1. Coal will remain China’s fundamental energy source, both for
production and consumption.
2. In China, for a long time, due to the restrictions of the natural
environment, economic development and traditional ideas, China’s
rural education is less developed than that in the city.
3. Chine scientists have developed a new kind of sophisticated
underwater robot which could be ud for abed mining surveys.
4. A total of 272 artifacts from the British Muum, reprenting the
ancient civilizations around the world, have been on show as of
Saturday at the Capital Muum of Beijing.
5. In an example of new technology blending with old traditions, nding
asonal text message greetings have become esntial for many
Chine people.
6. With the theme of “Better City, Better Life”, Shanghai World Expo is
expected to attract more than 70 million visitors from home and
7. The preparation and organization of Shanghai World Expo 2010 will
involve a lot of work including construction, operation, curity,
tourist management, etc.
8. With China’s membership in the WTO, Shanghai is pledging to
improve the local foreign trade system in an effort to turn the city into
an international trade center by 2010.
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9. Beauty and hairdressing has been the fastest growing rvice ctor in
China in recent years, with turnover leaping up to 25% of the total.
10. To tighten control on the quality of education of migrant children,
Shanghai’s Pudong District government aims to shut down one third
of the substandard schools.
11. New regulations issued by the Chine Ministry of Education are
expected to give universities freedom to decide whether to allow
on-campus students to marry.
12. The State Council recognized the major problem of safeguarding the
rights of migrant workers who face the problem of low and often
delayed pay, long working hours, poor safety conditions, etc.
13. Tighter emission rules and worries about dependency on fossil fuels
are getting the World’s auto manufactures to develop more
eco-friendly vehicles.
14. The nature of the teaching profession operates under the belief that the
quality of a teacher’s teaching will affect the behavior and thinking of
thousands of their students.
15. China is looking for redoubled cooperation with Africa to deal with
international or regional affairs, having adopted a policy document
aimed at strengthening its ties with the continent.
16. China’s rapidly growing economy, which is expected to register an
annual growth rate of 7.5 percent for its gross domestic product (GDP)
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this year, will create enormous demand for energy supplies.
17. The National Development and Reform Commission said on its
website that the State Council has given the green light to a high-speed
maglev live between the eastern cities of Shanghai and Hangzhou.
18. U.S. Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate John
Kerry cautiously supported a controversial deal granting India access
to civilian and nuclear technology Thursday.
19. Iran’s resumption of uranium enrichment yesterday will move Tehran
clor to full-scale nuclear production, according to U.S. and Western
officials and specialists.
20. President Bush yesterday cautioned Democrats not to engage in
“irresponsible debate” over Iraq during midterm elections in
November, asrting that partisan attacks will harm the U.S.- led
21. Economic specialists believe economic growth in different areas is
cloly related to the development of the information industry. The
greater the Internet access, the faster the economic grows.
22. The key technology of mobile phone production is now under joint
rearch by veral Chine manufacturers, which hope to make
domestic production competitive with foreign suppliers.
23. It is reported that top officials have t the guiding principle for the
development of agriculture for the coming year, by focusing on
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bringing more benefits to farmers and narrowing the income gap
between rural and urban areas.
24. To create a better environment for investors from home and abroad,
the government has revid laws and regulations to copyright and
publication and has rectified irregularities in the publications
distribution ctor.
25. The U.S. Congress will reach an agreement with the White Hou on a
defen bill that would ban the torture and inhumane treatment of
foreign terrorists, Senator Majority Leader Bill Frist said on Sunday.
26. Although the latest level of investment in the Bank of China (BOC) is
small compared to that of previous foreign investors, it has made ADB
the first development agency to invest in one of the China’s
State-owned banks.
27. Boeing has long been the dominant supplier of commercial aircraft
and the leading export company in the US, but in recent years its
dominance has been challenged by Airbus.
28. Since its foundation 10 years ago, on line retailer has
transformed itlf from a simple book-ller into one of the world’ s
biggest online retailers lling everything from DVDs to loo
29. As the Yangtze River Delta is experiencing a rapid increa in the
demand for electricity, leading to widespread power shortages, a 26℃
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energy-saving campaign has been instituted to help alleviate the
growing problem.
30. As many as 40 well-known domestic and foreign enterpri in
Shanghai are now offering positions in the first round of internship
scheme launched by the municipal government which include hotels,
accounting firms and telecom companies.
1. As farmers’ incomes have been on the ri for two successive years,
the rural consumption structure is being steadily upgraded.
2. President Bush said yesterday that he is doing everything within the
constitution to protect the American people from another terrorist attack.
3. To deal with common challenges around the world, the international
community has stood united in engaging in the strategic dialogue and
multilateral consultations.
4. China’s industrial structure has been further optimized as a result of the
macro-control policy implemented during the past two years.
5. Private economy in China has developed from being a supplement to
the public economy to an important force that is driving the national
economy forward.
6. Riding on its sound growth momentum, the country is to undertake an
underlying change of growth pattern to pursue balanced and sustainable
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7. The decision by the central government to push forward with the
adoption of information technology (IT) in government office has
effectively open a market worth billions of Yuan.
8. Bloggers are a new generation of writers on the Internet who report
and comment on a wide range of issues with many more different voices
and viewpoints than heard in the traditional media.
9. China launched the emblem for the FIFA Women’ s World Cup 2007,
kicking off preparations for the tournament, which will be held in China
for the first time since the inaugural World Cup in 1991.
10. It is of great importance to recognize and resolve the issue of migrant
labors from rural areas as the people have become a main force in the
processing and manufacturing industries.
11. The International Monetary Fund’ s top priority in the reform of the
international financial system has been strengthening its surveillance and
focusing on crisis prevention.
12. People looking for tasty food at a moderate price are flocking to
so-called fast-casual restaurant chains, making them the fastest-growing
gment of the restaurant industry in the US.
13. Owing to its limited shares in the international market and trade
protectionism worldwide, China will find it difficult to maintain its fast
export growth, which has lasted for the past four years.
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14. Project 211 is the Chine government’ s new endeavor aimed at
strengthening about 100 institutions of higher education and key
disciplinary areas as a national priority for the 21 century.
15. Banking reform has become the most important prat of the
development of the Chine financial system and it can bring precious
chances for foreign banks to enter Chine banking ctor.
16. Although the government has urged to expand domestic demand to
prevent the economy from possible downturn and keep steady growth, the
country’ s consumption has reached its peak of the past decade.
17. In recent days, there has been a flood of proposals from National
People’ s Congress members, calling for the building of a workable
Credit System, which has never been of such concern to Chine people
as it is today.
18. In an era when we talk a lot about creativity and innovation, we
should create an environment in which the creators and innovators,
whether they are in the field of science and technology or arts and crafts,
should be respected and duly noted in public.
19. Ever since the tup of diplomatic ties in 1972, China and Japan were
en as complementary, with China specializing in labor-intensive
products and process, while Japan concentrates in high-tech products.
20. To a larger extent, the country’ s ambition to go high-tech will be
defined by whether innovators who value such R&D investment most
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will be financed in a timely and appropriate manner.
21. Europe’ s three leading powers yesterday demanded that the UN
Security Council confront Iran over its nuclear programs, saying talks to
curb Tehran’ s efforts had reached a dead end.
22. Historically, “Ancient Tea and Hor Road” played a role similar to
the Silk Road, which pasd to the north of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, by
facilitating trade between neighboring countries and promoting cultural
exchange and ethnic migration.
23. China, the most populous nation, which in 2001 outpaced the United
States to become the world’ s biggest mobile phone market, is benefiting
from years of rapid economic growth of at least 7 percent a year that has
fueled an explosion in electronics demand.
24. China’ s government yesterday demanded that the Bush
administration lift sanctions impod on 6 companies on charges of illicit
sales to Iran, saying the action undermined Beijing’ s cooperation with
the United States.
25. China’ s military spending has drawn concern from some US.
Political figures, including Secretary of Defen Donald Rumsfeld,
despite Beijing’ s asrtion that spending is in proportion to the country’ s
rapidly growing economy.
26. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has been
playing a very vital role in the maintenance of the international peace and
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curity and in addressing contemporary threats and challenges.
27. As the fifth country to develop and launch an independent man-made
satellite, the third to master satellite recovery technology, China is in the
world’ s front ranks in many important technological fields.
28. Many Chine graduates wish for job offers from foreign firms,
where higher pay and better career development is expected; however,
contracting with foreign companies could also mean more risks than the
promi of good money.
29. China is widely considered the last and potentially the largest film
market, a good place for both film exhibitors and film makers from home
and abroad. With China’ s entry to the World Trade Organization, the
Chine film industry will have the chance to align itlf with the global
economic trend.
30. At the important historic period when both opportunities and
challenges are prented, all countries can only create a bright future for
mankind and truly put in place a harmonious world with lasting peace and
common prosperity when they rally cloly together to ize
opportunities and take on the challenges.
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