate

unnecessary inefficiencies.

Existing efforts to improve programmability, including domain-specific languages, dynamic

scripting languages, such as Python and Javascript, and others, are pieces of the puzzle.

Facebook’s HipHop, which dynamically compiles programs written in scripting language, shows

how efficiency can be reclaimed despite such abstraction layers. In addition to software that

cuts through abstraction layers, we recommend cross-cutting rearch in hardware support to

improve programmability. Transactional memory (TM) is a recent example that eks to

significantly simplify parallelization and synchronization in multithreaded code. TM rearch has

spanned all levels of the system stack, and is now entering the commercial mainstream.

Additional rearch is required on topics like software debugging, performance bottleneck

analysis, resource management and profiling, communication management, and so on.

Managing the interactions between applications also prent challenges. For example, how can

applications express Quality-of-Service targets and have the underlying hardware, the operating

system and the virtualization layers work together to ensure them? Increasing virtualization and

introspection support requires coordinated resource management across all aspects of the

hardware and software stack, including computational resources, interconnect, and memory


Crosscutting Interfaces

Current computer architectures define a t of interfaces that have evolved slowly for veral

decades. The interfacese.g., the Instruction Set Architecture and virtual memorywere

defined when memory was at a premium, power was abundant, software infrastructures were

limited, and there was little concern for curity. Having stable interfaces has helped foster

decades of evolutionary architectural innovations. We are now, however, at a technology

crossroads, and the stable interfaces are a hindrance to many of the innovations discusd in

this document.

Better Interfaces for High-Level Information. Current ISAs fail to provide an efficient means

of capturing software-intent or conveying critical high-level information to the hardware. For

example, they have no way of specifying when a program requires energy efficiency, robust

curity, or a desired Quality of Service (QoS) level. Instead, current hardware must try to glean

some of this information on its ownsuch as instruction-level parallelism or repeated branch

outcome quencesat great energy expen. New, higher-level interfaces are needed to

encapsulate and convey programmer and compiler knowledge to the hardware, resulting in

major efficiency gains and valuable new functionality.

Better Interfaces for Parallelism. Developing and supporting parallel codes is a difficult task.

Programmers are plagued by synchronization subtleties, deadlocks, arbitrary side effects, load

imbalance and unpredictable communication, unnecessary non-determinism, confusing memory

models, and performance opaqueness. We need interfaces that allow the programmer to


James Larus, Spending Moore’s Dividend, Communications of the ACM, May 2009 5(52).


express parallelism at a higher level, expressing localities, computation dependences and side

effects, and the key sharing and communication patterns. Such an interface could enable

simpler and more efficient hardware, with efficient communication and synchronization

primitives that minimize data movement.

Better Interfaces for Abstracting Heterogeneity. Supporting heterogeneous parallelism

demands new interfaces. From a software perspective, applications must be programmed for

veral different parallelism and memory usage models; and they must be portable across

different combinations of heterogeneous hardware. From a hardware perspective, we need to

design specialized compute and memory subsystems. We therefore need hardware interfaces

that can abstract the key computation and communication elements of the hardware

possibilities. Such interfaces need to be at a high enough level to rve as a target for portable

software and at a low-enough level to efficiently translate to a variety of hardware innovations.

Better Interfaces for Orchestrating Communication. Traditional computers and programming

models have focud heavily on orchestrating computation, but increasingly it is data

communication that must be orchestrated and optimized. We need interfaces that more clearly

identify long-term data and program dependence relationships, allowing hardware and software

schedulers to dynamically identify critical paths through the code. Without the ability to analyze,

orchestrate, and optimize communication, one cannot adhere to performance, energy or QoS

targets. Data management becomes even more complex when considering big-data scenarios

involving data orchestration between many large systems. Current systems lack appropriate

hardware-software abstractions for describing communication relationships.

Better Interfaces for Security and Reliability. Existing protection and reliability models do not

address current application needs. We need interfaces to specify fine-grain protection

boundaries among modules within a single application, to treat curity as a first class property,

and to specify application resilience needs or expectations. Some parts of the application may

tolerate hardware faults, or may be willing to risk them to operate more power-efficiently. All

the interfaces can benefit from appropriate hardware mechanisms, such as information-flow

tracking, invariants generation and checking, transactional recovery blocks, reconfiguration, and

approximate data types. The result will be significant efficiencies.

3. Closing

This white paper surveys the challenges and some promising directions for investment in

computer architecture rearch to continue to provide better computer systems as a key enabler

of the information and communication innovations that are transforming our world.


4. About this Document

This document was created through a distributed process during April and May 2012.

Collaborative writing was supported by a distributed editor. We thank the Computing

Community Consortium (CCC), including Erwin Gianchandani and Ed Lazowska, for guidance,


as well as Jim Larus and Jeannette Wing for valuable feedback. Rearchers marked with “*”

contributed pro while “**” denotes effort coordinator.

Sarita Adve, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign *

David H. Albonesi, Cornell University

David Brooks, Harvard

Luis Ceze, University of Washington *

Sandhya Dwarkadas, University of Rochester

Joel Emer, Intel/MIT

Babak Falsafi, EPFL

Antonio Gonzalez, Intel and UPC

Mark D. Hill, University of Wisconsin-Madison *,**

Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State University *

David Kaeli, Northeastern University *

Stephen W. Keckler, NVIDIA and The University of Texas at Austin

Christos Kozyrakis, Stanford University

Alvin Lebeck, Duke University

Milo Martin, University of Pennsylvania

José F. Martínez, Cornell University

Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University *

Kunle Olukotun, Stanford University

Mark Oskin, University of Washington

Li-Shiuan Peh, M.I.T.

Milos Prvulovic, Georgia Institute of Technology

Steven K. Reinhardt, AMD Rearch

Michael Schulte, AMD Rearch and University of Wisconsin-Madison

Simha Sethumadhavan, Columbia University

Guri Sohi, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Daniel Sorin, Duke University

Appendix A. Emerging Application Attributes

Much evidence suggests that ICT innovation is accelerating with many compelling visions

moving from science fiction toward reality. Table A.1 below lists some of the visions, which

include personalized medicine to target care and drugs to an individual, sophisticated social

network analysis of potential terrorist threats to aid homeland curity, and teleprence to

reduce the greenhou gas spent on commuting and travel. Furthermore, it is likely that many

important applications have yet to emerge. How many of us predicted social networking even a

few years before it became ubiquitous?

While predicted and unpredicted future applications will have varied requirements, it appears

that many share features that were less common in earlier applications. Rather than center on

the desktop, today the centers of innovation lie in nsors, smartphones/tablets, and the data-

centers to which they connect. Emerging applications share challenging attributes, many of

which ari becau the applications produce data faster than can be procesd within current,

limited capabilities (in terms of performance, power, reliability, or their combination). Table A.2

lists some of the attributes, which include processing of vast data ts, using distributed

designs, working within form-factor constraints, and reconciling rapid deployment with efficient


Table A.1: Example Emerging Applications

Data-centric Personalized Healthcare - Future health systems will monitor our health 24/7, employing

implantable, wearable, and ambient smart nsors. Local on-nsor analysis can improve functionality

and reduce device power by reducing communication, while remote (i.e., cloud-bad) systems can

aggregate across time and patient populations. Such systems will allow us to query our own health data

while enabling medical providers to continuously monitor patients and devi personalized therapies.

New challenges will emerge in devising computing fabrics that meet performance, power, and energy

constraints, in devising appropriate divisions between on-device and in-cloud functionality, as well as

protecting this distributed medical information in the cloud.

Computation-driven Scientific Discovery - Today’s advanced computational and visualization

capabilities are increasingly enabling scientists and engineers to carry out simulation-driven

experimentation and mine enormous data ts as the primary drivers of scientific discovery. Key areas

that have already begun to leverage the advances are bio-simulation, proteomics, nanomaterials, and

high-energy physics. Just as the scientific rearch community begins to leverage real data, issues with

curity and reproducibility become critical challenges.

Human Network Analytics - Given the advances in the Internet and personal communication

technologies, individuals are interacting in new ways that few envisioned ten years ago. Human

interaction through the technologies has generated significant volumes of data that can allow us to

identify behaviors and new class of connections between individuals. Advances in Network Science

and Machine Learning have greatly outpaced the ability of computational platforms to effectively analyze

the massive data ts. Efficient human network analysis can have a significant impact on a range of

key application areas including Homeland Security, Financial Markets, and Global Health.

Many More - In addition to the three examples, numerous problems in the fields of personalized

learning, teleprence, transportation, urban infrastructure, machine perception/inference and enhanced

virtual reality are all pushing the limits of today’s computational infrastructure. The computational

demands of the problem domains span a wide range of form factors and architectures including

embedded nsors, hand-held devices and entire data centers.


Table A.2: Attributes of Emerging Applications

The three example applications in Table A.1 share at least four key attributes that prent barriers that

require additional rearch to overcome.

Big Data - With the ubiquity of continuous data streams from embedded nsors and the voluminous

multimedia content from new communication technologies, we are in the midst of a digital information

explosion. Processing this data for health, commerce and other purpos requires efficient balancing

between computation, communication, and storage. Providing sufficient on-nsor capability to filter and

process data where it is generated/collected (e.g., distinguishing a nominal biometric signal from an

anomaly), can be most energy-efficient, becau the energy required for communication can dominate

that for computation. Many streams produce data so rapidly that it is cost-prohibitive to store, and must be

procesd immediately. In other cas, environmental constraints and the need to aggregate data

between sources impacts where we carry out the tasks. The rich tradeoffs motivate the need for hybrid

architectures that can efficiently reduce data transfer while conrving energy.

Always Online - To protect our borders, our environments and ourlves, computational resources must

be both available and ready to provide rvices efficiently. This level of availability places considerable

demands on the underlying hardware and software to provide reliability, curity and lf-managing

features not prent on most systems. While current mainframes and medical devices strive for five 9’s

or 99.999% availability (all but five minutes per year), achieving this goal can cost millions of dollars.

Tomorrow’s solutions demand this same availability at the many levels, some where the cost is only a few


Secure and Private - As we increa our dependence on data, we grow more dependent on balancing

computational performance with providing for available, private, and cure transactions. Information

curity is a national priority, and our computational systems are prently highly vulnerable to attacks.

Cyber warfare is no longer a hypothetical, and numerous attacks across the Internet on government

websites have already been deployed. New class of hardware systems, architectures, firmware and

operating systems are required to provide for the cure delivery of distributed information for the range

of applications described above.



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